The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Are you referring to yourself in 3rd person?

A PARROT will always assume everyone else is a PARROT, since a PARROT cannot think for itself, and hence assumes nobody else can either...
A PARROT will always assume everyone else is a PARROT, since a PARROT cannot think for itself, and hence assumes nobody else can either...
Is the parrot speaking about himself in 3rd person?
Antarctica is 90% of Earth ice
Greenland is 7% of Earth ice
That's because the south pole has a continent parked on top of it and the north pole has an ocean over it which is mostly isolated from warm marine currents by surrounding land. In other words, the land mass configuration provides different levels of thermal isolation from the oceans and results in different thresholds for extensive continental glaciation. With the southern pole beings about 3C warmer than the northern pole. That's why there is more ice on the southern pole than the northern pole during an interglacial period. It's different during a glacial period though.
That's because the south pole has a continent parked on top of it and the north pole has an ocean over it which is mostly isolated from warm marine currents by surrounding land. In other words, the land mass configuration provides different levels of thermal isolation from the oceans and results in different thresholds for extensive continental glaciation. With the southern pole beings about 3C warmer than the northern pole. That's why there is more ice on the southern pole than the northern pole during an interglacial period. It's different during a glacial period though.

All crap blow away by the clear truth.

Earth with 2 polar oceans = NO ICE

Earth climate change is about ice. More ice = colder, drier, lower oceans. Ice is about WHERE LAND IS, and LAND MOVES

and to believe Antarctica, while on the south pole, fluctuates between ice age and tropical paradise is the level of IDIOCY it takes to fall for McBullshit...
When did Greenland enter its ice age, and why....
It would be a waste of time to tell you. I'd rather just sit back and take pot shots at your ridiculous statements that you keep making.

But if you really want to know the answer is in this graph and can be easily identified by anyone with intelligence.

All crap blow away by the clear truth.

Earth with 2 polar oceans = NO ICE

Earth climate change is about ice. More ice = colder, drier, lower oceans. Ice is about WHERE LAND IS, and LAND MOVES

and to believe Antarctica, while on the south pole, fluctuates between ice age and tropical paradise is the level of IDIOCY it takes to fall for McBullshit...
The planet doesn't have an ocean on each pole. And if it did there would still be a threshold for glaciation. It would just be a much much colder threshold. So while there has never been an instance when there were glacial periods when each pole had an ocean on it, that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. It just means it would have to get much much colder than it ever has before.
It would be a waste of time to tell you. I'd rather just sit back and take pot shots at your ridiculous statements that you keep making.

But if you really want to know the answer is in this graph and can be easily identified by anyone with intelligence.

View attachment 822204

These are the Co2 FRAUD's FUDGE charts trying to make it Dennis Quaid 3 days for an ice age..

In reality, we have DATA from GREENLAND which documents WHEN the continent specific ice age started and how fast it moved...

Greenland's ice moves north to south. It started up north, in the past 2 million years, and moved south after it started.

2 million years ago all of Greenland, including northern Greenland, was GREEN...

400-800k years ago the center of Greenland went from forest to ice age as the glacier moved SOUTH...

Viking History = Vikings settled Greenland more than 1k years ago, called it GREEN land because the entire southern tip was still GREEN... and is now buried under 600 years of ice layers on your "warming" planet....

The Greenland ice age took between 1 and 2 million years to start at the top and get to where it is now, and it is not retreating, and it continues to add a new layer of ice every year...

and there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE to refute that truth...
The planet doesn't have an ocean on each pole

It can. That's the point. Jurassic, warmer and WETTER, had very little land near the poles, why it was WARMER and WETTER because less land near the poles = less ice...
Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world. But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences. Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years. Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.

"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.

P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.
Many weather apps have a historical section. One day last week my area was really hot so I looked up the record temp on that day and it was a couple of degrees warmer and occurred in 1954,

If i hear any area had just set a record, I plan to find out what and when the previous record was.
These are the Co2 FRAUD's FUDGE charts trying to make it Dennis Quaid 3 days for an ice age..
It wasn't until ~3 million years ago that the planet began to have ice on each pole and glacial/interglacial cycles began.
It can. That's the point. Jurassic, warmer and WETTER, had very little land near the poles, why it was WARMER and WETTER because less land near the poles = less ice...
Who care about the Jurassic? It's only relevant in explaining how the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet (Jurassic) to an ice house planet (Quaternary).
These are the Co2 FRAUD's FUDGE charts trying to make it Dennis Quaid 3 days for an ice age..

In reality, we have DATA from GREENLAND which documents WHEN the continent specific ice age started and how fast it moved...

Greenland's ice moves north to south. It started up north, in the past 2 million years, and moved south after it started.

2 million years ago all of Greenland, including northern Greenland, was GREEN...

400-800k years ago the center of Greenland went from forest to ice age as the glacier moved SOUTH...

Viking History = Vikings settled Greenland more than 1k years ago, called it GREEN land because the entire southern tip was still GREEN... and is now buried under 600 years of ice layers on your "warming" planet....

The Greenland ice age took between 1 and 2 million years to start at the top and get to where it is now, and it is not retreating, and it continues to add a new layer of ice every year...

and there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE to refute that truth...
I'm sure what you wrote makes sense in your head but no one else can follow your narratives. They are extremely disjointed.
During an interglacial period, sure.

No, during a period where it was NOT YET WITHIN 600 miles of a pole.

AA was FROZEN at the time, not a tropical paradise as McBullshit claims... so the "glacials" bullshit once again is for those with IQ<5
It wasn't until ~3 million years ago that the planet began to have ice on each pole and glacial/interglacial cycles began.

That is complete bullshit with no evidence to back it up except parroting liars, fudge charts, and videos that claim the fault at the center bottom of the Atlantic stopped in the middle...

There are no "glaical" "interglacials"

Sincerely, North America which just melted WHILE AT THE SAME TIME Greenland FROZE...

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