The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

How can I fucking answer the question when you do not understand the meaning of personal responsibility? When you understand that you will realize the first question was stupid.

it wasn't a stupid question guy...

If you are buying insurance, you are gambling that if you get seriously sick, that someone else will pay your freight.

My guess is you get insurance through your employer, and he's paying most of the freight to start with, which is why you avoid the question.

And if you are really lucky, you won't have an employer like the last one I had, the one who decided that if an employee got sick, injured or pregnant, they needed to be gotten off the payroll as soon as possible.

It's stupid to say someone needs to be personally responsible and tell others they are responsible for others and forget about those who are not responsible for their on actions.

That was almost incoherent.

one more time... do you have private insurance, or do you have a stack of money you've set aside for medical emergencies?

And once that stack of money is exhausted, will you compliantly die in the name of "being responsible for yourself"?

Somehow, I don't think so.
it wasn't a stupid question guy...

If you are buying insurance, you are gambling that if you get seriously sick, that someone else will pay your freight.

My guess is you get insurance through your employer, and he's paying most of the freight to start with, which is why you avoid the question.

And if you are really lucky, you won't have an employer like the last one I had, the one who decided that if an employee got sick, injured or pregnant, they needed to be gotten off the payroll as soon as possible.

It's stupid to say someone needs to be personally responsible and tell others they are responsible for others and forget about those who are not responsible for their on actions.

That was almost incoherent.

one more time... do you have private insurance, or do you have a stack of money you've set aside for medical emergencies?

And once that stack of money is exhausted, will you compliantly die in the name of "being responsible for yourself"?

Somehow, I don't think so.
Stop it dummy
Do you understand what being personally responsible means? You're pressing me to answer a question when you have yet to answer that question.
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So let me ask you an honest question here.

Are you really going through life without any kind of health insurance coverage because you are such a rugged indivualist?

Because, frankly, I hear all you folks screaming about the health care tax, and all of you either have private insurance or are on some government program like Medicare.

People screaming about having to get health coverage are like people who are screaming they don't have the right to run down the street naked. It's something they'd never actually do, but they don't like being told they can't do it.

I take care of myself I don't allow the doctor to dictate to me nor will I allow the government to dictate to me. I will refuse to pay any tax such as this. That's why I work for cash only. No checks

sounds like you work under the table and don't pay taxes. That is a crime. It's also unfair to those of us who don't work under the table and fork over the income taxes.

You're right get rid of obama tax and I'll start paying taxes again.
Silver more Twinkie Defenses.

There never was a "Twinky Defense".

The people who defended homophobic murderer Dan White never said anything about "Twinkies", so maybe not.

Oh, yeah, and White was convicted. he served five years and whatever happened to him in there left him such a broken man that he killed himself two years later.
It's stupid to say someone needs to be personally responsible and tell others they are responsible for others and forget about those who are not responsible for their on actions.

That was almost incoherent.

one more time... do you have private insurance, or do you have a stack of money you've set aside for medical emergencies?

And once that stack of money is exhausted, will you compliantly die in the name of "being responsible for yourself"?

Somehow, I don't think so.
Stop it dummy
Do you understand what being personally responsible means? You're pressing me to answer a question when you have yet to answer that question.

I know exactly what it means. You should be responsible for what you can control.

Since most of us can't really control cancer or accidents or hurricanes, we need to make sure repsond to those things collectively, which we do..

the difference is, I don't put a douchebag getting rich in teh process over actually helping the person's problem.
[ame=]Zombieland - The Last box of Twinkies - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Zombie land looking for twinkies funny! - YouTube[/ame]
Don't work in a "factory", I work in an office... get it?

And at least I work. I'm not sure what it is you do.

But, hey, keep coming with the racist rants... they are really becoming.

Dumbfuck, illegals will work for less money than you white trash factory workers.

They can cram 20 of them into an apartment to live, so making minimum wage or less is ok for them especially since $1 goes a long way back in Mexico.

White trash like you need your 2 bedroom apartment by yourself, your car, your HDTV, your PS3, etc.

So liberals whine that companies are going out of business since unions are driving them out of business....meanwhile those same dumbfuck liberals want to make 10M-15M illegals "Americans" so that they can take jobs from union workers.....

The kind of folks who hire illegals are the kind of folks who wouldn't pay a fair wage to start with.
That was almost incoherent.

one more time... do you have private insurance, or do you have a stack of money you've set aside for medical emergencies?

And once that stack of money is exhausted, will you compliantly die in the name of "being responsible for yourself"?

Somehow, I don't think so.
Stop it dummy
Do you understand what being personally responsible means? You're pressing me to answer a question when you have yet to answer that question.

I know exactly what it means. You should be responsible for what you can control.

