The Horror of Becks vision


Jul 14, 2009
So the uproar of Becks expose on Soros boils down to this.

1 .According 2 G Soros he is going to bring stability to the world by economically realigning the world currencies to be suit his vision of justice.

2.Beck warns that if he is successful the economic hardships on the civilian population may case civil unrest and may do harm to the government and the consitution .

3.To help ameliorate that posiable hardship people should prepare to rescue those who are cuaght unprepared for the economic hardships that may come as a result of 1.

What a horrible vision and message.
George Soros main goal is to eradicate American dominance and replace it with a Euro/Canadian/American dominance.
And...he is simple-minded enough to believe it is possible without world-wide war.
George Soros main goal is to eradicate American dominance and replace it with a Euro/Canadian/American dominance.
And...he is simple-minded enough to believe it is possible without world-wide war.

Becks concern is not with soros but with the American people .
His creating life boats campaign.
So the uproar of Becks expose on Soros boils down to this.

1 .According 2 G Soros he is going to bring stability to the world by economically realigning the world currencies to be suit his vision of justice.

2.Beck warns that if he is successful the economic hardships on the civilian population may case civil unrest and may do harm to the government and the consitution .

3.To help ameliorate that posiable hardship people should prepare to rescue those who are cuaght unprepared for the economic hardships that may come as a result of 1.

What a horrible vision and message.

More on the manipulator who is trying to devalue our dollar:

"Messianic Fantasies:”

“It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” (The Independent, June 3, 1993)

“I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance –to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes or, even better, a scientist like Einstein,” (The Alchemy of Finance, George Soros)

According to friend Byron Wien (now with the Blackstone Group), “You must understand he thinks he’s been anointed by God to solve insoluble problems. The proof is that he has been so successful at making so much. He therefore thinks he has a responsibility to give money away,” (Time Magazine, Sept 1, 1997)

“If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin. But when I made my way in the world I wanted to indulge myself in my fantasies to the extent that I could afford.”

Read the Updated Beck TV Background Guide to George Soros | The Blaze
So the uproar of Becks expose on Soros boils down to this.

1 .According 2 G Soros he is going to bring stability to the world by economically realigning the world currencies to be suit his vision of justice.

2.Beck warns that if he is successful the economic hardships on the civilian population may cause civil unrest and may do harm to the government and the constitution.

3.To help ameliorate that possible hardship people should prepare to rescue those who are caught unprepared for the economic hardships that may come as a result of 1.

What a horrible vision and message.

Nice summary, MF
Much appreciated
And I know you mean that both ways; mockingly for those who think Beck has a horrible vision and message, and yes, Soros has a horrible vision (and obscure) message for America.
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How MANY lies in Beck's story will you accept before you realize his WHOLE story is a fabrication?

J.J. Goldberg, a columnist and former editor in chief of The Forward, America’s leading Jewish newspaper described the show as “as close as I’ve heard on mainstream television to fascism.”

In his radio show Wednesday, Beck revived an unfounded claim that Soros, as a child in Hungary, helped ship Jews to death camps.

“And George Soros used to go around with this anti-Semite and deliver papers to the Jews and confiscate their property and then ship them off,” Beck said. “And George Soros was part of it. He would help confiscate the stuff. It was frightening. Here’s a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps. And I am certainly not saying that George Soros enjoyed that, even had a choice. I mean, he’s 14 years old. He was surviving. So I’m not making a judgment. That’s between him and God. As a 14-year-old boy, I don’t know what you would do.”

In fact, Soros, then 13 and living under the protection of a non-Jewish Hungarian, on one occasion joined the older man when he was ordered by Nazis to inventory the estate of a Hungarian Jew who had fled. On another occasion, the local Jewish council had ordered Soros to deliver letters to local lawyers; Soros’ father, Tivadar, realized the letters were to Jewish lawyers, and meant to expedite their deportation. He told George to warn the targets to flee, and ended George’s work with the council.

Read more: Beck Attacks Soros, Jewish Leaders Outraged

“Glenn Beck’s description of George Soros’ actions during the Holocaust is completely inappropriate, offensive and over the top,” said Foxman. “For a political commentator or entertainer to have the audacity to say—inaccurately—that there’s a Jewish boy sending Jews to death camps, as part of a broader assault on Mr. Soros, that’s horrific… To hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man is repugnant.”

