The importance of paying CLOSE attention to current events and "politics"

Then more money would have to go to the very wealthy if you uncap benefits. The issue isn't increasing SS to lower income people, it's preserving the system as a whole. Uncapping contributions while capping benefits would invalidate the whole selling point of social security, i.e. and investment in your retirement, not a true tax.
Most of it would, a lot of it would not though.
I kept plenty of it until your twats decided to unleash inflation.
Amazingly, we released inflation worldwide. Amazing. LOL
Then more money would have to go to the very wealthy if you uncap benefits. The issue isn't increasing SS to lower income people, it's preserving the system as a whole. Uncapping contributions while capping benefits would invalidate the whole selling point of social security, i.e. and investment in your retirement, not a true tax.

I kept plenty of it until your twats decided to unleash inflation.
yeh... always ticked me off when someone would denigrate poor people dependent on the govt while ignoring politicians who are on welfare by being employed by the govt.. Congress! Yet they do NOTHING to make our country a better place (mostly speaking of dimrats). People living on low income do things to improve society (I know, not all of them do but some). But in any case, the bloodsuckers in DC always escape attention when we are discussing massive govt spending.. yet they don't even need a paycheck at all because of the insider trading Congresspersons do and all the other corrupt schemes for making $$ they have access to just bc they are Senator or Rep. Take away their taxpayer funded paycheck and they would still be millionaires at the end of their terms.. (which terms never seem to end!)
yeh... always ticked me off when someone would denigrate poor people dependent on the govt while ignoring politicians who are on welfare by being employed by the govt.. Congress! Yet they do NOTHING to make our country a better place (mostly speaking of dimrats). People living on low income do things to improve society (I know, not all of them do but some). But in any case, the bloodsuckers in DC always escape attention when we are discussing massive govt spending.. yet they don't even need a paycheck at all because of the insider trading Congresspersons do and all the other corrupt schemes for making $$ they have access to just bc they are Senator or Rep. Take away their taxpayer funded paycheck and they would still be millionaires at the end of their terms.. (which terms never seem to end!)

Oh, by all means, let's get rid of ALL parasites, and politicians are the biggest parasites!
I have a much more valid reason to vote than anyone who just wants to vote themselves a bunch of free shit. Period.

If you think the slut with five different baby daddies has as valid a claim on the benefits that this country offers as does someone who worked hard all of their life, I will simply disagree.

I'd like to go back to work houses for those who produce nothing. Then maybe the return to American manufacturing greatness would be possible.

I rankle at supporting those whose only skill is copulating.
There need to be changes in a welfare system that rewards.. what you speak of here.. copulating.. I don't even know what's goling on with govt programs that help such folks.. so i don't know if I can comment too much. What I do know is that.. #1) no one "produces nothing," unless you think there is such a thing as a worthless person? My Christian faith says otherwise. #2) some people cannot, for whatever reason, hold down a conventional job. To think otherwise is to refuse to face reality. Not all those on welfare are frauds taking advantage of the system and your hard-earned money that supports said system. That is what gives Rs a bad name: the stereotypes they are often guilty of.. Poor people are all lazy slobs who hate work and etc...
Oh, by all means, let's get rid of ALL parasites, and politicians are the biggest parasites!

especially considering this line from my post:

Take away their (Congress') taxpayer funded paychecks and they would still be millionaires at the end of their terms.. (which terms never seem to end!)
the rich get richer while the poor get poorer (and everyone blames the poor people because the rich people want us to
The rich get richer because they make wise decisions.

The poor are poor ALMOST ENTIRELY BECAUSE they make dumb life choices for both themselves and their children.

Too easy to blame others for your own dumbass choices
The rich get richer because they make wise decisions.

The poor are poor ALMOST ENTIRELY BECAUSE they make dumb life choices for both themselves and their children.

Too easy to blame others for your own dumbass choices

Yeah, lots of people decide to get sick.
The rich get richer because they make wise decisions.

The poor are poor ALMOST ENTIRELY BECAUSE they make dumb life choices for both themselves and their children.

Too easy to blame others for your own dumbass choices

Hmm...................I was never in a rich family growing up. We were considered to be middle or lower middle class according to their income. When I was 18, I decided to join the Navy (not a way to get rich incidentally), and decided that I really liked being in the service, so I made it a career. After just a bit over 20 years, I retired, and went looking for a civilian job. Unfortunately, a lot of the places I went to said that I was "overqualified" (whatever the hell that means), or said that I wasn't a right fit for the company. Came to find out that a lot of companies in the area were hesitant to hire veterans as they were concerned that we all had PTSD. So, I got whatever kinds of jobs I could (worked at a stone masonry place, short order cook, manager of a bar), and while those jobs were "good enough", they weren't anything that was going to make me rich. So, after a few years, I found out that I could make it okay on my retirement, and decided to become full time retired.

