The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

I notice Ringtone ignored this part completely:

Post 205,

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Then we have this STUPID comment from post 210 about me, written by afterlife:

"This is an excellent example of demonic construction. It leads to demonic posession. With the goal of enslaving others that he doesn't even suspect would be."

But somehow after 30 years, the demons haven't been able to posses me...... :laugh:

Neither one of these people want to address my comment at all, it must be embarrassing to see their made up god fail so spectacularly for thousands of years...., maybe that is why they ignore gaping holes in their wholly babble, they are so hilarious.
Ok then maybe I can put in a few two penny worth to answer these questions if nobody does.

Let's be saved is the only way. What is reality is the soul, not the physical world. All evil people and all evil religions know this, and covertly exploit it to the fullest. That is where all that suffering comes from. So the real solution is indeed the salvation.

The bullet hole in the salvation plan is how we realize Christ when we have no opportunity for a conscious mind. The answer seems to be God'sGod's promise to Eve to send Christ and Christ'sChrist's word on the Cross to send His Spirit to God. But no church if Christ has worked it out yet how to make a physical practice if this to protect ourselves when the conscious is gone. On the other hand, the evil covert churches have done their homework.
I notice Ringtone ignored this part completely:

Post 205,

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Then we have this STUPID comment from post 210 about me, written by afterlife:

"This is an excellent example of demonic construction. It leads to demonic posession. With the goal of enslaving others that he doesn't even suspect would be."

But somehow after 30 years, the demons haven't been able to posses me...... :laugh:

Neither one of these people want to address my comment at all, it must be embarrassing to see their made up god fail so spectacularly for thousands of years...., maybe that is why they ignore gaping holes in their wholly babble, they are so hilarious.
Ok then maybe I can put in a few two penny worth to answer these questions if nobody does.

Let's be saved is the only way. What is reality is the soul, not the physical world. All evil people and all evil religions know this, and covertly exploit it to the fullest. That is where all that suffering comes from. So the real solution is indeed the salvation.

The bullet hole in the salvation plan is how we realize Christ when we have no opportunity for a conscious mind. The answer seems to be God'sGod's promise to Eve to send Christ and Christ'sChrist's word on the Cross to send His Spirit to God. But no church if Christ has worked it out yet how to make a physical practice if this to protect ourselves when the conscious is gone. On the other hand, the evil covert churches have done their homework.


Still no evidence at all, just a catechism is what you offer.

You are so lost into the nonsense that you are unaware that you have NOTHING to support your Salvation plan, which after 2,000 years of this crap with no end in sight, it is pure nonsense.

I was Deacon in the Church, I am well aware of the "Salvation" plan, one that goes on and on for 2,000 years, what you is your imagined god waiting for?

Why can't you explain your made up impotent god failure?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Your imagined god looks very weak to me....
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

Lordy, man. Is that another of your William Lane Craig styled "philosophical argument" that has no utility, drives within a Cul de sac of pointless notions and ultimately has no requirement to be true?

This is a man who prefer Faith over Evidence, that is why he has no rational argument to offer.
That is what truth requires. Jesus already explains this. Believing in an evidence is circular. That is why Jesus declares that no sign will be given. Evidence can always be manufactured, revised, deleted, re explained, and so on. Evidence is such a fallacy, that even Pontius pilot who cares nothing about Jesus can see it.

Your reliance on the wholly babble is frightening since there is nothing enlightening about it and contains embarrassing errors that your all knowing god doesn't seem to notice, even though it is supposed to be..... he he.... "god breathed".....

You rejecting the Holy Bible as the word of wisdom that is declared to frustrate the wise is bound to frustrate you.

The errors that some people like constructing out of some verses may or may not be errors at some time and not at some other time. Such us the nature of logic and evidential thinking.

The ultimate test is that it is foolish to think that you can control enough things to make your wisdom valid.


I am laughing at your stupid evidence free replies, all you do is babble and nothing more.

You off no evidence on anything, just more windy babbling. I am wondering if you are on drugs because you show no rational thinking at all.

You behave exactly how the Paul letter predicts you to behave. This is not a durprise, because without the Word, it doesn't matter how many evidences you dig up or manufacture for anything.

What you should ask is what work on your soul reprogrammed you into such rejection of Christ and how could it succeed. That story would be really interesting, for the benefit of us and all readers.
I notice Ringtone ignored this part completely:

Post 205,

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Then we have this STUPID comment from post 210 about me, written by afterlife:

"This is an excellent example of demonic construction. It leads to demonic posession. With the goal of enslaving others that he doesn't even suspect would be."

