The Immigration Crises Shows Just How Much Contempt America’s Establishment Has For Democracy

19 USC 1318
That does not give the president unilateral power to close the border.

Again, Biden is requesting this power through legislative action, which would have the support of Congress behind it. Why would be against something you want?
That does not give the president unilateral power to close the border.

Again, Biden is requesting this power through legislative action, which would have the support of Congress behind it. Why would be against something you want?
Of course they do. What the f are you talking about? Who do you think has the authority to enforce federal law??!?
Of course they do. What the f are you talking about? Who do you think has the authority to enforce federal law??!?
The authority to enforce federal law does not give a president carte blanch to do as a pleases.

Again, why fight legislation that gives the president power to do what you think he already can?
The authority to enforce federal law does not give a president carte blanch to do as a pleases.

Again, why fight legislation that gives the president power to do what you think he already can?

Why should anyone expect the corrupt Dems / Marxists will abide by or enforce any border controls? Biden violates existing immigration laws now. Why should anyone expect he will do otherwise if he is able to con the house and senate to dump more money at his feet?
The authority to enforce federal law does not give a president carte blanch to do as a pleases.

Again, why fight legislation that gives the president power to do what you think he already can?
Of course not, just to enforce federal law. The two laws I provided give him the authority to close the border. He alone could do that right now
Why should anyone expect the corrupt Dems / Marxists will abide by or enforce any border controls?

That is a poor excuse to reject legislation that will help control immigration.

Biden violates existing immigration laws now. Why should anyone expect he will do otherwise if he is able to con the house and senate to dump more money at his feet?
Because it will take money to help curtail immigration.
That is a poor excuse to reject legislation that will help control immigration.

Because it will take money to help curtail immigration.

There is no reason to believe that any new legislation will control immigration. The Dems / Marxists can control immigration now but they refuse to. The proposed plan will still allow the Dems / Marxists to import 1.8 million illegals per year. That number doesn’t include the “gotaways” who will inevitably evade capture.

It doesn’t take more money to enforce existing immigration law. The point here is that the reprehensible Dems /Marxists are looking for more taxpayer fun money, none of which they have any interest to spend on border controls.
He is. That is why we have so many claiming asylum.

No they didn't.

Again, why not support the legislation that gives Biden the power you say he already has...and more?
1) haha no he isn’t. I just provided you two laws that could end this. Moreover, he undid the agreement to stay in Mexico that trump had with Mexico
2) because it’s not necessary. He already has the power and refuses to use it. He won’t enforce current law
He is. That is why we have so many claiming asylum.

No they didn't.

Again, why not support the legislation that gives Biden the power you say he already has...and more?

They are not claiming asylum. There is no need to do that.

CBP One also has muddled the asylum process. At no point does the app ask users “Are you seeking asylum?” Those arriving for the CBP One appointments are given no interviews and asked no questions about vulnerabilities they listed in the app or about why they’re seeking asylum in the U.S.—they’re simply released into the country on official parole. Their court dates, in immigration court, aren’t even necessarily asylum trials: they’re often deportation hearings, where defendants can make arguments for remaining in the country, including through our asylum system. “That’s the crazy part: nothing in the new [CBP One] parole program requires that you seek asylum,” Orta said. “Somehow, we’ve decided to punish those who arrive on the border, without the app, actually seeking asylum, but we’re going to let in those who may or may not have any particular reason to seek asylum, [including some] who feel safe in their home country.”
There is no reason to believe that any new legislation will control immigration. The Dems / Marxists can control immigration now but they refuse to. The proposed plan will still allow the Dems / Marxists to import 1.8 million illegals per year. That number doesn’t include the “gotaways” who will inevitably evade capture.

They can't control immigration now because it's to easy to claim assylum, to easy to overstay VISAs and employers are hiring illegals with little repercussions.

Could you please explain where you came up with 1.8 million illegals?

It doesn’t take more money to enforce existing immigration law. The point here is that the reprehensible Dems /Marxists are looking for more taxpayer fun money, none of which they have any interest to spend on border controls.
Of course it does. Why do you think we have so many immigrants awaiting court cases?

The money would earmarked for border control. You can't just use the money for whatever they want.

You seem to be misinformed on how this legislation works.
They can't control immigration now because it's to easy to claim assylum, to easy to overstay VISAs and employers are hiring illegals with little repercussions.

