The History of the TDS-ers.

How it all started.... :popcorn:...

By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.

And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

You wish, cupcake. :itsok:

However, just because you wish it, does not make it so.
How it all started.... :popcorn:...

By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.

And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

You wish, cupcake. :itsok:

However, just because you wish it, does not make it so.

Don't like that one? Here's the second definition:

The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoiltbrat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"
How it all started.... :popcorn:...

By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.

And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?
How it all started.... :popcorn:...

By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.

Trump defense syndrome? Haven't heard of it before, never seen a case.

Why would an American want to defend himself from pro-America president? Americans voted Trump in the office so that he can tell anti-Americans such as yourself go fuck themselves.

It’s what liberals like golfing gator do to try and co-opt particularly effective messages.
How it all started.... :popcorn:...

By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.

And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

The economy was in free fall when President Obama took over. The deficit was dropping It was doing great when Cheeto Jesus lied his way in and should have continued to do so.

Can you really not see the difference?
How it all started.... :popcorn:...

By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.

And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

I had fucking ton of problem with, that is why I put Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Again, this is the difference between me and you, I do no change based upon who is sitting in the White House.
Such fucking pussies.

Did Cons cry en mass when Obama won?

Did they start a bullshit special counsel to look into false evidence of election tampering?


Libs are faggots, it’s what they are.
By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.
And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

I had fucking ton of problem with, that is why I put Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Again, this is the difference between me and you, I do no change based upon who is sitting in the White House.
Okay we agree. However my point is the Left said little about BO’s many massive deficits. Now they criticize Donnie for the exact thing BO did for eight years. Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.
How it all started.... :popcorn:...

Man that never gets old. Watching the faces of the rich and powerful as that realization sinks in. And it hasn’t ended. Every winning moment since then has caused them the same pain. Every day. Every justice and cabinet position filled...every disadvantageous treaty withdrawn from...every illegal stopped...every stock market gain....
The gift that keeps on giving.
How it all started.... :popcorn:...

By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.

And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

How can someone that claims to be an anarchist worship the head of the government?
And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

I had fucking ton of problem with, that is why I put Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Again, this is the difference between me and you, I do no change based upon who is sitting in the White House.
Okay we agree. However my point is the Left said little about BO’s many massive deficits. Now they criticize Donnie for the exact thing BO did for eight years. Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.

Yes, and the right whined about it for 8 years and now are silent about it, some even saying it is a good thing.

Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.
By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.
And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

How can someone that claims to be an anarchist worship the head of the government?
LOL. Who am I worshipping?
And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

How can someone that claims to be an anarchist worship the head of the government?
LOL. Who am I worshipping?

the current head of the government.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

How can someone that claims to be an anarchist worship the head of the government?
LOL. Who am I worshipping?

the current head of the government.
Don’t be stupid.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

I had fucking ton of problem with, that is why I put Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Again, this is the difference between me and you, I do no change based upon who is sitting in the White House.
Okay we agree. However my point is the Left said little about BO’s many massive deficits. Now they criticize Donnie for the exact thing BO did for eight years. Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.

Yes, and the right whined about it for 8 years and now are silent about it, some even saying it is a good thing.

Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.
Yes agreed again. It goes both ways, however the MSM is far more slanted left than right. Right?
you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

How can someone that claims to be an anarchist worship the head of the government?
LOL. Who am I worshipping?

the current head of the government.
Don’t be stupid.

sure...your criticism of Trump are in to say they do not actually exist except as legend.
you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

I had fucking ton of problem with, that is why I put Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Again, this is the difference between me and you, I do no change based upon who is sitting in the White House.
Okay we agree. However my point is the Left said little about BO’s many massive deficits. Now they criticize Donnie for the exact thing BO did for eight years. Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.

Yes, and the right whined about it for 8 years and now are silent about it, some even saying it is a good thing.

Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.
Yes agreed again. It goes both ways, however the MSM is far more slanted left than right. Right?

Yep, the MSM leans left and talk radio leans right. And those on the right now have more than there share of sources telling them just what they want to hear like those on the left do.

there is basically no difference between the left and the right, they are as they same wings of the same bird. They are mirror images of each other.
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

How can someone that claims to be an anarchist worship the head of the government?
LOL. Who am I worshipping?

the current head of the government.
Don’t be stupid.

sure...your criticism of Trump are in to say they do not actually exist except as legend.
BS. Stop with the binary thinking.
BO added nearly 10 trillion and the left had no problem with it. What’s the difference now?

I had fucking ton of problem with, that is why I put Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Again, this is the difference between me and you, I do no change based upon who is sitting in the White House.
Okay we agree. However my point is the Left said little about BO’s many massive deficits. Now they criticize Donnie for the exact thing BO did for eight years. Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.

Yes, and the right whined about it for 8 years and now are silent about it, some even saying it is a good thing.

Proving they’re hypocrites on top of being transparent partisans.
Yes agreed again. It goes both ways, however the MSM is far more slanted left than right. Right?

Yep, the MSM leans left and talk radio leans right. And those on the right now have more than there share of sources telling them just what they want to hear like those on the left do.

there is basically no difference between the left and the right, they are as they same wings of the same bird. They are mirror images of each other.
Fox news is main stream, and they're Trump's propaganda machine.

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