The Hamas Charter

I've been in Jordan....Petra is not to be missed!

"Israeli–Palestinian Conflict: Was it true that in 1970 Syria tried to invade Jordan, and was only prevented from doing that by Israel?​


During the civil war between PLO led Palestinians and the Hashemite kingdom, under the late King Hussein (which included the bloody events of black September and lead to the PLOs migration to South Lebanon), Syria, under pretense of assisting the Palestinians, launched a land invasion into the North of Jordan.

King Hussein, whose forces were spread too thin, secretly contacted the White House in request of aid.

Nixon wouldn't hear of it, the U.S was stuck knee deep in the Vietnam War,
and a conflict in another country they couldn't point at on the map was the last thing the American public would hear of.

Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State, came up with a surprising concept: reach out to Israel for assistance.

In a low profile channel, Prime Minister Golda Meir, and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan were approached with the request.

(The liaison was Israeli ambassador to the U.S at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, this was later a pinnacle point in the personal friendship that grew between him and King Hussein)

Kissinger made it clear that Hussein is in dire need, what little forces Jordan could spare were no match for the Syrian armored divisions, and they were taking significant losses on the ground and in the air, not affecting Syrian progress deep into Jordan substantially enough.

He also explained why the U.S could not act directly.

Dayan and Meir agreed almost instantly requesting confirmation that Hussein would agree to accept such help.

Kissinger reached out, a reluctant but desperate Hussein agreed, requesting only that the Israelis act in a way that would be somehow kept under the radar.

Within less than a day, the IAF commander, sent a wing of 4 Israeli F-4E Phantom jets on an insanely dangerous mission:

To fly low over the charging Syrian land divisions, throughout the entire northern Jordan front, making sure that the Syrians can positively ID the planes as Israeli Phantoms. The mission was carried out with the wing making sure to deliver several supersonic booms along its route.

View attachment 689560

Within hours Damascus began receiving reports of "mass waves of Israeli air forces attacking Syrian forces all over the front."

A few hours later the invasion was at a stand still, followed by an immediate retreat back to Syria.

The events in Jordan erupted on Sep 17th.

Syria invaded on Sep 20th.

Hussein reached out on the 21st.

Israel acted on the 22nd.

The invasion was aborted on the 23rd.

Israel managed to help out Hussein as he requested:
Without firing a single bullet.

Hussein unofficially confirmed this record of events in 1995, a year after the peace agreement, they were later officially confirmed to the NY times on 2001.

The event brought to the end, de facto, of Israeli Jordanian hostilities, Jordan did not participate in the Yom Kippur war in 73, and served to secretly, but officially establish an Israeli-US strategic alliance in a way that was rewarded 3 years later in that same war.

For more info:
Page on
Black September, The PLO's attempt to take over Jordan in 1970
Page on
Israel–Jordan relations

A truly unique event in Mid East history.

Refugee populations are a problem. Look at the European refugees.. They killed over 500 British peacekeepers and murdered Count Bernadotte.
Did The Wall Street Journal interview this man for their article?


Present the arguments of that article in your own words. If you cannot do that you do not understand it.

There has always been a part of the GOP that has opposed American support of Israel because it interferes with American access to Arab Oil.

If any Israelis did anything to contribute to the creation of Hamas they created a Frankenstein monster that needs to have a stake driven into its heart.
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Refugee populations are a problem. Look at the European refugees.. They killed over 500 British peacekeepers and murdered Count Bernadotte.

What does that have to do with my post, you dunce????

I'll take it as you being unable to deny what I usual.

Hoping to see your pic on a milk carton.
Germany's recent attempt in the last century to rid their country of the Juden wasn't an aberration or even unusual.
Due to their behavior, they have been driven out, expelled, and exterminated, dozens of times throughout history.
Thank you for that bigoted Racist Anti Semitic post. Just more proof it’s NOT about Israel. Please tell us what “ behaviors” they have indulged in. Beadings, stoning, honor killings, etc? Wait… That’s your “ religion “. 👍🇮🇱
Did The Wall Street Journal interview this man for their article?