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League national director and a Holocaust survivor
How MANY lies in Beck's story will you accept before you realize his WHOLE story is a fabrication?

J.J. Goldberg, a columnist and former editor in chief of The Forward, America’s leading Jewish newspaper described the show as “as close as I’ve heard on mainstream television to fascism.”

In his radio show Wednesday, Beck revived an unfounded claim that Soros, as a child in Hungary, helped ship Jews to death camps.

“And George Soros used to go around with this anti-Semite and deliver papers to the Jews and confiscate their property and then ship them off,” Beck said. “And George Soros was part of it. He would help confiscate the stuff. It was frightening. Here’s a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps. And I am certainly not saying that George Soros enjoyed that, even had a choice. I mean, he’s 14 years old. He was surviving. So I’m not making a judgment. That’s between him and God. As a 14-year-old boy, I don’t know what you would do.”

In fact, Soros, then 13 and living under the protection of a non-Jewish Hungarian, on one occasion joined the older man when he was ordered by Nazis to inventory the estate of a Hungarian Jew who had fled. On another occasion, the local Jewish council had ordered Soros to deliver letters to local lawyers; Soros’ father, Tivadar, realized the letters were to Jewish lawyers, and meant to expedite their deportation. He told George to warn the targets to flee, and ended George’s work with the council.

Read more: Beck Attacks Soros, Jewish Leaders Outraged

“Glenn Beck’s description of George Soros’ actions during the Holocaust is completely inappropriate, offensive and over the top,” said Foxman. “For a political commentator or entertainer to have the audacity to say—inaccurately—that there’s a Jewish boy sending Jews to death camps, as part of a broader assault on Mr. Soros, that’s horrific… To hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man is repugnant.”

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League national director and a Holocaust survivor

You'll forgive me if I prefer to believe Soros' own words about his past. What Beck said was accurate. And Soros maintains he feels no guilt regarding that period of his life. As I have said, I don't believe we should focus on this episode in his life. His adult behavior is far more relevant - and equally as reprehensible.

What does not surprise me in the least is how very desperate the left are to focus on this issue. The reason for that, one can surmise, is that they seek to deflect attention away from the real issues and focus on the nonsense.

It will not work.
George Soros is a Zionist Jew.

This is what they do.

And have always done.

Control, dominate, then destroy. :evil:

He was born George Schwartz.

Born in Hungary in 1930, Mr. Soros began life as George Schwartz. His father, Tivadar, was from humble origins; his mother, Erzebet, from money. Both were Jews, but nonobservant (she eventually converted to Catholicism). Once married, Tivadar had to work just two hours a day managing some of his wife’s family property, which provided a handsome living for them and their two sons, Paul and George. At some point during the boys’ childhood, the parents decided to change the family name and chose the Hungarian-sounding but in fact obscure Soros. It means “soar” (in the future tense) in Esperanto, the made-up trans-European language promoted by those who dreamed of a world free of nationality. Tivadar was among its leading proponents. (Source: The Mind of George Soros; Meet the Esperanto enthusiast who wants to save the world from President Bush, 2 March 2004, The Wall Street Journal)

Before the end of the war, however, Soros’ upper-middle-class world had inverted. The family posed as Christians and separated to hide from the Germans. They changed their name from Schwartz (considered too Jewish-sounding) to Soros (more reflective of the family’s Hungarian roots and because his father liked the palindrome). (The elusive billionaire: An author tries valiantly to capture the essence of philanthropist George Soros, Vancouver Sun, 20 April 2002)

Read the Updated Beck TV Background Guide to George Soros | The Blaze
How MANY lies in Beck's story will you accept before you realize his WHOLE story is a fabrication?

J.J. Goldberg, a columnist and former editor in chief of The Forward, America’s leading Jewish newspaper described the show as “as close as I’ve heard on mainstream television to fascism.”

In his radio show Wednesday, Beck revived an unfounded claim that Soros, as a child in Hungary, helped ship Jews to death camps.

“And George Soros used to go around with this anti-Semite and deliver papers to the Jews and confiscate their property and then ship them off,” Beck said. “And George Soros was part of it. He would help confiscate the stuff. It was frightening. Here’s a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps. And I am certainly not saying that George Soros enjoyed that, even had a choice. I mean, he’s 14 years old. He was surviving. So I’m not making a judgment. That’s between him and God. As a 14-year-old boy, I don’t know what you would do.”

