The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

Relief is at hand for the DIY Twinkie Enthusiasts:

Homemade Twinkies Recipe


2 1/2 tablespoons flour (for the cream filling)
1/2 cup milk (for the cream filling)
1/2 cup confectioners sugar (for the cream filling)
1/2 cup cold butter (for the cream filling)
1 teaspoon banana or vanilla flavoring/extract (for the cream filling)
1/2 teaspoon salt (for the cream filling)
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup milk, at room temperature
8 tablespoons butter, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, at room temperature


To make the cream filling, mix the flour and milk in a small pan and boil until thick. Cool the mixture, then beat until fluffy.

Add the other four ingredients (confectioners sugar, butter, banana/vanilla extract and salt) one at a time, beating well after each addition. Transfer to the refrigerator for 1 hour. (The cream should be cold and rather stiff when you later pipe it into the cakes, but the act of piping will soften it to the correct consistency.)

Begin making the sponge cake. Preheat the oven to 350 F, and thoroughly grease 8 to 12 wells in a "Cream Canoe" pan (Rappaport recommends the Norpro 3964).

Whisk together the flour and baking powder in a bowl. Set aside. Stir the vanilla extract into the milk in a separate bowl, and set that aside as well.

Cream the butter and sugar in a large bowl until fluffy. Beat the eggs into the batter one at a time, until it is very light and fluffy. Add the flour mixture alternately with the milk, beginning and ending with the flour mixture, thoroughly incorporating each addition before adding the next. Pour batter into prepared pans (Rappaport recommends filling them about halfway, as there is plenty of leavening in the batter.)

Bake for 15 minutes, or until the cakes are just becoming golden and a toothpick inserted into the center of the center cake comes out clean. Remove from the oven, invert to a wire rack and cool completely before filling.

Using a pastry bag or cream-filling gun, fill three holes on the underside of each cake with the cream. Slightly overfill the holes, then use your thumb to tamp in the cream.

Homemade Twinkies Recipe | Fox News Magazine
I know exactly what it means. You should be responsible for what you can control.

Since most of us can't really control cancer or accidents or hurricanes, we need to make sure repsond to those things collectively, which we do..

the difference is, I don't put a douchebag getting rich in teh process over actually helping the person's problem.

No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.

Take care of original.

My wife's sister has become the equivalent of a total wreck in the last 10-12 years. She was a crack shot and part of an elite SWAT security team at one of the local nuclear plants. They stayed at the top of preparedness and trained extensively with new approaches to security procedures at the plant and had certain distances they were required to run in so many seconds or minutes just to continue on the team. Out of nowhere her accuracy at the firing range began to fail and after numerous evaluations and tests they discovered she had something called RSD.

The pain she was having continued to worsen and at some point they decided to do some pretty serious surgery and the surgeon accidently severed a nerve which caused her to lose 80% of her breathing capacity in one lung. Needless to say at that point she became disabled. From then on it's been nothing but downhill. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about four years ago and they did a double mastectomy. While she was still under they brought in a plastic surgeon and he reconstructed her breasts before she ever regained consiousness. She has constant pain and most days doesn't even leave her apartment because of all the medication she takes. She doesn't have anybody but she's so independent that she insists on staying in her own place. We have insisted that she call us every day just so we'll know she's not laying over there dead. My wife and I really have it made so we feel guilty sometimes when we're around her. Most of us take too much for granted.

Don't bother, they refuse to believe illness isn't self-inflicted.
No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.

Take care of original.

My wife's sister has become the equivalent of a total wreck in the last 10-12 years. She was a crack shot and part of an elite SWAT security team at one of the local nuclear plants. They stayed at the top of preparedness and trained extensively with new approaches to security procedures at the plant and had certain distances they were required to run in so many seconds or minutes just to continue on the team. Out of nowhere her accuracy at the firing range began to fail and after numerous evaluations and tests they discovered she had something called RSD.

