The Heart of the AGW Premise Fails Empirical Review.

Care to hazard a guess as to why they don't call it standard reality?
Because it's physics, not metaphysics.

If you disagree that the chemiluminescence of a lightstick is not spontaneous, you haven't given a reason why you think that.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm. Any instance that appears to be so, under proper scrutiny will invariably turn out to be not spontaneous.

As much as I would love to defeat your idiotic arguments once again, alas I don't have time...summer is in full swing and with it, summer parties and festivals...and I am playing with 4 bands at present and have no time to tear your arguments down.

I stand with the second law of thermodynamics which states that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm. Do let me know if they change the law before I get back to you. Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

By the way...reality is defined as that which exists objectively and in fact. Since no actual evidence exists for your belief in spontaneous two way energy flow, I am afraid that you are the one leaning more towards metaphysics....your belief is positively religious.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm.

Idiots, Professor Raeder, every academic in the world. Weird.

Any luck finding an academic that agrees with your one-way flow theory?
Any book that you can link that will help your claim? Hmm...….

Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

You mean besides energy from the Sun's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter corona?
You mean besides energy from the Earth's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter thermosphere?
It was just days ago that Wuwei declared that Quantum Physicists have it all wrong, because it is not necessary to match the energy increase with a corresponding energy quantum...he can show them how to do that using quanta of a much lower energy.
And today according to you and your childish coronal heating theory the Physicists who are exploring where the energy comes from to heat the sun`s corona are wasting their time:
The Mystery of Coronal Heating | Science Mission Directorate
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory Detected by NASA Sounding Rocket
Scientists have recently gathered some of the strongest evidence to date to explain what makes the sun's outer atmosphere so much hotter than its surface. The new observations of the small-scale extremely hot temperatures are consistent with only one current theory: something called nanoflares – a constant peppering of impulsive bursts of heating, none of which can be individually detected -- provide the mysterious extra heat.
According to self opinionated physics "experts" like you and Wuwei they are all idiots who need to get it explained: "coronal heating is a simple case of spontaneous energy transfer from a colder mass to a hotter one". Wowei!!! That ought to nail it. No need for further research, the science has been settled by you and Wuwei.
As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm. Any instance that appears to be so, under proper scrutiny will invariably turn out to be not spontaneous.
More ad hominem to all scientists again. You have proven that you can't give proper scrutiny to chemiluminescence which is spontaneous, as defined by physics.

As much as I would love to defeat your idiotic arguments once again, alas I don't have time...summer is in full swing and with it, summer parties and festivals...and I am playing with 4 bands at present and have no time to tear your arguments down.
Have a fun summer and be sure to come back with more idiotic arguments that we can bash down.

I stand with the second law of thermodynamics which states that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm. Do let me know if they change the law before I get back to you.
I stand by the second law too. But you don't since you don't understand it.

By the way...reality is defined as that which exists objectively and in fact. Since no actual evidence exists for your belief in spontaneous two way energy flow, I am afraid that you are the one leaning more towards metaphysics....your belief is positively religious.
All sorts of evidence shows that EM radiation can flow anywhere until it is absorbed. Now you are calling physics metaphysics. You have positively no physics arguments left. Just dogma.
Spare me that "chill out" crap. As if I would sit here and click + read through over 60 pages of bullshit all the way to page 125 only to find more bullshit (while I am supposed to prepare supper for my kids)
SSDD never said there that a 3 degK photon can not reach the detector and he sure as hell did not say it can`t reach the earth. You were arguing what it takes to detect it
Chill out again. You haven't followed the history. He was deflecting to the detector and forever avoiding direct questions about the CMB hitting the atmosphere and dish reflector first.
He was deflecting to the detector and forever avoiding direct questions about the CMB hitting the atmosphere and dish reflector first.
Hahaha I`m not surprised that someone who starts a discussion in Hippie slang would not have a clue about the function of a microwave dish and the LNA.
All the dish does is reflect and focus the microwaves into the wave guide of the LNA which amplifies it.
So what exactly does a "chilled out" Hippie think is going on when the CMB "hits" the atmosphere and the reflector?
...other than being able to pass through the atmosphere and then being reflected by the parabolic dish?

You have it exactly right. However this chilled out hippie thinks that you haven't chilled out yet.