But somehow after 30 years, the demons haven't been able to posses me...... :laugh:

Neither one of these people want to address my comment at all, it must be embarrassing to see their made up god fail so spectacularly for thousands of years...., maybe that is why they ignore gaping holes in their wholly babble, they are so hilarious.
Ok then maybe I can put in a few two penny worth to answer these questions if nobody does.

Let's be saved is the only way. What is reality is the soul, not the physical world. All evil people and all evil religions know this, and covertly exploit it to the fullest. That is where all that suffering comes from. So the real solution is indeed the salvation.

The bullet hole in the salvation plan is how we realize Christ when we have no opportunity for a conscious mind. The answer seems to be God'sGod's promise to Eve to send Christ and Christ'sChrist's word on the Cross to send His Spirit to God. But no church if Christ has worked it out yet how to make a physical practice if this to protect ourselves when the conscious is gone. On the other hand, the evil covert churches have done their homework.


Still no evidence at all, just a catechism is what you offer.

You are so lost into the nonsense that you are unaware that you have NOTHING to support your Salvation plan, which after 2,000 years of this crap with no end in sight, it is pure nonsense.

I was Deacon in the Church, I am well aware of the "Salvation" plan, one that goes on and on for 2,000 years, what you is your imagined god waiting for?

Why can't you explain your made up impotent god failure?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Your imagined god looks very weak to me....

Your answer should be the second half of Psalm 50. We're you able to detect when you lost faith in God?
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

Lordy, man. Is that another of your William Lane Craig styled "philosophical argument" that has no utility, drives within a Cul de sac of pointless notions and ultimately has no requirement to be true?

This is a man who prefer Faith over Evidence, that is why he has no rational argument to offer.
That is what truth requires. Jesus already explains this. Believing in an evidence is circular. That is why Jesus declares that no sign will be given. Evidence can always be manufactured, revised, deleted, re explained, and so on. Evidence is such a fallacy, that even Pontius pilot who cares nothing about Jesus can see it.

Your reliance on the wholly babble is frightening since there is nothing enlightening about it and contains embarrassing errors that your all knowing god doesn't seem to notice, even though it is supposed to be..... he he.... "god breathed".....

You rejecting the Holy Bible as the word of wisdom that is declared to frustrate the wise is bound to frustrate you.

The errors that some people like constructing out of some verses may or may not be errors at some time and not at some other time. Such us the nature of logic and evidential thinking.

The ultimate test is that it is foolish to think that you can control enough things to make your wisdom valid.


I am laughing at your stupid evidence free replies, all you do is babble and nothing more.

You off no evidence on anything, just more windy babbling. I am wondering if you are on drugs because you show no rational thinking at all.

You behave exactly how the Paul letter predicts you to behave. This is not a durprise, because without the Word, it doesn't matter how many evidences you dig up or manufacture for anything.

What you should ask is what work on your soul reprogrammed you into such rejection of Christ and how could it succeed. That story would be really interesting, for the benefit of us and all readers.

I accept your surrender.

I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

Lordy, man. Is that another of your William Lane Craig styled "philosophical argument" that has no utility, drives within a Cul de sac of pointless notions and ultimately has no requirement to be true?

This is a man who prefer Faith over Evidence, that is why he has no rational argument to offer.
That is what truth requires. Jesus already explains this. Believing in an evidence is circular. That is why Jesus declares that no sign will be given. Evidence can always be manufactured, revised, deleted, re explained, and so on. Evidence is such a fallacy, that even Pontius pilot who cares nothing about Jesus can see it.

Your reliance on the wholly babble is frightening since there is nothing enlightening about it and contains embarrassing errors that your all knowing god doesn't seem to notice, even though it is supposed to be..... he he.... "god breathed".....

You rejecting the Holy Bible as the word of wisdom that is declared to frustrate the wise is bound to frustrate you.

The errors that some people like constructing out of some verses may or may not be errors at some time and not at some other time. Such us the nature of logic and evidential thinking.

The ultimate test is that it is foolish to think that you can control enough things to make your wisdom valid.


I am laughing at your stupid evidence free replies, all you do is babble and nothing more.

You off no evidence on anything, just more windy babbling. I am wondering if you are on drugs because you show no rational thinking at all.

You behave exactly how the Paul letter predicts you to behave. This is not a durprise, because without the Word, it doesn't matter how many evidences you dig up or manufacture for anything.

What you should ask is what work on your soul reprogrammed you into such rejection of Christ and how could it succeed. That story would be really interesting, for the benefit of us and all readers.

I accept your surrender.


