The house will subpoena Hunter Biden. I have little hopes that anything will come of that.

I notice you don't say "No, wait. I, JoeB, am not too stupid to post on a message board, and I believe that Hunter was paid all those millions and none went to Joe. I really believe that."

Connecting the dots well enough to convict for bribery is nearly impossible. That's why the politicians have always taken bribes and always will.

Actually, connecting the dots for actual bribery is kind of hard, because if you weren't so fucking stupid, you'd realize there's never one guy making the decision.

Joe was Vice President when these monies were paid. As John Nance Garner once said, "The Vice Presidency isn't worth a bucket of warm piss". (And ironically, I saw two different trivia shows where no one remembered who John Nance Garner was.)

Hunter was paid because he knew people and had connections, period. It's unfortunate that's how things work in Washington, but that's how things work in Washington, which is why we have 12,000 registered lobbyists in Washington.

Obviously Joe is not going to be caught on tape saying, "with all the money Xi is paying me through my kids, you're damn skippy he can fly as many balloons over Kansas as he pleases!" We have the two facts: the Biden family is paid millions by the Chinese, and Biden allows the Chinese to do outrageous things that no other president - not even Obama - ever tolerated. We can draw our own conclusions.

So let me get this straight. Xi supposedly paid Hunter so that a small sliver of that money might get back to Joe because some day Joe MIGHT be president and he'll get to fly a balloon over the US, even though these Balloons flew over the US when Trump was president anyway.

YOu see, this is where your argument falls apart. The Chinese or Bursima paid these millions to Hunter to give to Joe except you can't prove

1) Joe got any money from them. (And no, Jim's wife repaying a small loan doesn't count.)
2) that they got any change in policy in return for these bribes.

He can't be impeached and removed, though. Not unless somehow the GOP gets two thirds of the Senate. Dems will want to keep him no matter what he does, as long as Harris is the alternative.

So, it will be up to the voters to take care of him, and the polls show that we intend to do exactly that. Only question is whether the Dem voters will put him out of his misery, or if Trump will have the honor. I'm betting on the Dems.

Actually, here's how it's going to play out. When Trump goes on trial for the other 91 indictments, he's going to act even more unhinged than he is now, and sensible people will say, "Man, we're nervouse about Joe's Age, but Trump is nuts!"

Now, personally, I'd like to see both Biden and Trump taken off the board, because they are both too old. We need to stop electing octogenarians and hoping they won't keel over while in office.
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Actually, connecting the dots for actual bribery is kind of hard, because if you weren't so fucking stupid, you'd realize there's never one guy making the decision.

Joe was Vice President when these monies were paid. As John Nance Garner once said, "The Vice Presidency isn't worth a bucket of warm piss". (And ironically, I saw two different trivia shows where no one remembered who John Nance Garner was.)
So Joe was lying when he bragged about threatening to withhold funds from Ukraine if they did not fire the prosecutor investigating his son's company? Or if he did make that threat, the Ukrainians laughed at him and his bucket of piss job, instead of firing the prosecutor as Joe claimed they did?

So let me get this straight. Xi supposedly paid Hunter so that a small sliver of that money might get back to Joe because some day Joe MIGHT be president and he'll get to fly a balloon over the US, even though these Balloons flew over the US when Trump was president anyway.
I never said it was a small sliver, and the money was for Joe's obedience in all things, not just the balloons.

Actually, here's how it's going to play out. When Trump goes on trial for the other 91 indictments, he's going to act even more unhinged than he is now, and sensible people will say, "Man, we're nervouse about Joe's Age, but Trump is nuts!"
Doesn't seem to be happening yet. When will this "JoeB Effect" kick in?
Now, personally, I'd like to see both Biden and Trump taken off the board, because they are both too old. We need to stop electing octogenarians and hoping they won't keel over while in office.
Eh, why not?

We have a lower age limit for president, so an upper limit makes sense. It can't take effect for the 2024 election, so that's moot for this discussion.

Speaking of liking to see someone taken off the board, care for a little wager about whether Trump wins the primary, and another about whether he wins the general? With all the nervouse people, it should be a cinch for you to win, no?
So Joe was lying when he bragged about threatening to withhold funds from Ukraine if they did not fire the prosecutor investigating his son's company? Or if he did make that threat, the Ukrainians laughed at him and his bucket of piss job, instead of firing the prosecutor as Joe claimed they did?

Sweet Evil Jesus, we've been over this.

Shokin was fired because the US Congress (including Republicans), the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the European Union all INSISTED that he needed to be fired. Because his top two deputies were caught with millions of dollars in foreign currency and uncut diamonds in their home.

I never said it was a small sliver, and the money was for Joe's obedience in all things, not just the balloons.

Except you can't prove that he got any money or the Chinese got anything for their troubles.

Heck, even the CEFC deal that Hunter was working on eventually fell through.

Speaking of liking to see someone taken off the board, care for a little wager about whether Trump wins the primary and another about whether he wins the general? With all the nervouse people, it should be a cinch for you to win, no?
No, I don't make wagers with assholes.

