The "I meant to do that" tour has begun

Coz it's all about Obama winning and not about substantial progress in the Middle East with a strong American leader at the helm as we look to our future security.
Syria turned out to be a major success for Obama and a major loss for Republicans

Sucks don't it?

Yeah, Dumbo Kerry makes a major gaffe and then it becomes official US policy when Putin jumps all over it and this is success? Obozo again looks like a clueless, rank amateur and the left applauds like trained seals.

You're insane.

Spin it any way you like.

A no win situation turns into a win-win situation and Republicans pout
A no win situation caused by Obama turned into a faux-win situation -- a chance for Assad to tie us up in negotiations for another year while he kills more of his people and gets more weaponry and weapons delivery systems from Russia.

Meanwhile Iraq looks on and knows they have the same free hand as Assad to pursue whatever they want while they blow smoke in the eyes of our ambivalent "leader".

As I said, good luck to Israel.
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Coz it's all about Obama winning and not about substantial progress in the Middle East with a strong American leader at the helm as we look to our future security.

ummm..... we're still smarting from vietraq and you're saying we need toi kill more people and break more things? Who's going to pay for it this time? :eusa_eh: Bu$h II put vietraq on the grandkids credit cards. :(

Besides Amelia- 85% of the public didn't want action as could be seen in the cowed/extremely partisan, CYA (cover your ass) House vote :lol:

Add to that, 44 just said that he reserves the right to use force.
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Syria turned out to be a major success for Obama and a major loss for Republicans

Sucks don't it?


Putin found a diplomatic solution to the Syrian issue to avoid Obama's penchance for wanting to kill people.

Drone assassinations are obviously just not jaked up enough for the President and he wanted to work it up a level under the guise of a humanitarian effort.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Killing innocent civilians to punish Assad for killing innocent civilians.

Yuppers, that's how Obama's mind seems to work these days. Kill Kill Kill.

Oh and the majority of R's & D's in the House were going to vote NO which would have humiliated Obama even further.

But go live in your fantasy world where your leader can do no wrong.
Syria turned out to be a major success for Obama and a major loss for Republicans

Sucks don't it?


Putin found a diplomatic solution to the Syrian issue to avoid Obama's penchance for wanting to kill people.

Drone assassinations are obviously just not jaked up enough for the President and he wanted to work it up a level under the guise of a humanitarian effort.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Killing innocent civilians to punish Assad for killing innocent civilians.

Yuppers, that's how Obama's mind seems to work these days. Kill Kill Kill.

Oh and the majority of R's & D's in the House were going to vote NO which would have humiliated Obama even further.

But go live in your fantasy world where your leader can do no wrong.

Just think where Republicans were ten days ago. They had Obama between a rock and a hard place. 2014 election gold. Obama threatened to get tough with Syria and Congress was going to slam the door on him

Putin gives him Syria on a platter

Is Obama lucky or what?
BO sensed the no votes coming from congress, as well as his democrat controlled senate and floated the idea of taking international control over the syrian chem weapons as an escape route. The agreement reached by the U.S. & Russia is nothing more than a feel good facade which will prove to be just that by late november when UN inspectors are told to go f themselves when they show up to "inspect" the chems.

BO found out that without the support of the American people even his own constituents will denounce his radical ideas. I give him props for covering up his misguided Syria mission and turning it into some sort of fake diplomatic victory ... just like his dem predecessor slick willy, the guys got teflon skin.

it sure helps when his liberal media pitches in and helps him pull the wool over our eyes.

Of course, President Obama isn't a football guy, he's a basketball guy. Basketball is more about agility and reacting, and less about following a set play.

Yea you right. He is more of a basketball guy :rofl:

[ame=]Barack Obama Brick House Shoots 22 Baskets Misses! Embarrassing Basketball Shots - 4/1/13 - YouTube[/ame]
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first miss is Syria
Second is Iran
Third is Benghazi
Fourth is Egypt
You get it yet? LOL
It's nice to know that the OP is an objective, well informed, non-partisan person who holds both parties equally accountable.

I'd hate to think he/she was just a loyal attack dog repeating talk radio talking points.

It's nice to see such balance and intellectual honesty.
Guess what Republicans?

We won......we got Syria to concede without firing a shot

All you have left is your typical....Obama didn't do that
Guess what Republicans?

We won......we got Syria to concede without firing a shot

All you have left is your typical....Obama didn't do that

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Obama wants to depose Assad. He wanted to strike to weaken the military and hand over the country to radical Islamists.

You need to get up to speed.

Guess what Republicans?

We won......we got Syria to concede without firing a shot

All you have left is your typical....Obama didn't do that

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Obama wants to depose Assad. He wanted to strike to weaken the military and hand over the country to radical Islamists.

You need to get up to speed.


Evidently not
This is not so consequential as all you partisans want to believe. Not much has changed.

Agreed---Syria admitted to having chemical weapons over a year ago. Assad is still in power. Russia still supports him. The Syrian refugee problem is growing. Islamic militants are still attacking on the ground.
No one has been punished for using any chemical weapons ( wasn't that pretty important ?)
Obama threatened to use missile strikes and didn't. Syria agreed to turn over their chemical weapons but haven't.

It might be a little early for all Obama backers to be shouting:

Guess what Republicans?

We won......we got Syria to concede without firing a shot

All you have left is your typical....Obama didn't do that

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Obama wants to depose Assad. He wanted to strike to weaken the military and hand over the country to radical Islamists.

You need to get up to speed.


Evidently not

Just a year and a half ago it was already planned out that America would need a minimum of 75,000 boots on the ground to guard the chemical weapons facilities.

Assad's overthrow has long been planned by the US.

You are continuing to arm and train these so called rebels aka paid terrorists to overthrow Assad.

Hell's bells, you really do need to get up to speed.

Oh and btw, you overthrow Assad you turn over the country to another group of radical Islamists including al Nusra who are AQ in Syria.

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