When were you reprogrammed? Can you at least triangulate an approximate time frame if it?

Emotions is the first line if fire from the devil.
I notice Ringtone ignored this part completely:

Post 205,

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Then we have this STUPID comment from post 210 about me, written by afterlife:

"This is an excellent example of demonic construction. It leads to demonic posession. With the goal of enslaving others that he doesn't even suspect would be."

But somehow after 30 years, the demons haven't been able to posses me...... :laugh:

Neither one of these people want to address my comment at all, it must be embarrassing to see their made up god fail so spectacularly for thousands of years...., maybe that is why they ignore gaping holes in their wholly babble, they are so hilarious.
Ok then maybe I can put in a few two penny worth to answer these questions if nobody does.

Let's be saved is the only way. What is reality is the soul, not the physical world. All evil people and all evil religions know this, and covertly exploit it to the fullest. That is where all that suffering comes from. So the real solution is indeed the salvation.

The bullet hole in the salvation plan is how we realize Christ when we have no opportunity for a conscious mind. The answer seems to be God'sGod's promise to Eve to send Christ and Christ'sChrist's word on the Cross to send His Spirit to God. But no church if Christ has worked it out yet how to make a physical practice if this to protect ourselves when the conscious is gone. On the other hand, the evil covert churches have done their homework.


Still no evidence at all, just a catechism is what you offer.

You are so lost into the nonsense that you are unaware that you have NOTHING to support your Salvation plan, which after 2,000 years of this crap with no end in sight, it is pure nonsense.

I was Deacon in the Church, I am well aware of the "Salvation" plan, one that goes on and on for 2,000 years, what you is your imagined god waiting for?

Why can't you explain your made up impotent god failure?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Your imagined god looks very weak to me....

Your answer should be the second half of Psalm 50. We're you able to detect when you lost faith in God?

There is that word again, FAITH.

Faith, derived from Latin fides and Old French feid,[1] is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept.[1][2] In the context of religion, one can define faith as "belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion".[3] Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant,[4][5] while others who are more skeptical of religion tend to think of faith as simply belief without evidence.[6]

No evidence is needed, just your delusion is all YOU need.


a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

No evidence is needed, just my follow made up delusions.

You are so lost...... you don't even realize I am making a big fool out of you.....
Last edited:
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

Lordy, man. Is that another of your William Lane Craig styled "philosophical argument" that has no utility, drives within a Cul de sac of pointless notions and ultimately has no requirement to be true?

This is a man who prefer Faith over Evidence, that is why he has no rational argument to offer.
That is what truth requires. Jesus already explains this. Believing in an evidence is circular. That is why Jesus declares that no sign will be given. Evidence can always be manufactured, revised, deleted, re explained, and so on. Evidence is such a fallacy, that even Pontius pilot who cares nothing about Jesus can see it.

Your reliance on the wholly babble is frightening since there is nothing enlightening about it and contains embarrassing errors that your all knowing god doesn't seem to notice, even though it is supposed to be..... he he.... "god breathed".....

You rejecting the Holy Bible as the word of wisdom that is declared to frustrate the wise is bound to frustrate you.

The errors that some people like constructing out of some verses may or may not be errors at some time and not at some other time. Such us the nature of logic and evidential thinking.

The ultimate test is that it is foolish to think that you can control enough things to make your wisdom valid.


I am laughing at your stupid evidence free replies, all you do is babble and nothing more.

You off no evidence on anything, just more windy babbling. I am wondering if you are on drugs because you show no rational thinking at all.

You behave exactly how the Paul letter predicts you to behave. This is not a durprise, because without the Word, it doesn't matter how many evidences you dig up or manufacture for anything.

What you should ask is what work on your soul reprogrammed you into such rejection of Christ and how could it succeed. That story would be really interesting, for the benefit of us and all readers.

I accept your surrender.


When were you reprogrammed? Can you at least triangulate an approximate time frame if it?

Emotions is the first line if fire from the devil.

You have nothing but stupid one liners, you don't try to answer for your lack of evidence.

Why do you keep ducking this?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Why can't you answer it?
That isn't evidence, just origin words to soothe the crowd.

Volumes have been written contradicting your atheist faith. Thousands of volumes.

I refer you to:

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski
Rare Earth by Ward and Brownlee
Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn (Former militant atheist)
There is that same putrid stench of militarist propaganda which reeks from the pages of New Atheist script, and is immediately familiar to anyone who has read the work of Herr Josef Goebbels, constituting little more than a host of lavishly morbid anecdotes and caricatures of religion punctuated here and there with traces of puerile logic.

