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The Homosexual Dilemma

I hate bullies, so stop bullying me. As I've mentioned, if Cosby is an innocent little lamb, then he should stand before his accusers, look them in the eye, and call them liars. He can't do it because he's guilty.

Cosby doesn't have to defend himself, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is doing that for him.

No way 30+ older women, many of them now married and/or with adult children, are going to come forward and claim 'rape' with the stigma that accusation places on them personally.

Do I think it happens once in a while between one woman crying rape to try to shake down one man? Usually for money?

No. I think it happens A LOT.

But not here. Cosby is a rapist and the DISGUSTING FILTH is going to protect him until they can't anymore. If that day ever comes.

He's one of them. And we all know how scumbags stick together. The entire leftist movement sticks together like thieves because...... Well, that's what they are.
I hate bullies, so stop bullying me. As I've mentioned, if Cosby is an innocent little lamb, then he should stand before his accusers, look them in the eye, and call them liars. He can't do it because he's guilty.

Cosby doesn't have to defend himself, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is doing that for him.

No way 30+ older women, many of them now married and/or with adult children, are going to come forward and claim 'rape' with the stigma that accusation places on them personally.

Do I think it happens once in a while between one woman crying rape to try to shake down one man? Usually for money?

No. I think it happens A LOT.

But not here. Cosby is a rapist and the DISGUSTING FILTH is going to protect him until they can't anymore. If that day ever comes.

He's one of them. And we all know how scumbags stick together. The entire leftist movement sticks together like thieves because...... Well, that's what they are.

Man, I don't know if its true or not and neither do you.

I'd like to think not, but that's not a defense...

I can tell you that I had a friend who went through a painful period with his wife because a High School Girl friend who was home visiting, told his wife that he raped her in High School.

I found out because my wife came home and told me... .

She was all freaked out because the guy is one of my old HS crew and is my oldest and closest friend and was at the time routinely at our house.

As she's telling me what she been told, she recounted a trip that is legendary within our HS crew... wherein we went on a camping trip for long week end.

My buddy and this gal were BF and GF and had been for some time. They were screwin' like rabbits... I don't know how many times I or another brother caught them going at it, in the car, the book room, the auditorium, my house in my parents bed... in our pool, at other brothers house, in their beds and their pools and on and on.

The "alleged rape"... occurred in the middle of the first night with the two of them were zipped up, nude, in a single sleeping bag. He wakes up in the middle of the night, takes a run at it and she's irritated, and mumbles a 'Nooo', but he persists and helps himself and falls back to sleep... the next morning she wakes him up with a blow job and they repeat.

Fast forward 20+ years and she's telling everyone that he 'raped her'.

I'm telling you that it was literally impossible for him to rape her... as she was full time, good-to-go with this knucklehead.

She was judging him on the Politically Correct rules of the subsequent generation.

I don't know if this is what's going on with Cosby, but my sense is that it is.

The Playmate thing, seems fairly similar... and those gals are all damaged goods, with major Daddy issues demonstrably groping for attention. So I wouldn't have any problem believing that they're sending strong 'come hither signals and when the vultures start circling, they run to get in on the party.

'could be wrong... it just seems to me that there's something twisted going on here and Cosby isn't the most twisted element of whatever that is.
StMike is a deviant when it comes to integrity.

When he writes, "What she's trying to do is discuss Bill Cosby as a sexual deviant as if that were a foregone conclusion," when, in fact, there is plenty of evidence to suggest Mr Cosby has a big problem, AND when StMike tries to do the same thing to LGBT when he does not have the evidence.

StMike, like Where r my Keys and Sil, lacks integrity.
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You are quite smug, aren't you. If you believe there is a connection between homosexuality, ,beastialality, pedophilia, necrophilia and assorted sexual (dysphorias)...

They're sexual abnormalities... that's the connection. They all share the connection that their reasoning is a perverse variant of human reasoning.

Would you go so far as to say Bill Cosby shares a link in that connection?

LOL! What?

Ibhuh, dunbah knowbah whatbuh you be talkin the fuck aboutbuh.

