The higher you are the more easily controlled

My running buddy for years had a bizarre mescaline reaction one night....His girl called and said he was on his way over to my place to demand a place on my ARK....claimed he realized I was Jesus and didn't want to get left behind. I decided to open the door when he knocked and told him to settle down....He took off running, stripping off his a Michigan winter night. Claimed he ended up down by the river naked and the Devil was telling him to jump in. He woke up and realized he was freezing to death....banged on somebody's door naked as a jaybird at 1am....Guy came to the door with a double barrel .12 aimed at him, but didn't fire...they tossed out a blanket to him to wait for the cops....Next afternoon he got out of jail and swore off psychedelics. :lol:
My running buddy for years had a bizarre mescaline reaction one night....His girl called and said he was on his way over to my place to demand a place on my ARK....claimed he realized I was Jesus and didn't want to get left behind.

"left behind"

Get real. The Disciples bolted because they knew they'd get the cross too. Your "running buddy" is a great example of a human brain wasted by religion....
My running buddy for years had a bizarre mescaline reaction one night....His girl called and said he was on his way over to my place to demand a place on my ARK....claimed he realized I was Jesus and didn't want to get left behind. I decided to open the door when he knocked and told him to settle down....He took off running, stripping off his a Michigan winter night. Claimed he ended up down by the river naked and the Devil was telling him to jump in. He woke up and realized he was freezing to death....banged on somebody's door naked as a jaybird at 1am....Guy came to the door with a double barrel .12 aimed at him, but didn't fire...they tossed out a blanket to him to wait for the cops....Next afternoon he got out of jail and swore off psychedelics. :lol:

I knew a guy that claimed while on vitamin A he saw the Cool-Aid guy busting out of a wall......

I didn't believe him either.
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns

Did they vote in how to regulate this like any other chemical
that could cause hazardous effects in people? There are
warnings on tobacco cigarettes, why not with other products sold on the market?

Did they vote in measures on who is responsible for health care
and medical costs if damage is incurred by unchecked consumption of such products?

The Big Tobacco industry finally got sued when reports leaked out
demonstrating the manipulation and coverup of addictive additives.

So when is there going to be legal action to go after anyone
profiting from negligence or deliberate omission of research
on the harm caused by smoking marijuana or other substances for hallucinogenic effect?

Spray Paint is not banned, it is legal to sell and buy,
but there are regulations on it to try to prevent abuse by minors.

I question if people are promoting the legal sale of hallucinogens,
do the SAME people agree to pay for the health care and medical costs?

Who is paying for the Research and Education to make sure this isn't abused to cause
risk or harm to public health and safety??
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns

Did they vote in how to regulate this like any other chemical
that could cause hazardous effects in people? There are
warnings on tobacco cigarettes, why not with other products sold on the market?

Did they vote in measures on who is responsible for health care
and medical costs if damage is incurred by unchecked consumption of such products?

The Big Tobacco industry finally got sued when reports leaked out
demonstrating the manipulation and coverup of addictive additives.

So when is there going to be legal action to go after anyone
profiting from negligence or deliberate omission of research
on the harm caused by smoking marijuana or other substances for hallucinogenic effect?

Spray Paint is not banned, it is legal to sell and buy,
but there are regulations on it to try to prevent abuse by minors.

I question if people are promoting the legal sale of hallucinogens,
do the SAME people agree to pay for the health care and medical costs?

Who is paying for the Research and Education to make sure this isn't abused to cause
risk or harm to public health and safety??

Once it's legal, the young ones will try it a time or two and the "buzz" will be gone. The forbidden is always more attractive to young dummies than the accepted.
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns

Did they vote in how to regulate this like any other chemical
that could cause hazardous effects in people? There are
warnings on tobacco cigarettes, why not with other products sold on the market?

Did they vote in measures on who is responsible for health care
and medical costs if damage is incurred by unchecked consumption of such products?

The Big Tobacco industry finally got sued when reports leaked out
demonstrating the manipulation and coverup of addictive additives.

