The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

Dumbfuck....things change. Just because you bought a car in January doesn't mean your life doesn't change in June to where the car is too expensive now.

The greedy union didn't want to take a 4% cut in wages with goodies like part ownership of the company and 2 seats on the BOG.

In an economy where people want jobs, the union showed they are greedy like you.

This should forever be known as the Twinkie Model....where 1 greedy union gets their jobs, another union's jobs and non-union jobs all destroyed in one move.

If management wanted unions to accept further wage cuts......why did the CEO triple his own salary?

How does management have the gall to triple their own salaries and then ask for major cuts from the union?

Which world do you live in?
.But while headlines have been quick to blame unions for the downfall of the company there’s actually more to the story: While the company was filing for bankruptcy, for the second time, earlier this year, it actually tripled its CEO’s pay, and increased other executives’ compensation by as much as 80 percent.
At the time, creditors warned that the decision signaled an attempt to “sidestep” bankruptcy rules, potentially as a means for trying to keep the executive at a failing company. The Confectionery, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers International Union pointed this out in their written reaction to the news that the business is closing:
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What does that have to do with Hostess failing? Hostess is free to make their crap food products in China. I doubt that "price" is the most important factor in why Hostess products are not selling as well as they were in the past. If we follow your logic then the bakers and other employees should get lower and lower pay until they are working for free to keep Twinkies on the shelf.
^^^ Leftist logic. :lmao:

I need to check with all of my Marxist comrades to see if your response makes any sense whatsoever. :confused:
Oh, you mean like yours didn't?

You'll have to show where I've EVER advocated people working for free. Good luck with that.
[The Teamsters decided that if they didn't get what they wanted from Hostess, they'd kill the company. Grabbing the big bucks was well worth the risk of having no job at all. You can rest assured the likewise morons at GM and Chrysler will think the same way, for after all didn't they rape and sodomize the company they originally worked for until the death rattle was heard night and day throughout its plants, offices, and dealerships until the Union friendly Democrat, Barack Obama, came in and said I'll rape and sodomize the taxpayers instead so you can still keep your jobs in return for your votes. Obama did it once, the Union knows its guaranteed he'll do it again. The sky's the limit on their wages only because they have the taxpayer at their mercy to subsidize them until they reach infinity. GM's new plan for its business success also includes selling a vehicle for $40,000 that costs GM $89,000 to produce. What a plan. The miraculous fruits of affirmative action at work at GM
Richard Trumka says he's going to send his union goons door to door to convince American businessmen to see the light regarding Obamanomics.]

"Back in September, following acceptance by the Teamsters. the bakers’ union (BCTGM) at bankrupt Hostess brands—makers of the iconic Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder brand breads—rejected a company proposal to help keep the company in business. By a voice vote of its members, the union opened the door to conduct a company-killing strike and potentially putting 18,500 Hostess workers onto the streets.

Well, on Friday, the bakers’ union called its members on strike nationwide. Now the job cuts begin.

On Monday, Hostess permanently closed three of its plants, thanks to the union’s strike:

Hostess Brands permanently closed three bakeries Monday, including a plant in St. Louis where 365 jobs were cut, in response to a bakers’ union strike that started Friday.

The bankrupt maker of Twinkies and Wonder bread said it’s trying to avert liquidating the entire company, and it shuttered three plants that were no longer able to produce and deliver products because of picket lines. The other plant closures are in Seattle and Cincinnati, where a combined 262 jobs were cut."

The Demise of Twinkies? Yes, It’s True. Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess) | RedState

Leave it to the Right to mourn the Twinkie.
Ed, Hostess cited rising HC costs AND labor costs in its decision to close.

But you just make sure you don't blame the union for its part.

The unions don't set prices for products or control distribution. If a product is not desired any more it is almost always because of a poor advertising campaign or a better more desireable product is on the market. Some businesses just simply fail because the public has less interest or need for it. You cannot expect the unions or any workers to accept less money because a product cannot or will not be maketed as successfully as it once was. People are wising up to nutrition. Twinkies and Hostess failed because they and their other products are crap.
Do you really believe that the cost of labor is not part of the price of a product?