In fact, Soros, then 13 and living under the protection of a non-Jewish Hungarian, on one occasion joined the older man when he was ordered by Nazis to inventory the estate of a Hungarian Jew who had fled. On another occasion, the local Jewish council had ordered Soros to deliver letters to local lawyers; Soros’ father, Tivadar, realized the letters were to Jewish lawyers, and meant to expedite their deportation. He told George to warn the targets to flee, and ended George’s work with the council.

Read more: Beck Attacks Soros, Jewish Leaders Outraged

“Glenn Beck’s description of George Soros’ actions during the Holocaust is completely inappropriate, offensive and over the top,” said Foxman. “For a political commentator or entertainer to have the audacity to say—inaccurately—that there’s a Jewish boy sending Jews to death camps, as part of a broader assault on Mr. Soros, that’s horrific… To hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man is repugnant.”

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League national director and a Holocaust survivor

You'll forgive me if I prefer to believe Soros' own words about his past. What Beck said was accurate. And Soros maintains he feels no guilt regarding that period of his life. As I have said, I don't believe we should focus on this episode in his life. His adult behavior is far more relevant - and equally as reprehensible.

What does not surprise me in the least is how very desperate the left are to focus on this issue. The reason for that, one can surmise, is that they seek to deflect attention away from the real issues and focus on the nonsense.

It will not work.

Cali girl. Beck LIED about what Soros did as a youth during the Holocaust. How MANY lies are acceptable to you Cali girl...1, 2, 3, what's your limit?

Beck: [When he was] 14 years old, he had to help the government confiscate the land of his fellow Jewish friends and neighbors.

That's not what happened at all. He didn't help confiscate people's land. He didn't actively participate in betraying his Jewish neighbors or friends. The implications are horrible. But what Beck did next is much worse. He twisted the story further until he came out with this inexcusable lie on his radio show:

Beck: Here's a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps.

“No one who truly understands ‘the sensitivity and sacred nature’ of the Holocaust would deliberately and grotesquely mischaracterize the experience of a 13 year old Jew in Nazi-occupied Hungary whose father hid him with a non-Jewish family to keep him alive,” Greer said. “Many other Jews survived the attempted extermination of the Jewish people by changing their identities and hiding with Righteous Gentiles. With today’s falsehoods, Beck has engaged in a form of Holocaust revisionism.”

Simon Greer, the director of Jewish Funds for Justice
How MANY lies in Beck's story will you accept before you realize his WHOLE story is a fabrication?

J.J. Goldberg, a columnist and former editor in chief of The Forward, America’s leading Jewish newspaper described the show as “as close as I’ve heard on mainstream television to fascism.”

In his radio show Wednesday, Beck revived an unfounded claim that Soros, as a child in Hungary, helped ship Jews to death camps.

“And George Soros used to go around with this anti-Semite and deliver papers to the Jews and confiscate their property and then ship them off,” Beck said. “And George Soros was part of it. He would help confiscate the stuff. It was frightening. Here’s a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps. And I am certainly not saying that George Soros enjoyed that, even had a choice. I mean, he’s 14 years old. He was surviving. So I’m not making a judgment. That’s between him and God. As a 14-year-old boy, I don’t know what you would do.”

In fact, Soros, then 13 and living under the protection of a non-Jewish Hungarian, on one occasion joined the older man when he was ordered by Nazis to inventory the estate of a Hungarian Jew who had fled. On another occasion, the local Jewish council had ordered Soros to deliver letters to local lawyers; Soros’ father, Tivadar, realized the letters were to Jewish lawyers, and meant to expedite their deportation. He told George to warn the targets to flee, and ended George’s work with the council.

Read more: Beck Attacks Soros, Jewish Leaders Outraged

“Glenn Beck’s description of George Soros’ actions during the Holocaust is completely inappropriate, offensive and over the top,” said Foxman. “For a political commentator or entertainer to have the audacity to say—inaccurately—that there’s a Jewish boy sending Jews to death camps, as part of a broader assault on Mr. Soros, that’s horrific… To hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man is repugnant.”

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League national director and a Holocaust survivor

You'll forgive me if I prefer to believe Soros' own words about his past. What Beck said was accurate. And Soros maintains he feels no guilt regarding that period of his life. As I have said, I don't believe we should focus on this episode in his life. His adult behavior is far more relevant - and equally as reprehensible.

