The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world. But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences. Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years. Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.

"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.

P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.

Reconstructed data is used, and is needed because CO2 ppm levels are unusual (400+ when it should only be 300 following ice core data). Even deniers use the same data sets as seen in Berkeley Earth.
Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world.
Those aren't propaganda. They are weather reports.
But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences.
Perhaps with your definition of "normal statistical occurrences". New high temperature records are being set all over the planet recently, including that of the planet itself. That is certainly within the realm of statistics, but very few folks would call that a "normal occurrence". Of course, the world has been getting warmer for a century and a half. As a mathematical necessity, we have been setting high temperature records for all that time. The present heatwave is just more widespread, durable and intense than usual. Including the radical increases in ocean temperatures concurrent with what looks to be a very powerful El Nino, it's all just a bit alarming.
Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years.
That is a clearly disingenuous statement. Accurate, multi-proxy global temperature reconstructions go back 2,000 years. O18 ice core data (where temperature is based on the isotope ratios of atmospheric air trapped in the ice column) go back 800,000 years
Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.
Really? Did you get that from a book on statistics or meteorology? If the climate were not changing, the rate of new records would necessarily decrease over time. It's possible that the rate is 1% at present, but you cannot state this as a constant.
"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.
Yes and their existence and the effects they have both on the data and on the Earth have been known and taken into account for quite some time now.
P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.
Allow me to point out that you were not born with any of this information in your noggin. So, not only is this a poorly-thought out piece of advice for others, it is one you yourself ought not be minding. Seeking out knowledge is an excellent and intelligent thing to do. For everyone. Always.
Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world. But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences. Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years. Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.

"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.

P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.
Snowing during the spring even towards summer=silent
Cold start to summer coldest nights I ever remember=silent
Mid summer hottest part of season a few days in a few selwct locations they can selectively use for fake concern=vocal like a rooster waking everyone up in the morning.
I noticed a map tricking people via using a feels like index instead of actual temperatures, my region map was also off from weather site by 7degrees and the degrees on the map for Arizona was a lie, it was cloudy windy and raining and they were using predicted temps not actual temps. You don't need these tricks, gimicks, lies if it's got it's own merit of truth. My electric usage from lower A/C usage this spring and summer has been the lowest ever. Nights have been cooler than usual which has kept the house toned down longer into the afternoons and quickly cooled the house at night so the air never comes on. Now if I were to go by my region and me personally only, that would be selective and that's what they do when they want to sell their wares, they cherry pick and play dumb when the snow during Spring Break didn't fit their narrative.
If you understand how Rome created a one world religion to rule many kingdoms under the guise of that religion, and collect taxes from those many kingdoms under the guise of tithes for salvation, then you understand the non religious global dominant is doing the same playbook using global warming cult as a means to control many nations and collect taxes in the form of Global climate initiatives. In the same manner they get their foot in the door of many nations and it becomes very lucrative and people are willing foot soldiers accepting horrible behavior and acts all in the name of this group affiliation cause, just as people were willing to do horrendous acts in the name of their religious cause.
Snowing during the spring even towards summer=silent
No they weren't.
Cold start to summer coldest nights I ever remember=silent
Was the rest of the world supposed to know what you were thinking?

There have been all manner of discussions about how hot it is and how cold it is. It has never been silent about that. But, of course, what you believe to be significant is very likely not what climate scientists believe to be significant.
Mid summer hottest part of season a few days in a few selwct locations they can selectively use for fake concern=vocal like a rooster waking everyone up in the morning.
Heat records were being set well before the historically hottest part of the season. And the concern is quite real.
I noticed a map tricking people via using a feels like index instead of actual temperatures
I didn't. Link?
my region map was also off from weather site by 7degrees
I missed that as well. Link?
and the degrees on the map for Arizona was a lie
According to who or what? And, do you have a link to this Arizona map?
it was cloudy windy and raining and they were using predicted temps not actual temps.
Are they not supposed to make predictions if it's cloudy, windy and raining? I see maps of predicted temperatures on weather forecasts every day. I don't know if you realize this, but THAT'S WHAT THEY DO.
You don't need these tricks, gimicks, lies if it's got it's own merit of truth.
The media can almost always be counted on for some sensationalism. It's how they make a living. Try using objective science sources instead.
My electric usage from lower A/C usage this spring and summer has been the lowest ever.
Well now, here I've been saying there are no proofs in the natural sciences when all along there was your power bill. What was I thinking?
Nights have been cooler than usual which has kept the house toned down longer into the afternoons and quickly cooled the house at night so the air never comes on.
And... that's true for everyone? Everywhere?
Now if I were to go by my region and me personally only, that would be selective and that's what they do when they want to sell their wares, they cherry pick and play dumb when the snow during Spring Break didn't fit their narrative.
It's ALL you've been doing so far.
If you understand how Rome created a one world religion to rule many kingdoms under the guise of that religion
The Romans had religious beliefs well before they began growing an empire. The development of that religion took it from a large collection of spirits and deities responsible for different aspects of the world around them to a more structured and hierarchical pantheon clearly modeled on the pantheon of the Greeks who'd the Romans had conquered. Romans moved in that direction as a PR move to make the empire more glorious seemingly long-lived.
and collect taxes from those many kingdoms under the guise of tithes for salvation, then you understand the non religious global dominant is doing the same playbook using global warming cult as a means to control many nations and collect taxes in the form of Global climate initiatives.
Has anyone ever suggested you try to cut your sentences down a bit? This is just ignorant nonsense. Anthropogenic global warming is a scientific theory based on mountains of evidence and accepted by more than 99% of scientists publishing in the field. Objective science tells us that AGW represents a threat to the well being of human civilization and that we need to respond to it in a committed fashion. No one is accumulating power and no one is demanding money. There has been no change to the US tax code since Trump and the RNC gave the bank away to their sponsors.
In the same manner they get their foot in the door of many nations and it becomes very lucrative and people are willing foot soldiers accepting horrible behavior and acts all in the name of this group affiliation cause, just as people were willing to do horrendous acts in the name of their religious cause.
What the fuck are you talking about? If you want to argue against science, you need to address science. Do you accept the greenhouse effect? Do you accept that CO2 is a greenhouse gas? Do you accept that human's use of fossil fuels has raised the level of CO2 in the atmosphere? If you do, then your historical argument here is useless nonsense. If you don't, then - based on valid science - you need to explain why.
Manipulating the public into using cheap, reliable energy.

