The huge benefits of MORE CO2!!!

Oh, wonderful; back to the Carboniferous period, a hot humid world of rich plant life and no human life.

But the mammals of that period flourished.. grew to be huge and multiplied... Then came an Ice age and a comet. An ELE which none could predict...

And funny how the CO2 levels were near 7,000ppm but the earth never burned up....
Ah yes, the mammals of the Carboniferous. Gosh dang, ol' Billy Boob, do tell us more.

He's only off by around 70 million years. Which, in the history of the planet is a small miss. And even with that, he's closer than you are in anything you state.
Meanwhile, out in the real world, a place deniers never go, the trees and crops aren't growing faster. That would be because, outside of the greenhouse, CO2 isn't the factor limiting growth.

Now, the vines and weeds do tend to grow faster, choking the trees and crops. Well done, deniers! You've screwed over the planet in yet another exciting way! Go on now, give each other some more backslaps over your success in finding a new way to fail.

well without CO2 you will not see photosynthesis
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Meanwhile, out in the real world, a place deniers never go, the trees and crops aren't growing faster. That would be because, outside of the greenhouse, CO2 isn't the factor limiting growth.

Now, the vines and weeds do tend to grow faster, choking the trees and crops. Well done, deniers! You've screwed over the planet in yet another exciting way! Go on now, give each other some more backslaps over your success in finding a new way to fail.

well without CO2 you will not see photosynthesis
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is neccessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that many greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Greenhouse co2 generators are run at 1000pm to increase growth. At 1000pm, the Greenland ice sheet would disappear and the acidity of the oceans would be devastating to marine life.

Ummm, no, and no. There have been times when the atmospheric CO2 levels were 20 times what they are today. Life blossomed.
Oh, wonderful; back to the Carboniferous period, a hot humid world of rich plant life and no human life.

But the mammals of that period flourished.. grew to be huge and multiplied... Then came an Ice age and a comet. An ELE which none could predict...

And funny how the CO2 levels were near 7,000ppm but the earth never burned up....
Ah yes, the mammals of the Carboniferous. Gosh dang, ol' Billy Boob, do tell us more.

He's only off by around 70 million years. Which, in the history of the planet is a small miss. And even with that, he's closer than you are in anything you state.

i like the warmists guys that say that more co2 will kill off plant life

There has never been a single successful experiment showing how an additional wisp of CO2 can raise temperature.

Not one.

Not ever.

To be honest, in a lab of pure CO2 controlled experiments it does warm slightly. But in an open atmosphere where other gases dwarf the trace gas and have lower emittance temperatures than CO2, the heating is almost nonexistent. In fact, given the last 150 years and natural variation there is no discernible rise that can be attributed to CO2. So you are right in the real world.

The problem comes when alarmist, who can not separate fantasy from real world grasp on to this and all cognitive thought ability (which most dont have anyway) goes out the window.

I've never seen this experiment so I conclude it doesn't exist
View attachment 35343
This graph represents CO2 in a controlled environment through actual observations and the modeled expected output using the IPCC and EPA models.

The actual observations show us that one; the models are wrong and two; that we have already seen 95% of any warming that could occur on earth due to CO2. Model divergence from reality starts at just 60ppm. Water vapor cuts the rate of potential doubling to less than 0.4 deg C rise and empirically has been shown to be 0.0 over the last 150 years.

We are currently in process of replicating this and I can assure you most of the lab work has been done. What has not been done is what effect do certain other atmospheric gases have on it. When water vapor is input all warming ceases which is exactly the opposite of what all the AGW folks say should be happening. The earths circulations do not favor CO2 as a driver as the heat necessary to be a driver is not capable in CO2 above 280ppm. Thermal dynamics take over and CO2 looses every time.

You posted a model. In years of asking we've never once seen any lab work backing this up

the only "lab" work i have seen if you could call it that was

a hit piece done by mythbusters


but i suppose that is enough for the believers


The only lab work done for empirically observed evidence are unpublished as they totally discredit the CAGW myth. There is one done at MIT, one at USC Berkly, and 2 at Stanford. The Lab I am working in is currently replicating them and verifying their conclusions. The rights are owned by the universities and not those who performed them, which is dam odd, but serves to keep them tightly under wraps. I am 100% sure our lab had to sign a nondisclosure agreement in order to obtain them as we can not copy them or give them to anyone.