What does not surprise me in the least is how very desperate the left are to focus on this issue. The reason for that, one can surmise, is that they seek to deflect attention away from the real issues and focus on the nonsense.

It will not work.

Cali girl. Beck LIED about what Soros did as a youth during the Holocaust. How MANY lies are acceptable to you Cali girl...1, 2, 3, what's your limit?

Beck: [When he was] 14 years old, he had to help the government confiscate the land of his fellow Jewish friends and neighbors.

That's not what happened at all. He didn't help confiscate people's land. He didn't actively participate in betraying his Jewish neighbors or friends. The implications are horrible. But what Beck did next is much worse. He twisted the story further until he came out with this inexcusable lie on his radio show:

Beck: Here's a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps.

“No one who truly understands ‘the sensitivity and sacred nature’ of the Holocaust would deliberately and grotesquely mischaracterize the experience of a 13 year old Jew in Nazi-occupied Hungary whose father hid him with a non-Jewish family to keep him alive,” Greer said. “Many other Jews survived the attempted extermination of the Jewish people by changing their identities and hiding with Righteous Gentiles. With today’s falsehoods, Beck has engaged in a form of Holocaust revisionism.”

Simon Greer, the director of Jewish Funds for Justice

Honey, I know exactly what Soros did as a 13 year old. I read it in his own fucking biography.

I had said, time and again, I'm not overly interested in his childhood. I can understand why the left are. They would prefer to focus on shit that makes no difference rather than on the really, really, REALLY important stuff. Because that stuff is indefensible. Those of us who have taken the time to research Soros KNOW who he is, we KNOW what he wants. You may find the destruction of our way of life acceptable but we do NOT. You go ahead and whine about shit that does not matter. We will not be distracted from the facts. The fact is that Soros would sacrifice our country for his goal.

If you would sacrifice our way of life, our Constitution, our country for your pie in the sky utopia, that's fine.... have the courage to say so.
You'll forgive me if I prefer to believe Soros' own words about his past. What Beck said was accurate. And Soros maintains he feels no guilt regarding that period of his life. As I have said, I don't believe we should focus on this episode in his life. His adult behavior is far more relevant - and equally as reprehensible.

What does not surprise me in the least is how very desperate the left are to focus on this issue. The reason for that, one can surmise, is that they seek to deflect attention away from the real issues and focus on the nonsense.

It will not work.

Cali girl. Beck LIED about what Soros did as a youth during the Holocaust. How MANY lies are acceptable to you Cali girl...1, 2, 3, what's your limit?

Beck: [When he was] 14 years old, he had to help the government confiscate the land of his fellow Jewish friends and neighbors.

That's not what happened at all. He didn't help confiscate people's land. He didn't actively participate in betraying his Jewish neighbors or friends. The implications are horrible. But what Beck did next is much worse. He twisted the story further until he came out with this inexcusable lie on his radio show:

Beck: Here's a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps.

“No one who truly understands ‘the sensitivity and sacred nature’ of the Holocaust would deliberately and grotesquely mischaracterize the experience of a 13 year old Jew in Nazi-occupied Hungary whose father hid him with a non-Jewish family to keep him alive,” Greer said. “Many other Jews survived the attempted extermination of the Jewish people by changing their identities and hiding with Righteous Gentiles. With today’s falsehoods, Beck has engaged in a form of Holocaust revisionism.”

Simon Greer, the director of Jewish Funds for Justice

Honey, I know exactly what Soros did as a 13 year old. I read it in his own fucking biography.

I had said, time and again, I'm not overly interested in his childhood. I can understand why the left are. They would prefer to focus on shit that makes no difference rather than on the really, really, REALLY important stuff. Because that stuff is indefensible. Those of us who have taken the time to research Soros KNOW who he is, we KNOW what he wants. You may find the destruction of our way of life acceptable but we do NOT. You go ahead and whine about shit that does not matter. We will not be distracted from the facts. The fact is that Soros would sacrifice our country for his goal.

If you would sacrifice our way of life, our Constitution, our country for your pie in the sky utopia, that's fine.... have the courage to say so.

Well sweetie, Beck NEEDS to malign Soros' as a youth, because it serves as the foundation of what follows, his overall straw man. And you claim to understand constructing a story.

Wasn't there some conservative icon who was praised for helping bring down a communist, authoritarian government? Ron... Ronald me here Cali girl...