Can you clairify?

Twenty-six plus women have accused Cosby of drugging them and raping them; the oldest being 71 years-old. Would you consider him to be a sexual deviant? And why is someone of your righteous status talking trash? Remember, you have a ticket on the first bus to Heaven.

26 accusations are still just accusations. Not proof. You don't get to cite Bill Cosby as an example of sexual deviancy based on accusations. That doesn't fly here.

Mr Cosby is guilty of being in possession of a heterosexual penis - that makes him guilty by default - its a sticky wicket for the lefties because he is also a minority- which generally trumps the penis factor - but paper scissors rock - lets see what happens. .....
I read it. It was meaningless. Racists always claim to have a black best friend. If you wish to deny gays and lesbians equal access to civil marriage, you're an anti gay bigot regardless of your motivation.
He can't do it because he's guilty.
So what makes him guilty - his penis or your vegina ??

Good question. Feminist women can't think outside their vagina, I've found that to be true.
They're sexual abnormalities... that's the connection. They all share the connection that their reasoning is a perverse variant of human reasoning.

Would you go so far as to say Bill Cosby shares a link in that connection?

What does Bill Cosby have to do with this discussion?

According to Tina Fey, he put de pills into de peoples, and de peoples didn't want them.

So you're grafting Bill Cosby into the conversation based on that? An accusation is a foregone conclusion for you? That's not even remotely a standard of proof needed for intelligent conversation. You just outed yourself as an idiot.

When twenty-six women come forward to tell their stories about an American icon without seeking monetary damages, I for one, believe them.. When a 90 year-old man, who worked for NBC during the Cosby Show as Cosby's facilities manager, says Cosby had everybody fooled because he was in charge of arranging payments to the women Cosby had affairs with, I believe him.
I'm including Cosby into the conversation because I believe him to be a sexual pervert; someone who has hurt many, many women.
Why doesn't Cosby face the accusers, look them in face, and deny the charges instead of hiding behind high-priced lawyers?

Okay - so I'm following this thread with a reverse flow - good to see that you put some thought and facts into your logic other than the usual lefty feminist bullshit of presumption of guilt against all males ....
I actually think it's possible for 26 women to go after the same man, telling the same lie and for the same reason. Money. Look how many women told their children to say Michael Jackson molested them. Because women are not as economically able to care for themselves, they are the majority of plaintiffs in frivolous lawsuits. The woman who "found" a finger in a bowl of Wendy's chili is a good example. I'm surprised that it isn't 50 women trying to stake their claim in the Cosby estate. All they have to do is make a consenting interaction with him a "rape" and then cash in..

The problem they have is that the statute of limitations has expired. So enters Gloria Allred to demand that Cosby do the "right thing", attempting to shame him into throwing money at the problem like Michael Jackson did. All of this will die down when the gold diggers find out they can't get anyone except the far Left jackals to believe their bullshit story and their transparent grab for personal enrichment.
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You are quite smug, aren't you. If you believe there is a connection between homosexuality, ,beastialality, pedophilia, necrophilia and assorted sexual (dysphorias)...

They're sexual abnormalities... that's the connection. They all share the connection that their reasoning is a perverse variant of human reasoning.

Would you go so far as to say Bill Cosby shares a link in that connection?

LOL! What?

Ibhuh, dunbah knowbah whatbuh you be talkin the fuck aboutbuh.

Can you clairify?

Twenty-six plus women have accused Cosby of drugging them and raping them; the oldest being 71 years-old. Would you consider him to be a sexual deviant? And why is someone of your righteous status talking trash? Remember, you have a ticket on the first bus to Heaven.

why did they wait 40 years? Do you know what the word "accuse" means? This is a polical attack because Cosby left the ghetto and told the truth about the black ghetto culture.
I hate bullies, so stop bullying me. As I've mentioned, if Cosby is an innocent little lamb, then he should stand before his accusers, look them in the eye, and call them liars. He can't do it because he's guilty.

Cosby doesn't have to defend himself, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is doing that for him.