Did I make bad decisions? I personally think that making a career out of the Navy was one of the best ones I ever did in my life. Not only did I get to travel to many different countries (and have seen places that most here in the States can only dream of), but I had a steady income, good benefits, and those are benefits (pension, health care) that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Nope..................not "rich" by anyone's standards, and in many cases I would be considered "poor" if you went by my bank account, but I'm pretty satisfied with where I've landed. I have enough money to pay my bills, save a bit, and can even do "extras" (travel every few months or go out for movies or dinner). Does this mean that I've made bad decisions?
Yeah, the rich get richer but the poor can get rich with hard work and a little luck and talent. Dismissing the greatest Country in the world as being "corrupt" just because you haven't had a break is a sign of ignorance.
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Yeah, lots of people decide to get sick.
Poor people who are poor because of their own choices and lack insurance because of those choices get sick. What a shock!

And for the record I was DIRT POOR and in deep debt for the first 10 or 15 years of my adulthood. But because of WISE DECISIONS I NO LONGER AM

The rich get richer because they make wise decisions.

The poor are poor ALMOST ENTIRELY BECAUSE they make dumb life choices for both themselves and their children.

Too easy to blame others for your own dumbass choices
and you have never made a dumb decision in all your life


how arrogant

They literally crawl across the desert to get to the United States because they are free to pursue their dream. The U.S. offers a free education and a G.I. bill for a couple of years serving in the military. A kid can get ahead by applying himself and taking advantage of programs. The Founding Fathers gave us the option to hire and fire our representatives every 2,6, and 4 years. Whining about corruption is insulting to the good people who make this Country work.
Yeah, the rich get richer but the poor can get rich with hard work and a little luck and talent. Dismissing the greatest Country in the world as being "corrupt" just because you haven't had a break is a sign of ignorance.
never said otherwise

but some people do not have the resources, $$ or otherwise, to become rich. Or if they do, they do not KNOW that they do and would never dream that they do.. and so we are back to Square One: they do not have the resources.

I guess we should just Nazi-ize them?
. Whining about corruption is insulting to the good people who make this Country work.

We should just ignore it.. keep letting Pelousi do insider trading to gain more and more millions so she can buy more houses when all around her are homeless people who cannot afford SF high rent

Why do I want to say vehemently


oh w ait.. Stupid is not it.. THOUGHTLESS.. inconsiderate ... elitist.. arrogant (is more like it)
They literally crawl across the desert to get to the United States because they are free to pursue their dream. The U.S. offers a free education and a G.I. bill for a couple of years serving in the military. A kid can get ahead by applying himself and taking advantage of programs. The Founding Fathers gave us the option to hire and fire our representatives every 2,6, and 4 years. Whining about corruption is insulting to the good people who make this Country work.

Sorry, but that education isn't exactly free. You still have to pay for part of it. Yes, stuff like PACE courses (Programmed Afloat College Education) are at a greatly reduced price (at the time I was in, it was about 80 to 150 dollars per course), but they aren't free. And, if you do get tuition assistance to attend college at a local university, you still have to pay a percentage for your books, as well as have to manage your duty schedule to allow you to attend classes. Yes, the GI bill is a benefit for those who served honorably, but it doesn't cover the whole cost of a degree.

And no.....................not everyone who wants to join the military is able to do so. Out of all the people in the US who are age eligible to join (between 18 and 35), only 30 percent of them are qualified. Many are rejected by the military for medical reasons, reasons of civil involvement or they simply don't qualify on the ASVAB or have no GED or high school diploma. To tell someone that if they can't get a decent job, there's always the military is kinda misleading.

And...................if they are legal immigrants, there is a whole other level of screening they must pass. If they are illegal or non documented immigrants, they will never be allowed to enlist.

We should just ignore it.. keep letting Pelousi do insider trading to gain more and more millions so she can buy more houses when all around her are homeless people who cannot afford SF high rent

Why do I want to say vehemently


oh w ait.. Stupid is not it.. THOUGHTLESS.. inconsiderate ... elitist.. arrogant (is more like it)
Pelosi lives in an affluent neighborhood and there is nothing wrong with that.
Morons like you focus on personalities rather than the policies that affect us all.

Insider trading is shit but that has NOTHING TO DO WITH SOMEONE ELSE BEING POOR

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