The pain she was having continued to worsen and at some point they decided to do some pretty serious surgery and the surgeon accidently severed a nerve which caused her to lose 80% of her breathing capacity in one lung. Needless to say at that point she became disabled. From then on it's been nothing but downhill. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about four years ago and they did a double mastectomy. While she was still under they brought in a plastic surgeon and he reconstructed her breasts before she ever regained consiousness. She has constant pain and most days doesn't even leave her apartment because of all the medication she takes. She doesn't have anybody but she's so independent that she insists on staying in her own place. We have insisted that she call us every day just so we'll know she's not laying over there dead. My wife and I really have it made so we feel guilty sometimes when we're around her. Most of us take too much for granted.

Don't bother, they refuse to believe illness isn't self-inflicted.

THEY....can kiss my east Tennessee, Big Orange Volunteer, Coon Dawg Ass.
People that blame unions for the problems in business are fools.

They, the unions, are no more to blame than the owners of companies that get the most the market will bare for the products or sevices they provide.

The problem with Hostess is that they sell flawed products. America consumes an insane ammount of sugar. The cost of diabetes is a serious burden to the cost of health care in our country.

We are better off without high sugar snacks like twinkies and sno balls.

There is a possibility that a program started over two years ago by First Lady Michelle Obama called "Let's Move" is having positive results in terms of reducing demand for Hostess Products like Twinkies. To quote from that article (see link) "Michelle Obama *formally announced today what she called a 'very ambitious' program to end the American plague of childhood obesity in a single generation."
People that blame unions for the problems in business are fools.

They, the unions, are no more to blame than the owners of companies that get the most the market will bare for the products or sevices they provide.

The problem with Hostess is that they sell flawed products. America consumes an insane ammount of sugar. The cost of diabetes is a serious burden to the cost of health care in our country.

We are better off without high sugar snacks like twinkies and sno balls.

There is a possibility that a program started over two years ago by First Lady Michelle Obama called "Let's Move" is having positive results in terms of reducing demand for Hostess Products like Twinkies. To quote from that article (see link) "Michelle Obama *formally announced today what she called a 'very ambitious' program to end the American plague of childhood obesity in a single generation."

Our movement towards healthier eating has actually had a massive negative impact on white bread revenue in the US. I can't see how that's anything but positive.
People that blame unions for the problems in business are fools.

They, the unions, are no more to blame than the owners of companies that get the most the market will bare for the products or sevices they provide.

The problem with Hostess is that they sell flawed products. America consumes an insane ammount of sugar. The cost of diabetes is a serious burden to the cost of health care in our country.

We are better off without high sugar snacks like twinkies and sno balls.

There is a possibility that a program started over two years ago by First Lady Michelle Obama called "Let's Move" is having positive results in terms of reducing demand for Hostess Products like Twinkies. To quote from that article (see link) "Michelle Obama formally announced today what she called a 'very ambitious' program to end the American plague of childhood obesity in a single generation."

Our movement towards healthier eating has actually had a massive negative impact on white bread revenue in the US. I can't see how that's anything but positive.
I agree with you.
Also, I like your icon, a Feynman diagram in which an electron and positron annihilate, producing a virtual photon that becomes a quark-antiquark pair, one of which radiates a gluon. ;-)
There is a possibility that a program started over two years ago by First Lady Michelle Obama called "Let's Move" is having positive results in terms of reducing demand for Hostess Products like Twinkies. To quote from that article (see link) "Michelle Obama formally announced today what she called a 'very ambitious' program to end the American plague of childhood obesity in a single generation."

Our movement towards healthier eating has actually had a massive negative impact on white bread revenue in the US. I can't see how that's anything but positive.
I agree with you.
Also, I like your icon, a Feynman diagram in which an electron and positron annihilate, producing a virtual photon that becomes a quark-antiquark pair, one of which radiates a gluon. ;-)

I'm a physics researcher and a student of astrophysics. It seemed appropriate given that. :)

Still haven't decided if I want to stick with astrophysics PhD or branch to particle physics which is the current "hot area" for research.
Take care of original.