View attachment 689562

Present the arguments of that article in your own words. If you cannot do that you do not understand it.

There has always been a part of the GOP that has opposed American support of Israel because it interferes with American access to Arab Oil.

If any Israelis did anything to contribute to the creation of Hamas they created a Frankenstein monster that needs to have a stake driven into its heart.

They interviewed Jewish Israelis. Hussein in Jordan tried to sell out the Arabs to the Zionists in the 1920s. He wanted thrones for his son's in Iraq and elsewhere. He was chummy with Chaim Weizmann. When Hussein was Emir of Mecca be declared himself Caliph whereupon Ibn Saud chased out of the Arabian peninsula.
They interviewed Jewish Israelis. Hussein in Jordan tried to sell out the Arabs to the Zionists in the 1920s. He wanted thrones for his son's in Iraq and elsewhere. He was chummy with Chaim Weizmann. When Hussein was Emir of Mecca be declared himself Caliph whereupon Ibn Saud chased out of the Arabian peninsula.
I know who they interviewed, retard.
They interviewed self-hating Jews.
How about all the news stories for decades regarding Muslim terrorism that you vehemently deny?
You’re quite selective, aren’t you?

Nope. I used to listen to radio free Europe, the BBC and voice of America every night. Israel carried out many small incursions and massacres in Lebanon and Syria every week or so. That was never reported in the US.

Read Moishe Dayan. They wanted more land and water.
Nope. I used to listen to radio free Europe, the BBC and voice of America every night. Israel carried out many small incursions and massacres in Lebanon and Syria every week or so. That was never reported in the US.

Read Moishe Dayan. They wanted more land and water.
I Googled Moshe Dayan, you lying piece of shit; it’s all memes.
Does your dementia prevent embarrassment?
Nope. I used to listen to radio free Europe, the BBC and voice of America every night. Israel carried out many small incursions and massacres in Lebanon and Syria every week or so. That was never reported in the US.

Read Moishe Dayan. They wanted more land and water.
Here we go again…. Her “ claim” Israel initiated the 67 War. She Denies Egypt closed the Straits, denies the UN peacekeepers deliberately left just prior and denies the UN refused to intervene. Stop knocking your head against the wall 🇮🇱✡️
Here we go again…. Her “ claim” Israel initiated the 67 War. She Denies Egypt closed the Straits, denies the UN peacekeepers deliberately left just prior and denies the UN refused to intervene. Stop knocking your head against the wall 🇮🇱✡️
She’s 86 and suffering from dementia.
I Googled Moshe Dayan, you lying piece of shit; it’s all memes.
Does your dementia prevent embarrassment?

Here we go again…. Her “ claim” Israel initiated the 67 War. She Denies Egypt closed the Straits, denies the UN peacekeepers deliberately left just prior and denies the UN refused to intervene. Stop knocking your head against the wall 🇮🇱✡️

Nasser called for a summit to resolve the problem with the Strait of Tiran

The Egyptian army was deployed in Yemen from 1962-1970.

Nasser called for a summit to resolve the problem with the Strait of Tiran

The Egyptian army was deployed in Yemen from 1962-1970.

Are you fucking retarded?
The Arabs only signed agreements after they got their asses kicked 5 times.
People have gotten conquered. People have lost their land. People have gained new land.
It has happened all throughout history.
This palestine vs israel thing is a bunch of religious bullshit.
Either fight israel or shut the fuck up.
They interviewed Jewish Israelis. Hussein in Jordan tried to sell out the Arabs to the Zionists in the 1920s. He wanted thrones for his son's in Iraq and elsewhere. He was chummy with Chaim Weizmann. When Hussein was Emir of Mecca be declared himself Caliph whereupon Ibn Saud chased out of the Arabian peninsula.

So you defend Israel. They needed sanctuary when no one except Spain would take them only to abuse the Palestinians and steal their land.
The Jews did not steal the land. First they bought it. Then they won it in wars fought to annihilate them.

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