Since most of us can't really control cancer or accidents or hurricanes, we need to make sure repsond to those things collectively, which we do..

the difference is, I don't put a douchebag getting rich in teh process over actually helping the person's problem.

No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.
No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.

"I've got mine, Fuck you!"

The Republican Mantra.

And you wonder why you lost.
No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.

"I've got mine, Fuck you!"

The Republican Mantra.

And you wonder why you lost.
Yes I have mine because I worked hard for it and earned mine. No one gave me anything.
No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.

"I've got mine, Fuck you!"

The Republican Mantra.

And you wonder why you lost.
Yes I have mine because I worked hard for it and earned mine. No one gave me anything.

That's not really true. You offered someone a good or service, and someone paid you a price for it.

Paid you with legal tender printed by the government.

Which you were able to do because a civil society decided we were better off looking out for each other rather than running around like a Mad Max Movie rampaging and pillaging.
[Here's a little cutie in the same vein as the semi news, semi satire article "As GM, the Twinkie, and the Snoball go, so goes the nation" Obama's panderpalooza, like the "Caissons just keep rolling along." "Diversity and MultiKulti killed the Twinkie"]

"Remember when the adage used to be “As GM goes, so goes the nation.” I guess that’s (unfortunately) still true, butt now we may have Hostess to add to the axiom: As the Wonder bread goes, so too goes the nation.

Let’s review: a few years back the Health Police declared Wonder bread, while basically nutritious, not healthy enough to pass their new rigorous requirements for what THEY want you to eat (fiber). So even though there is nothing wrong with white Wonder bread, other than it tastes good, and even though it has served as the anchor of sandwiches that fueled the work day of America’s workers and students for generations, Hostess felt compelled to mix it up a bit.

What else can you do when Health Police edicts give preference to other breads that aren’t as white? The Hostess company began to give into the self-loathing that sprang from the continual onslaught of allegations that their bread was responsible for all that’s wrong with America. They were accused of causing everything from impoverished, underperforming inner city schools kids to the national diabetes epidemic. In addition, their unions accused them of being greedy capitalists making money off the backs of the working class. The self-hate began to take its toll. The shareholders voted to try something new, hoping the CHANGE would increase their approval ratings and thereby increase the value of their stock. So they expanded their product line:

They began offering everything from plain old white to 100% Whole Wheat and every shade in between.

Public pressure to stop eating white bread altogether continued until Won day, Wonder Bread lost it’s foothold with the enlightened class altogether:

Wonder Bread may be losing its, well, wonder. When it comes to sliced bread, shoppers are spending more on whole wheat than white for the first time. Though white is still slightly ahead in volume, at 1.5 billion packages sold in the last year to 1.3 billion of wheat, that gap is shrinking. And in dollar sales, wheat crept up 0.6% in the last year, to $2.6 billion, while white dropped 7%, to $2.5 billion.

Although I should note that the 100% whole wheat bread is still a tough sell because some people simply refuse to wean themselves completely from the bread that brought them this far. Butt for those who believe the proclamations of the Health Police and don’t want to be accused of being narrow-minded when it comes to their eating habits, the bread of choice seems to be made from a 50/50 blend of white and whole wheat flours. It doesn’t taste as good, their cholesterol levels and weight have gone up slightly due to the sugars and fillers used to make it more acceptable on the palate, and it cost a lot more, butt they’re convinced they’re doing the right thing, so they’re sticking with it.

Being a mirror, I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t really get the whole concept of self-loathing; everyone that peers into my reflective glory seems to love themselves.

Butt as I understand it, the psyche of self-contempt has something to do with a self-image generated exclusively by other people’s concept of who/what you should be instead of who you actually are, and your subsequent inability to live up to it. I’m afraid this psychological malady might in part be responsible for the demise of Hostess.

Sure, the company’s largest union, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM), has to shoulder some of the responsibility, having initiated the nationwide strike after rejecting an offer made through bankruptcy court. Butt in addition to the years of union demands that crippled the company's profitability, so too did the company’s foray into politically correct diversity. They began offering so many new colors and flavors of the day, hoping to attract new customers, that they confused the old customers. They bought something thinking it was another thing and ended up being so disenchanted with the product that they finally stopped buying Hostess altogether and went for Little Debbies.

Allow me to state my case: I reflect, you decide:

What started out on the bread line moved quickly into every other division of Hostess. First to be “improved” in the delicious snacks division was the iconic white Snoball:

Apparently white ones were no longer good enough, so they stared to make pink, blue -even lavender Snoballs! Thankfully, however, no yellow....."

Michelle Obama's Mirror: Hostess: they just knead a little more dough
"I've got mine, Fuck you!"

The Republican Mantra.

And you wonder why you lost.
Yes I have mine because I worked hard for it and earned mine. No one gave me anything.

That's not really true. You offered someone a good or service, and someone paid you a price for it.

Paid you with legal tender printed by the government.

