The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

It takes a special kind of genius to come up with brand names like Hos, Ding Dongs and Twinkies.


I know I posted this someplace else, but that was such a perfect opening....
Do any of us here want to listen to leftists giving sermons about China and how bad it and its practices are? Didn't they vote against the guy who openly claimed he was going to try to start to crack down on China?

Which has all the credibility of Jeff Dahmer offering to become a vegetairan.

Well this is more credibility than can be given to Obamination.

ROmney made a fortune offshoring to China.

Prove it. Prove Romney personally offshored any jobs to China. And, save your leftist talking points. Give us a detailed explanation as to how it was Romney allegedly personally offshored any job to China and, make sure you legitimately prove how many jobs were allegedly personally offshored to China by Romney.

Here's the thing. China isn't the problem. It is doing EXACTLY what we should be doing- making sure that their working folks are taken care of by attracting business.
Sure China is a problem, your collective is whining about it constantly.

The problem are these dickhead corporations who want to save a few bucks, and half the time hey don't. The real goal is to break the American middle class.
No, the problem is government getting in the way with their regulations, red tape and other roadblocks. And, of course, as with the instance of Hostess, unions.

And, again, as I stated above, outsourcing jobs to China wouldn't be as bad if that outsourced job was offset by a job from another foreign country being outsourced here of the same nature.

So nobody is allowed to question the compensation of those who are "better than us"?

as most normal people do, in a healthy way
How do I get there?
How do I get that successful

Not the Left's unhealthy and divisive
to divide people for cheap political gain,,,,
They got theirs so I want mine

Man up and take responsibly for your own life

Do you really think that is what Americans want? To be CEOs?

Americans want to be able to earn a salary in which they can support a family, maybe afford a home, take care of their loved ones when they are sick, hopefully someday retire

When it becomes increasingly difficult to do so, and management tells you that you have to make due with less, it is only natural to question why I have to make more sacrifices while the CEO is tripling his own pay.

That is not class warfare, it is a reasonable question
This is "success" to liberals:

I remember the Hostess commercials that would always include someone asking where the cream filling is. I don't know what the rest of y'all think, but to me, the Little Debbie company has the better cream filling. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I remember the Hostess commercials that would always include someone asking where the cream filling is. I don't know what the rest of y'all think, but to me, the Little Debbie company has the better cream filling. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Little Debbie has good creme filling, but I have the best cream filling. :D
Taxpayers are on the hook for the money Hostess executives raided from the pension fund.

Twinkies Defense Is Private Equity's Pension Offense - Tax Payers Backed Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) may have to cover the shortage. The company's IBC Defined Benefit Plan had about $56 million in assets and $111 million in liabilities as of April 30, according to the PBGC.

Hostess suspended payments to the 42 multiemployer pension plans to which it contributes in August 2011. “For active employees, the circumstances differ for each MEPP, so (participants) should contact the administrator of the MEPP” in which they participate, Mr. Ignon said in an email, citing an employee Q&A document. He could not provide further information by press time.
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All this whining about the creative destruction of the capitaist system?


The Righties keep telling us that creative destruction of capitalism is a good thing.

Why is it bad THIS time?
More bad news for the Right Winger haters of working people...

Hostess, union agree to try mediation to avoid liquidation -

Twinkies may live on after all.

Bankrupt Hostess Brands Inc. and its striking union agreed to enter into mediation to try to resolve their differences, putting the baking company's planned liquidation on hold for now.

At a U.S. Bankruptcy Court hearing Monday in White Plains, N.Y., the 82-year-old company sought permission to start shutting down its business. Instead, Judge Robert Drain urged Hostess and the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union to consider mediation.

Both sides agreed to try to work through the conflict, which could preserve more than 18,000 jobs. Those include 550 positions for workers at two bakeries and seven retail stores in Los Angeles and Orange counties, as of the start of the year.
Do any of us here want to listen to leftists giving sermons about China and how bad it and its practices are? Didn't they vote against the guy who openly claimed he was going to try to start to crack down on China?

Which has all the credibility of Jeff Dahmer offering to become a vegetairan.

ROmney made a fortune offshoring to China.

Here's the thing. China isn't the problem. It is doing EXACTLY what we should be doing- making sure that their working folks are taken care of by attracting business.

The problem are these dickhead corporations who want to save a few bucks, and half the time hey don't. The real goal is to break the American middle class.

Appears we have another who can't get over it!

Another four years of blaming Pres Bush and hearing about how Gov Romney hid his $!:confused:

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