The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

THEY....can kiss my east Tennessee, Big Orange Volunteer, Coon Dawg Ass.

You aren't getting a dime of my money to maintain your life. Kiss my ass.

I worked in a uranium factory at one of the Oak Ridge sites for 41 years. It'll be a cold day in hell before you ever hear of me taking a goddam thing of yours. The union(Local 9-288, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers, OCAW) made it possible for me to educate my three children and retire with dignity. The upper 1% of paper shufflers and those who inheirited from their parents are the only problem the middle class has to deal with now that the Republican party has finally the way, the cause of death was suicide.



Melvin that same shit was said about the Republican party before 2010, were going to tar and feather some dead weight rino's and send them packing your way.
I hear you- plus he really is "spamming" with that pic

The Left also predicted after his first election
that Republicans would lose power in all branches
for the next 40 years

They were only off by 38 years

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough....
the fact of the matter, once the majority goes to the taker
side, it is bound to fail

After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Somebody has to pay the bills
Indeed, in Papa Obama's world - work two jobs
so someone else does not have to work
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Its funny cause only people I see telling everyone that the Brass at Hostess was making absurd money is the progressive hit sites....Even more curious is that they dont tell us where they get this info just that it is there. I think again the useful idiots on this board IE liberals are being played for suckers. Do we even know if the executive staff took a salary reduction? There is no evidence to support the progressives

We've been played for suckers all right....ever since Reagan but you know what................that shit is over, finished, Kaput....your greedy party is finished. You know the good part...they don't even realize it.
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Its funny cause only people I see telling everyone that the Brass at Hostess was making absurd money is the progressive hit sites....Even more curious is that they dont tell us where they get this info just that it is there. I think again the useful idiots on this board IE liberals are being played for suckers. Do we even know if the executive staff took a salary reduction? There is no evidence to support the progressives

We've been played for suckers all right....ever since Reagan but you know what................that shit is over, finished, Kaput....your greedy party is finished. You know the good part...they don't even realize it.

You dont know shit about what happen during Reagan ... to busy being jealous of people who are success.....
Its funny cause only people I see telling everyone that the Brass at Hostess was making absurd money is the progressive hit sites....Even more curious is that they dont tell us where they get this info just that it is there. I think again the useful idiots on this board IE liberals are being played for suckers. Do we even know if the executive staff took a salary reduction? There is no evidence to support the progressives

We've been played for suckers all right....ever since Reagan but you know what................that shit is over, finished, Kaput....your greedy party is finished. You know the good part...they don't even realize it.

You dont know shit about what happen during Reagan ... to busy being jealous of people who are success.....

It is sad.
how extreme and far left the Democrats have gone
in almost 50 years

[ame=]Forward- The Obama Way - YouTube[/ame]
Cracks me up watching the righties here completely ignore the fact that TWINKIES just cannot cut it on a level playing field in the free market.

So they blame Obama for what is obviously the mismanagement.

MORONS,Twinkie is not the ONLY company that has to deal with the cost of HC.

But it is the only bakery company that is blaming that HC program for why they can not compete.

Nice theory
too bad it is wrong

We are far from being a true free market
Indeed, one only needs to look at the thousands being
laid off or reduced to part time because of Papa ObamaCare
- free market- too funny

Papa Obama and the Union leadership did a disservice
to union members by making them feel "empowered"
so they would vote for Papa Obama
Cracks me up watching the righties here completely ignore the fact that TWINKIES just cannot cut it on a level playing field in the free market.

So they blame Obama for what is obviously the mismanagement.

MORONS,Twinkie is not the ONLY company that has to deal with the cost of HC.

But it is the only bakery company that is blaming that HC program for why they can not compete.


I am sure the new non-union owners of the brand name will kick ass with it.

Perhaps Little Debbies will gobble it up.
Fuck those unions asshole pricks.....laughed my ass off when I heard they are out of a job.

Cracks me up watching the righties here completely ignore the fact that TWINKIES just cannot cut it on a level playing field in the free market.

So they blame Obama for what is obviously the mismanagement.

MORONS,Twinkie is not the ONLY company that has to deal with the cost of HC.

But it is the only bakery company that is blaming that HC program for why they can not compete.


post makes no sense s0n.

Righties are sentimental about the demise of the Twinkie but are laughing their asses off that the union got fuckiing pwned. Twinkies cant compete.....close the shit down. Thats how it works.
If you sugar junkies hurry you can still find some very good bargains on Halloween candy at the local grocery stores. I saw some 50% off candy yesterday at the Albertsons. That should help take the sting out of losing your access to Twinkies.
Even a couple labor leaders have criticized the bakers' union's handling of the matter.

Once again a corrupt union manages to get its members laid off by refusing to accept a reasonable contract offer.
These Losers cannot compete in a level playing field of capitalism so they blame OBAMA.

My goodness these losers are a sad lot, aren't they?
If you sugar junkies hurry you can still find some very good bargains on Halloween candy at the local grocery stores. I saw some 50% off candy yesterday at the Albertsons. That should help take the sting out of losing your access to Twinkies.

s0n......still got your own mug in the avatar.

Whats up with that?
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Cracks me up watching the righties here completely ignore the fact that TWINKIES just cannot cut it on a level playing field in the free market.

So they blame Obama for what is obviously the mismanagement.

MORONS,Twinkie is not the ONLY company that has to deal with the cost of HC.

But it is the only bakery company that is blaming that HC program for why they can not compete.


I am sure the new non-union owners of the brand name will kick ass with it.

Perhaps Little Debbies will gobble it up.

And Lil Debbies will ALSO be paying the HC costs that the TWINKIE folks claim are the reason they must shut down.

Run along losers, real capitalists will pick up that market share.

Cracks me up watching the righties here completely ignore the fact that TWINKIES just cannot cut it on a level playing field in the free market.

So they blame Obama for what is obviously the mismanagement.

MORONS,Twinkie is not the ONLY company that has to deal with the cost of HC.

But it is the only bakery company that is blaming that HC program for why they can not compete.


I am sure the new non-union owners of the brand name will kick ass with it.

Perhaps Little Debbies will gobble it up.

And Lil Debbies will ALSO be paying the HC costs that the TWINKIE folks claim are the reason they must shut down.

Run along losers, real capitalists will pick up that market share.


Which is the point

Papa Obama has no real growth policies
and his anti-growth policies were all
back loaded into his 2nd term

The chickens are coming home to roost
If you sugar junkies hurry you can still find some very good bargains on Halloween candy at the local grocery stores. I saw some 50% off candy yesterday at the Albertsons. That should help take the sting out of losing your access to Twinkies.

s0n......still got your own mug in the avatar.

Whats up with that?

I lost no bets...what's your point?

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