The Impeachment of the President Was the "Democrats"' Shameful Attempt of Coup d’Etat

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe




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I was watching Russian news last night and they said: "For American liberals democracy is when a Democrat wins the presidency." Looks like they just nailed it.

The coup won't end until dirty players are prosecuted.....where is our department of JUSTICE?????
I was watching Russian news last night and they said: "For American liberals democracy is when a Democrat wins the presidency." Looks like they just nailed it.

View attachment 305166

I have no need to know the opinion of Russian Jews - cryptoneozionists, who make up the Russian government, and who came to power through a bloody coup in 1993 when their mercenaries for three days and three nights were shooting the Slavic patriots in the stadiums of Moscow.

It is important for me to know what Americans think about the so-called "democrats" who exploit them and abuses the American Constitution; and how are they going to live on. The Democratic Party, as it exists today, committed a state crime, should be banned and re-registered as a NEW legal entity
I smell Vodka, borscht and latent homosexuality.

That's right: I live in the American capital of homosexuality, disgusting sweet soups, the constant smell of MARIJUANA or dog urine. Did you recognize New York ??? And руку lives the mesanthropic political witch who can not calm down

I was watching Russian news last night and they said: "For American liberals democracy is when a Democrat wins the presidency." Looks like they just nailed it.

View attachment 305166

I have no need to know the opinion of Russian Jews - cryptoneozionists, who make up the Russian government, and who came to power through a bloody coup in 1993 when their mercenaries for three days and three nights were shooting the Slavic patriots in the stadiums of Moscow.

It is important for me to know what Americans think about the so-called "democrats" who exploit them and abuses the American Constitution; and how are they going to live on. The Democratic Party, as it exists today, committed a state crime, should be banned and re-registered as a NEW legal entity
"For American liberals democracy is when a Democrat wins the presidency."

Was this ^ statement wrong though?
I was watching Russian news last night and they said: "For American liberals democracy is when a Democrat wins the presidency." Looks like they just nailed it.

View attachment 305166

I have no need to know the opinion of Russian Jews - cryptoneozionists, who make up the Russian government, and who came to power through a bloody coup in 1993 when their mercenaries for three days and three nights were shooting the Slavic patriots in the stadiums of Moscow.

It is important for me to know what Americans think about the so-called "democrats" who exploit them and abuses the American Constitution; and how are they going to live on. The Democratic Party, as it exists today, committed a state crime, should be banned and re-registered as a NEW legal entity
"For American liberals democracy is when a Democrat wins the presidency."

Was this ^ statement wrong though?

My position is that all this talk about "democracy", about "exceptional American freedoms" (as if people live in cells in other developed European countries!) Is typical verbiage and smokescreen to cover up a typical "facade democracy" third type. Neither the "Democrats" nor the "Republicans" represent the interests of ordinary Americans. All this is the struggle for access to state budget extortion.

It's easy to manipulate and fool people when there are two oceans between them and the rest of the world, plus the artificially developed fear of traveling abroad in them.

America is a typical country of corporate financial capitalism, which, like an octopus, has entangled ordinary citizens with not repayable debts. Something in this country is good, something is not,
but the point is that "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" and the state like Cerberus protects this vicious social relations of exploitation of some people by others...

The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe


Your OP is an outright ignorant claim. While I wasn’t one to support the impeachment effort, there is no denying that Trump did something seriously wrong with his actions targeting the DNC and Biden’s. The partisan atmosphere of our politics made his removal an impossibility and enabled him to spin it into the shitshow we see now. But it was far from a hoax and far from a sham.

you mention moral damage... I agree with that. Both sides are embarrassing themselves but it is POTUS who is leading the charge in the decay of our country.
The coup won't end until dirty players are prosecuted.....where is our department of JUSTICE?????

To do this, one has to revive the one hundred million Native Indians who were killed in order to capture their lands.

And you don’t bother to explain to us HOW a class society based on the exploitation of some by others can be "Great"???!

Are you talking about the Western European democracies?




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Everyone knows it but The Deluded Ones.

The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe


.....the big crap is they've been trying to get rid of him since the election....the left/Dems/blacks/etc have been HATING him since the election
..they went insane when he got elected they discredited anything and everything they've done since then
What is the difference between saying “I heard there is corruption in the Ukraine, and saw Joe Biden bragging about getting a Ukraine Prosecutor Fired on TV, so please keep me posted on any other corruption you know about in The Ukraine,” and Obama buying Russian Propaganda to try to stop Trump from being elected, then when that failed used That Russian Propaganda and ordered his Evil Minions to “Take Trump Out”, and used it to launch a 4 year long siege on The White House.

You Are a Deluded Lost Soul. Obama Bin Lying betrayed America and tried to overthrow Our Democracy financed Criminal Terrorists All Over The World.

But Trump simply says something about someone that everyone knew, That Joe Biden bragged about Extorting The Ukraine, and asked if that’s True, and asked if there’s any other corruption in The Ukraine.

