Amidst Calls For The Genocide Of All White South African Farmers: Russia To Make Room For 3000 Families!


More lies. Lots of them have already come to the US.
That's right. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message. Let me guess ... you're a Lefty Loon.
Russian swine. I worked for Reagan. Helped bring the wall down. Smiled when those tanks hit Moscow. Guess we just didn't quite finish the job right.
Russian swine. I worked for Reagan. Helped bring the wall down. Smiled when those tanks hit Moscow. Guess we just didn't quite finish the job right.
Regime change since the Reagan days. What you're saying is that you hate modern Germans for what Hitler did or you despise modern Egyptians for taking the Israelites captive.
Regime change since the Reagan days. What you're saying is that you hate modern Germans for what Hitler did or you despise modern Egyptians for taking the Israelites captive.
Russians are still trash. I love that the Educated populace is dying. All the skilled workers are old. TB and STDs plague the young. Russian swine can not replace the dying populace. Soon the lights will go out in Russia. Decades you swine won't be able to maintain the infrastructure. Hell all you are good for now is vodka and whores. A bunch of uneducated authoritarian loving vodka soaked pieces of trash. Putin is nothing but KGB trash. I will dance when he dies. I only wish I were young enough to watch the lights go out in Russia. A few decades from now. A worthless nation in its death throws. Trash like you make me want to come out of retirement and personally shove some knives in the backs of Russian swine. I loved toppling your regime under Reagan. Fondest memories of my life. They keep me warm at night.
Awesome news for the white farmers of South Africa. The "mostly peaceful" black leaders of South Africa are starting to call for the complete genocide or annihilation of them who settled the land and who feed the masses. Are we really surprised that the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and others would be willing to "bite the hands that feed them?" No? Me neither. They don't even get to use "slavery" as their excuse. But whatever the case may be, Russia is creating a space for at least 3000 peaceful, families of white South African descent. What a great act of kindness and humanitarianism.

‘A matter of life & death’: 15,000 white South African farmers seek refuge in Russia, report says​

"A delegation of 30 South African farming families has arrived in Russia’s farmbelt Stavropol Region, Rossiya 1 TV reports. The group says it is facing violent attacks and death threats at home.
Up to 15,000 Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising violence stemming from government plans to expropriate their land, according to the delegation."

South African political leader rallies thousands in violent chant calling to kill White citizens and farmers​

"The apartheid government of South Africa may have ended with multiracial elections in 1994, but ethnic tensions have not abated. Instead, the founder of the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema, has continued to grow political favor in his country where he celebrated the 10th anniversary of his party with a call to kill white people.

“Kill the Boer, the farmer,” Malema could be heard chanting on stage to a crowd of thousands gathered at FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, a reference to the white population descended from Dutch settlers."

