The Handwriting On The Wall

Why? So you can play peanut gallery and object to it[liberalism] based on feelings?

based on feelings?? why would say that, unless out of pure and perfect ignorance, given the it began with Aristotle, Cicero, Chesterton, Strauss, De Tracy, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adam Smith, John Locke, Milton Friedman, Nosick, Hayek, Von Mises, Sowell, Wm. Buckley, Kirk, Burke, Q. Wilson, Rand, Patrick Henry, C.S Lewis, Voegelin, Belloc

See why we have to be positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Cool story bro, All you have to do is dont collect and leave it for others! Stand up for something

1) everyone is entitled to their share of the waste
2) conservatives stand up for a new system that make everyone a millionare rather than one that steals 15% of their lifetime income.

Do you understand??
We understand you don't believe that, Eddy.
America and the rest of the world would plunge into poverty if we followed the economic theories of those Eddy lists above.
Did you think we were debating how old Conservatism is?
yes, you said it was mistaken to bring it up every week as if you didn't know that conservatives have brought it up every day for 2500 years, not making a mistake, but hoping liberals develop the IQ to finally understand it.

Do you grasp the concept now??

Social Security is 2500 years old Smart guy?
Cool story bro, All you have to do is dont collect and leave it for others! Stand up for something

1) everyone is entitled to their share of the waste
2) conservatives stand up for a new system that make everyone a millionare rather than one that steals 15% of their lifetime income.

Do you understand??

1. Yeah, thats right, stand for what you believe in and stick that hand out like others while you pretend you dont like it
2. Sure they have, and thats why Americans are all Millionaires!
Did you think we were debating how old Conservatism is?
yes, you said it was mistaken to bring it up every week as if you didn't know that conservatives have brought it up every day for 2500 years, not making a mistake, but hoping liberals develop the IQ to finally understand it.

Do you grasp the concept now??

Social Security is 2500 years old Smart guy?

conservatism is 2500 years old dumb guy
Did you think we were debating how old Conservatism is?
yes, you said it was mistaken to bring it up every week as if you didn't know that conservatives have brought it up every day for 2500 years, not making a mistake, but hoping liberals develop the IQ to finally understand it.

Do you grasp the concept now??

Social Security is 2500 years old Smart guy?

conservatism is 2500 years old dumb guy

But were not talking about the age of conservatism smart guy
1. Yeah, thats right, stand for what you believe in and stick that hand out like others while you pretend you dont like it

dear, conservatives don't like being ripped off by SS or by robbers but if they have the opportunitiy to recover some of their money they obviously will.

Is that simple enough for you???
1. Yeah, thats right, stand for what you believe in and stick that hand out like others while you pretend you dont like it

dear, conservatives don't like being ripped off by SS or by robbers but if they have the opportunitiy to recover some of their money they obviously will.

Is that simple enough for you???

Way to stand up for what you believe in and claim everyone else is the problem. Good job
2. Sure they have, and thats why Americans are all Millionaires!

too stupid!! please try to follow. If an average American put 15% of his life time income in a private account he would retire as a millionaire not with a SS check for dog food money assuming he lived long enough to collect a penny from SS.

Do you understand now??
Way to stand up for what you believe in and claim everyone else is the problem. Good job

100% stupid and 100% liberal. Recovering some of your money from the robber that has stolen it is common sense, as is standing up to opposing SS.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
2. Sure they have, and thats why Americans are all Millionaires!

too stupid!! please try to follow. If an average American put 15% of his life time income on a private account he would retire as a millionaire not with a SS check for dog food money assuming he lived long enough to collect a penny from SS.

Do you understand now??

Now you're onto retirement planning. Can you stick to one thing?
But were not talking about the age of conservatism smart guy

sure we were you are just too stupid to know it. You said it was stupid to bring it up every week without know that conservatives have been bring it up every day for 2500 years because liberals still lack the IQ to understand it.

Maybe what you meant to imply was: don't bring it up every week for 1000's of years because I'm still too stupid to understand it and always will be?
2. Sure they have, and thats why Americans are all Millionaires!

too stupid!! please try to follow. If an average American put 15% of his life time income on a private account he would retire as a millionaire not with a SS check for dog food money assuming he lived long enough to collect a penny from SS.