Could you please explain where you came up with 1.8 million illegals?

Of course it does. Why do you think we have so many immigrants awaiting court cases?

The money would earmarked for border control. You can't just use the money for whatever they want.

You seem to be misinformed on how this legislation works.

What nonsense. Trump controlled illegal immigration using means and methods Biden chose to abandon.

Yes, yes. More taxpayer money that Biden can squander on importing illegals even faster.

You seem to be misinformed about the reality of Biden importing illegals. You have this quaint notion that three years of illegality by the Dems / Marxists will instantly disappear with boatloads of more money.

The fact is that Biden has no internet in border security. He has demonstrated that with three years of ignoring the law.
What nonsense. Trump controlled illegal immigration using means and methods Biden chose to abandon.

No he didn't.

It ballooned under him compared to Obama.

Yes, yes. More taxpayer money that Biden can squander on importing illegals even faster.

The bill doesn't allow that.

That is simply your speculation.

You seem to be misinformed about the reality of Biden importing illegals. You have this quaint notion that three years of illegality by the Dems / Marxists will instantly disappear with boatloads of more money.

Biden is not importing illegals and your fallacy is not a reason to reject additional border policy to help stem the flow of illegals.

The fact is that Biden has no internet in border security. He has demonstrated that with three years of ignoring the law.
What law did he ignore?

Have any other presidents ignored it?
No he didn't.

It ballooned under him compared to Obama.

The bill doesn't allow that.

That is simply your speculation.

Biden is not importing illegals and your fallacy is not a reason to reject additional border policy to help stem the flow of illegals.

What law did he ignore?

Have any other presidents ignored it?

You might want to actually look at the numbers of illegals crossing under Biden vs. Trump.


You should do your homework. You make a lot of false and speculative claims. Under the Dem / Socialist plan, Biden could “shut the border” if daily “encounters” reach 8,500. Do the math.

Biden is mass importing illegals and there is no reason to believe he has any intention of stopping that. He is ignoring existing law now. He has no incentive to stop that.

It really is remarkable that you make no attempt to understand the topic you are engaging in.

You never thought to actually look at any matters related to existing immigration law?

Here. I did your homework for you.

“Illegal Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1325 makes it a crime to unlawfully enter the United States. It applies to people who do not enter with proper inspection at a port of entry, such as those who enter between ports of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or who make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. A first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both.

Hint. Wading across the Rio Grande and climbing to the top of bank is not a port of entry.
You might want to actually look at the numbers of illegals crossing under Biden vs. Trump.

View attachment 894428

Yes, I did my homework. I stated immigration surged under Trump compared to Obama, not Biden.


The above is the same graph as yours I believe but is scaled better to see my claim is true.
You should do your homework. You make a lot of false and speculative claims. Under the Dem / Socialist plan, Biden could “shut the border” if daily “encounters” reach 8,500. Do the math.

They don't allow 8500 a day for a year.

Please learn the law.

The terms of the deal under discussion, which is largely agreed to but not yet final, would also give DHS expulsion authority if border encounters hit an average of 4,000-a-day over the course of a week, a metric that includes asylum appointments. That authority would become mandatory if daily crossings average more than 5,000 people for a week or crest over 8,500 a day, according to two people briefed on the emerging agreement and who were granted anonymity to discuss the details."

Biden is mass importing illegals and there is no reason to believe he has any intention of stopping that. He is ignoring existing law now. He has no incentive to stop that.

Except this legislation that he supports and Trump is telling his followers to reject.

It really is remarkable that you make no attempt to understand the topic you are engaging in.

No offense, but that seems like projection based on the context of our discussion.

You never thought to actually look at any matters related to existing immigration law?

Here. I did your homework for you.

“Illegal Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1325 makes it a crime to unlawfully enter the United States. It applies to people who do not enter with proper inspection at a port of entry, such as those who enter between ports of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or who make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. A first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both.

Hint. Wading across the Rio Grande and climbing to the top of bank is not a port of entry.
It seems you are mistaken again.

"A federal judge in Washington struck down a Trump administration rule Friday that made people who entered the United States by crossing the U.S.-Mexico border outside a port of entry ineligible for asylum."

"The rule's direction that 'an alien shall be ineligible for asylum' if the alien entered the United States outside a designated port of entry is not 'compatible' with the congressional mandate that all aliens present in the United States may 'apply' for asylum, regardless of whether they entered the United States at a designated port of entry," U.S. District Judge Randolph Moss wrote in a 77-page opinion Friday."