What I can say is that atmospheric water vapor renders CO2 warming null at just 40% humidity levels above 280ppm CO2. Below 280ppm it does indeed help warming but once above 280ppm the convection of the earths circulations with water vapor render it null and above 670ppm the long wave IR release increases so fast that cooling is seen as the heat transferred in the atmosphere never reaches the surface of the earth and is quickly lost to space. (Trenbreth should have these studies as well but refuses empirical evidence in preference to the 'model' they built)

But hey us lowly folk doing high level scientific work dont know anything..
Oh, wonderful; back to the Carboniferous period, a hot humid world of rich plant life and no human life.

But the mammals of that period flourished.. grew to be huge and multiplied... Then came an Ice age and a comet. An ELE which none could predict...

And funny how the CO2 levels were near 7,000ppm but the earth never burned up....
Ah yes, the mammals of the Carboniferous. Gosh dang, ol' Billy Boob, do tell us more.

He's only off by around 70 million years. Which, in the history of the planet is a small miss. And even with that, he's closer than you are in anything you state.

i like the warmists guys that say that more co2 will kill off plant life


You mean like MaMOOOOOOOOOOOOT and Old Crock?
Meanwhile, out in the real world, a place deniers never go, the trees and crops aren't growing faster. That would be because, outside of the greenhouse, CO2 isn't the factor limiting growth.

Now, the vines and weeds do tend to grow faster, choking the trees and crops. Well done, deniers! You've screwed over the planet in yet another exciting way! Go on now, give each other some more backslaps over your success in finding a new way to fail.

well without CO2 you will not see photosynthesis
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Meanwhile, out in the real world, a place deniers never go, the trees and crops aren't growing faster. That would be because, outside of the greenhouse, CO2 isn't the factor limiting growth.

Now, the vines and weeds do tend to grow faster, choking the trees and crops. Well done, deniers! You've screwed over the planet in yet another exciting way! Go on now, give each other some more backslaps over your success in finding a new way to fail.

well without CO2 you will not see photosynthesis
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is neccessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that many greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Greenhouse co2 generators are run at 1000pm to increase growth. At 1000pm, the Greenland ice sheet would disappear and the acidity of the oceans would be devastating to marine life.

Ummm, no, and no. There have been times when the atmospheric CO2 levels were 20 times what they are today. Life blossomed.
Assuming you're talking about average co2 levels and not spikes, you would have to go back a long time to find average levels 20 times of what they are today. For the first time in recorded history, the average level of CO2 has topped 400 ppm for an entire month. In the Ordovician Period, long before the first blade of grass grew or any living creature walked the earth, the CO2 level was at 3000 ppm, about 8 to 10 times today's level.
But hey us lowly folk doing high level scientific work dont know anything..

You're not doing any scientific work. You're a babbling internet crank who lies about being a scientist.

It doesn't take any talent to fail completely at every aspect of any science, as you do. Thousands of denier nutters do the same. You're nothing special even in your talent for failure.
There has never been a single successful experiment showing how an additional wisp of CO2 can raise temperature.

Not one.

Not ever.

Yep..........MOST scientists, Masters and Phd level, call BS on climate science based upon this fact.......scientific methods are of no concern to the climate scientist. Of course, to the AGW religion, these tens of thousands of scientists are "fake" scientists!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Very funny. Since I see scientists, Masters and Phd level every time I go to class, and to the man, they consider AGW to be real, and a problem, I would have to ask you what kind of evidence do you have to back up a statement like that?

Sure you do.
well without CO2 you will not see photosynthesis
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
well without CO2 you will not see photosynthesis
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is neccessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that many greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Greenhouse co2 generators are run at 1000pm to increase growth. At 1000pm, the Greenland ice sheet would disappear and the acidity of the oceans would be devastating to marine life.

Ummm, no, and no. There have been times when the atmospheric CO2 levels were 20 times what they are today. Life blossomed.
Assuming you're talking about average co2 levels and not spikes, you would have to go back a long time to find average levels 20 times of what they are today. For the first time in recorded history, the average level of CO2 has topped 400 ppm for an entire month. In the Ordovician Period, long before the first blade of grass grew or any living creature walked the earth, the CO2 level was at 3000 ppm, about 8 to 10 times today's level.

It doesn't matter. Whenever the CO2 levels have been high, the planet has bloomed. Here's a fact they never tell you, if you were to magically lower atmospheric CO2 levels to 199 ppm....nothing would grow and life as we know it would cease. That's how narrow a margin we have to grow things that make life on this planet possible.
But hey us lowly folk doing high level scientific work dont know anything..

You're not doing any scientific work. You're a babbling internet crank who lies about being a scientist.