Which you were able to do because a civil society decided we were better off looking out for each other rather than running around like a Mad Max Movie rampaging and pillaging.

That obama bull shit is still bull shit even now. I WORKED FOR IT I EARNED IT, AND IT'S MINE.
That was almost incoherent.

one more time... do you have private insurance, or do you have a stack of money you've set aside for medical emergencies?

And once that stack of money is exhausted, will you compliantly die in the name of "being responsible for yourself"?

Somehow, I don't think so.
Stop it dummy
Do you understand what being personally responsible means? You're pressing me to answer a question when you have yet to answer that question.

I know exactly what it means. You should be responsible for what you can control.

Since most of us can't really control cancer or accidents or hurricanes, we need to make sure repsond to those things collectively, which we do..

the difference is, I don't put a douchebag getting rich in teh process over actually helping the person's problem.

Because then their interest would lie in keeping that person there with that problem, instead of actually solving it as fast as possible. of the unions wouldn't take a restructured deal to keep the business viable, so they cost other union workers and non-union workers their job.

See how that union takes out every other worker. WithOUT a union, some pissed off asswipe like you that thinks you're underpaid would just quit, not taking out everyone out when you couldn't take the deal/contract with the company.

I bet there are some union workers in that union that would rather keep their job than let their union leaders ruin everyone's job...what a concept.

So liberals whine that companies are going out of business since unions are driving them out of business....meanwhile those same dumbfuck liberals want to make 10M-15M illegals "Americans" so that they can take jobs from union workers.....

You really have no interest in why the company actually went out of business, do you?

The company already had plans to close either way, with or without the restructuring. Back in January when they filed for bankruptcy, they also filed for bankruptcy back in 2004. They then gave their CEO a massive raise (300%), and several executive's received very large bonus's. They have been afloat on loans and non-existent profit for quite a long time now.

They then have the nerve to blame it on a union that has made a very large number of concessions with them over and over again. Why don't you look into this shit. Knowledge is power.
Let's face it. The "twinkie" brand is becoming toxic. No other product is more closley identified with the obesity problem then those spongy little dudes.
America is changing. Hostess, Little Debbie and others are in trouble.

Baloney. It's lack of exercise that is the main cause of obesity. But the nanny state has made it so that kids can't do much exercising in school and many parents let their kids go into a vegetative state in front of the computer or TV.
Stop it dummy
Do you understand what being personally responsible means? You're pressing me to answer a question when you have yet to answer that question.

I know exactly what it means. You should be responsible for what you can control.

Since most of us can't really control cancer or accidents or hurricanes, we need to make sure repsond to those things collectively, which we do..

the difference is, I don't put a douchebag getting rich in teh process over actually helping the person's problem.

No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.

Take care of original.

My wife's sister has become the equivalent of a total wreck in the last 10-12 years. She was a crack shot and part of an elite SWAT security team at one of the local nuclear plants. They stayed at the top of preparedness and trained extensively with new approaches to security procedures at the plant and had certain distances they were required to run in so many seconds or minutes just to continue on the team. Out of nowhere her accuracy at the firing range began to fail and after numerous evaluations and tests they discovered she had something called RSD.

The pain she was having continued to worsen and at some point they decided to do some pretty serious surgery and the surgeon accidently severed a nerve which caused her to lose 80% of her breathing capacity in one lung. Needless to say at that point she became disabled. From then on it's been nothing but downhill. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about four years ago and they did a double mastectomy. While she was still under they brought in a plastic surgeon and he reconstructed her breasts before she ever regained consiousness. She has constant pain and most days doesn't even leave her apartment because of all the medication she takes. She doesn't have anybody but she's so independent that she insists on staying in her own place. We have insisted that she call us every day just so we'll know she's not laying over there dead. My wife and I really have it made so we feel guilty sometimes when we're around her. Most of us take too much for granted.
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Don't work in a "factory", I work in an office... get it?

And at least I work. I'm not sure what it is you do.

But, hey, keep coming with the racist rants... they are really becoming.

Dumbfuck, illegals will work for less money than you white trash factory workers.

They can cram 20 of them into an apartment to live, so making minimum wage or less is ok for them especially since $1 goes a long way back in Mexico.

White trash like you need your 2 bedroom apartment by yourself, your car, your HDTV, your PS3, etc.

The kind of folks who hire illegals are the kind of folks who wouldn't pay a fair wage to start with.

Hate to break it to you boyo, but people who works in a factory think people in offices work. That is a pretty universal attitude, which is why unions get so much traction against you 1% assholes.
The Twinkie has died a American original is no more so has the left blamed Bush yet just asking?

The death of the Twinkie, Ho Ho, Ding Dongs, etc. - setting many a "fat=arsed" Libberhoid trailer park single Mom off the fat-, er, fiscal cliff.

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