The Handwriting On The Wall

The best example is Franklin Roosevelt's policy


I can always count on you to add zero to each and every conversation.

I cant add to a convo you've had since Roosevelt left office. Find new scapegoats for your inability to govern

"I cant add to a convo...blah blah blah...."

We finally found a place were we agree!!
Just as I said, "The Social Security trustees go on to warn that “if no changes are made to the program,” so make the changes.

Putting the money "Into the SS fund" is no change at all.
Only to those who don't understand how SS funding is supposed to work.

Here's your chance, explain how the funding should work and why placing it "into the SS fund" is different than putting it into the General fund.
Refer to post 17. You clearly do not understand how the plan works, and your comments are derailing PC's thread.
PC, if you are right about privatization, then get a Congress and President to do it.

When the president said he was going to spend his capital in 2005 on the plan, the GOP congress said, in effect, "No way, Jose." That is not going to change.
Just as I said, "The Social Security trustees go on to warn that “if no changes are made to the program,” so make the changes.

Putting the money "Into the SS fund" is no change at all.
Only to those who don't understand how SS funding is supposed to work.

Here's your chance, explain how the funding should work and why placing it "into the SS fund" is different than putting it into the General fund.
Refer to post 17. You clearly do not understand how the plan works, and your comments are derailing PC's thread.

So you don't really know how the funding works.
That's not a surprise.
Just as I said, "The Social Security trustees go on to warn that “if no changes are made to the program,” so make the changes.

Putting the money "Into the SS fund" is no change at all.
Only to those who don't understand how SS funding is supposed to work.

Here's your chance, explain how the funding should work and why placing it "into the SS fund" is different than putting it into the General fund.
Refer to post 17. You clearly do not understand how the plan works, and your comments are derailing PC's thread.

So you don't really know how the funding works.
That's not a surprise.
:lol: You don't understand it is the issue, and I have shown you are unwilling to understand it. Stay on OP.
Putting the money "Into the SS fund" is no change at all.
Only to those who don't understand how SS funding is supposed to work.

Here's your chance, explain how the funding should work and why placing it "into the SS fund" is different than putting it into the General fund.
Refer to post 17. You clearly do not understand how the plan works, and your comments are derailing PC's thread.

So you don't really know how the funding works.
That's not a surprise.
:lol: You don't understand it is the issue, and I have shown you are unwilling to understand it. Stay on OP.

Al Gore was a moron when he discussed the "lockbox".
You too.
The best example is Franklin Roosevelt's policy


I can always count on you to add zero to each and every conversation.

I cant add to a convo you've had since Roosevelt left office. Find new scapegoats for your inability to govern

"I cant add to a convo...blah blah blah...."

We finally found a place were we agree!!

Great! I cant add convo because you have the same thread every week.

We finally found a place where we agree!!
6. Meanwhile, here is the truth, as stated by the Social Security Administration in its annual Trustees Report from 2014: Social Security is not sustainable over the long term at current benefit and tax rates. In 2010, the program paid more in benefits and expenses than it collected in taxes and other noninterest income, and the 2014 Trustees Report projects this pattern to continue for the next 75 years.

How many of you notice something odd in the highlighted text? Why do you suppose there's a peculiar reference to 'non-interest income'?

lol, I'll give you a moment...

OK, time's up.

The reason the above is misleading propaganda is simple:

Trying to make it look like SS was in some sort of deficit because SS paid more in benefits than it collected in taxes, etc., and NON-INTEREST income ignores the fact that

in 2010, the SS Trust Fund's bonds earned $108 billion dollars in interest.

lol, fuck yeah, if you exclude the Trust Fund's investment income from your numbers you can make it look like SS is in trouble.

lol, rightwingers will believe anything.

OASI Trust Fund a Social Security fund

Note in this link SS's net assets in the Trust Fund went UP in 2010, not down:

OASI Trust Fund a Social Security fund
6. Meanwhile, here is the truth, as stated by the Social Security Administration in its annual Trustees Report from 2014: Social Security is not sustainable over the long term at current benefit and tax rates. In 2010, the program paid more in benefits and expenses than it collected in taxes and other noninterest income, and the 2014 Trustees Report projects this pattern to continue for the next 75 years.

How many of you notice something odd in the highlighted text? Why do you suppose there's a peculiar reference to 'non-interest income'?

lol, I'll give you a moment...

OK, time's up.

The reason the above is misleading propaganda is simple:

Trying to make it look like SS was in some sort of deficit because SS paid more in benefits than it collected in taxes, etc., and NON-INTEREST income ignores the fact that

in 2010, the SS Trust Fund's bonds earned $108 billion dollars in interest.

lol, fuck yeah, if you exclude the Trust Fund's investment income from your numbers you can make it look like SS is in trouble.

lol, rightwingers will believe anything.

OASI Trust Fund a Social Security fund

Note in this link SS's net assets in the Trust Fund went UP in 2010, not down:

OASI Trust Fund a Social Security fund

lol, fuck yeah, if you exclude the Trust Fund's investment income from your numbers you can make it look like SS is in trouble.

