The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Global climate change is real. It's the biggest threat to humanity (and nuclear proliferation). Capitalism will not solve the problems created by global climate change, and it will not survive it.
What’s the threat?
Who cares? When it occurred previously, it changed the way of life. I don't wanna change the way of my life. I wanna eat. I wanna keep the roof over my head. That sorta stuff
You don’t care? Then what are you worried for?
Who cares? When it occurred previously, it changed the way of life. I don't wanna change the way of my life. I wanna eat. I wanna keep the roof over my head. That sorta stuff

Who cares?

You want to spend tens of trillions of dollars to stop the climate from changing. I care.

When it occurred previously, it changed the way of life.

It changed without us causing it? How do you know we can stop what's happening now?

I don't wanna change the way of my life. I wanna eat. I wanna keep the roof over my head. That sorta stuff

You don't think wasting tens of trillions of dollars and reworking our world economy is going to change your way of life? Impact your food and housing and that sorta stuff?

It changed without us causing it? How do you know we can stop what's happening now?

I don't wanna change the way of my life. I wanna eat. I wanna keep the roof over my head. That sorta stuff

You don't think wasting tens of trillions of dollars and reworking our world economy is going to change your way of life? Impact your food and housing and that sorta stuff?
But this time is different. We know that global climate change is man-made, in the simplest term caused by pollution.

None of that will matter if you don't have clean air to breath or water to drink. We have to leave a much smaller footprint on the only planet we will ever have, smaller houses, less consumption of consumer goods etc. Basically less capitalism. We have to learn to make do with less.
But this time is different. We know that global climate change is man-made, in the simplest term caused by pollution.

None of that will matter if you don't have clean air to breath or water to drink.

But this time is different. We know that global climate change is man-made, in the simplest term caused by pollution.

No, we don't.

None of that will matter if you don't have clean air to breath or water to drink.

In the US the air and water are much cleaner than they were 50 years ago.

We have to leave a much smaller footprint on the only planet we will ever have, smaller houses, less consumption of consumer goods etc. Basically less capitalism. We have to learn to make do with less.

You don't have to convince a few hundred million Americans; you have to convince 5 billion poor people to not improve the living standards of their children.
But this time is different. We know that global climate change is man-made, in the simplest term caused by pollution.

No, we don't.

None of that will matter if you don't have clean air to breath or water to drink.

In the US the air and water are much cleaner than they were 50 years ago.

We have to leave a much smaller footprint on the only planet we will ever have, smaller houses, less consumption of consumer goods etc. Basically less capitalism. We have to learn to make do with less.

You don't have to convince a few hundred million Americans; you have to convince 5 billion poor people to not improve the living standards of their children.
The billions of poor people live mostly in the southern hemisphere. They don't need convincing, they take off heading north. Amass at our southern border. We will see millions of climate refugees
Global warming is not caused by UHI effects

There are a number of sequestration technologies being explored. I don't know to which you refer, but with regards to all of them, it is easier and cheaper to avoid putting it in the air to begin with than it is to put it there and then try to remove it.

No, it is not. It is certainly none of those things for me nor for the billions of people concerned about global warming. And the fantasy that it is all the lies of a conspiracy is simply insane.

I'm sorry, but that is senseless babble.
Then you just admited the global warming cultist are using the big city temperatures as tactical weapons of propaganda. -checkmate!
The billions of poor people live mostly in the southern hemisphere. They don't need convincing, they take off heading north. Amass at our southern border. We will see millions of climate refugees

The billions of poor people live mostly in the southern hemisphere. They don't need convincing, they take off heading north.

Just what Earth needs, millions of illegals moving here and doubling or tripling their CO2 output.
Yes, a reliable link is required. You've made up your own set of facts to suit your denialist agenda.
The old denial act routine. Getting old. It doesn’t work anymore. We are on to you. Over time, we would expect temperatures to increase. Why? Because everyone knows the sun is increasing in size and this getting closer to all planets.
So, there is like 194 countries. China and India make up like 3 billion people. Yet, they are by far greater polluters of the world. We have been decreasing pollution and CO2. Yet, you claim that is getting worse. Not by the U.S. in fact, it’s the rest of the world that is doing any harm if any to the environment. Yet, Democrats blame the U.S. for hotter temperatures and more CO2 in the air. Stupid Democrats.
The old denial act routine. Getting old. It doesn’t work anymore. We are on to you. Over time, we would expect temperatures to increase. Why? Because everyone knows the sun is increasing in size and this getting closer to all planets.
So, there is like 194 countries. China and India make up like 3 billion people. Yet, they are by far greater polluters of the world. We have been decreasing pollution and CO2. Yet, you claim that is getting worse. Not by the U.S. in fact, it’s the rest of the world that is doing any harm if any to the environment. Yet, Democrats blame the U.S. for hotter temperatures and more CO2 in the air. Stupid Democrats.
Trump** tore up the Paris agreement. The GOP won't even acknowledge that climate change is real and man-made. Such a party is not viable because young people will not vote for a party that isn't taking the issue serious.

