The History of the TDS-ers. what if you woke up in a nightmare where you didn’t share the opinions of the media, celebrities and the most powerful? How afraid would you be?

It would be a nightmare to wake up and share the opinions of the media, celebrities and the most powerful since right now I do not share the opinions of any of those people.

I have not seen too many people in the media or the or the powerful arguing that Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in the history of the nation. I have not seen too many of the media, celebrities and or most powerful endorsing Gary Johnson, whom I voted for in 2016. I have not seen many of the media, celebrities and or most powerful standing against abortion or ObamaCare or giving Trump credit for two wise choices for SCOTUS.

Maybe I missed them, could you list the ones that share those views with me?

Sure. Let’s make sure I have them right. First your answers then we will take the media/celebrity positions and compare with yours.

1) is trump a good president
2) should he build a wall
3)is he doing the right thing on trade with China
4)he has picked 96 judges I believe. Good judges?
5) is trump doing the right thing declaring a national emergency
6)do you oppose or support forcing states to allow felons the vote
7)do you support his Muslim ban?
8) do you support abortion legality
9)oppose marriage recognized by the state between a man and woman only

Let’s see how you compare on those and then we can try another 7 or 10.

1) better than the last two but not what I would call good
2) he should put up fencing where the BP ask for it and then he should pull at least half the troops out of Europe and station them on the southern border to defend this nation for a change.
3) no, his trade war is by far his biggest mistake. The financial markets are at 413 days of stagnation due to the trade war
4) I do not know who all 96 are. I support the big two on the SCOTUS. I know he picked a few that were not qualified but the Senate shot most of them down
5) no, it is a joke.
6) I oppose states being forced to do just about anything. who states allow to vote is none of the Feds damn business.
7) no, it violates the 1st amendment and it is a slap in the face to all those Muslims that have served this nation in the US Military.
8) nope, it should not be legal to kill a baby just because
9) the government should not be in the marriage business at all. But as long as they are they should not discriminate who they recognize.

This is a fun game. All you are doing is proving you are further left than me. Please, do continue.

I’m not interested in being left or right. That will never sink into a political mushbrain.
So from the survey we already see you March in lockstep.
It doesn’t matter....thanks to the internet libertarians can feel part of something. But your views are lockstep with the media.

could you be more dishonest? 3 out of 9 is lockstep? Fuck off. I has honest with my answers and you pull this shit.

you are a fucking joke.

This is what I get for trusting a Trump worshiper. Should have known those that worship a liar would also be liars.

Seems like the media calls him a liar too. Add another one.
It would be a nightmare to wake up and share the opinions of the media, celebrities and the most powerful since right now I do not share the opinions of any of those people.

I have not seen too many people in the media or the or the powerful arguing that Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever in the history of the nation. I have not seen too many of the media, celebrities and or most powerful endorsing Gary Johnson, whom I voted for in 2016. I have not seen many of the media, celebrities and or most powerful standing against abortion or ObamaCare or giving Trump credit for two wise choices for SCOTUS.

Maybe I missed them, could you list the ones that share those views with me?

Sure. Let’s make sure I have them right. First your answers then we will take the media/celebrity positions and compare with yours.

1) is trump a good president
2) should he build a wall
3)is he doing the right thing on trade with China
4)he has picked 96 judges I believe. Good judges?
5) is trump doing the right thing declaring a national emergency
6)do you oppose or support forcing states to allow felons the vote
7)do you support his Muslim ban?
8) do you support abortion legality
9)oppose marriage recognized by the state between a man and woman only

Let’s see how you compare on those and then we can try another 7 or 10.

1) better than the last two but not what I would call good
2) he should put up fencing where the BP ask for it and then he should pull at least half the troops out of Europe and station them on the southern border to defend this nation for a change.
3) no, his trade war is by far his biggest mistake. The financial markets are at 413 days of stagnation due to the trade war
4) I do not know who all 96 are. I support the big two on the SCOTUS. I know he picked a few that were not qualified but the Senate shot most of them down
5) no, it is a joke.
6) I oppose states being forced to do just about anything. who states allow to vote is none of the Feds damn business.
7) no, it violates the 1st amendment and it is a slap in the face to all those Muslims that have served this nation in the US Military.
8) nope, it should not be legal to kill a baby just because
9) the government should not be in the marriage business at all. But as long as they are they should not discriminate who they recognize.