What could be worse?
Ha ha, coal and oil are cheaper then moving water, the tides and photons ? Are you fking crazy ? Have you seen the oil prices EVER go down. Gravity is free. Photons are free. The tides are free. The cheapest electricity in the world comes from hydro power because moving water and the tides are free.
Ha ha, coal and oil are cheaper then moving water, the tides and photons ? Are you fking crazy ? Have you seen the oil prices EVER go down. Gravity is free. Photons are free. The tides are free. The cheapest electricity in the world comes from hydro power because moving water and the tides are free.

Ha ha, coal and oil are cheaper then moving water, the tides and photons ?

Hydropower is very cheap. Are we building anymore? Where?

Tidal is very expensive. Solar is good for a few hours a day and also expensive.
Ha ha, coal and oil are cheaper then moving water, the tides and photons ?

Hydropower is very cheap. Are we building anymore? Where?

Tidal is very expensive. Solar is good for a few hours a day and also expensive.
Hydro power At current, there are 228 hydro-power projects above 1 MW installed capacity that are under construction phase. How many new coal plants going on line Humper ?
Ha ha, coal and oil are cheaper then moving water, the tides and photons ?

Hydropower is very cheap. Are we building anymore? Where?

Tidal is very expensive. Solar is good for a few hours a day and also expensive.
Solar derived electricity is good for 24 hours a day.
Hydro power At current, there are 228 hydro-power projects above 1 MW installed capacity that are under construction phase.


Solar derived electricity is good for 24 hours a day.

How many hours a day does a solar panel in your area generate electricity?
No they weren't.

Was the rest of the world supposed to know what you were thinking?

There have been all manner of discussions about how hot it is and how cold it is. It has never been silent about that. But, of course, what you believe to be significant is very likely not what climate scientists believe to be significant.

Heat records were being set well before the historically hottest part of the season. And the concern is quite real.

I didn't. Link?

I missed that as well. Link?

According to who or what? And, do you have a link to this Arizona map?

Are they not supposed to make predictions if it's cloudy, windy and raining? I see maps of predicted temperatures on weather forecasts every day. I don't know if you realize this, but THAT'S WHAT THEY DO.

The media can almost always be counted on for some sensationalism. It's how they make a living. Try using objective science sources instead.

Well now, here I've been saying there are no proofs in the natural sciences when all along there was your power bill. What was I thinking?

And... that's true for everyone? Everywhere?

It's ALL you've been doing so far.

The Romans had religious beliefs well before they began growing an empire. The development of that religion took it from a large collection of spirits and deities responsible for different aspects of the world around them to a more structured and hierarchical pantheon clearly modeled on the pantheon of the Greeks who'd the Romans had conquered. Romans moved in that direction as a PR move to make the empire more glorious seemingly long-lived.

Has anyone ever suggested you try to cut your sentences down a bit? This is just ignorant nonsense. Anthropogenic global warming is a scientific theory based on mountains of evidence and accepted by more than 99% of scientists publishing in the field. Objective science tells us that AGW represents a threat to the well being of human civilization and that we need to respond to it in a committed fashion. No one is accumulating power and no one is demanding money. There has been no change to the US tax code since Trump and the RNC gave the bank away to their sponsors.

