The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

Can we stop with the progressive sites that don't source shit?

Please post proof that snopes is incorrect.

Thanks - ever so much.

Snopes puts its own liberal spin on everything. There...easy enough. A great deal of the time, it's actually just a matter of their opinion that some claim is false, rather than actual documented evidence to back up their claim some claim is false. Like, for instance, their claim that the punk-in-chief isn't a Muslim. Their claim that the claim is false is simply a matter of their own opinion of the matter as they can't prove whether one has Muslim tendencies or not, whether they claim they're a Christian or not. I can claim to be a Christian all I want and even show you pictures of me in church. Doesn't necessarily mean I am. And, additionally, whether your a Christian doesn't say what ideals it is you follow and what others see you as. The punk-in-chief may not be a Muslim? But, Muslims certainly see him as one of their own by extension of his behavior and actions.
Apparently Hostess isn't dead yet. Some judge has ordered talks between Hostess and the union.
Can we stop with the progressive sites that don't source shit?

Please post proof that snopes is incorrect.

Thanks - ever so much.

Snopes puts its own liberal spin on everything. There...easy enough. A great deal of the time, it's actually just a matter of their opinion that some claim is false, rather than actual documented evidence to back up their claim some claim is false. Like, for instance, their claim that the punk-in-chief isn't a Muslim. Their claim that the claim is false is simply a matter of their own opinion of the matter as they can't prove whether one has Muslim tendencies or not, whether they claim they're a Christian or not. I can claim to be a Christian all I want and even show you pictures of me in church. Doesn't necessarily mean I am. And, additionally, whether your a Christian doesn't say what ideals it is you follow and what others see you as. The punk-in-chief may not be a Muslim? But, Muslims certainly see him as one of their own by extension of his behavior and actions.
Let's assume for the sake of discussion you are right. Do you believe all Muslims are innately hostile to non-Muslims? And what about Obama's behavior suggests to you he is a Muslim?
Apparently Hostess isn't dead yet. Some judge has ordered talks between Hostess and the union.

They apparently didn't go so well. Liquidation to begin tomorrow, mediation fails. Interesting that the president of the Baker's Union didn't even feel it necessary to attend....

Hostess mediation fails, so Twinkies company to liquidate

He'd better have a darn good reason for not attending the meetings....if you don't try, of course it's going to fail.
More bad news for the Right Winger haters of working people...

Hostess, union agree to try mediation to avoid liquidation -

Twinkies may live on after all.

Bankrupt Hostess Brands Inc. and its striking union agreed to enter into mediation to try to resolve their differences, putting the baking company's planned liquidation on hold for now.

At a U.S. Bankruptcy Court hearing Monday in White Plains, N.Y., the 82-year-old company sought permission to start shutting down its business. Instead, Judge Robert Drain urged Hostess and the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union to consider mediation.

Both sides agreed to try to work through the conflict, which could preserve more than 18,000 jobs. Those include 550 positions for workers at two bakeries and seven retail stores in Los Angeles and Orange counties, as of the start of the year.

quit being so damn dramatic..
now you are pulling the right wing haters shit of working people..I mean really
They wanted to belong to this union and followed them OVER the cliff out of a job.. any sane working people would of kept the job they had,.especially in this economy..they get no sympathy they did it to themselves
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Please post proof that snopes is incorrect.

Thanks - ever so much.

Snopes puts its own liberal spin on everything. There...easy enough. A great deal of the time, it's actually just a matter of their opinion that some claim is false, rather than actual documented evidence to back up their claim some claim is false. Like, for instance, their claim that the punk-in-chief isn't a Muslim. Their claim that the claim is false is simply a matter of their own opinion of the matter as they can't prove whether one has Muslim tendencies or not, whether they claim they're a Christian or not. I can claim to be a Christian all I want and even show you pictures of me in church. Doesn't necessarily mean I am. And, additionally, whether your a Christian doesn't say what ideals it is you follow and what others see you as. The punk-in-chief may not be a Muslim? But, Muslims certainly see him as one of their own by extension of his behavior and actions.
Let's assume for the sake of discussion you are right. Do you believe all Muslims are innately hostile to non-Muslims?

I have no reason to believe otherwise.

And what about Obama's behavior suggests to you he is a Muslim? know, his apology tours, personable speeches beamed directly to Muslims through television feeds, his blame America first attitude, stuff like that. Don't play coy.
Apparently Hostess isn't dead yet. Some judge has ordered talks between Hostess and the union.

They apparently didn't go so well. Liquidation to begin tomorrow, mediation fails. Interesting that the president of the Baker's Union didn't even feel it necessary to attend....