This is a fun game. All you are doing is proving you are further left than me. Please, do continue.

I’m not interested in being left or right. That will never sink into a political mushbrain.
So from the survey we already see you March in lockstep.
It doesn’t matter....thanks to the internet libertarians can feel part of something. But your views are lockstep with the media.

could you be more dishonest? 3 out of 9 is lockstep? Fuck off. I has honest with my answers and you pull this shit.

you are a fucking joke.

This is what I get for trusting a Trump worshiper. Should have known those that worship a liar would also be liars.

Seems like the media calls him a liar too. Add another one.

And the media said the sun came up today...add another one.

I heard a news guy this morning say it was March 11th. I agree with that too...add another one.

I have to admire you commitment to being a dishonest fuck, you take it to whole new levels.
Sure. Let’s make sure I have them right. First your answers then we will take the media/celebrity positions and compare with yours.

1) is trump a good president
2) should he build a wall
3)is he doing the right thing on trade with China
4)he has picked 96 judges I believe. Good judges?
5) is trump doing the right thing declaring a national emergency
6)do you oppose or support forcing states to allow felons the vote
7)do you support his Muslim ban?
8) do you support abortion legality
9)oppose marriage recognized by the state between a man and woman only

Let’s see how you compare on those and then we can try another 7 or 10.

1) better than the last two but not what I would call good
2) he should put up fencing where the BP ask for it and then he should pull at least half the troops out of Europe and station them on the southern border to defend this nation for a change.
3) no, his trade war is by far his biggest mistake. The financial markets are at 413 days of stagnation due to the trade war
4) I do not know who all 96 are. I support the big two on the SCOTUS. I know he picked a few that were not qualified but the Senate shot most of them down
5) no, it is a joke.
6) I oppose states being forced to do just about anything. who states allow to vote is none of the Feds damn business.
7) no, it violates the 1st amendment and it is a slap in the face to all those Muslims that have served this nation in the US Military.
8) nope, it should not be legal to kill a baby just because
9) the government should not be in the marriage business at all. But as long as they are they should not discriminate who they recognize.

This is a fun game. All you are doing is proving you are further left than me. Please, do continue.

I’m not interested in being left or right. That will never sink into a political mushbrain.
So from the survey we already see you March in lockstep.
It doesn’t matter....thanks to the internet libertarians can feel part of something. But your views are lockstep with the media.

could you be more dishonest? 3 out of 9 is lockstep? Fuck off. I has honest with my answers and you pull this shit.

you are a fucking joke.

This is what I get for trusting a Trump worshiper. Should have known those that worship a liar would also be liars.

Seems like the media calls him a liar too. Add another one.

And the media said the sun came up today...add another one.

I heard a news guy this morning say it was March 11th. I agree with that too...add another one.

I have to admire you commitment to being a dishonest fuck, you take it to whole new levels.

Talk about dishonest. Your every political opinion matches the elites.
And you resort to sophistry to hide it. I’m not interested in proving it. I’m only interested in exposing your ilk.
1) better than the last two but not what I would call good
2) he should put up fencing where the BP ask for it and then he should pull at least half the troops out of Europe and station them on the southern border to defend this nation for a change.
3) no, his trade war is by far his biggest mistake. The financial markets are at 413 days of stagnation due to the trade war
4) I do not know who all 96 are. I support the big two on the SCOTUS. I know he picked a few that were not qualified but the Senate shot most of them down
5) no, it is a joke.
6) I oppose states being forced to do just about anything. who states allow to vote is none of the Feds damn business.
7) no, it violates the 1st amendment and it is a slap in the face to all those Muslims that have served this nation in the US Military.
8) nope, it should not be legal to kill a baby just because
9) the government should not be in the marriage business at all. But as long as they are they should not discriminate who they recognize.

This is a fun game. All you are doing is proving you are further left than me. Please, do continue.