It doesn't take any talent to fail completely at every aspect of any science, as you do. Thousands of denier nutters do the same. You're nothing special even in your talent for failure.

Dude, for a supposed nucular watch officer, it's you who consistently screw up the basics. Yes I intentionally misspelled it for you...
That's okay. At least you didn't assign a fake quote to me this time. You're making slow progress in your quest to become a decent and moral person, and we should all encourage that.

Now, if you could ever show a basic concept I screwed up, you wouldn't come across as so bitter and vindictive. But don't bother with that today. Merely forgoing the quote forging must have severely strained your moral compass, and we wouldn't want you to stress that to the point of breaking. Stick with small steps.
That's okay. At least you didn't assign a fake quote to me this time. You're making slow progress in your quest to become a decent and moral person, and we should all encourage that.

Now, if you could ever show a basic concept I screwed up, you wouldn't come across as so bitter and vindictive. But don't bother with that today. Merely forgoing the quote forging must have severely strained your moral compass, and we wouldn't want you to stress that to the point of breaking. Stick with small steps.

The examples of your failures are too numerous to print. Suffice to say that if you are posting, it's probably wrong.
There has never been a single successful experiment showing how an additional wisp of CO2 can raise temperature.

Not one.

Not ever.

Yep..........MOST scientists, Masters and Phd level, call BS on climate science based upon this fact.......scientific methods are of no concern to the climate scientist. Of course, to the AGW religion, these tens of thousands of scientists are "fake" scientists!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Very funny. Since I see scientists, Masters and Phd level every time I go to class, and to the man, they consider AGW to be real, and a problem, I would have to ask you what kind of evidence do you have to back up a statement like that?

Sure you do.
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is neccessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that many greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Greenhouse co2 generators are run at 1000pm to increase growth. At 1000pm, the Greenland ice sheet would disappear and the acidity of the oceans would be devastating to marine life.

Ummm, no, and no. There have been times when the atmospheric CO2 levels were 20 times what they are today. Life blossomed.
Assuming you're talking about average co2 levels and not spikes, you would have to go back a long time to find average levels 20 times of what they are today. For the first time in recorded history, the average level of CO2 has topped 400 ppm for an entire month. In the Ordovician Period, long before the first blade of grass grew or any living creature walked the earth, the CO2 level was at 3000 ppm, about 8 to 10 times today's level.

It doesn't matter. Whenever the CO2 levels have been high, the planet has bloomed. Here's a fact they never tell you, if you were to magically lower atmospheric CO2 levels to 199 ppm....nothing would grow and life as we know it would cease. That's how narrow a margin we have to grow things that make life on this planet possible.
With the rising CO2 levels, I don't think we need to worry about ever seeing an average of 199ppm.
There has never been a single successful experiment showing how an additional wisp of CO2 can raise temperature.

Not one.

Not ever.

Yep..........MOST scientists, Masters and Phd level, call BS on climate science based upon this fact.......scientific methods are of no concern to the climate scientist. Of course, to the AGW religion, these tens of thousands of scientists are "fake" scientists!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Very funny. Since I see scientists, Masters and Phd level every time I go to class, and to the man, they consider AGW to be real, and a problem, I would have to ask you what kind of evidence do you have to back up a statement like that?

Sure you do.
--LOL nice try

you do realize that greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Without salt in your diet, you will die. So, since salt is necessary, it must be very good, just try downing a quart of it.

--LOL nice try

you do realize that many greenhouse growers raise the co2 level to boost their efforts
Greenhouse co2 generators are run at 1000pm to increase growth. At 1000pm, the Greenland ice sheet would disappear and the acidity of the oceans would be devastating to marine life.

Ummm, no, and no. There have been times when the atmospheric CO2 levels were 20 times what they are today. Life blossomed.
Assuming you're talking about average co2 levels and not spikes, you would have to go back a long time to find average levels 20 times of what they are today. For the first time in recorded history, the average level of CO2 has topped 400 ppm for an entire month. In the Ordovician Period, long before the first blade of grass grew or any living creature walked the earth, the CO2 level was at 3000 ppm, about 8 to 10 times today's level.

It doesn't matter. Whenever the CO2 levels have been high, the planet has bloomed. Here's a fact they never tell you, if you were to magically lower atmospheric CO2 levels to 199 ppm....nothing would grow and life as we know it would cease. That's how narrow a margin we have to grow things that make life on this planet possible.
With the rising CO2 levels, I don't think we need to worry about ever seeing an average of 199ppm.