My wife's sister has become the equivalent of a total wreck in the last 10-12 years. She was a crack shot and part of an elite SWAT security team at one of the local nuclear plants. They stayed at the top of preparedness and trained extensively with new approaches to security procedures at the plant and had certain distances they were required to run in so many seconds or minutes just to continue on the team. Out of nowhere her accuracy at the firing range began to fail and after numerous evaluations and tests they discovered she had something called RSD.

The pain she was having continued to worsen and at some point they decided to do some pretty serious surgery and the surgeon accidently severed a nerve which caused her to lose 80% of her breathing capacity in one lung. Needless to say at that point she became disabled. From then on it's been nothing but downhill. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about four years ago and they did a double mastectomy. While she was still under they brought in a plastic surgeon and he reconstructed her breasts before she ever regained consiousness. She has constant pain and most days doesn't even leave her apartment because of all the medication she takes. She doesn't have anybody but she's so independent that she insists on staying in her own place. We have insisted that she call us every day just so we'll know she's not laying over there dead. My wife and I really have it made so we feel guilty sometimes when we're around her. Most of us take too much for granted.

Don't bother, they refuse to believe illness isn't self-inflicted.

THEY....can kiss my east Tennessee, Big Orange Volunteer, Coon Dawg Ass.

You aren't getting a dime of my money to maintain your life. Kiss my ass.
I know exactly what it means. You should be responsible for what you can control.

Since most of us can't really control cancer or accidents or hurricanes, we need to make sure repsond to those things collectively, which we do..

the difference is, I don't put a douchebag getting rich in teh process over actually helping the person's problem.

No you don't understand what being personally responsible means. It has nothing to do with what you control
It's about what you do and taking care of yourself. Not others.

Take care of original.

My wife's sister has become the equivalent of a total wreck in the last 10-12 years. She was a crack shot and part of an elite SWAT security team at one of the local nuclear plants. They stayed at the top of preparedness and trained extensively with new approaches to security procedures at the plant and had certain distances they were required to run in so many seconds or minutes just to continue on the team. Out of nowhere her accuracy at the firing range began to fail and after numerous evaluations and tests they discovered she had something called RSD.

The pain she was having continued to worsen and at some point they decided to do some pretty serious surgery and the surgeon accidently severed a nerve which caused her to lose 80% of her breathing capacity in one lung. Needless to say at that point she became disabled. From then on it's been nothing but downhill. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about four years ago and they did a double mastectomy. While she was still under they brought in a plastic surgeon and he reconstructed her breasts before she ever regained consiousness. She has constant pain and most days doesn't even leave her apartment because of all the medication she takes. She doesn't have anybody but she's so independent that she insists on staying in her own place. We have insisted that she call us every day just so we'll know she's not laying over there dead. My wife and I really have it made so we feel guilty sometimes when we're around her. Most of us take too much for granted.

I have the money to pay for my own healthcare hows that. But you're not getting a dime of MY money so kiss my ass again.
Twinkies are just another victim of the CREATIVE CAPITALISM.

They cannot compete in the marketplace ergo they deserve to shut down.

Oh you say its because they have to pay for health care just like EVERY OTHER COMPANY?

So then you admit that they cannot compete with their competition that has exactly the same HC payments?

So TWINKIES is a LOSER company according to Libertarian thinking.

TWINKIES is being destroyed by the market forces, not by ObamaCAre.

Only one flaw with your theory. You're assuming these companies who are going to have the same HC payments aren't going to go under as well. It hasn't even started yet...dope. And, who said anything about "ObamaCAre"? I didn't say anything about "ObamaCAre". And, no, TWINKIES is being destroyed by Obama and his wretched economy over the last four years and what's surely to be a worse economy over the next four years. If the economy were booming, I suspect, the workers would get what they want. It's not, so they didn't.
Let's face it. The "twinkie" brand is becoming toxic. No other product is more closley identified with the obesity problem then those spongy little dudes.
America is changing. Hostess, Little Debbie and others are in trouble.

That is the second time this stupid shit has been posted.

Cease and Desist.

Hostess failed because their flunky UNION trolls took them down.

Sugary snacks are rocking, as evidenced in the obesity, diabetes statistics, and Moochelle's barn-door sized ass.