So when is there going to be legal action to go after anyone
profiting from negligence or deliberate omission of research
on the harm caused by smoking marijuana or other substances for hallucinogenic effect?

Spray Paint is not banned, it is legal to sell and buy,
but there are regulations on it to try to prevent abuse by minors.

I question if people are promoting the legal sale of hallucinogens,
do the SAME people agree to pay for the health care and medical costs?

Who is paying for the Research and Education to make sure this isn't abused to cause
risk or harm to public health and safety??

I think it's a religious sacrament that should be protected by the Constitution.
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns

Did they vote in how to regulate this like any other chemical
that could cause hazardous effects in people? There are
warnings on tobacco cigarettes, why not with other products sold on the market?

Did they vote in measures on who is responsible for health care
and medical costs if damage is incurred by unchecked consumption of such products?

The Big Tobacco industry finally got sued when reports leaked out
demonstrating the manipulation and coverup of addictive additives.

So when is there going to be legal action to go after anyone
profiting from negligence or deliberate omission of research
on the harm caused by smoking marijuana or other substances for hallucinogenic effect?

Spray Paint is not banned, it is legal to sell and buy,
but there are regulations on it to try to prevent abuse by minors.

I question if people are promoting the legal sale of hallucinogens,
do the SAME people agree to pay for the health care and medical costs?

Who is paying for the Research and Education to make sure this isn't abused to cause
risk or harm to public health and safety??

Once it's legal, the young ones will try it a time or two and the "buzz" will be gone. The forbidden is always more attractive to young dummies than the accepted.

Nah it will never be legal. It's more like taking the red pill........and jumping down the rabbit hole.
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns
From your link: "'WE WON!' announced Decriminalize Denver after city elections officials released final preliminary results late Wednesday."
Yeah, you won all right, Colorado. You won about 15 more cop murders per annum, a few hundred malformed babies in utero, the decimation of several points of iq taken away from "in the in crowd" teenagers who use, no matter what age limits and school regulations you pass, a few dozen extra home fires from where people aren't aware they left a cigarette on the edge of the couch when they went to bed stoned, more lost-time accidents, more truancy in school and absenteeism from workplaces.

Congratu fuckin' lations. Idiots.
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns
I'm LOL high af and still counterculture..end the drug war now....Give us the freedom our forefathers had...
Ever done them?
So the Denver motorist, high enough to go duck hunting with a shovel, weaves through traffic hallucinating about a martian attack because he got "magic"mushrooms with his steak dinner instead of regular old portobellos. :eek-52:

Anyone stupid enough to get caught driving while tripping deserves to be locked in a theater and be shown Frank Zappa's 200 Motels until they come down.

when I was 18 I got pulled over by a Louisiana State Trooper at about 3 AM & I was tripping my ballz off.

A couple of my school budz were with me, we were all tripping, and I had to drive for a while before I pulled over for the cop, because I couldn't stop fucking laughing.

Not laughing during that traffic stop was one of the hardest things i have EVER done in my life; bar none.

It near about fucking killed me. :21:

Anyway, back to the thread: When life gets you down just take 1,000 mg of FUKITOL.
I had another buddy who'd mastered the magician's "flash paper"...his living room walls were painted black with a huge day-glow pterodactyl on one wall. We'd get potential victims ripped on sillycybin and some Doors music, he'd pick out a weak one, stare at them, and flash "lightning" off his fingers....we'd all claim we hadn't seen anything as the victim fled out the front door....Damn, we had some crazy fun back then.
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns

Did they vote in how to regulate this like any other chemical
that could cause hazardous effects in people? There are
warnings on tobacco cigarettes, why not with other products sold on the market?

Did they vote in measures on who is responsible for health care
and medical costs if damage is incurred by unchecked consumption of such products?

The Big Tobacco industry finally got sued when reports leaked out
demonstrating the manipulation and coverup of addictive additives.

So when is there going to be legal action to go after anyone
profiting from negligence or deliberate omission of research
on the harm caused by smoking marijuana or other substances for hallucinogenic effect?

Spray Paint is not banned, it is legal to sell and buy,
but there are regulations on it to try to prevent abuse by minors.