Put simply, scientists will tell you that “science works.” If science works, then the universe works. If the universe works then it means that it was made; because what is not made cannot possibly “work.”

Professor Andrew Simms, former President of the Royal Institute of Psychiatry in Britain… concludes that religious faith is one of medicine’s best kept secrets. Particularly among Christian adherents in western society, religious practice seems to result in lower levels of stress and depression, better physical health, better interpersonal relationship and family life and a much lower inclination to substance addiction, among other behavioral and mental disorders. The psychiatric data for atheism and agnosticism, on the other hand, appears to run quite in the opposite direction. A number of studies performed by members of the American psychiatric association determine a strong correlation between a “lack of faith” (i.e. atheism) and depression and suicide.

The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day (Former militant atheist)

The idea that he is a devotee of reason seeing through the outdated superstitions believed by less intelligent beings is the foremost conceit of the atheist.

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children.


Your atheist beliefs are demonstrably unhealthy, physically and mentally, and yet you insist otherwise, to your own eternal detriment. Pride is the original sin. It is your downfall. I am nothing. It's not about me, but you atheists always try to make it about the individual(s) trying to teach you what you refuse to consider much less learn. You're smarter, you're better, you're more moral, you're more scientific. You're better than God and so you don't need God (you think, you preach).- ChemEngineer

You didn't provide any evidence here, you are a smart man, you can do a lot better than that, but all you did was completely leave out the only possible authoritative source in support for god, but you didn't bring that Meta book up.

I was a Deacon in the church from 35 years ago, left religion in August 1990, been free ever since, it is so nice to be free of delusion of some guy named god, who never seems to be around to end the Salvation racket and get on with this mythical going to heaven promise his second son briefly talked about only 2,000 years ago, for some reason god INC. must like watching the suffering of his people, since it has been 2,000 years since his second son supposedly talked about getting saved.........

Maybe your god is sadist?
Yeah, he is completely full of shit. The "law of identity" is much more recent than the other two laws of thought he mentioned. So when he said they were extrapolated from the law of identity, he was literally just talking out of his ass and clearly has had the benefit of ZERO formal training in these subjects. He clearly has no real understanding of these concepts whatsoever.

And he just said "for all x: x=x" is the Word of God. GotDAM that is hilarious. It's the same bullshit con, reiterated:

"Everything is conclusive evidence for the very specific gods i prefer, and nothing can ever be evidence against."

Pure intellectual fraud. This guy is an amateur who keeps exposing himself. Whenever he strays from copy/paste, his tirades degrade into barely legible assaults on the English language.

Recently, Fort Fun Indiana said, recently.

Yeah, Fort Fun Indiana is completely full of feces.

The law of identity was elucidated by Aristotle shortly after Plato elucidated the law of non-contradiction and the excluded middle, centuries before it was explicated as a coordinate principle by any school of philosophical thought. So when he denied that the other two laws of logic are inherent to the law of identity, as Western philosophers came to realize after Andreas made that very extrapolation, he was literally just talking out of his ass due to his little knowledge as he confounded the law's historical explication as a coordinate principle with the time frame of its historical origin by centuries. Clearly, Fort Fun Indiana has ZERO formal training in any of the pertinent subjects of this discussion and has no real understanding of just how obviously stupid he is.

And he just poo-pooed the original notion that the Logos—originally conceived by the Greeks as the eternally immutable and universal principle (or reason) for the existence and organization of the cosmos, a concept applied to the Living Word of God by John the Apostle—may be varyingly surmised by me as the Universal Principle of Identity entailing the fundamental laws of thought imprinted on the mind of humanity by God, a.k.a., the Imago Dei.

Hot damn his intellectual bigotry is hilarious! It's the same imbecility that Ringtone has exposed over and over again about this punk: everything that conclusively demonstrates God's existence is false in his tiny cranium, and he's oblivious of the fact that he's a grubby little pissant of a bucked-tooth, nose-picking doofus.

A pure intellectual fraud!

Fort Fun Indiana is an amateur who keeps exposing himself for what he is. Even when he tries to use Google, he can't get it right. Every time he opens his yap, his panites fall down and expose his little tee-tee as he spouts a torrent of drooling stupidity, ignorance, rank falsehoods, ad hominem, non-sequiturs, and grammatical monstrosities.
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You have nothing but stupid one liners, you don't try to answer for your lack of evidence.

Why do you keep ducking this?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Why can't you answer it?