Which you should be thankful for. I really hope you look at alternate sites for your information. You are being poorly served by the ones you are currently using.
Liberals, Democrats, the Green Energy Nuts, Environmentalists, are all idiots (plus a whole bunch of Republicans).

People believe they can control a gas the occurs naturally? Are our leaders that stupid, no not at all, its the people who follow our leaders who are idiots.

The Government has increased the consumption of Oil World wide. To build the World's largest industry, Green Renewable Energy. Over a Trillion Dollars invested in the last 5 years. Sure the price will come down, but the fact remains that much of that Trillion dollars went to making stuff which all started with Oil. Every step of the process, the manufacture of Green Renewable Energy required the massive increase in the consumption of Oil.

One must wonder, with Germany and Spain reversing the use of Solar and Wind, with the money running out in the USA for Solar and Wind, if the price of Oil was not driven by the manufacture of Solar and Wind components, after all each new Solar farm is bigger than the last, covering square miles. Each Wind farm covers miles of land. That is a lot of material to manufactured.

Solar and Wind is pure Socialism, slavery, the government forcing people to buy expensive power plants. Expensive meaning they do not work, literally.
Liberals, Democrats, the Green Energy Nuts, Environmentalists, are all idiots (plus a whole bunch of Republicans).

People believe they can control a gas the occurs naturally? Are our leaders that stupid, no not at all, its the people who follow our leaders who are idiots.

The Government has increased the consumption of Oil World wide. To build the World's largest industry, Green Renewable Energy. Over a Trillion Dollars invested in the last 5 years. Sure the price will come down, but the fact remains that much of that Trillion dollars went to making stuff which all started with Oil. Every step of the process, the manufacture of Green Renewable Energy required the massive increase in the consumption of Oil.

One must wonder, with Germany and Spain reversing the use of Solar and Wind, with the money running out in the USA for Solar and Wind, if the price of Oil was not driven by the manufacture of Solar and Wind components, after all each new Solar farm is bigger than the last, covering square miles. Each Wind farm covers miles of land. That is a lot of material to manufactured.

Solar and Wind is pure Socialism, slavery, the government forcing people to buy expensive power plants. Expensive meaning they do not work, literally.
Liberals, Democrats, the Green Energy Nuts, Environmentalists, are all idiots (plus a whole bunch of Republicans).

People believe they can control a gas the occurs naturally? Are our leaders that stupid, no not at all, its the people who follow our leaders who are idiots.

The Government has increased the consumption of Oil World wide. To build the World's largest industry, Green Renewable Energy. Over a Trillion Dollars invested in the last 5 years. Sure the price will come down, but the fact remains that much of that Trillion dollars went to making stuff which all started with Oil. Every step of the process, the manufacture of Green Renewable Energy required the massive increase in the consumption of Oil.

One must wonder, with Germany and Spain reversing the use of Solar and Wind, with the money running out in the USA for Solar and Wind, if the price of Oil was not driven by the manufacture of Solar and Wind components, after all each new Solar farm is bigger than the last, covering square miles. Each Wind farm covers miles of land. That is a lot of material to manufactured.

Solar and Wind is pure Socialism, slavery, the government forcing people to buy expensive power plants. Expensive meaning they do not work, literally.

Yes, the global warming supporters are long on cute comics. Just very short on real data. They seem to think that computer models are data. They are sadly mistaken.

As far as your cute little polar bear comic go's here are the real facts on polar bears. But you know, that's the thing about meme's....when they fall, they fall real fast.

Polar bear habitat – more Arctic sea ice in Canada this week than in early 1970s
Posted on December 26, 2014 | Comments Off
This week, Arctic sea ice in Canada, where 2/3 of the world’s polar bears live, had more sea ice than was present in the early 1970s. Globally, the ice is spitting-distance close to the 1981-2010 average calculated by the NSIDC for this date – which means lots of winter/spring hunting habitat for polar bears.


Polar bear habitat more Arctic sea ice in Canada this week than in early 1970s polarbearscience
Liberals, Democrats, the Green Energy Nuts, Environmentalists, are all idiots (plus a whole bunch of Republicans).

People believe they can control a gas the occurs naturally? Are our leaders that stupid, no not at all, its the people who follow our leaders who are idiots.

The Government has increased the consumption of Oil World wide. To build the World's largest industry, Green Renewable Energy. Over a Trillion Dollars invested in the last 5 years. Sure the price will come down, but the fact remains that much of that Trillion dollars went to making stuff which all started with Oil. Every step of the process, the manufacture of Green Renewable Energy required the massive increase in the consumption of Oil.

