The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

What would be more detrimental to the economy: raising the top marginal rate from 35%to 39% or

lowering middle class income and benefits by eliminating collective bargaining rights and workplace safety regulations?

Complete and utter bullshit.......Do you honestly think taking away unions will cause unsafe working conditions?????? Or bad salary???? If this was true then that would be how it is in right to work states but it isnt... you know why???? Cause you dont need a fucking parasite to live....I can see being a parasite is all you know so I don't expect you to understand.
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemingly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and prosperity instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy their system under all conditions."

Raising the top rate from 35% to 39% is Socialism? Are there really adults who believe that to be true?
[The Teamsters decided that if they didn't get what they wanted from Hostess, they'd kill the company. Grabbing the big bucks was well worth the risk of having no job at all. You can rest assured the likewise morons at GM and Chrysler will think the same way, for after all didn't they rape and sodomize the company they originally worked for until the death rattle was heard night and day throughout its plants, offices, and dealerships until the Union friendly Democrat, Barack Obama, came in and said I'll rape and sodomize the taxpayers instead so you can still keep your jobs in return for your votes. Obama did it once, the Union knows its guaranteed he'll do it again. The sky's the limit on their wages only because they have the taxpayer at their mercy to subsidize them until they reach infinity. GM's new plan for its business success also includes selling a vehicle for $40,000 that costs GM $89,000 to produce. What a plan. The miraculous fruits of affirmative action at work at GM
Richard Trumka says he's going to send his union goons door to door to convince American businessmen to see the light regarding Obamanomics.]

"Back in September, following acceptance by the Teamsters. the bakers’ union (BCTGM) at bankrupt Hostess brands—makers of the iconic Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder brand breads—rejected a company proposal to help keep the company in business. By a voice vote of its members, the union opened the door to conduct a company-killing strike and potentially putting 18,500 Hostess workers onto the streets.

Well, on Friday, the bakers’ union called its members on strike nationwide. Now the job cuts begin.

On Monday, Hostess permanently closed three of its plants, thanks to the union’s strike:

Hostess Brands permanently closed three bakeries Monday, including a plant in St. Louis where 365 jobs were cut, in response to a bakers’ union strike that started Friday.

The bankrupt maker of Twinkies and Wonder bread said it’s trying to avert liquidating the entire company, and it shuttered three plants that were no longer able to produce and deliver products because of picket lines. The other plant closures are in Seattle and Cincinnati, where a combined 262 jobs were cut."

The Demise of Twinkies? Yes, It’s True. Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess) | RedState

A bunch of bull crap. Hostess was killed by the VULTURE CAPITALISTS who bought it for the expressed purpose of sucking as much cash out of it on the way down. The vultures were unwilling to pay their employees what they were worth. The idea that a union strike a couple of weeks ago caused a bankruptcy last January flies in the face of the laws of physics.
[The Teamsters decided that if they didn't get what they wanted from Hostess, they'd kill the company. Grabbing the big bucks was well worth the risk of having no job at all. You can rest assured the likewise morons at GM and Chrysler will think the same way, for after all didn't they rape and sodomize the company they originally worked for until the death rattle was heard night and day throughout its plants, offices, and dealerships until the Union friendly Democrat, Barack Obama, came in and said I'll rape and sodomize the taxpayers instead so you can still keep your jobs in return for your votes. Obama did it once, the Union knows its guaranteed he'll do it again. The sky's the limit on their wages only because they have the taxpayer at their mercy to subsidize them until they reach infinity. GM's new plan for its business success also includes selling a vehicle for $40,000 that costs GM $89,000 to produce. What a plan. The miraculous fruits of affirmative action at work at GM
Richard Trumka says he's going to send his union goons door to door to convince American businessmen to see the light regarding Obamanomics.]

"Back in September, following acceptance by the Teamsters. the bakers’ union (BCTGM) at bankrupt Hostess brands—makers of the iconic Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder brand breads—rejected a company proposal to help keep the company in business. By a voice vote of its members, the union opened the door to conduct a company-killing strike and potentially putting 18,500 Hostess workers onto the streets.

Well, on Friday, the bakers’ union called its members on strike nationwide. Now the job cuts begin.

On Monday, Hostess permanently closed three of its plants, thanks to the union’s strike:

Hostess Brands permanently closed three bakeries Monday, including a plant in St. Louis where 365 jobs were cut, in response to a bakers’ union strike that started Friday.

