The Hamas Charter

All patriotic American people who love freedom should champion the Palestinian people's struggle to free themselves from the oppression of Israel's apartheid, fascist government.

Why haven't the Jews wiped out the Arabs? They could, easily. Or expelled them? Jordan was set aside for the Arabs, they have a homeland.

Ah, but that's not it, is it? You're a Muslim SUPREMACIST - you won't live in peace with anyone - not ONE GRAIN of sand can be free of Muslim rule.

The hatred of Jews is the anger that they have a country on land that Muslims once conquered. Muslim Supremacists will not abide by infidels existing without submitting to Islam.
Jews are resented by those who lack the intelligence to compete with them academically and economically.

There have been some brilliant Arabs. While it's true that Algebra came from the Chinese and the Arabs just happened to be along the trade routes, this doesn't change the fact that Mathematics flourished under the Arabs during the dark ages.
There have been some brilliant Arabs. While it's true that Algebra came from the Chinese and the Arabs just happened to be along the trade routes, this doesn't change the fact that Mathematics flourished under the Arabs during the dark ages.
Arab civilization has not flourished since the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century.
When Israel left Gaza in 2005 the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said: "We desire a life living side-by-side, in understanding and peace. Our goal [in disengaging] is that the Palestinians will be able to live in dignity and freedom in an independent state."

In return, Israel got tens of thousands of projectiles fired at them!
The land never belonged to the invaders.
In extreme cases, there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another. North America, Australia, and New Zealand certainly contribute more to the civilization of the world than they would do if they were still peopled by aborigines.

- Bertrand Russell, from Marriage and Morals


He could have compared Israel and Palestine. Arab countries are characterized by poverty, tyranny, and honor killing. As I have explained elsewhere in this thread, Arab teenage boys and men sometimes rape their female relatives and murder them in front of cheering mobs when they get pregnant. The Jews created an oasis of civilization in the middle of a vast desert of primitive and horrifying brutality.
The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight.

- Golda Meir

We can forgive the Arabs for killing our sons. We cannot forgive them for making us kill their sons.

- Golda Meir

The Arabs are funny people. They lose wars and expect to benefit from it.

- Golda Meir
When was there an Palestine state?

The last Muslims to occupy Israel were the Ottoman Turks (1516-1917); The Muslims now suing for the land are Arabs.

There were people with land deeds that had their property stolen during the formation of the apartheid state.

What happened to human rights?

Would you like your home stolen from you?

The land you and your family lived on for hundreds and hundreds of years...if they redrew lines...if new powers came to be?

Then shoved into a 'Refugee Camp' the land that you and your family had been on for centuries?


Let me as many of those Ashkenazi Jews were from Palestine?

Why are these Europeans claiming ownership?

With their made 'Modern Hebrew' language...and culture.

Who are the invaders?
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There were people with land deeds that had their property stolen during the formation of the apartheid state.

Why does there have to be a 'state?'

What happened to human rights?

Would you like your home stolen from you?

The land you and your family lived on for hundreds and hundreds of years...when they redrew county/state lines?

Not only were shoved into a 'Refugee Camp'

Like all the other nations that have been murdering each other when their borders were changed after WWII.
"Reputation is Everything": Honor Killing Among the Palestinians, by James Emery, Anthropologist Community

In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers...

Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are blamed on the woman. Men are presumed innocent; the woman must have tempted him into raping her or enticed him into having an affair. A woman is expected to protect her honor, even at the cost of her own life. If she survives a violent rape, she is condemned for her "mistake" and may be killed by her family.

"The issue of consent is irrelevant when it comes to honor killings," says Marsha Freeman, director of the International Women's Rights Action Watch...

Over 75 percent of the Palestinian women in Jordan subjected to hymen exams were subsequently killed by family members, even when tests proved they were still virgins...

In some areas, a Palestinian woman is required to have a male relative accompany her whenever she leaves the home. Unfortunately, her male "guardian" -- father, brother, uncle, or cousin -- may be a sexual predator who rapes her. Should she become pregnant, he will publicly condemn her for dishonoring the family after killing both her and their unborn child. Last year, seventeen-year-old Afaf Younes was killed by her father, who had allegedly been sexually molesting her...

A sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl became pregnant after being raped by her younger brother. Once her condition became known, her family encouraged her older brother to kill her to remove the blemish from their honor. Her brothers, the rapist and the murderer, were exonerated. The girl was blamed. "She made a mistake," said one of her male cousins. "She had to pay for it."


I am confident that Western progressives who take the side of Palestine against Israel would rather live in Israel than in any Arab country in the world, especially Gaza.

This is just a hit piece.

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