Including interest income, it's still in trouble.
There is no Trust Fund. Don't you remember Algore in 2000 wanting to put SS in a "Lock Box"? They even mocked him on SNL.

By the way, I've been reading up on SS as I may have to apply for disability. Anyway, I've been reading a book by Lawrence J. Kotlikoff and two others about SS called "Get Whats Yours" and their numbers line up with PC's.
There is no Trust Fund. Don't you remember Algore in 2000 wanting to put SS in a "Lock Box"? They even mocked him on SNL.

By the way, I've been reading up on SS as I may have to apply for disability. Anyway, I've been reading a book by Lawrence J. Kotlikoff and two others about SS called "Get Whats Yours" and their numbers line up with PC's.

That book made my eyes glaze over.....
The best example is Franklin Roosevelt's policy


I can always count on you to add zero to each and every conversation.

I cant add to a convo you've had since Roosevelt left office. Find new scapegoats for your inability to govern

"I cant add to a convo...blah blah blah...."

We finally found a place were we agree!!

Great! I cant add convo because you have the same thread every week.

We finally found a place where we agree!!

Now...if that were true.....what sort of lackwit would attempt to respond 'every week'?

Raise your paw.
"If you like your Social Security, you can keep your Social Security!"

The promises of the government should be judged not simply on how they run one program, but on their overall fiscal acuity.

13. To get an idea of the characteristics of public fiscal calculations, take a look at state budgets. State, unlike federal, budgets, cannot run as deficits. “Virtually all states have balanced budget requirements, so they must take actions to close these deficits.” ( Center on Budget and Policy Priorities) So, what to do? Simple: conjecture a better world!

    1. In 2008, states reported that their public-employee pensions were underfunded by a total of $438 billion. But independent estimates say the underfunding is closer to $3 trillion. Why? The states make up estimates of return at unbelievable levels: the median investment return factored in by state pensions is 8% a year!
    2. “The official state estimate in underfunded pension liabilities to New Jersey’s public workers stands at $46 billion. It is one of the highest liabilities in the nation, averaging $5,200 per capita. The estimate is based on an assumed rate of return on pension assets of 8.25 percent –“ National Taxpayers Union - Page Not Found
    3. Now, what happens if the state cannot pay the pensions? Taxpayers are legally obligated to make up any difference between what’s been promised and what can actually be paid. Pension Pulse Pension Woes May Deepen Financial Crisis

Let’s see all of the debt in one place!

d. National debt $13 trillion

e. State and Local debt $2.5 trillion

f. State and Local pensions (underfunded) $3 trillion

g. Social Security $7.7 trillion*

h. Medicare $ 38 trillion*

i. Total US debt $64.2 trillion

j. Total GDP of entire world $61.0 trillion

*covers commitments for 75 years

b., c.

d., e. The 81 Tax Increase - Forbes

f. The Final Hour 65 Trillion - U.S. Financial Obligations Exceed The Entire World s GDP

g. Silver Declining supply increasing demand Resource Investor

Feel good about the financial future of this once great nation?

I can always count on you to add zero to each and every conversation.

I cant add to a convo you've had since Roosevelt left office. Find new scapegoats for your inability to govern

"I cant add to a convo...blah blah blah...."

We finally found a place were we agree!!

Great! I cant add convo because you have the same thread every week.

We finally found a place where we agree!!

Now...if that were true.....what sort of lackwit would attempt to respond 'every week'?

Raise your paw.

You said I didnt respond now you say I do? Which one is it? Both?

What kinda fucktard brings up the same variation of the same thread every week? Answer: You
What kinda fucktard brings up the same variation of the same thread every week? Answer: You

dear, as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to know that conservatism is 2500 years old and we bring it up everyday in the hope that liberals will evolve to the point where they can understand the value of freedom from big liberal govt.

SS of course was liberal insanity taking about 15% of your lifetime income -enough to make you a millionaire- and giving you back dog food money if you live long enough to collect a penny.

Want to prove liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ask a liberal to say something substantive in defense of liberalism.
What kinda fucktard brings up the same variation of the same thread every week? Answer: You

dear, as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to know that conservatism is 2500 years old and we bring it up everyday in the hope that liberals will evolve to the point where they can understand the value of freedom from big liberal govt.

Did you think we were debating how old Conservatism is? And you say I lack the IQ? LOL

SS of course was liberal insanity taking about 15% of your lifetime income -enough to make you a millionaire- and giving you back dog food money if you live long enough to collect a penny.

Cool story bro, All you have to do is dont collect and leave it for others! Stand up for something

Want to prove liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ask a liberal to say something substantive in defense of liberalism.

Why? So you can play peanut gallery and object to it based on feelings?
Did you think we were debating how old Conservatism is?
yes, you said it was mistaken to bring it up every week as if you didn't know that conservatives have brought it up every day for 2500 years, not making a mistake, but hoping liberals develop the IQ to finally understand it.

Do you grasp the concept now??
Cool story bro, All you have to do is dont collect and leave it for others! Stand up for something

1) everyone is entitled to their share of the waste
2) conservatives stand up for a new system that make everyone a millionare rather than one that steals 15% of their lifetime income.

Do you understand??

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