The bankrupt maker of Twinkies and Wonder bread said it’s trying to avert liquidating the entire company, and it shuttered three plants that were no longer able to produce and deliver products because of picket lines. The other plant closures are in Seattle and Cincinnati, where a combined 262 jobs were cut."

The Demise of Twinkies? Yes, It’s True. Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess) | RedState

A bunch of bull crap. Hostess was killed by the VULTURE CAPITALISTS who bought it for the expressed purpose of sucking as much cash out of it on the way down. The vultures were unwilling to pay their employees what they were worth. The idea that a union strike a couple of weeks ago caused a bankruptcy last January flies in the face of the laws of physics.

Why don't the employees just start their own company?
workers have rights even if you dont want them to have rights.
sell your hate of workers to the American people. Im sure they love twinkies more than freedom. Jesus you people just dont get it
You don't see what they did? They wanted to get back at management but the only f*cked themselves!

I hate all that Hostess crappola! But if people wanna' eat it, thats their choice. But now the Unions are actively trying to take away that choice from the consumer.

You honestly don't see that?

So because bakers are unwilling to take a 30% pay cut while their boss gets a 300% raise - they are the ones taking choice from the consumer.

Jesus fucking Christ you are a corporate zombie.
[The Teamsters decided that if they didn't get what they wanted from Hostess, they'd kill the company. Grabbing the big bucks was well worth the risk of having no job at all. You can rest assured the likewise morons at GM and Chrysler will think the same way, for after all didn't they rape and sodomize the company they originally worked for until the death rattle was heard night and day throughout its plants, offices, and dealerships until the Union friendly Democrat, Barack Obama, came in and said I'll rape and sodomize the taxpayers instead so you can still keep your jobs in return for your votes. Obama did it once, the Union knows its guaranteed he'll do it again. The sky's the limit on their wages only because they have the taxpayer at their mercy to subsidize them until they reach infinity. GM's new plan for its business success also includes selling a vehicle for $40,000 that costs GM $89,000 to produce. What a plan. The miraculous fruits of affirmative action at work at GM
Richard Trumka says he's going to send his union goons door to door to convince American businessmen to see the light regarding Obamanomics.]

"Back in September, following acceptance by the Teamsters. the bakers’ union (BCTGM) at bankrupt Hostess brands—makers of the iconic Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder brand breads—rejected a company proposal to help keep the company in business. By a voice vote of its members, the union opened the door to conduct a company-killing strike and potentially putting 18,500 Hostess workers onto the streets.

Well, on Friday, the bakers’ union called its members on strike nationwide. Now the job cuts begin.

On Monday, Hostess permanently closed three of its plants, thanks to the union’s strike:

Hostess Brands permanently closed three bakeries Monday, including a plant in St. Louis where 365 jobs were cut, in response to a bakers’ union strike that started Friday.

The bankrupt maker of Twinkies and Wonder bread said it’s trying to avert liquidating the entire company, and it shuttered three plants that were no longer able to produce and deliver products because of picket lines. The other plant closures are in Seattle and Cincinnati, where a combined 262 jobs were cut."

The Demise of Twinkies? Yes, It’s True. Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess) | RedState

A bunch of bull crap. Hostess was killed by the VULTURE CAPITALISTS who bought it for the expressed purpose of sucking as much cash out of it on the way down. The vultures were unwilling to pay their employees what they were worth. The idea that a union strike a couple of weeks ago caused a bankruptcy last January flies in the face of the laws of physics.

Why don't the employees just start their own company?

Who says some of them won't? Its not like the demand for junk food is going to go down just because a single producer of it goes away.
Complete and utter bullshit.......Do you honestly think taking away unions will cause unsafe working conditions?????? Or bad salary???? If this was true then that would be how it is in right to work states but it isnt... you know why???? Cause you dont need a fucking parasite to live....I can see being a parasite is all you know so I don't expect you to understand.
Between eliminating unions and eliminating government regulations (read OSHA and EPA), the result WILL be lower wages and unsafe working conditions.
Complete and utter bullshit.......Do you honestly think taking away unions will cause unsafe working conditions?????? Or bad salary???? If this was true then that would be how it is in right to work states but it isnt... you know why???? Cause you dont need a fucking parasite to live....I can see being a parasite is all you know so I don't expect you to understand.

Median wages are actually 9.4% lower in the right to get fired states.

