The Impeached President trump’s Campaign Leaders Fear Their ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True

The Impeached President trump
SWEET. Bill Clinton was the DNC's impeached president and they held him in their highest regard as their most successful president for 25 years and even tried to elect his criminal lawyer wife! Only difference is that the Clinton's actually DO have a list of well-documented and proven crimes as long as your arm and was impeached for actual lawful offenses! Didn't matter!
That was once said about Moderates. So you clowns invented the term "Centrists" to try and cover that mess up. Moderate, Centrist, same people.

We are NOT weak by any stretch of the imagination. We support some conservative ideas and some Liberal ideas. And we are strong on those beliefs as you are yours (whatever the hell those are). What is really happening is, we scare the living shit out of both the deep read and the deep blue. And both sides try and denigrate us at all times hoping we will stay home and not vote. Well, cupcake, we WILL vote when you incompetent bastards screw things up beyond imagination like it is right now on both sides.

This time around, we are cleaning house on the Party of the Rump and some of the fruitcake leftwing. We are not going to party vote. I know of a couple of Republicans that I will vote for but I know of many so called "Republicans" I won't vote for. Yes, the Dems are going to control for at least 4 years while we run off the "Party of the Rump" criminals and backers. We are better at this than the weak Dems are and are having more of an effect. You honestly believe we really want Biden for President? Normally, not a chance. But if that is what it takes to send the Party of the Rump into the pit of hell it came from then that's what we are going to do.

You Dems need to bask in the sun while you can but at the end of 4 years, get ready. We are coming for you at the ballot box.
i guess you dont like a strong economy and you want open borders and a weaker overstretched military .
The Impeached President trump’s Campaign Leaders Fear Their ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True

The impeached president trump is once again on the campaign trail, to the joy and cheers from his devoted fanatics. He is well aware there is no crime or act of corruption he can commit that will drive away their blind support.

However, his top political advisers and campaign leaders are watching his numbers drop in poll after poll, and they realize he is losing the support from the, all important, centrists.

The impeached president trump’s key campaign people understand the votes by his devoted fanatics are far too few to keep him in the Whitest House. They know it’s the votes of the centrists that win elections, and it’s these people the impeached president trump’s incompetence is driving away.

Perhaps, if the impeached president trump were to declare war on Iran, he could win back these centrists’ support, or, he could deploy U.S. troops in cities across the nation to end the “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations. Whatever action the impeached president trump decides to take should be a massive show of his strength and authority.

Centrists are centrists due to their indecisive nature, but they cannot tolerate indecisiveness in their politicians. So, the impeached president trump better sh!t, or get off the pot, and show the centrists what he’s made of.

Trumpworld Fears Its ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True


Asawin Suebsaeng contributor to "Mother Jones" and the Daily Beast? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Can't beat unbiased news sources like those two!!!!
That was once said about Moderates. So you clowns invented the term "Centrists" to try and cover that mess up. Moderate, Centrist, same people.

We are NOT weak by any stretch of the imagination. We support some conservative ideas and some Liberal ideas. And we are strong on those beliefs as you are yours (whatever the hell those are). What is really happening is, we scare the living shit out of both the deep read and the deep blue. And both sides try and denigrate us at all times hoping we will stay home and not vote. Well, cupcake, we WILL vote when you incompetent bastards screw things up beyond imagination like it is right now on both sides.

This time around, we are cleaning house on the Party of the Rump and some of the fruitcake leftwing. We are not going to party vote. I know of a couple of Republicans that I will vote for but I know of many so called "Republicans" I won't vote for. Yes, the Dems are going to control for at least 4 years while we run off the "Party of the Rump" criminals and backers. We are better at this than the weak Dems are and are having more of an effect. You honestly believe we really want Biden for President? Normally, not a chance. But if that is what it takes to send the Party of the Rump into the pit of hell it came from then that's what we are going to do.

You Dems need to bask in the sun while you can but at the end of 4 years, get ready. We are coming for you at the ballot box.

Daryl Clunt, you are a gutless turd and you and those of your ilk scare no one at all.......
The Impeached President trump’s Campaign Leaders Fear Their ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True

The impeached president trump is once again on the campaign trail, to the joy and cheers from his devoted fanatics. He is well aware there is no crime or act of corruption he can commit that will drive away their blind support.