Sadly, Trump will probably win the nomination, and then he'll get convicted in DC or Georgia or NY, and the GOP will have the look of having a convicted felon as a candidate.
Which is not illegal, but rather common.
Yes, but I was answering a claim that Hunter Biden got his money for anything but his influence on Joe.
Ivanka Trump got 20 plus Chinese trademarks due to her last name.
But she actually designed stuff to be trademarked.
Sadly, Trump will probably win the nomination, and then he'll get convicted in DC or Georgia or NY, and the GOP will have the look of having a convicted felon as a candidate.
Not to mention polls showing the nation will have the look of a convicted felon as president.

Just out of curiosity, is there any kind of DNC plan to catch Biden up or at least stop the gap from continuing to grow?
Just out of curiosity, is there any kind of DNC plan to catch Biden up or at least stop the gap from continuing to grow?

No idea, but I image for the most part they understand that polls a year before the election are like asking someone what they want for dinner this day next year.

It is sort of fun to watch the party of "polls are fake" become the party of blind faith in the polls.
No idea, but I image for the most part they understand that polls a year before the election are like asking someone what they want for dinner this day next year.
Good! I encourage y'all to procrastinate. The longer you keep asking yourselves 'are we really going to run on a side by side comparison of the two first terms?" And answering 'i guess so." The better.
It is sort of fun to watch the party of "polls are fake" become the party of blind faith in the polls.
You Democrats constantly insist on setting policy by polls but suddenlybthis one is meaningless?
Good! I encourage y'all to procrastinate. The longer you keep asking yourselves 'are we really going to run on a side by side comparison

Nott sure who "y'all" is since I have not voted for a Dem since 1992.

But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night little buddy
Good! I encourage y'all to procrastinate. The longer you keep asking yourselves 'are we really going to run on a side by side comparison of the two first terms?" And answering 'i guess so." The better.

You Democrats constantly insist on setting policy by polls but suddenlybthis one is meaningless?
You MAGA don't like polls until you do.
Yes, but I was answering a claim that Hunter Biden got his money for anything but his influence on Joe.

Even though most of that money was paid when Joe was out of office.

Not to mention polls showing the nation will have the look of a convicted felon as president.

Just out of curiosity, is there any kind of DNC plan to catch Biden up or at least stop the gap from continuing to grow?
If last night is any indication, I kind of doubt any of these polls.

Actually, when Trump is convicted (because he's as guilty as a cat in a fishbowl) people will realize it's a terrible idea to elect a felon whose running on pardoning himself.
Hunter Biden is subpoenaed. According to Lefties, the House can fuck off. So, if it wasn't Hunter but someone to do with Trump being subpoenaed, should the House fuck off too?
It would depend.

Hunter Biden is a private citizen. He has every right to tell the house to fuck off.

As opposed to a Trump official, who doesn't. They work for the government and this is part of the oversight process.
Even though most of that money was paid when Joe was out of office.
I'm sure he's not the only Democrat or Republican for that matter that the Foreign oligarchs pump money to when they are between jobs. How better to ensure loyalty than to give millions to a former VP? The millions mean nothing to them, it is earned by slave labor. But if only one out of five of those seeming has-beens gains power again, it could be worth billions or trillions.
If last night is any indication, I kind of doubt any of these polls.

Actually, when Trump is convicted (because he's as guilty as a cat in a fishbowl) people will realize it's a terrible idea to elect a felon whose running on pardoning himself.
That's the imaginary Trump who will be convicted and is running on pardoning himself. The fictional bogeyman who lives rent-free in your head. That orange monster of your nightmares doesn't really exist.

I heard an interview with him live on radio just this afternoon, and his main points were the economy and the border, two issues on which he slaughters Biden in the polls. That's what he's running on.
I'm sure he's not the only Democrat or Republican for that matter that the Foreign oligarchs pump money to when they are between jobs. How better to ensure loyalty than to give millions to a former VP? The millions mean nothing to them, it is earned by slave labor. But if only one out of five of those seeming has-beens gains power again, it could be worth billions or trillions.

Okay, so again, where is your evidence that

1) Joe personally got any of that money
2) That these foreign oligarchs got anything for their money.

And sorry, Balloons and firing a prosecutor everyone wanted to be removed aren't cutting it.

The problem with your bribery theory is that nothing in our system is done by one person.

That's the imaginary Trump who will be convicted and is running on pardoning himself. The fictional bogeyman who lives rent-free in your head. That orange monster of your nightmares doesn't really exist.

Funny, I remember 2020, where that bogeyman wrecked the economy, let riots run rampant in the streets, and a million people died of a plague he let run out of control.

I heard an interview with him live on radio just this afternoon, and his main points were the economy and the border, two issues on which he slaughters Biden in the polls. That's what he's running on.
Really, I'm hearing a guy who is currently slandering a judge and a prosecutor because he got caught lying about the value of his properties in New York.

But I guess if you live in shere terror of a Mexican moving in next door, you hear what you want to hear.

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