I question if people are promoting the legal sale of hallucinogens,
do the SAME people agree to pay for the health care and medical costs?

Who is paying for the Research and Education to make sure this isn't abused to cause
risk or harm to public health and safety??

Once it's legal, the young ones will try it a time or two and the "buzz" will be gone. The forbidden is always more attractive to young dummies than the accepted.

Nah it will never be legal. It's more like taking the red pill........and jumping down the rabbit hole.
The industrialist enjoyed LSD when they thought they could use it to control minds and control your life choices in the 1950-60's..
I have no problem with legalizing all drugs. That being said, I think the current push to legalize and NORMALIZE pot in the Media, Entertainment, Government, and society in general is to get a populace that is more compliant, and easily controlled. Pot makes you NOT CARE about stuff, possibly not even your own freedom.
Ever done them?
So the Denver motorist, high enough to go duck hunting with a shovel, weaves through traffic hallucinating about a martian attack because he got "magic"mushrooms with his steak dinner instead of regular old portobellos. :eek-52:

Anyone stupid enough to get caught driving while tripping deserves to be locked in a theater and be shown Frank Zappa's 200 Motels until they come down.

when I was 18 I got pulled over by a Louisiana State Trooper at about 3 AM & I was tripping my ballz off.

A couple of my school budz were with me, we were all tripping, and I had to drive for a while before I pulled over for the cop, because I couldn't stop fucking laughing.

Not laughing during that traffic stop was one of the hardest things i have EVER done in my life; bar none.

It near about fucking killed me. :21:

Anyway, back to the thread: When life gets you down just take 1,000 mg of FUKITOL.

Yep, getting stopped by the cops was a regular thing back in the day.
I have no problem with legalizing all drugs. That being said, I think the current push to legalize and NORMALIZE pot in the Media, Entertainment, Government, and society in general is to get a populace that is more compliant, and easily controlled. Pot makes you NOT CARE about stuff, possibly not even your own freedom.

Dear Pilot1
I would tie in decriminalization with setting up better plans for
public health and safety, including giving taxpayers a choice:
either fund all the research needed to prove the safe use of these substances
or fund research in FREE spiritual healing that cures mental and physical
diseases and disorders WITHOUT either requiring or prohibiting medication.

The people who have used spiritual healing to save minds and lives
from addiction, abuse and other mental or criminal disorders
(as well as curing other diseases from cancer to diabetes etc.)
might prefer equal choice to fund THAT type of research instead
of only funding marijuana research or other means that only placate
symptoms instead of curing the actual root causes.
A callous public is much easier to control. They're less likely to desire anything more than drugs, and they're more likely to vote Democrat: Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms' in historic vote

They rob you of culture and traditions
They take your brains
They fit you with a victim role
and then they take your guns

Did they vote in how to regulate this like any other chemical
that could cause hazardous effects in people? There are
warnings on tobacco cigarettes, why not with other products sold on the market?

Did they vote in measures on who is responsible for health care
and medical costs if damage is incurred by unchecked consumption of such products?

The Big Tobacco industry finally got sued when reports leaked out
demonstrating the manipulation and coverup of addictive additives.

So when is there going to be legal action to go after anyone
profiting from negligence or deliberate omission of research
on the harm caused by smoking marijuana or other substances for hallucinogenic effect?

Spray Paint is not banned, it is legal to sell and buy,
but there are regulations on it to try to prevent abuse by minors.

I question if people are promoting the legal sale of hallucinogens,
do the SAME people agree to pay for the health care and medical costs?

Who is paying for the Research and Education to make sure this isn't abused to cause
risk or harm to public health and safety??

Once it's legal, the young ones will try it a time or two and the "buzz" will be gone. The forbidden is always more attractive to young dummies than the accepted.

Nah it will never be legal. It's more like taking the red pill........and jumping down the rabbit hole.
The industrialist enjoyed LSD when they thought they could use it to control minds and control your life choices in the 1950-60's..

The military conducted many experiment too.
They rob you of culture and traditions

Psilocybin IS my culture and tradition.

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