Do you understand now??

Now you're onto retirement planning. Can you stick to one thing?

too stupid of course SS is all about liberal retirement planning!!
America and the rest of the world would plunge into poverty if we followed the economic theories of those Eddy lists above.
But it's Ed and Polichic

They know what's best for us..They just can't seem to sell any books they publish about it...
So, Obama sees the way his paragon, FDR. governed....building debt for generations into the future....and guess what?

He learned that lesson!

14. "Obama doggedly pursued the opposite policies of Reaganomics. Social Security and Medicare parts A, B, C, and D, alone represent unfunded liabilities of over$100 trillion,or about seven times the entire economy. This is besides federal military pensions, veterans benefits, federal civil service retirees, FDIC, FHA, mortgage backed securities, etc, etc.

a. So, this President decided that this is the time to add the entitlement promises of Obamacare with welfare subsidies for families making as much as $88,000, climbing to over $100,000 within a couple of years. While Obama won enactment of Obamacare on the promise that it would reduce deficits, it will add another $4-$6 trillion to the nation’s deficits and debts over the first twenty years alone.

b. [State and municipal] outstanding debt has soared to $2.2 trillion today from $1.4 trillion in 2000. State and local borrowing as a percentage of the country's GDP has risen to an all-time high of 22% [$3.2 trillion] in 2010 from 15%, with projections that it will reach 24% [$4 trillion] by 2012. Unfunded liabilities of state and local pensions total $3.8" trillion. " Steven Malanga America s Municipal Debt Racket - WSJ

c. Like all Leftists, President Obama races ahead with regulation. The EPA’s “global warming” carbon dioxide regulations will impose trillions in new costs in higher energy costs. Then there is Interior Secretary Salazar shutting down oil drilling, and other excessive regulations on natural gas, coal and nuclear production. Constraining energy supplies raises energy costs.
Obama: Energy Prices Will Skyrocket Under My Cap and Trade Plan Obama Energy Prices Will Skyrocket Under My Cap and Trade Plan

” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”
PC, there is no hand writing on the wall about Social Security. The fixes are simple if the two parties would get together. No, privatization of any amount is not acceptable as a trade off for the fixes.

We get PC and Eddy's postings here because they can't sell their material out "there".

We lucky few
We brave few
We most unfortunate band of brothers and sisters who have to read their stuff above.
15. Perhaps the most pertinent question would be whether or not American government should continue to teach citizens to count on Social Security at all?

Would it be so terrible to have a government that actually abided by our founding document, the Constitution?
The people would be responsible for themselves, and the government would no longer offer entitlements (bribes) for their votes

Time for an... 'amusing'... allegory:

“Once upon atime in the land of America, there lived triplet brothers named Tom, Dick, and Harry Class. They were 45 years old, had virtually the same aptitude (skill), and were raised in the same home.

Each was married and had two children. All three were employed as carpenters making $25 per hour, working 50 weeks a year.

While they were almost identical in most respects, they had somewhat different preferences and values.

For example, Tom, who worked20hours a week, had a different work ethic from his brothers, Dick and Harry, who each worked60hours per week.

Neither Tom’s nor Dick’s wives worked, while Harry’s wife worked 40 hours per week as an office manager making$50,000per year (the same hourly rate as her husband).

Tom and Dick spent all of their income, and were relying on Social Security to take care of them when they retired.

Harry and his wife, on the other hand, saved most of her after-tax income over many years, gradually accumulating$300,000. They invested this money in bonds and real estate that produced$25,000 a year in interest and rental income. “
Policy Review Hoover Institution

Obama: “If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

a. Which one had the wisest approach to their finances?… Tom, Dick, or Harry Class?

b. From which one should we ‘redistribute”?

c. And, how much?
PC, there is no hand writing on the wall about Social Security. The fixes are simple if the two parties would get together. No, privatization of any amount is not acceptable as a trade off for the fixes.

We get PC and Eddy's postings here because they can't sell their material out "there".

We lucky few
We brave few
We most unfortunate band of brothers and sisters who have to read their stuff above.

The fixes are simple

Don't leave us all hanging.....what are they?

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