I’m not interested in being left or right. That will never sink into a political mushbrain.
So from the survey we already see you March in lockstep.
It doesn’t matter....thanks to the internet libertarians can feel part of something. But your views are lockstep with the media.

could you be more dishonest? 3 out of 9 is lockstep? Fuck off. I has honest with my answers and you pull this shit.

you are a fucking joke.

This is what I get for trusting a Trump worshiper. Should have known those that worship a liar would also be liars.

Seems like the media calls him a liar too. Add another one.

And the media said the sun came up today...add another one.

I heard a news guy this morning say it was March 11th. I agree with that too...add another one.

I have to admire you commitment to being a dishonest fuck, you take it to whole new levels.

Talk about dishonest. Your every political opinion matches the elites.
And you resort to sophistry to hide it. I’m not interested in proving it. I’m only interested in exposing your ilk.

3 out of 9 match and you call that every opinion. you are either a fucking idiot or dishonest...or I guess it could be both.

all you have exposed is your own stupidity
By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.
And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

View attachment 249594 ... time for a Green New Deal and trillions in new debt..
Don't EVEN talk about debt after that 2 trillion was tacked onto the debt for the wealthy and corps
Silly boy, you went and missed the Obama years..
By TDS are you referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Defense Syndrome?

both are equally rampant in this country.
And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

View attachment 249594 ... time for a Green New Deal and trillions in new debt..

nope, I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White House. That is the difference between you and I, your values and beliefs change with the changing of presidents, mine have stayed the same for 30 years.

It is something you will never be able to understand because you put party before country.

I'm against deficit spending as well but nobody cares.. :lol:
This thread is proof the Trump Defense Syndrome is the prevalent definition of TDS. Also, just look at today's headlines. Trump and his administration are in chaos defending his latest lies and promotions of misinformation.
And mean the same thing.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

View attachment 249594 ... time for a Green New Deal and trillions in new debt..

nope, I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White House. That is the difference between you and I, your values and beliefs change with the changing of presidents, mine have stayed the same for 30 years.

It is something you will never be able to understand because you put party before country.

I'm against deficit spending as well but nobody cares.. :lol:

yet you never say a word about it when there is a Repub sitting in the White House....but that is what partisan sheep do
Lol, Trump is trying to better the country. While you people are trying to destroy it.

you better the country by adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt during a booming economy? Really?

you better the country by pushing for a tax cut with no spending cuts to go along and the result is less revenue than the year before? How does that make the country better?

View attachment 249594 ... time for a Green New Deal and trillions in new debt..

nope, I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White House. That is the difference between you and I, your values and beliefs change with the changing of presidents, mine have stayed the same for 30 years.

It is something you will never be able to understand because you put party before country.

I'm against deficit spending as well but nobody cares.. :lol:

yet you never say a word about it when there is a Repub sitting in the White House....but that is what partisan sheep do

:yapyapyapf: .. you don't know that, besides, the overspending Washington Swamp was there long before Trump showed up.

Gee .. I wonder what the odds of Nancy and puppy Chuck fully supporting the Trump budget instead of going full Democrat drama llama are.. :laugh:
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This thread is proof the Trump Defense Syndrome is the prevalent definition of TDS. Also, just look at today's headlines. Trump and his administration are in chaos defending his latest lies and promotions of misinformation.

Sheesh, can you even post without defining yourself as a full blown TDS-er ?
This thread is proof the Trump Defense Syndrome is the prevalent definition of TDS. Also, just look at today's headlines. Trump and his administration are in chaos defending his latest lies and promotions of misinformation.

One of the posters here (I forget who) came up with a clever term for it --- "Cult 45" :thup:

I wish it worked but Rump is actually the 44th, so "Cult 44" will have to do.
This thread is proof the Trump Defense Syndrome is the prevalent definition of TDS. Also, just look at today's headlines. Trump and his administration are in chaos defending his latest lies and promotions of misinformation.

One of the posters here (I forget who) came up with a clever term for it --- "Cult 45" :thup:

I wish it worked but Rump is actually the 44th, so "Cult 44" will have to do.

Poor Camp, he swallows nonsensical fake news "headlines" and you came close but not quite..


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