The Impressive Background of Rep. Lauren Boebert.

Weird, a Republican high school drop out with a GED is smarter than all those liberals with doctorate degrees.
Not so weird. As an alleged "drop out" she was exposed far less to the brainwashing that tho0se who continued in the propaganda machine of "higher" education. This allows for free thought as opposed to imposed doctrine of the liberal college machine.
Not so weird. As an alleged "drop out" she was exposed far less to the brainwashing that tho0se who continued in the propaganda machine of "higher" education. This allows for free thought as opposed to imposed doctrine of the liberal college machine.
Yet she became a brainwashed troll of a fat florida guy.
Rep. bobbert also believes that drinking bleach will cure COVID-19.

The more you know...
Rep. booberto also believes that VA light shot into the body will cure COVID-19.

The more you know...
Rep. lara boobert also believes that North Korean Leader Kim Jung Un will magically give up all his nukes for a date with a fat florida guy.

The more you know...
Rep. lara boobert also believes that North Korean Leader Kim Jung Un will magically give up all his nukes for a date with a fat florida guy.

The more you know...
Once again, you have proof of this or is it yet another lie by you?
Today rep. boobert released a statement that reaffirmed a florida fat guy's assertion of a stolen election in 2020 by saying proof doesn't matter.
Today rep. boobert released a statement that reaffirmed a florida fat guy's assertion of a stolen election in 2020 by saying proof doesn't matter.
Manufactured proof by a biased press, no it doesn't matter. See what the audits say and move on from there.

A Brief History of Boebert’s Problem With Telling the Truth

Jason Salzman
posted on
March 17, 2021

The Big Lie...

Turns Out She’s a QAnon Follower

Boebert has insisted she’s not a “follower of QAnon.” Yet, she followed multiple QAnon channels on her YouTube account, which she deleted as her beliefs about QAnon came under scrutiny by journalists.

She Was Opposed to Obamacare But Says She Wasn’t...

She’s Friendly With Militia Members She Claims Not To Know...

She Hadn’t Paid Off Debts, As Claimed...

In July of last year, Boebert’s campaign told The Denver Post it was unaware of past-due liens, but records show that her business actually owed over $19,000 to the state of Colorado at the time. The debt was paid off in October of 2020, according to records obtained by Colorado Newsline.

She Exaggerated Her Work in Prisons

Just last week, Colorado Newsline revealed that Boebert’s claim, delivered multiple times on the campaign trail, to have volunteered for seven years at a jail is contradicted by logs at the jail, which show her visiting there only nine times over two-and-a-half years.

She Says Teenage Servers Don’t Carry Guns at Her Grill, But One Did

Boebert once said underage servers at her restaurant, Shooters Grill, are not allowed to carry guns. But one 17-year-old server featured in a news report posted on Boebert’s website says Boebert “allows me to” carry a gun, even though it’s illegal in Colorado to do so.
Food Poisoning Not Her Fault, She Falsely Claims

Instead of accepting responsibility for sickening 80 people with tainted sliders at the Rifle Rodeo, Boebert blamed the problem with her sliders on fecal matter allegedly found in the bleachers, even after Garfield County had conducted an exhaustive investigation showing that Boebert’s sliders were the “culprit.”

She Was Arrested for Not Showing Up to Court, Not For Ticket

A Brief History of Boebert's Problem With Telling the Truth


A Brief History of Boebert’s Problem With Telling the Truth

Jason Salzman
posted on
March 17, 2021

The Big Lie...

Turns Out She’s a QAnon Follower

Boebert has insisted she’s not a “follower of QAnon.” Yet, she followed multiple QAnon channels on her YouTube account, which she deleted as her beliefs about QAnon came under scrutiny by journalists.

She Was Opposed to Obamacare But Says She Wasn’t...

She’s Friendly With Militia Members She Claims Not To Know...

She Hadn’t Paid Off Debts, As Claimed...

In July of last year, Boebert’s campaign told The Denver Post it was unaware of past-due liens, but records show that her business actually owed over $19,000 to the state of Colorado at the time. The debt was paid off in October of 2020, according to records obtained by Colorado Newsline.

She Exaggerated Her Work in Prisons

Just last week, Colorado Newsline revealed that Boebert’s claim, delivered multiple times on the campaign trail, to have volunteered for seven years at a jail is contradicted by logs at the jail, which show her visiting there only nine times over two-and-a-half years.

She Says Teenage Servers Don’t Carry Guns at Her Grill, But One Did

Boebert once said underage servers at her restaurant, Shooters Grill, are not allowed to carry guns. But one 17-year-old server featured in a news report posted on Boebert’s website says Boebert “allows me to” carry a gun, even though it’s illegal in Colorado to do so.
Food Poisoning Not Her Fault, She Falsely Claims

Instead of accepting responsibility for sickening 80 people with tainted sliders at the Rifle Rodeo, Boebert blamed the problem with her sliders on fecal matter allegedly found in the bleachers, even after Garfield County had conducted an exhaustive investigation showing that Boebert’s sliders were the “culprit.”

She Was Arrested for Not Showing Up to Court, Not For Ticket

A Brief History of Boebert's Problem With Telling the Truth

Now do a break down of Biden and his democrat cohorts. Looks a lot worse, mainly because no one is calling him on his BS and illegal actions. As a matter of fact, his soon to be slaves encourage him to break the law. And you are one of them. Good little doggy.
Last edited:
Manufactured proof by a biased press, no it doesn't matter. See what the audits say and move on from there.
The Arizona cyber ballot charade already has been 3exposed as a fraud.

The press has just reported the 50 State certification.

You have nothing.
The Arizona cyber ballot charade already has been 3exposed as a fraud.

The press has just reported the 50 State certification.

You have nothing.
The results of the Arizona recount has yet to be published. You are lying again, as always.
Rep. lara boobert also believes that North Korean Leader Kim Jung Un will magically give up all his nukes for a date with a fat florida guy.

The more you know...
And, as usual, you know nothing but make false claims in any case.

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