However, his top political advisers and campaign leaders are watching his numbers drop in poll after poll, and they realize he is losing the support from the, all important, centrists.

The impeached president trump’s key campaign people understand the votes by his devoted fanatics are far too few to keep him in the Whitest House. They know it’s the votes of the centrists that win elections, and it’s these people the impeached president trump’s incompetence is driving away.

Perhaps, if the impeached president trump were to declare war on Iran, he could win back these centrists’ support, or, he could deploy U.S. troops in cities across the nation to end the “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations. Whatever action the impeached president trump decides to take should be a massive show of his strength and authority.

Centrists are centrists due to their indecisive nature, but they cannot tolerate indecisiveness in their politicians. So, the impeached president trump better sh!t, or get off the pot, and show the centrists what he’s made of.

Trumpworld Fears Its ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True


Trump is not going to win anyone back by using American troops anywyhere. Trump's attempts to fire a US Attorney76 because he is investigating people close to Trump will further sink him with anyone e3xcept the far right.
The Impeached President trump’s Campaign Leaders Fear Their ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True

The impeached president trump is once again on the campaign trail, to the joy and cheers from his devoted fanatics. He is well aware there is no crime or act of corruption he can commit that will drive away their blind support.

However, his top political advisers and campaign leaders are watching his numbers drop in poll after poll, and they realize he is losing the support from the, all important, centrists.

The impeached president trump’s key campaign people understand the votes by his devoted fanatics are far too few to keep him in the Whitest House. They know it’s the votes of the centrists that win elections, and it’s these people the impeached president trump’s incompetence is driving away.

Perhaps, if the impeached president trump were to declare war on Iran, he could win back these centrists’ support, or, he could deploy U.S. troops in cities across the nation to end the “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations. Whatever action the impeached president trump decides to take should be a massive show of his strength and authority.

Centrists are centrists due to their indecisive nature, but they cannot tolerate indecisiveness in their politicians. So, the impeached president trump better sh!t, or get off the pot, and show the centrists what he’s made of.

Trumpworld Fears Its ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True

The Impeached President trump’s Campaign Leaders Fear Their ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True

The impeached president trump is once again on the campaign trail, to the joy and cheers from his devoted fanatics. He is well aware there is no crime or act of corruption he can commit that will drive away their blind support.

However, his top political advisers and campaign leaders are watching his numbers drop in poll after poll, and they realize he is losing the support from the, all important, centrists.

The impeached president trump’s key campaign people understand the votes by his devoted fanatics are far too few to keep him in the Whitest House. They know it’s the votes of the centrists that win elections, and it’s these people the impeached president trump’s incompetence is driving away.

Perhaps, if the impeached president trump were to declare war on Iran, he could win back these centrists’ support, or, he could deploy U.S. troops in cities across the nation to end the “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations. Whatever action the impeached president trump decides to take should be a massive show of his strength and authority.

Centrists are centrists due to their indecisive nature, but they cannot tolerate indecisiveness in their politicians. So, the impeached president trump better sh!t, or get off the pot, and show the centrists what he’s made of.

Trumpworld Fears Its ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Is Coming True

You do realise he was never impeached right?
Huh? I disagree.

Getting out of wars appeals to the Centralist, Independent and libertarian. Keeping the federal government and military OUT of local issues is the better approach. Be there if needed, don't create a knee jerk reaction when it isn't needed. Let them take the heat from their voters and others who see what is going on, it's a local issue and some are baiting him. Why else would it only be happening in the most left of jurisdictions?

He needs to appeal to a broad swath of the American electorate, when he kept his promises and took on China it gave him great "street cred". I listened to the speech tonight and the loudest cheers happened when he called out China.

Black and minority voters know his philosophy is to focus on jobs and America First. He is selling it properly, America First means YOU first, not any particular race. If you're an American, you are protected from global socialist abusers and illegal immigration that are taking your jobs and violating your laws and constitution.

It's a clear dichotomy between himself and Open Borders/China First and global socialism. It was popular in 2016, now after 4 years of success and keeping his word, the message is resonating with many more.

