Amidst Calls For The Genocide Of All White South African Farmers: Russia To Make Room For 3000 Families!

There are few things these Marxist would love more than to see the destruction and annihilation of white culture on a Global scale. (Although I see they're exercising "cultural appropriation" by wearing traditionally white clothing).
Funny how none of the folks you didn't open your mouth when apartheid was taking place, now that white folks are on the other side of the coin you come running.
That's actually factual. There were no black tribes living in South Africa when the Boers arrived. So nobody was displaced and nobody can accuse them of “stealing the land.” The last time the Boers had a war with the Zulus, the Boers won, and they were sorely outnumbered (if my memory of history is correct). But in this case, I don't know if they have the bodies and the weaponry to overcome a government that is backed by the rest of the world.

I tend to think they're better off finding safe ground in a white nation. When South Africa crumbles as a result of their departure, maybe they could return at some later date??
There were always people in South Africa you lying russian slag. Do some fucking research.
I would rather be dead, than in Putin's Russia.

LOL, sure you would...

So? While I respect almost anyone who historically took shots at the British Army, they have nothing to do with us, by treaty, trade or culture. They can go back to Holland where they came from.
They are not friendly to farmers either.....You need to keep up. ;)
Take up arms and go join them in the fight.....take back South Africa from the savages and bring back the Boers!!


Just post 27263 more posts about white genocide to make you feel better about your erectile dysfunction
Take up arms and go join them in the fight.....take back South Africa from the savages and bring back the Boers!!


Just post 27263 more posts about white genocide to make you feel better about your erectile dysfunction

^^^This guy thinks about dick A LOT.

Funny how none of the folks you didn't open your mouth when apartheid was taking place, now that white folks are on the other side of the coin you come running.
People did. Just it was not a Prog agenda then. Poverty is spreading in that nation. There are different views on farming and agriculture from the different races. And that is not funny. Hunger is not a good thing.
There were always people in South Africa you lying russian slag. Do some fucking research.
I should have been more clear for a dumb fuck like yourself. The area settled by the Boers didn't require the displacement of any indigenous dirt people. In fact, most of the blacks that ended up in that region had been imported from eastern Africa. There were some conflicts with the Hottentots who resided nearby, but they were not displaced. Sometimes I feel like I'm speaking with preschoolers.
People did. Just it was not a Prog agenda then. Poverty is spreading in that nation. There are different views on farming and agriculture from the different races. And that is not funny. Hunger is not a good thing.
Who was pushing it, if it wasn't a Prog agenda? People in Africa have realized that you bamboozled them, like every other group of folks on the planet.
Who was pushing it, if it wasn't a Prog agenda? People in Africa have realized that you bamboozled them, like every other group of folks on the planet.
When one group of people bring with them abundance (food, riches, modern amenities, etc.) everyone benefits.
Who was pushing it, if it wasn't a Prog agenda? People in Africa have realized that you bamboozled them, like every other group of folks on the planet.
White Progs who promote what you do, almost to a person still live with all of the comforts provided by their own race. Their own race that you say took advantage of others throughout the world. So, I say to you, the Progs that occupy every part of our nation must by their own choice reduce their standard of living even if y a huge degree to prove their beliefs. They do not. They are frauds. You notice rich Prog areas eliminating any of the rift raft they love and have been wronged from the massive hate from sprouting roots in their protected environs. Marthas Vineyard as an example of one privileged Prog dominated environ must have low-income housing built in massive quantities and have wind farm energy built on the ocean close to them. And you know it. The revolution is built on proof of those promoting it living the grunge also. And that is not happening.
Well Russia sees the value of white workers and farmers. It will help them in the end.

Like it or lump it, white people make the world go around. Well, whites and Asians pretty much built our modern day world. Without them we wouldn't have as an advanced world as we have right now.

Not saying all whites and Asians are great because there are a lot of shitty ones. But almost all of man's advances and achievements are because of whites and Asians.
You can't call an entire people "trash." There are good and bad in all peoples. But you are completely missing the point of the thread. Putin and the Russian government are going to help South African farmers avoid complete genocide. Is that a "trashy" thing to do, or can you cut through your hatred enough to admit that it's a humanitarian thing to do?
You miss the point. It's good to kill off the white farmers for being white. White supremacist Russia is saving white people. That makes Russia bad.

It's all in the translation of leftspeak.
Well Russia sees the value of white workers and farmers. It will help them in the end.

Like it or lump it, white people make the world go around. Well, whites and Asians pretty much built our modern day world. Without them we wouldn't have as an advanced world as we have right now.

Not saying all whites and Asians are great because there are a lot of shitty ones. But almost all of man's advances and achievements are because of whites and Asians.
Actually Asians don't achieve anything. Their last invention was gunpowder. They don't achieve. They don't invent. But they can reverse engineer anything.
Awesome news for the white farmers of South Africa. The "mostly peaceful" black leaders of South Africa are starting to call for the complete genocide or annihilation of them who settled the land and who feed the masses. Are we really surprised that the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and others would be willing to "bite the hands that feed them?" No? Me neither. They don't even get to use "slavery" as their excuse. But whatever the case may be, Russia is creating a space for at least 3000 peaceful, families of white South African descent. What a great act of kindness and humanitarianism.

‘A matter of life & death’: 15,000 white South African farmers seek refuge in Russia, report says​

"A delegation of 30 South African farming families has arrived in Russia’s farmbelt Stavropol Region, Rossiya 1 TV reports. The group says it is facing violent attacks and death threats at home.
Up to 15,000 Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising violence stemming from government plans to expropriate their land, according to the delegation."

South African political leader rallies thousands in violent chant calling to kill White citizens and farmers​

"The apartheid government of South Africa may have ended with multiracial elections in 1994, but ethnic tensions have not abated. Instead, the founder of the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema, has continued to grow political favor in his country where he celebrated the 10th anniversary of his party with a call to kill white people.

“Kill the Boer, the farmer,” Malema could be heard chanting on stage to a crowd of thousands gathered at FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, a reference to the white population descended from Dutch settlers."

Now if other mostly white nations would step up to the plate and rescue the rest of the targets of violence and death then all of the good, decent, hard-working farmers and their families might be saved from further torture and violent/bloody deaths. Then the "people" who remain can die of starvation (which is apparently what they crave).

Now that's how you win the hearts and minds of foreigners.

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