Asked, is all he did. He did not DO anything.

The comparison between what Trump vs Biden & Obama did is not a comparison at all.

Only The Deluded Ones Believe That.

The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe


Your OP is an outright ignorant claim. While I wasn’t one to support the impeachment effort, there is no denying that Trump did something seriously wrong with his actions targeting the DNC and Biden’s. The partisan atmosphere of our politics made his removal an impossibility and enabled him to spin it into the shitshow we see now. But it was far from a hoax and far from a sham.

you mention moral damage... I agree with that. Both sides are embarrassing themselves but it is POTUS who is leading the charge in the decay of our country.
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The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe


Your OP is an outright ignorant claim. While I wasn’t one to support the impeachment effort, there is no denying that Trump did something seriously wrong with his actions targeting the DNC and Biden’s. The partisan atmosphere of our politics made his removal an impossibility and enabled him to spin it into the shitshow we see now. But it was far from a hoax and far from a sham.

you mention moral damage... I agree with that. Both sides are embarrassing themselves but it is POTUS who is leading the charge in the decay of our country.

Let's imagine for a second that this year there is NO election campaign.

Is there something CRIMINAL in the President’s appeal to the “president” of so-called "Ukraine" regarding the INVESTIGATION of Biden’s corruption activity ???

Or in this case, the so-called Democrats would have persecuted him for that he does not fulfill the duties of the President to protect the White House from political crooks and corrupt officials ???


The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe


Another Russian troll unfamiliar with our Constitution.
What is the difference between saying “I heard there is corruption in the Ukraine, and saw Joe Biden bragging about getting a Ukraine Prosecutor Fired on TV, so please keep me posted on any other corruption you know about in The Ukraine,” and Obama buying Russian Propaganda to try to stop Trump from being elected, then when that failed used That Russian Propaganda and ordered his Evil Minions to “Take Trump Out”, and used it to launch a 4 year long siege on The White House.

You Are a Deluded Lost Soul. Obama Bin Lying betrayed America and tried to overthrow Our Democracy financed Criminal Terrorists All Over The World.

But Trump simply says something about someone that everyone knew, That Joe Biden bragged about Extorting The Ukraine, and asked if that’s True, and asked if there’s any other corruption in The Ukraine.

Asked, is all he did. He did not DO anything.

The comparison between what Trump vs Biden & Obama did is not a comparison at all.

Only The Deluded Ones Believe That.

The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe


Your OP is an outright ignorant claim. While I wasn’t one to support the impeachment effort, there is no denying that Trump did something seriously wrong with his actions targeting the DNC and Biden’s. The partisan atmosphere of our politics made his removal an impossibility and enabled him to spin it into the shitshow we see now. But it was far from a hoax and far from a sham.

you mention moral damage... I agree with that. Both sides are embarrassing themselves but it is POTUS who is leading the charge in the decay of our country.
Haha... ohh ok now it’s Obama who betrayed America. Last I checked it was Hillary’s fault and Hunters fault and Carey’s fault, and Comeys fault, and the DNCs fault, and muellers fault, and Pelosis fault, and Schumer’s fault, and Joes fault... I’m sure I missed about a dozen others that you blame for criminally trying to destroy America. But thank God we now have Trump the righteous. Your shitty deflections and conspiracies are so transparent and weak... please tell me you don’t take yourself seriously. This is just you trolling and trying to stir shit up, right?!
The constitutional farce played out by the so-called "democrats", inspired by the "witch from Chappaqua", must be legally convicted for discrediting the country's political system.

Citizens do not believe Congress or the government. The American Constitution was "raped" in front of the Americans.

For the moral damage inflicted on the country, the Democratic Party must be sanctioned. It should be legally banned, like the communist parties in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe


Your OP is an outright ignorant claim. While I wasn’t one to support the impeachment effort, there is no denying that Trump did something seriously wrong with his actions targeting the DNC and Biden’s. The partisan atmosphere of our politics made his removal an impossibility and enabled him to spin it into the shitshow we see now. But it was far from a hoax and far from a sham.

you mention moral damage... I agree with that. Both sides are embarrassing themselves but it is POTUS who is leading the charge in the decay of our country.

Let's imagine for a second that this year there is NO election campaign.

Is there something CRIMINAL in the President’s appeal to the “president” of so-called "Ukraine" regarding the INVESTIGATION of Biden’s corruption activity ???

Or in this case, the so-called Democrats would have persecuted him for that he does not fulfill the duties of the President to protect the White House from political crooks and corrupt officials ???


There is nothing wrong with a president going after corruption. Bring concerns tot he AG and let our FBI and DOJ do their jobs. Don’t try and force another country to announce investigations into political enemies. It’s not complicated. The case was laid out at nauseam over the past few months. We know what trump did. It’s not cool to do that. I can’t believe so many puppets out there are really trying to pretend like everything was perfect. Give me a break.

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