What the "the cold CMB being able to pass through the atmosphere and then being reflected by the parabolic dish" means is that you disagree with SSDD. That is good.

Namely: cold radiation has been observed to hit a warmer surface. Scientists agree with that but not SSDD.

I already told you all that in post #697. Why do you ask the same thing again?
Care to hazard a guess as to why they don't call it standard reality?
Because it's physics, not metaphysics.

If you disagree that the chemiluminescence of a lightstick is not spontaneous, you haven't given a reason why you think that.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm. Any instance that appears to be so, under proper scrutiny will invariably turn out to be not spontaneous.

As much as I would love to defeat your idiotic arguments once again, alas I don't have time...summer is in full swing and with it, summer parties and festivals...and I am playing with 4 bands at present and have no time to tear your arguments down.

I stand with the second law of thermodynamics which states that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm. Do let me know if they change the law before I get back to you. Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

By the way...reality is defined as that which exists objectively and in fact. Since no actual evidence exists for your belief in spontaneous two way energy flow, I am afraid that you are the one leaning more towards metaphysics....your belief is positively religious.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm.

Idiots, Professor Raeder, every academic in the world. Weird.

Any luck finding an academic that agrees with your one-way flow theory?
Any book that you can link that will help your claim? Hmm...….

Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

You mean besides energy from the Sun's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter corona?
You mean besides energy from the Earth's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter thermosphere?
It was just days ago that Wuwei declared that Quantum Physicists have it all wrong, because it is not necessary to match the energy increase with a corresponding energy quantum...he can show them how to do that using quanta of a much lower energy.
And today according to you and your childish coronal heating theory the Physicists who are exploring where the energy comes from to heat the sun`s corona are wasting their time:
The Mystery of Coronal Heating | Science Mission Directorate
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory Detected by NASA Sounding Rocket
Scientists have recently gathered some of the strongest evidence to date to explain what makes the sun's outer atmosphere so much hotter than its surface. The new observations of the small-scale extremely hot temperatures are consistent with only one current theory: something called nanoflares – a constant peppering of impulsive bursts of heating, none of which can be individually detected -- provide the mysterious extra heat.
According to self opinionated physics "experts" like you and Wuwei they are all idiots who need to get it explained: "coronal heating is a simple case of spontaneous energy transfer from a colder mass to a hotter one". Wowei!!! That ought to nail it. No need for further research, the science has been settled by you and Wuwei.

And today according to you and your childish coronal heating theory

I have no theory of coronal heating. I don't care how it is heated. Not a bit.

I'm exploring SSDD's theory of one way only flow of photons.

Does a 400K body prevent a 200K body from emitting toward it? SSDD thinks it does.
It was just days ago that Wuwei declared that Quantum Physicists have it all wrong, because it is not necessary to match the energy increase with a corresponding energy quantum...he can show them how to do that using quanta of a much lower energy.
Nope, I never said nor implied that QM is wrong. That's SSDD's dogma. Give me a link.
Care to hazard a guess as to why they don't call it standard reality?
Because it's physics, not metaphysics.

If you disagree that the chemiluminescence of a lightstick is not spontaneous, you haven't given a reason why you think that.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm. Any instance that appears to be so, under proper scrutiny will invariably turn out to be not spontaneous.

As much as I would love to defeat your idiotic arguments once again, alas I don't have time...summer is in full swing and with it, summer parties and festivals...and I am playing with 4 bands at present and have no time to tear your arguments down.

I stand with the second law of thermodynamics which states that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm. Do let me know if they change the law before I get back to you. Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

By the way...reality is defined as that which exists objectively and in fact. Since no actual evidence exists for your belief in spontaneous two way energy flow, I am afraid that you are the one leaning more towards metaphysics....your belief is positively religious.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm.

Idiots, Professor Raeder, every academic in the world. Weird.

Any luck finding an academic that agrees with your one-way flow theory?
Any book that you can link that will help your claim? Hmm...….

Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

You mean besides energy from the Sun's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter corona?
You mean besides energy from the Earth's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter thermosphere?
It was just days ago that Wuwei declared that Quantum Physicists have it all wrong, because it is not necessary to match the energy increase with a corresponding energy quantum...he can show them how to do that using quanta of a much lower energy.
And today according to you and your childish coronal heating theory the Physicists who are exploring where the energy comes from to heat the sun`s corona are wasting their time:
The Mystery of Coronal Heating | Science Mission Directorate
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory Detected by NASA Sounding Rocket
Scientists have recently gathered some of the strongest evidence to date to explain what makes the sun's outer atmosphere so much hotter than its surface. The new observations of the small-scale extremely hot temperatures are consistent with only one current theory: something called nanoflares – a constant peppering of impulsive bursts of heating, none of which can be individually detected -- provide the mysterious extra heat.
According to self opinionated physics "experts" like you and Wuwei they are all idiots who need to get it explained: "coronal heating is a simple case of spontaneous energy transfer from a colder mass to a hotter one". Wowei!!! That ought to nail it. No need for further research, the science has been settled by you and Wuwei.

Does a 400K body prevent a 200K body from emitting toward it? SSDD thinks it does.
Care to hazard a guess as to why they don't call it standard reality?
Because it's physics, not metaphysics.

If you disagree that the chemiluminescence of a lightstick is not spontaneous, you haven't given a reason why you think that.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm. Any instance that appears to be so, under proper scrutiny will invariably turn out to be not spontaneous.

As much as I would love to defeat your idiotic arguments once again, alas I don't have time...summer is in full swing and with it, summer parties and festivals...and I am playing with 4 bands at present and have no time to tear your arguments down.

I stand with the second law of thermodynamics which states that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm. Do let me know if they change the law before I get back to you. Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

By the way...reality is defined as that which exists objectively and in fact. Since no actual evidence exists for your belief in spontaneous two way energy flow, I am afraid that you are the one leaning more towards metaphysics....your belief is positively religious.

Any luck finding an academic who agrees with your "one-way photons"?
Care to hazard a guess as to why they don't call it standard reality?
Because it's physics, not metaphysics.

If you disagree that the chemiluminescence of a lightstick is not spontaneous, you haven't given a reason why you think that.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm. Any instance that appears to be so, under proper scrutiny will invariably turn out to be not spontaneous.

As much as I would love to defeat your idiotic arguments once again, alas I don't have time...summer is in full swing and with it, summer parties and festivals...and I am playing with 4 bands at present and have no time to tear your arguments down.

I stand with the second law of thermodynamics which states that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm. Do let me know if they change the law before I get back to you. Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

By the way...reality is defined as that which exists objectively and in fact. Since no actual evidence exists for your belief in spontaneous two way energy flow, I am afraid that you are the one leaning more towards metaphysics....your belief is positively religious.

As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm.

Idiots, Professor Raeder, every academic in the world. Weird.

Any luck finding an academic that agrees with your one-way flow theory?
Any book that you can link that will help your claim? Hmm...….

Till then, just the thought of people believing that they have found an instance where energy flows spontaneously from cool to warm gives me a daily chuckle.

You mean besides energy from the Sun's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter corona?
You mean besides energy from the Earth's surface spontaneously flowing to the hotter thermosphere?
It was just days ago that Wuwei declared that Quantum Physicists have it all wrong, because it is not necessary to match the energy increase with a corresponding energy quantum...he can show them how to do that using quanta of a much lower energy.
And today according to you and your childish coronal heating theory the Physicists who are exploring where the energy comes from to heat the sun`s corona are wasting their time:
The Mystery of Coronal Heating | Science Mission Directorate
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory
Best Evidence Yet For Coronal Heating Theory Detected by NASA Sounding Rocket
Scientists have recently gathered some of the strongest evidence to date to explain what makes the sun's outer atmosphere so much hotter than its surface. The new observations of the small-scale extremely hot temperatures are consistent with only one current theory: something called nanoflares – a constant peppering of impulsive bursts of heating, none of which can be individually detected -- provide the mysterious extra heat.
According to self opinionated physics "experts" like you and Wuwei they are all idiots who need to get it explained: "coronal heating is a simple case of spontaneous energy transfer from a colder mass to a hotter one". Wowei!!! That ought to nail it. No need for further research, the science has been settled by you and Wuwei.

Do bodies at equilibrium cease radiating? SSDD thinks so.
As I said, only idiots think that they have found a means to spontaneously move energy from cool to warm. Any instance that appears to be so, under proper scrutiny will invariably turn out to be not spontaneous.
More ad hominem to all scientists again. You have proven that you can't give proper scrutiny to chemiluminescence which is spontaneous, as defined by physics.