Well George Soros helped bring down communist, authoritarian government(S) plural.
Cali girl. Beck LIED about what Soros did as a youth during the Holocaust. How MANY lies are acceptable to you Cali girl...1, 2, 3, what's your limit?

Beck: [When he was] 14 years old, he had to help the government confiscate the land of his fellow Jewish friends and neighbors.

That's not what happened at all. He didn't help confiscate people's land. He didn't actively participate in betraying his Jewish neighbors or friends. The implications are horrible. But what Beck did next is much worse. He twisted the story further until he came out with this inexcusable lie on his radio show:

Beck: Here's a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps.

“No one who truly understands ‘the sensitivity and sacred nature’ of the Holocaust would deliberately and grotesquely mischaracterize the experience of a 13 year old Jew in Nazi-occupied Hungary whose father hid him with a non-Jewish family to keep him alive,” Greer said. “Many other Jews survived the attempted extermination of the Jewish people by changing their identities and hiding with Righteous Gentiles. With today’s falsehoods, Beck has engaged in a form of Holocaust revisionism.”

Simon Greer, the director of Jewish Funds for Justice

Honey, I know exactly what Soros did as a 13 year old. I read it in his own fucking biography.

I had said, time and again, I'm not overly interested in his childhood. I can understand why the left are. They would prefer to focus on shit that makes no difference rather than on the really, really, REALLY important stuff. Because that stuff is indefensible. Those of us who have taken the time to research Soros KNOW who he is, we KNOW what he wants. You may find the destruction of our way of life acceptable but we do NOT. You go ahead and whine about shit that does not matter. We will not be distracted from the facts. The fact is that Soros would sacrifice our country for his goal.

If you would sacrifice our way of life, our Constitution, our country for your pie in the sky utopia, that's fine.... have the courage to say so.

Well sweetie, Beck NEEDS to malign Soros' as a youth, because it serves as the foundation of what follows, his overall straw man. And you claim to understand constructing a story.

Wasn't there some conservative icon who was praised for helping bring down a communist, authoritarian government? Ron... Ronald me here Cali girl...

Well George Soros helped bring down communist, authoritarian government(S) plural.

The man wants to shred the Constitution. You may find that acceptable in your pursuit of your utopia, I do not. Simple. I am not interested in strawmen or whining.
Honey, I know exactly what Soros did as a 13 year old. I read it in his own fucking biography.

I had said, time and again, I'm not overly interested in his childhood. I can understand why the left are. They would prefer to focus on shit that makes no difference rather than on the really, really, REALLY important stuff. Because that stuff is indefensible. Those of us who have taken the time to research Soros KNOW who he is, we KNOW what he wants. You may find the destruction of our way of life acceptable but we do NOT. You go ahead and whine about shit that does not matter. We will not be distracted from the facts. The fact is that Soros would sacrifice our country for his goal.

If you would sacrifice our way of life, our Constitution, our country for your pie in the sky utopia, that's fine.... have the courage to say so.

Well sweetie, Beck NEEDS to malign Soros' as a youth, because it serves as the foundation of what follows, his overall straw man. And you claim to understand constructing a story.

Wasn't there some conservative icon who was praised for helping bring down a communist, authoritarian government? Ron... Ronald me here Cali girl...

Well George Soros helped bring down communist, authoritarian government(S) plural.

The man wants to shred the Constitution. You may find that acceptable in your pursuit of your utopia, I do not. Simple. I am not interested in strawmen or whining.

Well sweetie pie, defamation without concrete and adequate proof is not an argument, it is an outburst of emotion, and casting aspersion with malice.
Well sweetie, Beck NEEDS to malign Soros' as a youth, because it serves as the foundation of what follows, his overall straw man. And you claim to understand constructing a story.

Wasn't there some conservative icon who was praised for helping bring down a communist, authoritarian government? Ron... Ronald me here Cali girl...

Well George Soros helped bring down communist, authoritarian government(S) plural.

The man wants to shred the Constitution. You may find that acceptable in your pursuit of your utopia, I do not. Simple. I am not interested in strawmen or whining.

Well sweetie pie, defamation without concrete and adequate proof is not an argument, it is an outburst of emotion, and casting aspersion with malice.

The proof is in Soros' own words. I take it you - along with most of the left who defend him - haven't actually bothered to read his books. I would suggest you start with 'The Age of Fallibility" and "The Bubble of American Supremacy". Then come back and defend him.

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