The Hamas Charter

The Jews did not steal the land. First they bought it. Then they won it in wars fought to annihilate them.

Nope. In 1948 they had bought about 6% of the land. Moishe Dayan said they coveted more land and water assets so they tried and tried to provoke a war from 1953 on.

Nasser called for a summit to resolve the problem with the Strait of Tiran

The Egyptian army was deployed in Yemen from 1962-1970.

Sorry, you lying piece of Shit. Please tell us why Egypt blocked Israel’s use of the straits While you’re at it please tell us why Nasser BRAGGED he was going to destroy the “
Zionist entity”, why the UN “ peacekeepers “ left, and why Egyptian troops were being deployed on Israel’s border
People have gotten conquered. People have lost their land. People have gained new land.
It has happened all throughout history.
This palestine vs israel thing is a bunch of religious bullshit.
Either fight israel or shut the fuck up.

It's not religious. Jews lived all over the Arab world for 2000 years. This mess is about Jewish nationalism.
Sorry, you lying piece of Shit. Please tell us why Egypt blocked Israel’s use of the straits While you’re at it please tell us why Nasser BRAGGED he was going to destroy the “
Zionist entity”, why the UN “ peacekeepers “ left, and why Egyptian troops were being deployed on Israel’s border

No Israeli flagged ship had passed through the Strait in the previous 14 months. The Soviets lied. There were no Egyptian troops massed on Israel's border. They were in Yemen fighting the civil war against the monarchists from 1962-1970.
Nope. In 1948 they had bought about 6% of the land. Moishe Dayan said they coveted more land and water assets so they tried and tried to provoke a war from 1953 on.
If what you say is right, all the Arabs needed to do to thwart Moishe Dayan's plan was to leave the Jews alone.
No Israeli flagged ship had passed through the Strait in the previous 14 months. The Soviets lied. There were no Egyptian troops massed on Israel's border. They were in Yemen fighting the civil war against the monarchists from 1962-1970.
Egypt didn’t have the right to close the Straits. You’re the liar. Egyptian troops were massing on Israel’s border with Nasser BRAGGING he was going to destroy “ The Zionist Entity “ Also denying the “ UN Peacekeepers “ left just prior to the War? Another lie 👍🇮🇱
It's not religious. Jews lived all over the Arab world for 2000 years. This mess is about Jewish nationalism.
For Jews possession of Israel is as important as personal salvation for Christians.
For Jews possession of Israel is as important as personal salvation for Christians.

So why did they leave for 2000 years? They had large Jewish communities in Alexandria, Damascus, Persia, Yemen, Aleppo, Baghdad and Elephantine island by 500 BC.
Nope. Arabs had the Akkadian Empire long before Abraham.. Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylon exile .

Remember, both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.
These passages come from the Koran:

Surah V:20 And (remember) when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Remember Allah’s favoour unto you, how he placed among you Prophets, and He made you kings, and gave you that (which) He gave not to any (other) creatures. O my people! Go into the holy land which Allah hath ordained for you. Turn not in flight, for surely ye turn back as losers.

Surah XVII:104 And we said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass, we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.


Regardless of who owned the land in the past, the Israelis have proven to be superior to the Arabs. Just compare Israel with Arab countries.

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