The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

you can work at wal-mart as a career....You wont get rich but you can work until you retire....Just cause YOU think the work is beneath you doesnt mean you cant move up in the company with hard work.

Oh...yeah, you can work at Walmart as a career if you want to. If, you're satisfied with making the kind of money it is one makes at Walmart. Or, if you have a second job and/or your significant other has a job which pays well and the Walmart job is just an extra career on the side. But, if one has a family with children? I don't think I'd recommend relying solely on a Walmart job as a career. And, yes, some can manage to work their way up in the company if they're willing to work hard and strive for it. But, it isn't going to happen overnight. But, I did mention a "managerial position or something of that nature". Which, is to imply someone worked their way up into the managerial position. Most people probably don't start out in managerial positions at Walmart and they likely do have to work their way up in the company. Even someone who has been a manager somewhere else probably has to start out as a cashier or something like that before they finally work their way up into a managerial position at Walmart.
So all the work they do is beneath you? Your better then them?

You're making too much out of what I'm saying. Didn't say a thing about the work being beneath me nor, did I imply I'm better than them. But, if they're leftists? Then, yeah, I think I'm better than them. But, that would be true in most any instance and not exclusive to anyone working at Walmart.
Oh...yeah, you can work at Walmart as a career if you want to. If, you're satisfied with making the kind of money it is one makes at Walmart. Or, if you have a second job and/or your significant other has a job which pays well and the Walmart job is just an extra career on the side. But, if one has a family with children? I don't think I'd recommend relying solely on a Walmart job as a career. And, yes, some can manage to work their way up in the company if they're willing to work hard and strive for it. But, it isn't going to happen overnight. But, I did mention a "managerial position or something of that nature". Which, is to imply someone worked their way up into the managerial position. Most people probably don't start out in managerial positions at Walmart and they likely do have to work their way up in the company. Even someone who has been a manager somewhere else probably has to start out as a cashier or something like that before they finally work their way up into a managerial position at Walmart.
So all the work they do is beneath you? Your better then them?

You're making too much out of what I'm saying. Didn't say a thing about the work being beneath me nor, did I imply I'm better than them. But, if they're leftists? Then, yeah, I think I'm better than them. But, that would be true in most any instance and not exclusive to anyone working at Walmart.

While money is great and most wish they had more it is not the most important thing in a career....Being good at your job and actually enjoying it are. We have stepped away from this with all the emphasis on education and making the millions....As we can see higher education is becoming more and more irrelevant and now we are creating a generation that cant make anything....Or do anything. It use to be you found a job you worked and you got paid. You did it to feed your family. You job wasn't your life.
Those great brand names aren't going to vanish, that is for sure.

Union guys paid $30 and hour to stock shelves? Not. So. Much.


$30/hour to stock shelves... too funny
That might seem funny because corporate America's grip on the throat of our Congress makes such a wage seem outside the realm of possibility. But it isn't. In fact, within a system of profit-sharing it is entirely possible for someone stocking shelves to earn $30 an hour. Sometimes more -- through profit-sharing.

If profit-sharing were a universal system within the American corporate structure it would eliminate the practice of exporting American jobs to foreign shores.

Profit-sharing would put so much money in the pockets of ordinary working class Americans, who would spend it rather than hoard it, the consumer demand would create an unlimited number of jobs. With that much money circulating in our economy the poverty level in America would be near zero.

Profit-sharing in corporate America is the ultimate socialist objective. And for greedy corporate executives it is a policy they fear as much as they fear terminal cancer. Which is why the subject is rarely if ever discussed in the mainstream media, which is corporate-controlled.
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$30/hour to stock shelves... too funny
That might seem funny because corporate America's grip on the throat of our Congress makes such a wage seem outside the realm of possibility. But it isn't. In fact, within a system of profit-sharing it is entirely possible for someone stocking shelves to earn $30 an hour. Sometimes more.

And if profit-sharing were a universal system within the American corporate structure it would eliminate the practice of exporting American jobs to foreign shores.

Profit-sharing would put so much money in the pockets of ordinary working class Americans, who would spend it rather than hoard it, the consumer demand would create an unlimited number of jobs. With that much money circulating in our economy the poverty level in America would be near zero.

Profit-sharing in corporate America is the ultimate socialist objective. And for greedy corporate executives it is a policy they fear as much as they fear terminal cancer. Which is why the subject is rarely if ever discussed in the mainstream media, which is corporate-controlled.

Yeah. How'd that work out in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and China?

Yeah. How'd that work out in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and China?

Yup, Plutocracy and Communism are the ONLY choices on the menu.

There is nothing in between.

I know you really need to believe that.

Yeah. How'd that work out in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and China?

Yup, Plutocracy and Communism are the ONLY choices on the menu.

There is nothing in between.

I know you really need to believe that.
Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the right-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense reasoning to the contrary of the propaganda they have come to love can budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of Obama's re-election.

Yeah. How'd that work out in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and China?