Now if other mostly white nations would step up to the plate and rescue the rest of the targets of violence and death then all of the good, decent, hard-working farmers and their families might be saved from further torture and violent/bloody deaths. Then the "people" who remain can die of starvation (which is apparently what they crave).
No leaders are calling for genocide you lying ****.
Russians are still trash. I love that the Educated populace is dying. All the skilled workers are old. TB and STDs plague the young. Russian swine can not replace the dying populace. Soon the lights will go out in Russia. Decades you swine won't be able to maintain the infrastructure. Hell all you are good for now is vodka and whores. A bunch of uneducated authoritarian loving vodka soaked pieces of trash. Putin is nothing but KGB trash. I will dance when he dies. I only wish I were young enough to watch the lights go out in Russia. A few decades from now. A worthless nation in its death throws. Trash like you make me want to come out of retirement and personally shove some knives in the backs of Russian swine. I loved toppling your regime under Reagan. Fondest memories of my life. They keep me warm at night.
You can't call an entire people "trash." There are good and bad in all peoples. But you are completely missing the point of the thread. Putin and the Russian government are going to help South African farmers avoid complete genocide. Is that a "trashy" thing to do, or can you cut through your hatred enough to admit that it's a humanitarian thing to do?
You can't call an entire people "trash." There are good and bad in all peoples. But you are completely missing the point of the thread. Putin and the Russian government are going to help South African farmers avoid complete genocide. Is that a "trashy" thing to do, or can you cut through your hatred enough to admit that it's a humanitarian thing to do?
Lol, accepting a few thousand people woopty shit. Nothing but a publicity stunt. This country was built on accepting the poor, the tired and the hungry until recent propaganda furnished by the Kremlin itself. A bunch of oifiots here accepted it. That is the Republican Party line now a day. They were welcome here. They chose wrong when they chose Russia. Now they are subjects of authitarian swine in a dying country. Oh well plenty of vodka and whores I suppose. Lol, how long till Putin makes them cannon fodder in Ukraine? Lol, the real reason Putin took them in. You should leave that sinking ship. Of course ya can't Putin won't let you.
Lol, accepting a few thousand people woopty shit. Nothing but a publicity stunt. This country was built on accepting the poor, the tired and the hungry until recent propaganda furnished by the Kremlin itself. A bunch of oifiots here accepted it. That is the Republican Party line now a day. They were welcome here. They chose wrong when they chose Russia. Now they are subjects of authitarian swine in a dying country. Oh well plenty of vodka and whores I suppose. Lol, how long till Putin makes them cannon fodder in Ukraine? Lol, the real reason Putin took them in. You should leave that sinking ship. Of course ya can't Putin won't let you.
I see. I'm speaking with another Demwit Libtard unable to produce a coherent thought.
I see. I'm speaking with another Demwit Libtard unable to produce a coherent thought.
Lol, tell me some more retard stories ya fucking Russian swine. You young enough to watch the lights go out in Moscow? Just a few decades you won't have enough people to maintain infrastructure. Let alone educated ones. I can smell the vodka on your breath from here. What's it like living amongst uneducated TB and STD ridden vodka breathed people? Had the most square miles of any country on earth and could not feed your own people. Are you old enough to remember the bread lines? You still Neal to Marx and Stalin? Or you just suck Putins dick? How do your county men feel about having to ask for assistance from the same people that cause your fall after the wall crumbled? Do you feel like the vodka soaked losers that you are?
Lol, tell me some more retard stories ya fucking Russian swine. You young enough to watch the lights go out in Moscow? Just a few decades you won't have enough people to maintain infrastructure. Let alone educated ones. I can smell the vodka on your breath from here. What's it like living amongst uneducated TB and STD ridden vodka breathed people? Had the most square miles of any country on earth and could not feed your own people. Are you old enough to remember the bread lines? You still Neal to Marx and Stalin? Or you just suck Putins dick? How do your county men feel about having to ask for assistance from the same people that cause your fall after the wall crumbled? Do you feel like the vodka soaked losers that you are?
I bet you worship this Ukrainian "hero."

Talk about swine:

I bet you worship this Ukrainian "hero."

Talk about swine:

Lol, poor little Russian swine. So weak, so disorganized you couldn't even take over Ukraine. Lol, we don't need Ukraine to win we just need your young to die. All those men of age to become fathers dying on the lines. Every one that dies brings the lights going out in Moscow closer and closer. All those vodka soaked rapists dying and getting STDs. Lol, bright future in Moskow. Hilarious 😂 The west will continue to support Ukraine and stick it to you Russian swine. In perpetuity. Your propaganda has prevented nothing.
Lol, welcome to the Putin propaganda channel. Home of Russian swine.
I know right.

Russia starts a war and ultimately is mass killing its own population as cannon fodder so in desperation to fill those vacancies tries to recruit people from other countries...and that makes them the good guys somehow.

The good thing is threads like these make it easy to identify the pro Russian traitors.
I know right.

Russia starts a war and ultimately is mass killing its own population as cannon fodder so in desperation to fill those vacancies tries to recruit people from other countries...and that makes them the good guys somehow.

The good thing is threads like these make it easy to identify the pro Russian traitors.
Westerners have been apologizing and making excuses for the Russians for fully 100 years.
I know right.

Russia starts a war and ultimately is mass killing its own population as cannon fodder so in desperation to fill those vacancies tries to recruit people from other countries...and that makes them the good guys somehow.

The good thing is threads like these make it easy to identify the pro Russian traitors.
Lol, they have had no real education system since the 1990s. That is why their propaganda appeals to the uneducated here. They can only see as far as their own noses. No long term planning is possible for them. Luckily we have an educated population. Their success with propaganda here will be short lived. NATO is still filled with educated people. The cream raises to the top here we will root out the insanity and become stronger in the end. We are giant killers. We took down king George, Hitler, and the USSR. We will prevale again against Putin, Z, Un, and the rest of them.
That's friendly country....The Boer ran out of friends in Africa gonna Africa.
So? While I respect almost anyone who historically took shots at the British Army, they have nothing to do with us, by treaty, trade or culture. They can go back to Holland where they came from.
Lol, poor little Russian swine. So weak, so disorganized you couldn't even take over Ukraine. Lol, we don't need Ukraine to win we just need your young to die. All those men of age to become fathers dying on the lines. Every one that dies brings the lights going out in Moscow closer and closer. All those vodka soaked rapists dying and getting STDs. Lol, bright future in Moskow. Hilarious 😂 The west will continue to support Ukraine and stick it to you Russian swine. In perpetuity. Your propaganda has prevented nothing.
Quite literally? Yes ... you're a complete idiot.

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