One must wonder, with Germany and Spain reversing the use of Solar and Wind, with the money running out in the USA for Solar and Wind, if the price of Oil was not driven by the manufacture of Solar and Wind components, after all each new Solar farm is bigger than the last, covering square miles. Each Wind farm covers miles of land. That is a lot of material to manufactured.

Solar and Wind is pure Socialism, slavery, the government forcing people to buy expensive power plants. Expensive meaning they do not work, literally.
Nice Science, is that from NASA or the IPCC?
Liberals, Democrats, the Green Energy Nuts, Environmentalists, are all idiots (plus a whole bunch of Republicans).

People believe they can control a gas the occurs naturally? Are our leaders that stupid, no not at all, its the people who follow our leaders who are idiots.

The Government has increased the consumption of Oil World wide. To build the World's largest industry, Green Renewable Energy. Over a Trillion Dollars invested in the last 5 years. Sure the price will come down, but the fact remains that much of that Trillion dollars went to making stuff which all started with Oil. Every step of the process, the manufacture of Green Renewable Energy required the massive increase in the consumption of Oil.

One must wonder, with Germany and Spain reversing the use of Solar and Wind, with the money running out in the USA for Solar and Wind, if the price of Oil was not driven by the manufacture of Solar and Wind components, after all each new Solar farm is bigger than the last, covering square miles. Each Wind farm covers miles of land. That is a lot of material to manufactured.

Solar and Wind is pure Socialism, slavery, the government forcing people to buy expensive power plants. Expensive meaning they do not work, literally.
Nice Science, is that from NASA or the IPCC?

Actually it was from one of the eco Nazi groups. I just can't remember which one.
Liberals, Democrats, the Green Energy Nuts, Environmentalists, are all idiots (plus a whole bunch of Republicans).

People believe they can control a gas the occurs naturally? Are our leaders that stupid, no not at all, its the people who follow our leaders who are idiots.

The Government has increased the consumption of Oil World wide. To build the World's largest industry, Green Renewable Energy. Over a Trillion Dollars invested in the last 5 years. Sure the price will come down, but the fact remains that much of that Trillion dollars went to making stuff which all started with Oil. Every step of the process, the manufacture of Green Renewable Energy required the massive increase in the consumption of Oil.

One must wonder, with Germany and Spain reversing the use of Solar and Wind, with the money running out in the USA for Solar and Wind, if the price of Oil was not driven by the manufacture of Solar and Wind components, after all each new Solar farm is bigger than the last, covering square miles. Each Wind farm covers miles of land. That is a lot of material to manufactured.

Solar and Wind is pure Socialism, slavery, the government forcing people to buy expensive power plants. Expensive meaning they do not work, literally.

Yes, the global warming supporters are long on cute comics. Just very short on real data. They seem to think that computer models are data. They are sadly mistaken.

As far as your cute little polar bear comic go's here are the real facts on polar bears. But you know, that's the thing about meme's....when they fall, they fall real fast.

Polar bear habitat – more Arctic sea ice in Canada this week than in early 1970s
Posted on December 26, 2014 | Comments Off
This week, Arctic sea ice in Canada, where 2/3 of the world’s polar bears live, had more sea ice than was present in the early 1970s. Globally, the ice is spitting-distance close to the 1981-2010 average calculated by the NSIDC for this date – which means lots of winter/spring hunting habitat for polar bears.


Polar bear habitat more Arctic sea ice in Canada this week than in early 1970s polarbearscience
It might serve you well to look at where you're getting your information. is run by Dr. Susan J. Crockford who has worked for the Heartland Institute, a libertarian conservative think tank that has argued for years that global warming is not occurring. She was a signatory to a document that “rebuked” President Obama on climate change for accepting human induced climate change. In 2012, she worked on the Heartland Institute NIPCC project to descredit the IPCC.
She is also listed in the U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists
Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007 is about as impartial as the Heartland Institute.
Up here in Humboldt, people pump CO2 into their grow rooms. It can improve bud yields by 20%.

About 25 years ago, I read this book called the Gaia Hypothesis, by James Lovelock. The main idea was that the planet behaves as if it were a single organism. It self-regulates. If more CO2 gets produced, the system compensates in another area.

Of course, that compensation could inevitably result in the extinction of the human race, but perhaps another life form might evolve to the point of developing marijuana grow rooms with CO2 tanks.

One thing is certain (actually more than one thing); more ice ages are on the way, and in a billion years the sun will be too hot for life to exist on earth, and then the sun will supernova, but goodness exists in the universe and life will spring forth somewhere else.

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