Are you too big a moron to not understand that the cost of management, who is clueless, isn't a cost of doing business? You're a twinkie.
"We don't need no stinkin' jobs! We got Obama to rely on!"
Obamanomics in action. Yet Trumka has the cojones to say, with a straight face yet, that it was Mitt Romney style capitalism that killed the Twinkie. If you can't sell your product at a price sufficient to pay for your materials, supplies, labor, capital, and the rest of your overhead, you go out of business, find another job or line of work or stand by a highway exit with your tin cup and sign saying "Will work for food". However, since the advent of the "Age Of Obama" the government will, in exchange for your agreement to cast your vote perpetually for his person or his policies, shake down, extort, and steal from the rest of the population the funds to keep your business running. Any infidelities on your part will lead to the abrupt end of Obama's largesse.

Bakers’ Union Boss: We Knew Hostess Would Die If We Went On Strike… | Weasel Zippers

“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.
[The Teamsters decided that if they didn't get what they wanted from Hostess, they'd kill the company. Grabbing the big bucks was well worth the risk of having no job at all. You can rest assured the likewise morons at GM and Chrysler will think the same way, for after all didn't they rape and sodomize the company they originally worked for until the death rattle was heard night and day throughout its plants, offices, and dealerships until the Union friendly Democrat, Barack Obama, came in and said I'll rape and sodomize the taxpayers instead so you can still keep your jobs in return for your votes. Obama did it once, the Union knows its guaranteed he'll do it again. The sky's the limit on their wages only because they have the taxpayer at their mercy to subsidize them until they reach infinity. GM's new plan for its business success also includes selling a vehicle for $40,000 that costs GM $89,000 to produce. What a plan. The miraculous fruits of affirmative action at work at GM
Richard Trumka says he's going to send his union goons door to door to convince American businessmen to see the light regarding Obamanomics.]

"Back in September, following acceptance by the Teamsters. the bakers’ union (BCTGM) at bankrupt Hostess brands—makers of the iconic Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder brand breads—rejected a company proposal to help keep the company in business. By a voice vote of its members, the union opened the door to conduct a company-killing strike and potentially putting 18,500 Hostess workers onto the streets.

Well, on Friday, the bakers’ union called its members on strike nationwide. Now the job cuts begin.

On Monday, Hostess permanently closed three of its plants, thanks to the union’s strike:

Hostess Brands permanently closed three bakeries Monday, including a plant in St. Louis where 365 jobs were cut, in response to a bakers’ union strike that started Friday.

The bankrupt maker of Twinkies and Wonder bread said it’s trying to avert liquidating the entire company, and it shuttered three plants that were no longer able to produce and deliver products because of picket lines. The other plant closures are in Seattle and Cincinnati, where a combined 262 jobs were cut."

The Demise of Twinkies? Yes, It’s True. Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess) | RedState

Leave it to the Right to mourn the Twinkie.

No, we're mourning the 18,000 jobs lost to union greed.
The unions don't set prices for products or control distribution. If a product is not desired any more it is almost always because of a poor advertising campaign or a better more desireable product is on the market. Some businesses just simply fail because the public has less interest or need for it. You cannot expect the unions or any workers to accept less money because a product cannot or will not be maketed as successfully as it once was. People are wising up to nutrition. Twinkies and Hostess failed because they and their other products are crap.
Do you really believe that the cost of labor is not part of the price of a product?

Are you too big a moron to not understand that the cost of management, who is clueless, isn't a cost of doing business? You're a twinkie.
Management and labor are both costs of doing business. Any normal person knows this.

Leftists have trouble with the concept.
"We don't need no stinkin' jobs! We got Obama to rely on!"
Obamanomics in action. Yet Trumka has the cojones to say, with a straight face yet, that it was Mitt Romney style capitalism that killed the Twinkie. If you can't sell your product at a price sufficient to pay for your materials, supplies, labor, capital, and the rest of your overhead, you go out of business, find another job or line of work or stand by a highway exit with your tin cup and sign saying "Will work for food". However, since the advent of the "Age Of Obama" the government will, in exchange for your agreement to cast your vote perpetually for his person or his policies, shake down, extort, and steal from the rest of the population the funds to keep your business running. Any infidelities on your part will lead to the abrupt end of Obama's largesse.

Bakers’ Union Boss: We Knew Hostess Would Die If We Went On Strike… | Weasel Zippers

“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.