And the sales figures.:

'ROCKVILLE, Md.—Americans are snacking more than ever with retail sales of packaged snacks ringing up $64 billion in 2010, up from $56 billion in 2006, according to Packaged Facts new “Snack Foods in the U.S., 4th Edition." The market is predicted to reach $77 billion by 2015 fueled by reduced restaurant dining, busier lifestyles and rising health concerns.'

Snack Food Sales Soar to $77 Billion by 2015

No, hostess failed because they were bought out and looted.
Yes I have mine because I worked hard for it and earned mine. No one gave me anything.

That's not really true. You offered someone a good or service, and someone paid you a price for it.

Paid you with legal tender printed by the government.

Which you were able to do because a civil society decided we were better off looking out for each other rather than running around like a Mad Max Movie rampaging and pillaging.

That obama bull shit is still bull shit even now. I WORKED FOR IT I EARNED IT, AND IT'S MINE.

I don't believe that for a second. You've admitted to working under the table. That means you are probably taking advantage of every program you can, including foodstamps. That's what everybody else I know who works under the table does. Make sure you have nothing in your name so when you have to visit the hospital, they can't come after you to pay for your care.
"The market is predicted to reach $77 billion by 2015..."

A trillion here, a trillion there...and pretty soon you are talking about real money...
Let's face it. The "twinkie" brand is becoming toxic. No other product is more closley identified with the obesity problem then those spongy little dudes.
America is changing. Hostess, Little Debbie and others are in trouble.

That is the second time this stupid shit has been posted.

Cease and Desist.

Hostess failed because their flunky UNION trolls took them down.

Sugary snacks are rocking, as evidenced in the obesity, diabetes statistics, and Moochelle's barn-door sized ass.

And the sales figures.:

'ROCKVILLE, Md.—Americans are snacking more than ever with retail sales of packaged snacks ringing up $64 billion in 2010, up from $56 billion in 2006, according to Packaged Facts new “Snack Foods in the U.S., 4th Edition." The market is predicted to reach $77 billion by 2015 fueled by reduced restaurant dining, busier lifestyles and rising health concerns.'

Snack Food Sales Soar to $77 Billion by 2015

No, hostess failed because they were bought out and looted.

I read the article you mentioned, and it indicates that snack food companies that are doing well are doing so in part because they are offering more healthful alternatives to the traditional sugary high calorie snack foods. See the quote below from the article:
Factors driving the snack sector including less frequent restaurant dining, hurried lifestyles that encourage on-the-go eating, a growing tendency to replace meals with several smaller snacks, and marketer efforts to combat the obesity epidemic by developing healthier snack foods that still taste appealing.
Nobody ever screeches about union bosses making too much money.

Union Facts: Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers (BCTGMI) Profile, Membership, Leaders, Political Operations, etc.

Officers and Employees
Average Total Compensation: $94,797.07
Total Employees: 58
Employees Making more than $75,000: 31
Top Ten Highest Paid Leaders

Name Title Total Compensation
Maybe we can start buying Twinkies from China.

Thanks for collapsing another great American institution, Union filth.
First, you don't know for certain that unreasonable union demands are responsible for the decline in Hostess' viability. But I'm sure you do know that its flagship product, Twinkies, has been under attack for its exceptional contribution to the obesity problem which probably has resulted in declining revenues. That very strong probability, combined with the highly suspicious actions of Hostess' executive board, i.e., awarding themselves inordinately high raises and bonuses while simultaneously calling for reductions in employee salaries and benefits, strongly suggests those executives know exactly what they are doing and are getting ready to pull a Romney and blame it on the unions.

But even if I'm completely mistaken, what accounts for your plainly bitter contempt for unions? While I'm well aware that the history of unions in America is not without some negative chapters, what do you suppose the status of working class Americans would be today were it not for the union movement? To answer that one need only look back at what it was like back in the Gilded Age.

I don't know what your age or your social status is but if you consider yourself a member of the American Middle Class you need to understand that were it not for the unions, warts and all, there would be no Middle Class and it is extremely likely that life in America for you, your parents, and your children, would be starkly different.

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