The idea that the Civil War was over ‘states’ rights’ is revisionist history

The idea that the Civil War was over ‘states’ rights’ is revisionist history

It was over a states right to secede from the union once it joined. Do you really think Lincoln would have started the war if the South had not seceded? The Idea that it was totally over slavery is the "revisionist history".

Lincoln didn't start the war, the traitorous rebels did.

Yes that's the point, had the South not seceded none of it would have happened. Slavery was an underlying cause but the real issue was wether secession was legal. Had the South not seceded Lincoln would have no doubt chipped away at slavery not allowing it to expand but he also would have most likely left office with slavery intact. It's not like he started the war, although he did finish it. In the end it was over secession not slavery. Most people think the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves but that's wrong too. It only freed slaves in states that had seceded. Slaves in states that stayed loyal were shit out of luck.

and then the Republicans freed the slaves...after the war was won. Lincoln freed the slaves in the states he had power over since they were in rebellion, and after the war, the republicans finished freeing the slaves. If the democrats had won, slavery would have existed and would have expanded into the new territories.

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