Hostess mediation fails, so Twinkies company to liquidate

He'd better have a darn good reason for not attending the meetings....if you don't try, of course it's going to fail.

probably because he realized this hedge fund guys were lying sacks of shit, so why bother.
Snopes puts its own liberal spin on everything. There...easy enough. A great deal of the time, it's actually just a matter of their opinion that some claim is false, rather than actual documented evidence to back up their claim some claim is false. Like, for instance, their claim that the punk-in-chief isn't a Muslim. Their claim that the claim is false is simply a matter of their own opinion of the matter as they can't prove whether one has Muslim tendencies or not, whether they claim they're a Christian or not. I can claim to be a Christian all I want and even show you pictures of me in church. Doesn't necessarily mean I am. And, additionally, whether your a Christian doesn't say what ideals it is you follow and what others see you as. The punk-in-chief may not be a Muslim? But, Muslims certainly see him as one of their own by extension of his behavior and actions.
Let's assume for the sake of discussion you are right. Do you believe all Muslims are innately hostile to non-Muslims?

I have no reason to believe otherwise.

And what about Obama's behavior suggests to you he is a Muslim? know, his apology tours, personable speeches beamed directly to Muslims through television feeds, his blame America first attitude, stuff like that. Don't play coy.
I'm not playing coy at all. I've asked you two serious questions and your response indicates you haven't been looking very closely at the Muslim category. Has your observation of the Muslim world included the fact that the U.S. had relatively little conflict with Muslims until we began asserting ourselves on them militarily?

For example, are you aware of the provocation for the 9/11 attack? If not, let me know and I'll inform you of something I'm sure you'll find quite interesting.

(By the way, in case you're wondering, I was baptized and confirmed Catholic but have since become an atheist.)
Just saw Hostess Turnaround Executive & Union Leader on CNBC after they emerged from court. Executive did not deny the pension fund was raided. He admitted that management messed up along with unions. The union rep believes the union will survive the company sale & that they will all be working again soon with better pay & benefits than the current management was going to give them. He said current management raided their pensions & wanted a 24% union pay cut phased in at 8% per year.

So basically what we have here yet again is overpaid executives have bankrupted another Great American Company & raided their pension fund leaving US TAX PAYERS WITH THE TAB!!! - That's right - The Tax Payer backed PBGC will have to pay back the money these corporate raiders stole from workers pensions to fund their 300% corporate raise. It is going to be such glorious fun paying higher & higher taxes so rich executives can treat us like the surf's we have become.
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Let's assume for the sake of discussion you are right. Do you believe all Muslims are innately hostile to non-Muslims?

I have no reason to believe otherwise.

And what about Obama's behavior suggests to you he is a Muslim? know, his apology tours, personable speeches beamed directly to Muslims through television feeds, his blame America first attitude, stuff like that. Don't play coy.
I'm not playing coy at all. I've asked you two serious questions and your response indicates you haven't been looking very closely at the Muslim category.

I try not to look at the "Muslim category" as much as possible. I find the "Muslim category" quite abhorrent.

Has your observation of the Muslim world included the fact that the U.S. had relatively little conflict with Muslims until we began asserting ourselves on them militarily?

First, the U.S. had very little conflict with Muslims because it has only been since about World War I that the United States ventured outside its borders in any significant manner or numbers. Second, why don't you elaborate a little further on why it has been that we've asserted ourselves on Muslims militarily?

For example, are you aware of the provocation for the 9/11 attack?

First, what 9/11 attack? There were two of them. One in 2001 and, one in 2012. Clarify. Second, if you're referring to the 2001 attack? There was no one single "provocation" for the attack. There were a lot of excuses but, if Osama and his collective couldn't have used those excuses, they would have just simply made something up.

If not, let me know and I'll inform you of something I'm sure you'll find quite interesting.

I doubt I'd find your lies quite interesting. Laughable...maybe, but not necessarily interesting.

(By the way, in case you're wondering, I was baptized and confirmed Catholic but have since become an atheist.)

I wasn't wondering.
Apparently Hostess isn't dead yet. Some judge has ordered talks between Hostess and the union.

They apparently didn't go so well. Liquidation to begin tomorrow, mediation fails. Interesting that the president of the Baker's Union didn't even feel it necessary to attend....

Hostess mediation fails, so Twinkies company to liquidate

He'd better have a darn good reason for not attending the meetings....if you don't try, of course it's going to fail.

Can the judge declare him in contempt and throw him in jail?
They apparently didn't go so well. Liquidation to begin tomorrow, mediation fails. Interesting that the president of the Baker's Union didn't even feel it necessary to attend....

Hostess mediation fails, so Twinkies company to liquidate

He'd better have a darn good reason for not attending the meetings....if you don't try, of course it's going to fail.

Can the judge declare him in contempt and throw him in jail?

Considering Hostess raided their pension fund, I think contempt is justifiable...

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