No way 30+ older women, many of them now married and/or with adult children, are going to come forward and claim 'rape' with the stigma that accusation places on them personally.

Do I think it happens once in a while between one woman crying rape to try to shake down one man? Usually for money?

No. I think it happens A LOT.

But not here. Cosby is a rapist and the DISGUSTING FILTH is going to protect him until they can't anymore. If that day ever comes.

He's one of them. And we all know how scumbags stick together. The entire leftist movement sticks together like thieves because...... Well, that's what they are.

Wake up dude, they smell money. Thats all this is about, shaking down a rich black guy who spoke out against the black ghetto culture.
Redfish and stmike talk like typical far right brainiacs a form of incurable dementia.
Redfish and stmike talk like typical far right brainiacs a form of incurable dementia.

No, Jake. That would be you. We talk from facts, biology, common sense, and logical thinking.

Anyone who believes that homosexuality is a normal human condition is clearly demented.
Cosby doesn't have to defend himself, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is doing that for him.
Right...by being a willing conduit for these accusations to be brought to light? Why don't they suppress it like they did Fast and Furious? Oh yeah, they're really defending somebody who tells blacks to stop listening to liberals and start taking responsibility for themselves.
No way 30+ older women, many of them now married and/or with adult children, are going to come forward and claim 'rape' with the stigma that accusation places on them personally.

They will if there's enough money.
Do I think it happens once in a while between one woman crying rape to try to shake down one man? Usually for money?

No. I think it happens A LOT.

But not here. Cosby is a rapist and the DISGUSTING FILTH is going to protect him until they can't anymore. If that day ever comes.

He's one of them. And we all know how scumbags stick together. The entire leftist movement sticks together like thieves because...... Well, that's what they are.

So you admit that women often have a motive to cry rape for money but you're sure that this isn't the case with Cosby....based on what? And the fact that all these women are saying the same thing is unremarkable unless they revealed it separately and unaware of the others' accusations. Each accusation was all over the news, and any women who also had sex with Cosby already had the way paved for them to add their own claim. Of course the details are the same.

Each of these women coming forward with "details" about being raped by Cosby have those ahead of them to copy from, so their credibility is shot. The first woman originated the lie, the rest of them just repeated it. Nothing remarkable there.
So you're grafting Bill Cosby into the conversation based on that? An accusation is a foregone conclusion for you? That's not even remotely a standard of proof needed for intelligent conversation. You just outed yourself as an idiot.

When twenty-six women come forward to tell their stories about an American icon without seeking monetary damages, I for one, believe them.. When a 90 year-old man, who worked for NBC during the Cosby Show as Cosby's facilities manager, says Cosby had everybody fooled because he was in charge of arranging payments to the women Cosby had affairs with, I believe him.
I'm including Cosby into the conversation because I believe him to be a sexual pervert; someone who has hurt many, many women.
Why doesn't Cosby face the accusers, look them in face, and deny the charges instead of hiding behind high-priced lawyers?

You believing them is not proof. Bill Cosby is not an example of sexual deviancy based on accusations. You really suck at intellectual conversation don't you? We discuss facts, not accusations and rumors. You're too stupid to see the futility in your strategy so I have to point it out to you.

Well, I feel I should interject here... we discuss rumors and accusations, all the time. We just usually do so because the intellectually less fortunate present them as fact.

I'm impressed that you stood up and confessed that you are among the intellectually less fortunate. Bravo!

Well... that's the best you could've done. And you should be comforted through the knowledge that no one here expects any more from ya.

Deflection: Yields to the standing point; default concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

How is it possible for someone of your dimwitted level to expect anything above your pay grade?
When twenty-six women come forward to tell their stories about an American icon without seeking monetary damages, I for one, believe them.. When a 90 year-old man, who worked for NBC during the Cosby Show as Cosby's facilities manager, says Cosby had everybody fooled because he was in charge of arranging payments to the women Cosby had affairs with, I believe him.
I'm including Cosby into the conversation because I believe him to be a sexual pervert; someone who has hurt many, many women.
Why doesn't Cosby face the accusers, look them in face, and deny the charges instead of hiding behind high-priced lawyers?