Right-to-work law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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What would be more detrimental to the economy: raising the top marginal rate from 35%to 39% or

lowering middle class income and benefits by eliminating collective bargaining rights and workplace safety regulations?

Collective bargaining has become detrimental to its purported cause, and become just a way for union superiors to take what they can get before the target company explodes. They are looters, nothing more. As far as workplace safety regulations go, at what point to these "safety" regulations cease to regulate safety and become harmful to the workers and the company? Or, worse, just reach into the bizarre. To regulate for the purpose of regulating.

How does regulating the number of crayons in a box regulate workplace safety and do we need a law regulating the colors those crayons must be? This is a proposed workplace safety law in Colorado. How about designating that rain puddle in your driveway as a protected waterway? Perhaps we just can no longer tell what workplace safety really is? There is no difference between a badly maintained machine and a rain soaked garden. It's all equal, the same.
According to who?


Airline Labor Unions Killing their golden goose. Frederick Dubinsky responsible for the bankruptcy of United Airlines, High Union costs destroy airline Jobs

If obama hadn't bailed out the unions, they would have killed GM too.

San Bernardino
Special Report: How a vicious circle of self-interest sank a California city | Reuters

The unions should continue killing companies and cities until there are no more victims. Then perhaps the unions will die themselves.

Airline Labor Unions Killing their golden goose. Frederick Dubinsky responsible for the bankruptcy of United Airlines, High Union costs destroy airline Jobs

If obama hadn't bailed out the unions, they would have killed GM too.

San Bernardino
Special Report: How a vicious circle of self-interest sank a California city | Reuters

The unions should continue killing companies and cities until there are no more victims. Then perhaps the unions will die themselves.

So according to a bunch of vulture capitalists, unions are bad for employees.

Got it.

Airline Labor Unions Killing their golden goose. Frederick Dubinsky responsible for the bankruptcy of United Airlines, High Union costs destroy airline Jobs

If obama hadn't bailed out the unions, they would have killed GM too.

San Bernardino
Special Report: How a vicious circle of self-interest sank a California city | Reuters

The unions should continue killing companies and cities until there are no more victims. Then perhaps the unions will die themselves.

Having actually worked for United Airlines, I can tell you, the union didn't kill it. They lost 2 planes on 9/11. That, and compensation for the families, plus lawsuits caused an already floundering airline to declare bankruptcy. A company that had been owned by their employees. The employees stock was sold right out from under them, they didn't have a choice and a new CEO came in to run the company. Customer service jobs (including mine) were sent to India. Before mine went, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't have to fix something the people in India did wrong. Oh, and BTW, the employees of United, as well as having sell all their stock in the company, had to take huge cuts in pay. As call center after call center closed, many of them packed up and moved to a new call center, only to have that one close in another year or two. Do you know how much I was making when my job went to India? Less the $9.00 an hour. Less than $2.00 more than mw in this state at the time. Customers were complaining about not being able to understand the people over the phone due to accents. They started hanging up and calling again until they got someone in America they could understand. Do you know United's response to this? They sent ALL North American sales calls to India. As a result, more mess ups, which had to be fixed at the Airport, but wait, they'd laid off so many people at the airport and over sold so many tickets that the problems became astronomical. They lost customers by the hundreds, then by the thousands....and who could blame the customers?

United forgot that without good customer service, you don't have customers and without customers you can't stay in business.

Oh, and BTW, I offered to follow my job to India, I could live a heck of a lot better there on $4.50 an hour than I can here on less than $9.00 an hour. Do you know what the answer was? Those jobs are for their citizens. We're the only country in the world that doesn't protect jobs for it's citizens. No wonder we are becoming the laughing stalk of the world.
The rich are job creators and the unions are job killers. The Bakers Union killed Hostess the same way CALPERS killed San Bernardino.

What's more, the union knew exactly what it was doing because they made their demands while Hostess was in the middle of a bankruptcy knowing that it would never be able to meet the union demands.

Prices at the Hostess stores were far cheaper than their non-union competition. How was that possible because the media narrative is saying the opposite? Could it possibly be management's fault? Nooooooo! - The rich are job creators? :lol: There would have been no strike had the rich not raided the union pension fund.

Wait! - Who owns the media who told you it was the unions fault????