As usual you have no idea what you are talking about. Americans in 2016 opposed his promises. What saved him was he was not Clinton. In 2016, voters hated Trump and Clinton. In 2016, they took out Clinton. In 2020 they will take out Trump.
As usual you have no idea what you are talking about. Americans in 2016 opposed his promises. What saved him was he was not Clinton. In 2016, voters hated Trump and Clinton. In 2016, they took out Clinton. In 2020 they will take out Trump.

Want to make a wager ?
The argument is based on the supposition that "Democrats" are "burning the shit out of everything", when you and I both know that this is hyperbole at best, wacky conspiracy at worst. Rather than campaigning on accomplishment, as an incumbent can do, or policy initiatives, Trump is falling back on his 2016 playbook of engendering fear (American carnage) and smearing his opponent (Creepy Joe).

He does this to make his opponent look worse than himself, a tall order after we have seen his lack of character for 3 1/2 years. His fear mongering drives the less than intellectually curious to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Fear and division. Not one noble aspect for a national campaign.
The argument is based on the supposition that "Democrats" are "burning the shit out of everything", when you and I both know that this is hyperbole at best, wacky conspiracy at worst. Rather than campaigning on accomplishment, as an incumbent can do, or policy initiatives, Trump is falling back on his 2016 playbook of engendering fear (American carnage) and smearing his opponent (Creepy Joe).

He does this to make his opponent look worse than himself, a tall order after we have seen his lack of character for 3 1/2 years. His fear mongering drives the less than intellectually curious to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Fear and division. Not one noble aspect for a national campaign.
How would you know since the Liberal media censored his rally speach? He actually did a run down of THEIR (HIS ADMINISTRATIONS) accomplishments- which is why the media wanted to keep the masses in the dark. He did these things in spite of the Dems sabotaging and prohibiting the function of this gov't.
And the state of the Dem cities is important to mention, because it's a taste of what total control of the gov't by lawless power abuser Dems will bring to this country, and it's also proof that the events they are unleashing is gonna be responsible for destroying the country and allowing communism to win under the guise of progressive liberalism, a term communist labeled themselves to be unsuspected. What's happening is out of the 1930's communist handbook, and you are none the wiser, so educate yourself, read up on their agenda to destroy America, research Saul Alinsky and Chicago mob ties to the movement, notice the mobster tendencies in todays majority house members. Whistleblowers don't all die like they do without Mobster like tactics to silence them.
Threatening and attacking systematically every single important member of an administration is a mob tactic, threatening your family and even your pets is a mob tactic, telling you that you can't eat in public is a mob and Nazis tactic= all fascist tactics. Wake up it's all in their playbook list of things to bring down the country, so they can take control. Look how they took the house illegitimately with a fake Russia hoax. Then they got in their radical progressives to threaten Pelosi, and they pretty much forced themselves and are taking over by what?=Threats.
Yea, I’m sure “moderates” are running to the Dem Party to defund police, allow thugs to loot and burn down any business they want, and pay for race based reparations.

I guess everyone left of a mass axe murder with a Rump doctrine would be considered at least a Moderate. Hey, I can live with that. I am a moderate Progressive Fiscal Conservative. 60 years ago, I would have been a hard centered Republican. Sorry, can't get on the Party of the Rump Bus. That puppy has 7 blown tires, no doors, engine on it's last gasp and headed for the world of hurt. Let's not take the Nation with it. It's time to rebuild the Republican Party to it's once Greatness where people looked to for leadership.
Four years?

More like two.

Democrats win the WH and Senate in 2020, keep the House.

2022, Democrats lose the Senate. Gridlock.

2024, Democrats lose the House – Biden’s a lame duck, nothing gets done.

2028, Republicans take the WH.

2030, Republicans lose the Senate. Gridlock

2032, Republicans lose the House, Republican president is a lame duck, nothing gets done.

Rinse, repeat…

Only if the messages of today are ignored.
Exactly. Seattle wants it this way. Democrats want it like that all over.

Democrats need to be put down like the diseased animals they are.

Wrong. Just like Business where you vote with your pocketbook, for a poorly run area, you vote with your feet. And that is what is happening. It's a very slow process.

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