You believing them is not proof. Bill Cosby is not an example of sexual deviancy based on accusations. You really suck at intellectual conversation don't you? We discuss facts, not accusations and rumors. You're too stupid to see the futility in your strategy so I have to point it out to you.

Well, I feel I should interject here... we discuss rumors and accusations, all the time. We just usually do so because the intellectually less fortunate present them as fact.

I'm impressed that you stood up and confessed that you are among the intellectually less fortunate. Bravo!

Well... that's the best you could've done. And you should be comforted through the knowledge that no one here expects any more from ya.

Deflection: Yields to the standing point; default concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

How is it possible for someone of your dimwitted level to expect anything above your pay grade?

This coming from somebody who thinks accusations can be submitted as facts during a debate. You take stupid to championship level.
I actually think it's possible for 26 women to go after the same man, telling the same lie and for the same reason. Money. Look how many women told their children to say Michael Jackson molested them. Because women are not as economically able to care for themselves, they are the majority of plaintiffs in frivolous lawsuits. The woman who "found" a finger in a bowl of Wendy's chili is a good example. I'm surprised that it isn't 50 women trying to stake their claim in the Cosby estate. All they have to do is make a consenting interaction with him a "rape" and then cash in..

The problem they have is that the statute of limitations has expired. So enters Gloria Allred to demand that Cosby do the "right thing", attempting to shame him into throwing money at the problem like Michael Jackson did. All of this will die down when the gold diggers find out they can't get anyone except the far Left jackals to believe their bullshit story and their transparent grab for personal enrichment.

Thankfully, most people are intelligent and don't predicate their decisions on a woman who found a finger in a bowl. The only woman who received money from a lawsuit regarding Cosby's sexual abuse of her was Andrea Constand. Why do you think he gave her money? Maybe she found his finger in her ....
I hate bullies, so stop bullying me. As I've mentioned, if Cosby is an innocent little lamb, then he should stand before his accusers, look them in the eye, and call them liars. He can't do it because he's guilty.

Cosby doesn't have to defend himself, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is doing that for him.

No way 30+ older women, many of them now married and/or with adult children, are going to come forward and claim 'rape' with the stigma that accusation places on them personally.

Do I think it happens once in a while between one woman crying rape to try to shake down one man? Usually for money?

No. I think it happens A LOT.

But not here. Cosby is a rapist and the DISGUSTING FILTH is going to protect him until they can't anymore. If that day ever comes.

He's one of them. And we all know how scumbags stick together. The entire leftist movement sticks together like thieves because...... Well, that's what they are.

Wake up dude, they smell money. Thats all this is about, shaking down a rich black guy who spoke out against the black ghetto culture.

Why is the 90 year-old man coming forth? For the money and fame?
How is it possible for someone of your dimwitted level to expect anything above your pay grade?

OH! ... Hmmm ... nope... I have no idea what you were gropin' for in that mess.

Take another stab at it and this time... maybe look up 'cogency' and set that as your goal.
You believing them is not proof. Bill Cosby is not an example of sexual deviancy based on accusations. You really suck at intellectual conversation don't you? We discuss facts, not accusations and rumors. You're too stupid to see the futility in your strategy so I have to point it out to you.

Well, I feel I should interject here... we discuss rumors and accusations, all the time. We just usually do so because the intellectually less fortunate present them as fact.

I'm impressed that you stood up and confessed that you are among the intellectually less fortunate. Bravo!

Well... that's the best you could've done. And you should be comforted through the knowledge that no one here expects any more from ya.

Deflection: Yields to the standing point; default concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

How is it possible for someone of your dimwitted level to expect anything above your pay grade?

OH! ... Hmmm ... nope... I have no idea what you were gropin' for in that mess.

Take another stab at it and this time... maybe look up 'cogency' and set that as your goal.

I really don't know how stabbing you again would allow you to get the point since you have the intellectual capacity of a chicken. OMG, I just insulted a chicken.

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