As much as I would love to defeat your idiotic arguments once again, alas I don't have time...summer is in full swing and with it, summer parties and festivals...and I am playing with 4 bands at present and have no time to tear your arguments down.
Have a fun summer and be sure to come back with more idiotic arguments that we can bash down.

I stand with the second law of thermodynamics which states that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm. Do let me know if they change the law before I get back to you.
I stand by the second law too. But you don't since you don't understand it.

By the way...reality is defined as that which exists objectively and in fact. Since no actual evidence exists for your belief in spontaneous two way energy flow, I am afraid that you are the one leaning more towards metaphysics....your belief is positively religious.
All sorts of evidence shows that EM radiation can flow anywhere until it is absorbed. Now you are calling physics metaphysics. You have positively no physics arguments left. Just dogma.

I think Professor Raeder's betrayal broke poor old SSDD's heart...……
I wonder if he'll ever post another source?
I think Professor Raeder's betrayal broke poor old SSDD's heart...……
I wonder if he'll ever post another source?

If he wants success, he should avoid sources from universities. He might have better luck if he asked high school science teachers to support his redesign of physics.
co2, there is not enough to radiate heat. it is also impossible for co2 to trap heat, there is not enough, and if co2 was ever a problem, we could use dry ice to cool the hot spots, dri ice is co2? odd, huh
Professor Raeder:

No, it does not dial down emissions.
Otherwise “thermal imaging” would not be possible, or take the remote thermometers. Even if the inside of a room[./quote] found an academic that is fooled by instrumentation because he doesn't understand how it works...climate science is rife with them, I see no reason academia wouldn't be either....I suppose he believes that the sensor in the IR camera is receiving cold radiation from the cooler object...much like Picted thought that cold radiation caused warmer objects to cool down.

No spontaneous process results in the movement of energy, in any form, from a cool object to a warm object. If you believe you are observing such a movement, you are invariably wrong. You may lack the education to understand why the movement from cool to warm is not a spontaneous process, and clearly some bars are set far lower than others with you yahoos thinking that a flashlight is a spontaneous process, but if you have sufficient knowledge, then you will be able to point out why the apparent movement of energy from cool to warm is not a spontaneous process.

One thing to keep in mind is that all non spontaneous processes in nature are proceeded by a spontaneous I expect you to know what that means? Of course think a flashlight is a spontaneous process.

But do let me know when the second law of thermodynamics is rewritten to exclude electromagnetic radiation...that should be shortly after you provide some observed evidence of spontaneous two way energy movement.

An oldy but a goody......

One thing to keep in mind is that all non spontaneous processes in nature are proceeded by a spontaneous I expect you to know what that means?

Does this mean that if I point a flashlight at a cool object, the cool object is allowed to absorb the photons and then re-emit toward a warmer object?
An oldy but a goody......

One thing to keep in mind is that all non spontaneous processes in nature are proceeded by a spontaneous I expect you to know what that means?

Does this mean that if I point a flashlight at a cool object, the cool object is allowed to absorb the photons and then re-emit toward a warmer object?
That statement by SSDD is pretty vacuous. He does not understand what spontaneous means in physics definitions .

If you look up key words "luminescence spontaneous cold radiation" in Google you find lots of sites call it cold-body radiation or simply cold radiation.

For example in wiki you will find this definition,
Luminescence is spontaneous emission of light by a substance not resulting from heat; it is thus a form of cold-body radiation. ... This distinguishes luminescence from incandescence, which is light emitted by a substance as a result of heating.

This definition clearly shows that energy from a cold source can hit a warmer object. But when I posted this before, he simply went away.
Spontaneous is defined in physics as: arising from internal forces or causes; independent of externalagencies; self-acting.

Cold body radiation, or cold body radiation may be caused by chemical reactions, electrical energy, sub atomic motions or stress on a crystal...none of which can be deemed spontaneous...or self acting.

Sorry guy...once more, you can't get around the second law.....only fools of the first order believe that they does not move spontaneously from a less ordered to a more ordered state.
Spontaneous is defined in physics as: arising from internal forces or causes; independent of externalagencies; self-acting.

Cold body radiation, or cold body radiation may be caused by chemical reactions, electrical energy, sub atomic motions or stress on a crystal...none of which can be deemed spontaneous...or self acting.

Sorry guy...once more, you can't get around the second law.....only fools of the first order believe that they does not move spontaneously from a less ordered to a more ordered state.