What the fuck are you talking about? If you want to argue against science, you need to address science. Do you accept the greenhouse effect? Do you accept that CO2 is a greenhouse gas? Do you accept that human's use of fossil fuels has raised the level of CO2 in the atmosphere? If you do, then your historical argument here is useless nonsense. If you don't, then - based on valid science - you need to explain why.
>>the concern is quite real.
Yes the concern we built heat trap high rise asphalt cities, in which case we are finding expensive solutions to make cooler roads and sidewalks, but what about stopping the building of magnifying glass mirror windows knowing full well they can't be helping?
If the concern truly was carbon then why not further thr Exxon technology of cleaning the carbons in the air? No it's about control and collecting funds and kickbacks, and it's about having a feature and benefit for a political party whwewby thry can use the concern as an excuse for rivalry behavior and tactics all in the name of their cause hence the religious comparison.
Have you seen the oil prices EVER go down.
>>the concern is quite real.
Yes the concern we built heat trap high rise asphalt cities, in which case we are finding expensive solutions to make cooler roads and sidewalks, but what about stopping the building of magnifying glass mirror windows knowing full well they can't be helping?
Global warming is not caused by UHI effects
If the concern truly was carbon then why not further thr Exxon technology of cleaning the carbons in the air?
There are a number of sequestration technologies being explored. I don't know to which you refer, but with regards to all of them, it is easier and cheaper to avoid putting it in the air to begin with than it is to put it there and then try to remove it.
No it's about control and collecting funds and kickbacks
No, it is not. It is certainly none of those things for me nor for the billions of people concerned about global warming. And the fantasy that it is all the lies of a conspiracy is simply insane.
and it's about having a feature and benefit for a political party whwewby thry can use the concern as an excuse for rivalry behavior and tactics all in the name of their cause hence the religious comparison.
I'm sorry, but that is senseless babble.
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Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world. But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences. Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years. Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.

"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.

P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.
When everyone has the same talking points
Almost daily, we are treated to climate propaganda regarding "record" temperatures at various locations around the world. But if looked at closely, these records are normal statistical occurrences. Accurate temperature recordings rarely go back more than 100 years. Since there are 365 days in a year, it is normal for an average of 3.65 days per year to equal or exceed the highest recorded temperature for a particular date.

"Heat islands" in major metropolitan areas are an exception to this average, but that is due to construction and development, not global weather patterns.

P.S. If you need a "link" to understand this, you are not capable of posting an intelligent reply. So don't bother trying.
July 2019 was the hottest July on record.
June 2023 was the hottest June on record according to NASA's global temperature analysis.
July 2023 was the hottest Month Ever recorded on Earth.

10 Warmest Years on Record
  • 2016
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2017
  • 2015
  • 2022 (tied with 2015)
  • 2018
  • 2021 (tied with 2018)
  • 2014
  • 2010

Just a random occurrence. :cuckoo:

Concerning Accuracy of measurement of the earth's temperature.
NASA Started in 1990 measuring temperatures of the earth collected by satellites. NASA takes over 25,000 temperatures readings a day of the earths surface. The accuracy is .01 degrees Celsius.
NOAA Since 1956 NOAA has been collecting temperatures from thousands of sea buoys and government weather stations to provide the earth's temperature for 67 years with an accuracy of .01 to .02 degrees Celsius
From 1890 to present - a number organization have collected tens of millions of records that go back to 1890. The accuracy of these calculations of the earth's temperature is about .1 Celsius. Prior 1890, tree rings and ice cores are used. For tens thousands years Ice cores and sediment samples provide a good measure but accuracy is estimated at between .1 and .3 degrees Celsius.

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July 2019 was the hottest July on record.
June 2023 was the hottest June on record according to NASA's global temperature analysis.
July 2023 was the hottest Month Ever recorded on Earth.

10 Warmest Years on Record
  • 2016
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2017
  • 2015
  • 2022 (tied with 2015)
  • 2018
  • 2021 (tied with 2018)
  • 2014
  • 2010
Just a random occurrence. :cuckoo:

Concerning Accuracy of measurement of the earth's temperature.
NASA Started in 1990 measuring temperatures of the earth collected by satellites. NASA takes over 25,000 temperatures readings a day of the earths surface. The accuracy is .01 degrees Celsius.
NOAA Since 1956 NOAA has been collecting temperatures from thousands of sea buoys and government weather stations to provide the earth's temperature for 67 years with an accuracy of .01 to .02 degrees Celsius
From 1890 to present - a number organization have collected tens of millions of records that go back to 1890. The accuracy of these calculations of the earth's temperature is about .1 Celsius. Prior 1890, tree rings and ice cores are used. For tens thousands years Ice cores and sediment samples provide a good measure but accuracy is estimated at between .1 and .3 degrees Celsius.

From 1890 to present - a number organization have collected tens of millions of records that go back to 1890. The accuracy of these calculations of the earth's temperature is about .1 Celsius.

That may be the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Prior 1890, tree rings and ice cores are used. For tens thousands years Ice cores and sediment samples provide a good measure but accuracy is estimated at between .1 and .3 degrees Celsius.

Never mind. LOL!!!
Global climate change is real. It's the biggest threat to humanity (and nuclear proliferation). Capitalism will not solve the problems created by global climate change, and it will not survive it.
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Global climate change is real. It's the biggest threat to humanity (and nuclear proliferation). Capitalism will not solve the problems created by global climate change, but it will not survive it.

Global climate change is real. It's the biggest threat to humanity

Why do you feel that way?

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