The Horror- Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session after Conservative Speech

Or we can hope this is just a phase, and when the cold splash of reality hits them when they try to find work, they "wake up".

someone needs to tell them "You are not a special little snowflake, getting your feelings hurt is not an attack, and the world does not give out participation trophies".

When they finally grasp that reality they may just commit suicide and stop wasting our oxygen.

Career tip: There's probably a great future in psychoanalysis for these poor kids.

"Tell me about your feelings".
Just further proof liberals make lousy parents...that is when they actually don't abort the little nuisance
Or we can hope this is just a phase, and when the cold splash of reality hits them when they try to find work, they "wake up".

someone needs to tell them "You are not a special little snowflake, getting your feelings hurt is not an attack, and the world does not give out participation trophies".

When they finally grasp that reality they may just commit suicide and stop wasting our oxygen.

Let's hope :)
I started college in 1998, we would have had a good laugh at these pussies. How the fuck are they going to function in the real world?
These frightened students had just had a violent protest where they vandalized school property and threw fake blood on people. They could not stop the speaker. Now they are traumatized.
LMAO- Talking about tin foil hats. Our Universities and Colleges are a cess pool of wimpy liberals. They attended a speech that so traumatized them, they needed therapy.


Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.
According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit - Breitbart

Don't these Universities have safe spaces to shield them from themselves?
LMAO- Talking about tin foil hats. Our Universities and Colleges are a cess pool of wimpy liberals. They attended a speech that so traumatized them, they needed therapy.


Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.
According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit - Breitbart

One has to hope that most college students are not like this, that we are dealing with a vocal, meek, wussified minority.
Someone mentioned the state of our public education system in another thread.

Are these students forced to hear these speakers?
LMAO- Talking about tin foil hats. Our Universities and Colleges are a cess pool of wimpy liberals. They attended a speech that so traumatized them, they needed therapy.


Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.
According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit - Breitbart

One has to hope that most college students are not like this, that we are dealing with a vocal, meek, wussified minority.
Someone mentioned the state of our public education system in another thread.

Are these students forced to hear these speakers?
They didn't hear the speakers. These students are afraid because the speaker was on campus and someone else heard the speaker.
Oh my. Traumatized after listening to someone talk. What'll they do when they are in the real world and encounter more than just talk?
Again. They will assume a fetal position and stick their thumbs in their mouths.

Make it stop! Please make it stop!

I don't want to be exposed to something I don't want to hear.
I started college in 1998, we would have had a good laugh at these pussies. How the fuck are they going to function in the real world?
Hard to say. Maybe if there's enough of them, they'll be able to eliminate all behaviors that traumatize them so.

Maybe that's the goal.
The left control the universities and are raising a generation of pussys.

Thank goodness for our young veterans. They have the spine and the scars to lead and succeed. Perhaps they'll offer an example of strength to the rest of their generation and those to come.

Our young vets are going to do very well interviewing for jobs compared to these pampered, spoiled snowflakes enduring the hardships of college.

I don't have a party.

I looked. It was not a group therapy session. The OP and his source are full of shit.

Next lie.........
I guess I have to give you credit for being the only liberal / leftist who was brave enough to try to defend these charges. But you tried and you more or less failed. You said the OP was “full of shit” because he lied and this was not a group therapy session. Oh, really? Is it semantics that is now your defense?

If you go directly to the source, the Rutgers student newspaper, The Daily Targon, you can read exactly what it was and various details. Conclusion: it was a therapy session for a large group of students and community members somehow offended or wounded by this speech or the presenter’s presence on campus. Note all the support groups present as well.

Seriously America??? Conservatism and Christianity could both be rife with sin and errors and even still they could never compare to the cry baby wussies on the left who feel justified in only letting the children they approve of to play in their sand box. Not to mention their diseased policies and beliefs are what they are trying to protect or advance. What a joke!!!

The Daily Targum :: Groups at Rutgers hold forum in solidarity after speaker's visit
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LMAO- Talking about tin foil hats. Our Universities and Colleges are a cess pool of wimpy liberals. They attended a speech that so traumatized them, they needed therapy.


Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.
According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit - Breitbart

One has to hope that most college students are not like this, that we are dealing with a vocal, meek, wussified minority.
Someone mentioned the state of our public education system in another thread.

Are these students forced to hear these speakers?

Not at all. To them the fact that he is speaking at all on their campus is offensive.
Why do I have the feeling that much of what was reported in the OP is bullshit?

Do you need a group therapy session from reading it? A grief counselor perhaps?? Isn't the trauma too much for your sensitive weak liberal brain?
Someone call Earth First. This campus looks like a prime recruiting field for them.

These leftists are gonna make such GREAT employees one day.

Imagine....the boss sends out an email outlining new rules and critiques of the work being done. And they immediately hold a protest and declare the break room a safe space, while also demanding the company pay for trauma counselors to come in and console them. And say they'll need a months paid vacation to recover.

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