So did management

They did nothing to try to save their own company. They were preparing for liquidation
"We don't need no stinkin' jobs! We got Obama to rely on!"
Obamanomics in action. Yet Trumka has the cojones to say, with a straight face yet, that it was Mitt Romney style capitalism that killed the Twinkie. If you can't sell your product at a price sufficient to pay for your materials, supplies, labor, capital, and the rest of your overhead, you go out of business, find another job or line of work or stand by a highway exit with your tin cup and sign saying "Will work for food". However, since the advent of the "Age Of Obama" the government will, in exchange for your agreement to cast your vote perpetually for his person or his policies, shake down, extort, and steal from the rest of the population the funds to keep your business running. Any infidelities on your part will lead to the abrupt end of Obama's largesse.

Bakers’ Union Boss: We Knew Hostess Would Die If We Went On Strike… | Weasel Zippers

“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.

So did management

They did nothing to try to save their own company. They were preparing for liquidation
Funny how all the other unions involved accepted their offers, isn't it?

The bakers' union knew the company would fold if they went on strike.

They went on strike, ending not only their own jobs, but the jobs of thousands of other employees.

And you see no problem with this.
"We don't need no stinkin' jobs! We got Obama to rely on!"
Obamanomics in action. Yet Trumka has the cojones to say, with a straight face yet, that it was Mitt Romney style capitalism that killed the Twinkie. If you can't sell your product at a price sufficient to pay for your materials, supplies, labor, capital, and the rest of your overhead, you go out of business, find another job or line of work or stand by a highway exit with your tin cup and sign saying "Will work for food". However, since the advent of the "Age Of Obama" the government will, in exchange for your agreement to cast your vote perpetually for his person or his policies, shake down, extort, and steal from the rest of the population the funds to keep your business running. Any infidelities on your part will lead to the abrupt end of Obama's largesse.

Bakers’ Union Boss: We Knew Hostess Would Die If We Went On Strike… | Weasel Zippers

“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.

What a twinkie you are. Management more than doubled their wage, and threatened the people, who put the rubber on the road, with an 8% wage cut. I guess your politics think this is a good deal. So what did the 3X salary CEO come up with? Any new products, or improved products, coming out of Hostess?

You're still a twinkie.
America is finished unless we can beat the fucking unions.

Unions have never been more powerless and are the last defender of the company pension but you people still press the attack. After the company pension is a distant memory, you've allowed Wall Street to rob all the private retirement accounts and you people kill SS I just wonder how any of us will live when we are old. That is what is at stake here, not just some shitty snack food or a pissing contest with unions, the very foundation of working class retirement is under attack by the plutocrats with the full support of a legion of blue collar right wing assholes who do not seem to even notice that they are cutting their own throats. They are not going to allow any of us a comfortable old age, be prepared to work until the day you die.

You want to know the problem with company pensions these days???? They are unsustainable. People used to die younger so they were taking a pension for what maybe 10 yrs. Now people retire at 65 and live until they're 90.

People at these union shops need to realize that they are gong to have to do what the rest of us do. INVEST for yourself in a 401K and save money.

As far as SS if the gov. would keep their hands out of MINGHT be there when I retire. I doubt it. So I save as much money on my own as I can. I do not want to be one of those people dependent on the whim of the gov. when I get older.
Its funny cause only people I see telling everyone that the Brass at Hostess was making absurd money is the progressive hit sites....Even more curious is that they dont tell us where they get this info just that it is there. I think again the useful idiots on this board IE liberals are being played for suckers. Do we even know if the executive staff took a salary reduction? There is no evidence to support the progressives

We've been played for suckers all right....ever since Reagan but you know what................that shit is over, finished, Kaput....your greedy party is finished. You know the good part...they don't even realize it.

You dont know shit about what happen during Reagan ... to busy being jealous of people who are success.....

I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times...even voted for Reagan once. That was back when the party stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they are in the pockets of corporations and the wealthy. I wouldn't vote for another one of the greedy son-of-a-bitches at a national level if there wasn't anybody else to choose.
"We don't need no stinkin' jobs! We got Obama to rely on!"
Obamanomics in action. Yet Trumka has the cojones to say, with a straight face yet, that it was Mitt Romney style capitalism that killed the Twinkie. If you can't sell your product at a price sufficient to pay for your materials, supplies, labor, capital, and the rest of your overhead, you go out of business, find another job or line of work or stand by a highway exit with your tin cup and sign saying "Will work for food". However, since the advent of the "Age Of Obama" the government will, in exchange for your agreement to cast your vote perpetually for his person or his policies, shake down, extort, and steal from the rest of the population the funds to keep your business running. Any infidelities on your part will lead to the abrupt end of Obama's largesse.