After an outside source, like a flashlight, adds energy to an object, the object is allowed to, spontaneously,
emit photons toward warmer matter.

Spontaneous is defined in physics as: arising from internal forces or causes; independent of externalagencies; self-acting.

Cold body radiation, or cold body radiation may be caused by chemical reactions, electrical energy, sub atomic motions or stress on a crystal...none of which can be deemed spontaneous...or self acting.

Sorry guy...once more, you can't get around the second law.....only fools of the first order believe that they does not move spontaneously from a less ordered to a more ordered state.

After an outside source, like a flashlight, adds energy to an object, the object is allowed to, spontaneously,
emit photons toward warmer matter.


I know that you aren't the brightest bulb in the box, but even you should be bright enough to grasp that spontaneous, meaning no assistance from outside sources, means that once an OUTSIDE source adds energy to an object, spontaneity is no longer possible.

That doesn't seem like such a hard concept to grasp even for borderline idiots such as yourself.
Spontaneous is defined in physics as: arising from internal forces or causes; independent of externalagencies; self-acting.

Cold body radiation, or cold body radiation may be caused by chemical reactions, electrical energy, sub atomic motions or stress on a crystal...none of which can be deemed spontaneous...or self acting.

Sorry guy...once more, you can't get around the second law.....only fools of the first order believe that they does not move spontaneously from a less ordered to a more ordered state.

After an outside source, like a flashlight, adds energy to an object, the object is allowed to, spontaneously,
emit photons toward warmer matter.


I know that you aren't the brightest bulb in the box, but even you should be bright enough to grasp that spontaneous, meaning no assistance from outside sources, means that once an OUTSIDE source adds energy to an object, spontaneity is no longer possible.

That doesn't seem like such a hard concept to grasp even for borderline idiots such as yourself.

means that once an OUTSIDE source adds energy to an object, spontaneity is no longer possible.

If I add energy to an object, with my flashlight, the object can't spontaneously emit?

Please explain then, how it does emit. Or explain that it doesn't.
Cold body radiation, or cold body radiation may be caused by chemical reactions, electrical energy, sub atomic motions or stress on a crystal...none of which can be deemed spontaneous...or self acting.

Wrong again. You always made up your own definitions in physics. That is another of your rewriting the terms of physics. No physicist agrees with your colloquial use of the word "spontaneous". Here is the definition of spontaneity that PHYSICISTS use"

A spontaneous process is the time-evolution of a system in which it releases free energy and it moves to a lower, more thermodynamically stable energy state.

Least you fly off the handle and say, "Energy is never free blah blah" The definition is talking about Gibbs free energy. It's a thermodynamic term, not another colloquial term you can redefine for your pleasure.
once an OUTSIDE source adds energy to an object, spontaneity is no longer possible.
Really SSDD; that is total bullshit. You are making things up again.

Here is an example. When you shine a bright light on a phosphorescent material it stores energy in atomic excited states. That is NOT SPONTANEOUS. External work is being done on the system.

When you remove the external light, the atoms emit light as they more slowly return to their ground states. That IS SPONTANEOUS because internal work is being output. That internal energy is called Gibbs Free Energy. See my previous post.

Geez learn some thermodynamics. It's easy to look these things up if you know what to look for.
Cold body radiation, or cold body radiation may be caused by chemical reactions, electrical energy, sub atomic motions or stress on a crystal...none of which can be deemed spontaneous...or self acting.

Wrong again. You always made up your own definitions in physics. That is another of your rewriting the terms of physics. No physicist agrees with your colloquial use of the word "spontaneous". Here is the definition of spontaneity that PHYSICISTS use"

luminescence (luminosity) - Memidex dictionary/thesaurus

emission of light by a substance not resulting from heat; it's thus a form of cold body radiation. It can be caused by chemical reactions, electrical energy, subatomic motions, or stress on a crystal. This distinguishes luminescence from incandescence.

And the fact is wuwei, that you are the one who just makes shit up as your comment HERE to Thresha91203 on the other thread claiming that spectroscopes don't measure the difference between input radiation and it's own internal radiation.... It measures the sum of those two...which doesn't even begin to describe how a spectroscope works. You regularly just make stuff up in an effort to make a point..or take information completely out of are, in fact, a liar, imminently stupid, or both.


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