The idea that the rich owe the government is backwards

The lower taxes are YOUR idea huh?

Now you want them even lower on the one pecent.

The lower taxes have NOT produced what your right wing claims have said they would.

How long will you claim they will?

When do you admitt they have failed to produce what you claim they will?
The lower taxes are YOUR idea huh?

Now you want them even lower on the one pecent.

The lower taxes have NOT produced what your right wing claims have said they would.

How long will you claim they will?

When do you admitt they have failed to produce what you claim they will?

How can you get lower than ZERO?
the taxes are lowwer than they have been in decades.

You guys always claim it will create jobs.


you all support historically failed ideas

It is only one piece of the equation simpleton.
OK, you don't want the rich to pay any more taxes, but we have a 14 trillion dollar debt.

Who, SPECIFICALLY, do you want to pay that off, once you've exempted the Rich from the bill?

Hey I have a better idea, why don't we live within our means?? ??

The 14 trillion is already debt, it was borrowed before, it's on the books. Who do you want to pay that debt off, once you have exempted the Rich from paying any of it off?
If the government wants more money for education I expect to see an increase in the level of education. Government schools are sorely lacking in the teaching area!!

More taxes won't improve education, it will only give the Unions more $ in their pockets.
Please give some examples of how the rich is controling your life?

He didn't say the rich were controlling his life, personally.

Please give examples of how the rich run the government. Seeing the government is attacking the rich and that is what this discussion is about the how is it they run the government. They are attacking themselves?

Hypothesis contrary to fact.

The government is not attacking the rich. We are discussing the possibility that it might be persuaded to, not the actuality of its doing so.
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If the government wants more money for education I expect to see an increase in the level of education. Government schools are sorely lacking in the teaching area!!

More taxes won't improve education, it will only give the Unions more $ in their pockets.

Is that how A company operates?

If they have a sector in which there is customers and it is underperforming they DONT cut funds to it do they?

They increase expenditure to accomodate the market so they can engauge the underlying customer base.

Then they make money by doing so.
This idea that the rich are only rich because of the government is dumb.

Yes if it is so overstated as you just did, it certainly is dumb.

I know that the liberals want to say that the manufacturer owes the government for the police, firefighters, roads, education of their employees, etc….

We all owe a debt for civilization
But this is totally backwards. Without the wealthy in this country we would have no roads. We would have no police, firefighters, or schools. The fact is Liberal live in a box. Look at Detroit the place is a ghost town. Look at California, Illinois, New York, and other heavy liberal states. They are suffering greatly because most of their business creators have left.

REally? Then we only really need 1% of the population? Wow! who knew?

Many of the wealthy have left. Liberals need to wake up and realize we need the wealthy more than the wealthy needs America. There was a time when America was head and feet above the rest of the world but that just is not the case anymore. If we continue to attack the rich, the rich will up and leave. We are competing for the rich to want to be here.

The wealthy won't leave until they have with the help of the government they own, extracted every cent out of this economy.

Their MONEY however, will find other places to settle while this bankrupting of the national economy is happening.
This idea that the rich are only rich because of the government is dumb.

Yes if it is so overstated as you just did, it certainly is dumb.

I know that the liberals want to say that the manufacturer owes the government for the police, firefighters, roads, education of their employees, etc….

We all owe a debt for civilization
But this is totally backwards. Without the wealthy in this country we would have no roads. We would have no police, firefighters, or schools. The fact is Liberal live in a box. Look at Detroit the place is a ghost town. Look at California, Illinois, New York, and other heavy liberal states. They are suffering greatly because most of their business creators have left.

REally? Then we only really need 1% of the population? Wow! who knew?

Many of the wealthy have left. Liberals need to wake up and realize we need the wealthy more than the wealthy needs America. There was a time when America was head and feet above the rest of the world but that just is not the case anymore. If we continue to attack the rich, the rich will up and leave. We are competing for the rich to want to be here.

The wealthy won't leave until they have with the help of the government they own, extracted every cent out of this economy.

Their MONEY however, will find other places to settle while this bankrupting of the national economy is happening.

Yes, but only 50% of us pay. The other 50% leech.
The lower taxes are YOUR idea huh?

Now you want them even lower on the one pecent.

The lower taxes have NOT produced what your right wing claims have said they would.

How long will you claim they will?

When do you admitt they have failed to produce what you claim they will?

When do you admitt they have failed to produce what you claim they will?

And just how many jobs do you think will be created by going after those that are making
$250k and above...Those 2 income families @250k and those making maybe a million or more that are trying to get their small companies off the ground and are forced to deal with Obamcare and now a tax hike just to satisfy the blood lust of those on the left that want to reward those that don't want to make the effort to produce in this country.Those that want/demand the government to "take care" of them from cradle to the grave.