** impeached
I had a hunch to what the short term anomaly was in select regions of the globe, and my hunch was right. With all the so call experts, scientists, Dr Coopers, wanna be Dr Coopers, Harvard and Yale politicians, not one of them bothered to suspect and tell the public that it could be a solar storm, flare or burst.
And it was... GENIUSES!
The explosion, registered as an M4.1 flare, occurred at 15:58 UTC on July 28, 2023. YOU CAN SEARCH FOR Composite images from SDO AIA 131, 171 and 304 Angstrom, LASCO C2 and GOES-18 SUVI AIA 304 Angstrom.
They are expecting solar storms until mid Aug, some which might affect transmissions.
But following the science is ignored if it does not help them push their agenda to control society and enrich themselves through the guise of embolding themselves as weather gods.
Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world. But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences. Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years. Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.

"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.

P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.
I have been saying this for years.
Trump** tore up the Paris agreement. The GOP won't even acknowledge that climate change is real and man-made. Such a party is not viable because young people will not vote for a party that isn't taking the issue serious.

** impeached
The Paris agreement is a communist new one world order plot. It was forcing the rich U.S. to make all the changes in energy output but there was not requirements for the biggest polluters, China, India, Russia, Europe and many others.

Every Republican says the climate changes every minute, hour of every day of every year. We have seasons in most places with rain, snow, mild days and hot days. What are you rambling about?

What you unsuspecting puppets of the communist new world order aren’t educated enough to know is how we got here. The population control communists of the 1960’s realized they sounded like genocidal maniacs. So, about 25-30 years ago, they began a new push to scare the world into reducing populations with a lie call global warming. Al Gore and other Democrats were the main fearmongering dummies who said the coast lines and New York would all be under water by 2010. When that didn’t happen, they realized the term “global warming” didn’t work so they changed that to “climate change” so if the world cooled off, they could still say it’s due to CO2 and we have to eliminate 3/4 of the world population. They also have to spin the CO2 story to fit their narrative no matter how false they make it.

CO2 is necessary for plant growth to sustain and feed the animals and mankind. The more CO2 the more plant growth there is and more food. So, the genocidal maniac communists of the Democrat Party forced scientists to label CO2 as a pollutant even though without it we would turn into looking like the Moon or Mars. Because this knowledge is getting out there these maniacs had to create another false chaotic attack to discredit science. So, they pushed the transgender crap and have successfully made idiots out of Democrats believing you can’t define what a man or woman is. Meaning all the genetics and biology we’ve learned is all false. Don’t believe the science so that you bonehead communists can push the CO2 fallacy to push the climate change fallacy to push the global warming fallacy to push the population control fallacy to commit genocide which communists love to do like Mao and Stalin did. Republicans see this and aren’t buying it. Stick to pollution control and you will get Republicans on board with being caretakers of the planet.
The Paris agreement is a communist new one world order plot. It was forcing the rich U.S. to make all the changes in energy output but there was not requirements for the biggest polluters, China, India, Russia, Europe and many others.

Every Republican says the climate changes every minute, hour of every day of every year. We have seasons in most places with rain, snow, mild days and hot days. What are you rambling about?

What you unsuspecting puppets of the communist new world order aren’t educated enough to know is how we got here. The population control communists of the 1960’s realized they sounded like genocidal maniacs. So, about 25-30 years ago, they began a new push to scare the world into reducing populations with a lie call global warming. Al Gore and other Democrats were the main fearmongering dummies who said the coast lines and New York would all be under water by 2010. When that didn’t happen, they realized the term “global warming” didn’t work so they changed that to “climate change” so if the world cooled off, they could still say it’s due to CO2 and we have to eliminate 3/4 of the world population. They also have to spin the CO2 story to fit their narrative no matter how false they make it.

CO2 is necessary for plant growth to sustain and feed the animals and mankind. The more CO2 the more plant growth there is and more food. So, the genocidal maniac communists of the Democrat Party forced scientists to label CO2 as a pollutant even though without it we would turn into looking like the Moon or Mars. Because this knowledge is getting out there these maniacs had to create another false chaotic attack to discredit science. So, they pushed the transgender crap and have successfully made idiots out of Democrats believing you can’t define what a man or woman is. Meaning all the genetics and biology we’ve learned is all false. Don’t believe the science so that you bonehead communists can push the CO2 fallacy to push the climate change fallacy to push the global warming fallacy to push the population control fallacy to commit genocide which communists love to do like Mao and Stalin did. Republicans see this and aren’t buying it. Stick to pollution control and you will get Republicans on board with being caretakers of the planet.
No. You are wrong
No. You are wrong
What a fantastic response. :laughing0301:
This is a debate forum. Give something other than an emotional Democrat Party ideology response.
“No!” “Yes!” “No!” “Yes!”
I clearly explained the history of this debate and why it’s part of the communist plot. It’s exactly what happened and why.

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