The head of Bidens WUFLU task force says no one should live past 75....Biden is 78.

Looks like the vast majority of neocon loons on this thread didn't read the piece. More Fake News. More postulating babble from the Deporables.
Biden is already making inexplicable decisions.

What a goddamn fruitcake.

He put in charge of a task force that is supposed to SAVE LIVES, PARTICULARLY OF THE ELDERLY....a man who says no one should live past 75...

The irony cannot be lost....even on brain dead liberals.

I don’t know how they have the nerve to put up this man for leader of the free world.

And not just because of his age. He was always a bumbling nerd. Even in his younger years.

The video of him going after Clarence Thomas is vomitous. Biden is a garbage human being.

What has happened to the Democratic Party?

It used to have some substance. Now it’s just a hysterical rabble.

Every single last one of them is corrupt and in lockstep. My feeling is some very powerful and wealthy people are the puppet masters.

How about when everyone just dropped out of the primary and they declared Joe the winner? That was totally orchestrated and coordinated of course.

As was the theft of this election through mail in voting ballot harvesting,

There’s an article about it, from a year ago.

Since the election of Donald Trump, leftists went into a stage of sheer insanity and haven't returned.

America's political novelty is that every two years, we can change Congress, and every four the president. So why all the lies and fuss? The other side accepted President Obama's win despite all the controversies surrounding his eligibility. So why can't the Left do the same and accept President Trump when he won the 2016 presidency fair and square? What is it with Trump that they hate him so much? If they don't like the president, the Democrats can vote against him and his party in 2020. Why drag the nation into a quagmire of lies and deception for three years and make our lives miserable?

The answer is Hillary Clinton and her ego. She is unable to accept her loss. She blames everyone for her defeat except herself.

I say Conservatives organize and turn out the vote in 2022 and win the house and Senate and impeach Biden, or Harris if Biden has already left.

Take the gloves off. Pubs are weak.

Straight up win back Congress and then impeach. Turnabout is fair play.
Ezekiel Emanuel. Says no one should live past 75. They are a drain on society.

So will this guy let anyone over 75 die of COVID? :laughing0301:

Are you fucking dog styling me? You fucking liberals are hysterical.


Is this the kind of leadership we are to expect from China Joe?


Why I Hope to Die at 75 :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
So he said he hopes to die at 75 and you nuts say he wants everybody to die at 75?..did he say that?
this is one of the funniest things i have seen in a long time. bidens covid advisor says that biden himself should be dead.

the humor is beyond words and shows what an utter dumb fuck biden truly is.
biden looks like he is going to make amazing decisions. congrats liberals. you bet on a winner. hope you are not 75 or over, because zeke wants you dead.
Harris' team will just remind everyone how long they are to live once her team whacks dementia joe.

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