Yup, Plutocracy and Communism are the ONLY choices on the menu.

There is nothing in between.

I know you really need to believe that.
Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the right-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense reasoning to the contrary of the propaganda they have come to love can budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of Obama's re-election.

You should really visit sites like TownHall or RedState, if you want to see how nutty these guys get when no one opposes them.
$30/hour to stock shelves... too funny
That might seem funny because corporate America's grip on the throat of our Congress makes such a wage seem outside the realm of possibility. But it isn't. In fact, within a system of profit-sharing it is entirely possible for someone stocking shelves to earn $30 an hour. Sometimes more.

And if profit-sharing were a universal system within the American corporate structure it would eliminate the practice of exporting American jobs to foreign shores.

Profit-sharing would put so much money in the pockets of ordinary working class Americans, who would spend it rather than hoard it, the consumer demand would create an unlimited number of jobs. With that much money circulating in our economy the poverty level in America would be near zero.

Profit-sharing in corporate America is the ultimate socialist objective. And for greedy corporate executives it is a policy they fear as much as they fear terminal cancer. Which is why the subject is rarely if ever discussed in the mainstream media, which is corporate-controlled.

Yeah. How'd that work out in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and China?

You just never get tired of making stupid statements do you. Lots of prosperous companies are owned by managemnent AND the employees.

What a willfully ignorant fuck!

Yeah. How'd that work out in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and China?

Yup, Plutocracy and Communism are the ONLY choices on the menu.

There is nothing in between.

I know you really need to believe that.
Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the right-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense reasoning to the contrary of the propaganda they have come to love can budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of Obama's re-election.

Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the left-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of George W. Bush's election.

Yeah. How'd that work out in the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and China?

Yup, Plutocracy and Communism are the ONLY choices on the menu.

There is nothing in between.

I know you really need to believe that.

What other choices are there other than one other one...socialism?

How about what we had in the 1950's.

Strong workers unions, but also management that planned long term and wasn't looking to make a quick buck looting a company by loading it down with debt?
Yup, Plutocracy and Communism are the ONLY choices on the menu.

There is nothing in between.

I know you really need to believe that.

What other choices are there other than one other one...socialism?

How about what we had in the 1950's.

Strong workers unions, but also management that planned long term and wasn't looking to make a quick buck looting a company by loading it down with debt?

But, but, but...I thought leftists are progressive and are against the idea of living in the past?
Yup, Plutocracy and Communism are the ONLY choices on the menu.

There is nothing in between.

I know you really need to believe that.
Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the right-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense reasoning to the contrary of the propaganda they have come to love can budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of Obama's re-election.

Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the left-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of George W. Bush's election.
That's called plagiaristic editing. But in the example of right-wing fanaticism it's not surprising.

While I'm sure you and others in this forum regard me as a left-winger the fact is I was a registered Republican with Conservative leanings dating back to Barry Goldwater. But today's Republican Party, and today's Conservative ideologies, are starkly different from what they were before the Reagan Revolution when they were more intelligent, reasonable, and honorable.

I shamefully confess I was so fed up with Bill Clinton's bullshit I stupidly voted for George W. Bush because I believed Gore was likely to be contaminated by association. But that turned out to be one of the great and shameful mistakes of my life. The only consolation I have is knowing others who made the same mistake and for the same reason.

It didn't take long for the Bush presidency to awaken me to something I should have realized long before 2003, which is when I said goodbye to the Republican Party and re-registered as a Democrat. The only reason I chose the Democrat Party is there is no Independent Party in New Jersey and I wish to vote in primaries.
Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the right-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense reasoning to the contrary of the propaganda they have come to love can budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of Obama's re-election.

Before I began visiting these Internet political forums I had no idea how thorough and tenacious the left-wing brainwash really is. Some of these people are true believers and no amount of evidence or common-sense budge them. They are analogous to the End-Of-The-World cult and most of them are still reeling from the shock of George W. Bush's election.
That's called plagiaristic editing.

What are you going to do about it?

But in the example of right-wing fanaticism it's not surprising.

Give it a rest...Stimpy.

While I'm sure you and others in this forum regard me as a left-winger the fact is I was a registered Republican with Conservative leanings dating back to Barry Goldwater. But today's Republican Party, and today's Conservative ideologies, are starkly different from what they were before the Reagan Revolution when they were more intelligent, reasonable, and honorable.

I shamefully confess I was so fed up with Bill Clinton's bullshit I stupidly voted for George W. Bush because I believed Gore was likely to be contaminated by association. But that turned out to be one of the great and shameful mistakes of my life. The only consolation I have is knowing others who made the same mistake and for the same reason.

It didn't take long for the Bush presidency to awaken me to something I should have realized long before 2003, which is when I said goodbye to the Republican Party and re-registered as a Democrat. The only reason I chose the Democrat Party is there is no Independent Party in New Jersey and I wish to vote in primaries.

I'm happy for you. You want a cookie or something now?

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