:lol: The All-Union Hostess stores even sell wonder bread cheaper than All Anti-Union Walmart. :lol:
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Collective bargaining has become detrimental to its purported cause, and become just a way for union superiors to take what they can get before the target company explodes. They are looters, nothing more. As far as workplace safety regulations go, at what point to these "safety" regulations cease to regulate safety and become harmful to the workers and the company? Or, worse, just reach into the bizarre. To regulate for the purpose of regulating.

How does regulating the number of crayons in a box regulate workplace safety and do we need a law regulating the colors those crayons must be? This is a proposed workplace safety law in Colorado. How about designating that rain puddle in your driveway as a protected waterway? Perhaps we just can no longer tell what workplace safety really is? There is no difference between a badly maintained machine and a rain soaked garden. It's all equal, the same.
Why would you support eroding workplace safety to enhance a bottom line? What is you experience and knowledge of OSHA and EPA regulations? Which federal agency sets the standards for hazardous material exposure limits? Are you arguing from talking point issued by some conservative pundit or do you really know about the way regulations work, to whom they apply and how they are promulgated?
So according to a bunch of vulture capitalists, unions are bad for employees.

Got it.
I can understand a business owner/employer, or a corporate executive, or someone employed in a managerial capacity harboring resentment for unions. But I will wager that no more than possibly one or two of those who express such resentment for unions in this forum occupy any such categories.

As to why anyone who works for wages can harbor such hostility for unions, the only possible reasons I can think of are complete ignorance of the history of and the need for unions in America -- or they are typical right-wing disciples who have been effectively brainwashed by such corporatist propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, et. al. A third possibility is those who for one reason or other have been unable to obtain employment in a union shop and are spitefully resentful.

For the benefit of those union haters I've compiled a list of books which can provide a thorough education on the history and importance of the union movement in America, and what life would be like for working class Americans without it. And for those who don't like to read I've provided a list of movies which are educational as well as entertaining.

Books on Unions

Rebuilding Labor
Why Unions Matter
Unions At The Crossroads
The Transformation of U.S. Unions
Look For The Union Label
"What Do We Need A Union For"
Infighting In The UAW

Movies About Unions

How Green Was My Valley
The Grapes Of Wrath
Native Land
On The Waterfront
The Pajama Game
Harlan County USA
The Organizer
Norma Rae
The Molly Maguires
[The Teamsters decided that if they didn't get what they wanted from Hostess, they'd kill the company. Grabbing the big bucks was well worth the risk of having no job at all. You can rest assured the likewise morons at GM and Chrysler will think the same way, for after all didn't they rape and sodomize the company they originally worked for until the death rattle was heard night and day throughout its plants, offices, and dealerships until the Union friendly Democrat, Barack Obama, came in and said I'll rape and sodomize the taxpayers instead so you can still keep your jobs in return for your votes. Obama did it once, the Union knows its guaranteed he'll do it again. The sky's the limit on their wages only because they have the taxpayer at their mercy to subsidize them until they reach infinity. GM's new plan for its business success also includes selling a vehicle for $40,000 that costs GM $89,000 to produce. What a plan. The miraculous fruits of affirmative action at work at GM
Richard Trumka says he's going to send his union goons door to door to convince American businessmen to see the light regarding Obamanomics.]

"Back in September, following acceptance by the Teamsters. the bakers’ union (BCTGM) at bankrupt Hostess brands—makers of the iconic Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder brand breads—rejected a company proposal to help keep the company in business. By a voice vote of its members, the union opened the door to conduct a company-killing strike and potentially putting 18,500 Hostess workers onto the streets.

Well, on Friday, the bakers’ union called its members on strike nationwide. Now the job cuts begin.

On Monday, Hostess permanently closed three of its plants, thanks to the union’s strike:

Hostess Brands permanently closed three bakeries Monday, including a plant in St. Louis where 365 jobs were cut, in response to a bakers’ union strike that started Friday.

The bankrupt maker of Twinkies and Wonder bread said it’s trying to avert liquidating the entire company, and it shuttered three plants that were no longer able to produce and deliver products because of picket lines. The other plant closures are in Seattle and Cincinnati, where a combined 262 jobs were cut."

The Demise of Twinkies? Yes, It’s True. Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess) | RedState

A bunch of bull crap. Hostess was killed by the VULTURE CAPITALISTS who bought it for the expressed purpose of sucking as much cash out of it on the way down. The vultures were unwilling to pay their employees what they were worth. The idea that a union strike a couple of weeks ago caused a bankruptcy last January flies in the face of the laws of physics.

you really just believe anything don't you

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