Just how many jobs do you think will be created by taxing people more???
What exactly do you think government will do with that extra revenue.
According to Debbie Wasserman Schultz she wants government to....hold on to your hats
here folks.She want government to spend that extra money...What a shock.
Will it be used to pay down our way Jose..It will go to rewarding the unions that keep the Democrat party in office.
This idea that the rich are only rich because of the government is dumb.

Yes if it is so overstated as you just did, it certainly is dumb.

We all owe a debt for civilization

REally? Then we only really need 1% of the population? Wow! who knew?

Many of the wealthy have left. Liberals need to wake up and realize we need the wealthy more than the wealthy needs America. There was a time when America was head and feet above the rest of the world but that just is not the case anymore. If we continue to attack the rich, the rich will up and leave. We are competing for the rich to want to be here.

The wealthy won't leave until they have with the help of the government they own, extracted every cent out of this economy.

Their MONEY however, will find other places to settle while this bankrupting of the national economy is happening.

Yes, but only 50% of us pay. The other 50% leech.



Do you think those people dont work?
Yes if it is so overstated as you just did, it certainly is dumb.

We all owe a debt for civilization

REally? Then we only really need 1% of the population? Wow! who knew?

The wealthy won't leave until they have with the help of the government they own, extracted every cent out of this economy.

Their MONEY however, will find other places to settle while this bankrupting of the national economy is happening.

Yes, but only 50% of us pay. The other 50% leech.



Do you think those people dont work?

Work? Yes, many of them do. But I believe he is referring to them arguing AGAINST having to put into the system they rely on.

For do you think most on welfare and food stamps would react if they were told that they had to do 10 hours of community service in return for it?

Or how about those on EXTENDED would they react if they were told that they had to put in 10 hours of child care for those that work in return for their extended unemployment benefits?

It is easy to say they cant afford to put into the system......but why cant they donate time into the system?

When they do? Then people will not be able to call the leaches.
If the government wants more money for education I expect to see an increase in the level of education. Government schools are sorely lacking in the teaching area!!

More taxes won't improve education, it will only give the Unions more $ in their pockets.

Is that how A company operates?

If they have a sector in which there is customers and it is underperforming they DONT cut funds to it do they?

They increase expenditure to accomodate the market so they can engauge the underlying customer base.

Then they make money by doing so.
No that's not how a company operates. If an employee is under performing, they probably replace that employee. Under performing means they are not doing their job, a company doesn't hire more people because someone isn't doing their job. If the new employee brings in more profit, they usually get a raise. Teachers are not doing their jobs now, why should it take more money?? Do you think they are doing a good job??
Yes if it is so overstated as you just did, it certainly is dumb.

We all owe a debt for civilization

REally? Then we only really need 1% of the population? Wow! who knew?

No asswarp LEECH

The wealthy won't leave until they have with the help of the government they own, extracted every cent out of this economy.

Their MONEY however, will find other places to settle while this bankrupting of the national economy is happening.

Yes, but only 50% of us pay. The other 50% leech.



Do you think those people dont work?

No asswarp LEECH
the customers in this case are the students.

The business in this case is the school system.

No business would abandon a viable customer base because one of their areas is underserving their customers.
So you would have babies working off their foodstamps huh?

Curious...why did you have to spin what I said?

Why cant you have an honest debate and discuss what I said?

And by the way asshole....babies do not collect food stamps nor do they use them.

Their adult guardians do.
If the government wants more money for education I expect to see an increase in the level of education. Government schools are sorely lacking in the teaching area!!

More taxes won't improve education, it will only give the Unions more $ in their pockets.

Is that how A company operates?

If they have a sector in which there is customers and it is underperforming they DONT cut funds to it do they?

They increase expenditure to accomodate the market so they can engauge the underlying customer base.

Then they make money by doing so.
No that's not how a company operates. If an employee is under performing, they probably replace that employee. Under performing means they are not doing their job, a company doesn't hire more people because someone isn't doing their job. If the new employee brings in more profit, they usually get a raise. Teachers are not doing their jobs now, why should it take more money?? Do you think they are doing a good job??

Many are.

Some are not but the main reason our school systems are in trouble is lack of funding.

Too much of the money is going to adminstration costs and too little is being spent to actually teach the kids.
Is that how A company operates?

If they have a sector in which there is customers and it is underperforming they DONT cut funds to it do they?

They increase expenditure to accomodate the market so they can engauge the underlying customer base.

Then they make money by doing so.
No that's not how a company operates. If an employee is under performing, they probably replace that employee. Under performing means they are not doing their job, a company doesn't hire more people because someone isn't doing their job. If the new employee brings in more profit, they usually get a raise. Teachers are not doing their jobs now, why should it take more money?? Do you think they are doing a good job??

Many are.

Some are not but the main reason our school systems are in trouble is lack of funding.

Too much of the money is going to adminstration costs and too little is being spent to actually teach the kids.

Is this your opinion or do you have something to back this up???

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