Bakers’ Union Boss: We Knew Hostess Would Die If We Went On Strike… | Weasel Zippers

“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.

What a twinkie you are. Management more than doubled their wage, and threatened the people, who put the rubber on the road, with an 8% wage cut. I guess your politics think this is a good deal. So what did the 3X salary CEO come up with? Any new products, or improved products, coming out of Hostess?

You're still a twinkie.
Mindless buffoonery is mindless.
This should forever be known as the Twinkie Model....where 1 greedy union gets their jobs, another union's jobs and non-union jobs all destroyed in one move.

If management wanted unions to accept further wage cuts......why did the CEO triple his own salary?

The salaries for execs were tripled, knowing that the company was going out of business and those salaries would never be paid. Yes, it makes perfect sense.

This is another example, like San Bernardino is an example, of out of control unions. Hostess went bankrupt as a result of union greed as it should. Now the union members can preen in the unemployment line and brag about how easy it was to end their own jobs.
"We don't need no stinkin' jobs! We got Obama to rely on!"
Obamanomics in action. Yet Trumka has the cojones to say, with a straight face yet, that it was Mitt Romney style capitalism that killed the Twinkie. If you can't sell your product at a price sufficient to pay for your materials, supplies, labor, capital, and the rest of your overhead, you go out of business, find another job or line of work or stand by a highway exit with your tin cup and sign saying "Will work for food". However, since the advent of the "Age Of Obama" the government will, in exchange for your agreement to cast your vote perpetually for his person or his policies, shake down, extort, and steal from the rest of the population the funds to keep your business running. Any infidelities on your part will lead to the abrupt end of Obama's largesse.

Bakers’ Union Boss: We Knew Hostess Would Die If We Went On Strike… | Weasel Zippers

“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.

What a twinkie you are. Management more than doubled their wage, and threatened the people, who put the rubber on the road, with an 8% wage cut. I guess your politics think this is a good deal. So what did the 3X salary CEO come up with? Any new products, or improved products, coming out of Hostess?

You're still a twinkie.

Management failed Hostess. The union accepted pay and benefit cuts during the last Hostess bankruptcy. Hostess still failed.

So what does management do? They triple CEO salary and then come back and ask for additional pay and benefit cuts.

If you worked for Hostess, what would you do? Accept another pay cut while management jacks up their own salary or just say...enough is enough?
This should forever be known as the Twinkie Model....where 1 greedy union gets their jobs, another union's jobs and non-union jobs all destroyed in one move.

If management wanted unions to accept further wage cuts......why did the CEO triple his own salary?

The salaries for execs were tripled, knowing that the company was going out of business and those salaries would never be paid. Yes, it makes perfect sense.

This is another example, like San Bernardino is an example, of out of control unions. Hostess went bankrupt as a result of union greed as it should. Now the union members can preen in the unemployment line and brag about how easy it was to end their own jobs.

When caught in a lie....retell the lie
“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.

What a twinkie you are. Management more than doubled their wage, and threatened the people, who put the rubber on the road, with an 8% wage cut. I guess your politics think this is a good deal. So what did the 3X salary CEO come up with? Any new products, or improved products, coming out of Hostess?

You're still a twinkie.
Mindless buffoonery is mindless.

Suck the ass you choose, twinkie.
“When a highly respected financial consultant, hired by Hostess, determined earlier this year that the company’s business plan to exit bankruptcy was guaranteed to fail because it left the company with unsustainable debt levels, our members knew that the massive wage and benefit concessions the company was demanding would go straight to Wall Street investors and not back into the company."

Bakers union finally comments on Hostess demise - Dallas Business Journal

The union knew they would kill the company.

What a twinkie you are. Management more than doubled their wage, and threatened the people, who put the rubber on the road, with an 8% wage cut. I guess your politics think this is a good deal. So what did the 3X salary CEO come up with? Any new products, or improved products, coming out of Hostess?

You're still a twinkie.

Management failed Hostess. The union accepted pay and benefit cuts during the last Hostess bankruptcy. Hostess still failed.

So what does management do? They triple CEO salary and then come back and ask for additional pay and benefit cuts.

If you worked for Hostess, what would you do? Accept another pay cut while management jacks up their own salary or just say...enough is enough?
Collecting unemployment is a far larger pay cut.

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