This is exactly why we need this type of legislation that you seem eager to reject.
They are not claiming asylum. There is no need to do that.

CBP One also has muddled the asylum process. At no point does the app ask users “Are you seeking asylum?” Those arriving for the CBP One appointments are given no interviews and asked no questions about vulnerabilities they listed in the app or about why they’re seeking asylum in the U.S.—they’re simply released into the country on official parole. Their court dates, in immigration court, aren’t even necessarily asylum trials: they’re often deportation hearings, where defendants can make arguments for remaining in the country, including through our asylum system. “That’s the crazy part: nothing in the new [CBP One] parole program requires that you seek asylum,” Orta said. “Somehow, we’ve decided to punish those who arrive on the border, without the app, actually seeking asylum, but we’re going to let in those who may or may not have any particular reason to seek asylum, [including some] who feel safe in their home country.”
Wow he’s royally screwed this up
Yes, I did my homework. I stated immigration surged under Trump compared to Obama, not Biden.

View attachment 894431

The above is the same graph as yours I believe but is scaled better to see my claim is true.

They don't allow 8500 a day for a year.

Please learn the law.

The terms of the deal under discussion, which is largely agreed to but not yet final, would also give DHS expulsion authority if border encounters hit an average of 4,000-a-day over the course of a week, a metric that includes asylum appointments. That authority would become mandatory if daily crossings average more than 5,000 people for a week or crest over 8,500 a day, according to two people briefed on the emerging agreement and who were granted anonymity to discuss the details."

Except this legislation that he supports and Trump is telling his followers to reject.

No offense, but that seems like projection based on the context of our discussion.

It seems you are mistaken again.

"A federal judge in Washington struck down a Trump administration rule Friday that made people who entered the United States by crossing the U.S.-Mexico border outside a port of entry ineligible for asylum."

"The rule's direction that 'an alien shall be ineligible for asylum' if the alien entered the United States outside a designated port of entry is not 'compatible' with the congressional mandate that all aliens present in the United States may 'apply' for asylum, regardless of whether they entered the United States at a designated port of entry," U.S. District Judge Randolph Moss wrote in a 77-page opinion Friday."

This is exactly why we need this type of legislation that you seem eager to reject.

The number of illegals imported in December was more than 300,000.

Grab a calculator. 300,000/31 = ?

Yes, you should learn the law. The proposed senate bill is nothing more than playing with numbers. Here’s a clue about the Dems / Socislists; they are ignoring existing immigration law. They have been for three years. Layering more laws on top of laws the Dems / Socislists are currently ignoring gives no one a reason to believe Biden will abide by any new laws.

Except Trump is not an elected official making laws. I understand Trump haunts your every waking moment but Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has already commented on the absurdity of the senate proposal.

Here’s a clue; you are mistaken, again. The US code is clear that entry to the US outside of a port of entry is illegal. Cite a reference to the US code that has been vacated by any judge.

This is exactly why the senate bill is a laughable joke. It’s just more layers of laws Biden will ignore. He has a three year history of ignoring existing law.
The number of illegals imported in December was more than 300,000.

Grab a calculator. 300,000/31 = ?

What does that have to do with this legislation?

Yes, you should learn the law. The proposed senate bill is nothing more than playing with numbers. Here’s a clue about the Dems / Socislists; they are ignoring existing immigration law. They have been for three years. Layering more laws on top of laws the Dems / Socislists are currently ignoring gives no one a reason to believe Biden will abide by any new laws.

They are not playing with numbers; they are using them to restrict immigration.

Except Trump is not an elected official making laws. I understand Trump haunts your every waking moment but Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has already commented on the absurdity of the senate proposal.

Trump is relevant because he is telling his congressional supporters to reject the bill.

Sort of like a shadow president.

They do what he says or he will order you to primary them.

Here’s a clue; you are mistaken, again. The US code is clear that entry to the US outside of a port of entry is illegal. Cite a reference to the US code that has been vacated by any judge.

I posted the link. Trump tired it and the judge rejected it.

This is why we need legislation.

This is exactly why the senate bill is a laughable joke. It’s just more layers of laws Biden will ignore. He has a three year history of ignoring existing law.
He can not ignore them.

The bill mandates action.

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