The Air is still tonight—drenched with slumber.​
A withered leaf dodders on spindly legs across Its gnarled spine.
I notice Ringtone ignored this part completely:

Post 205,

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Then we have this STUPID comment from post 210 about me, written by afterlife:

"This is an excellent example of demonic construction. It leads to demonic posession. With the goal of enslaving others that he doesn't even suspect would be."

But somehow after 30 years, the demons haven't been able to posses me...... :laugh:

Neither one of these people want to address my comment at all, it must be embarrassing to see their made up god fail so spectacularly for thousands of years...., maybe that is why they ignore gaping holes in their wholly babble, they are so hilarious.
Ok then maybe I can put in a few two penny worth to answer these questions if nobody does.

Let's be saved is the only way. What is reality is the soul, not the physical world. All evil people and all evil religions know this, and covertly exploit it to the fullest. That is where all that suffering comes from. So the real solution is indeed the salvation.

The bullet hole in the salvation plan is how we realize Christ when we have no opportunity for a conscious mind. The answer seems to be God'sGod's promise to Eve to send Christ and Christ'sChrist's word on the Cross to send His Spirit to God. But no church if Christ has worked it out yet how to make a physical practice if this to protect ourselves when the conscious is gone. On the other hand, the evil covert churches have done their homework.


Still no evidence at all, just a catechism is what you offer.

You are so lost into the nonsense that you are unaware that you have NOTHING to support your Salvation plan, which after 2,000 years of this crap with no end in sight, it is pure nonsense.

I was Deacon in the Church, I am well aware of the "Salvation" plan, one that goes on and on for 2,000 years, what you is your imagined god waiting for?

Why can't you explain your made up impotent god failure?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Your imagined god looks very weak to me....

Your answer should be the second half of Psalm 50. We're you able to detect when you lost faith in God?

There is that word again, FAITH.

Faith, derived from Latin fides and Old French feid,[1] is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept.[1][2] In the context of religion, one can define faith as "belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion".[3] Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant,[4][5] while others who are more skeptical of religion tend to think of faith as simply belief without evidence.[6]

No evidence is needed, just your delusion is all YOU need.


a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

No evidence is needed, just my follow made up delusions.

You are so lost...... you don't even realize I am making a big fool out of you.....

Your premise is that you can control or even count the number of things that you need for your logic to work. No such counting is ever possible. So everything apart from faith is illusion or delusion.
In the old testament, there are a lot of god mandated wars in it, a lot of people die under his orders, He drowns the entire world of humans except for Noah and his family, he wiped a couple cities (famously wicked for fucking a lot) off the surface of the earth, turns people to salt for the terrible crime of looking back at the destruction from far off, he also likes to punish the Jews for disobeying him and they disobey him over and over, despite the miracles they allegedly saw in front of them. They get taken into slavery that last for 400 years, then after a god off contest between the Egyptian and Hebrew gods, they get free, then do the impossibly (noted bible error) fast walk to the "land of milk and honey", which doesn't exist.

He realize his drowning of everyone on the planet except Noah and his group ends up in failure since wickedness and disobedience still exist anyway, he decided to shift his attention to a tiny nation for his next attempt to mold a people into mindless devotion to him and end the wickedness problem, which ends up in failure since they openly disobey him, even with miracles they saw first hand and were freed from Egypt. They still kill and commit many forms of crimes despite his 10 Commandments and other rules, they keep disobeying anyway, what a failure he is!

God can't seen to get everyone to bow down to him, there are always a lot of people who turn their backs on him, he fails over and over to create a 100% obedience rate, always fails to win everyone over. The human suffering goes on and on while the omnipotence all knowing dude tries plan and after plan to get his followers to be glassy eyed followers who never make an error and always obey him.

The obvious question has to be made here, why still take this long running god failure seriously anymore?

His latest attempt (the born again plan) to get everyone to kiss his butt all the time and be raptured straight into 4 bedroom 2 bathroom homes in heaven is already a developing failure and been going on for 2,000 years, he is failing despite the rent free offer up there...., maybe the harps are a bad choice?

Maybe in a 1,000 years from now, he will drown everyone again and start over with a Palestinian family instead, maybe they will do what the Jews totally failed to do, obey him 100% of the time and the harps be strummed all day long.

God has been failing for over 4004 years now, a record of failure to be proud of.

How odd of god to chose the Jews!
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I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

Lordy, man. Is that another of your William Lane Craig styled "philosophical argument" that has no utility, drives within a Cul de sac of pointless notions and ultimately has no requirement to be true?

This is a man who prefer Faith over Evidence, that is why he has no rational argument to offer.
That is what truth requires. Jesus already explains this. Believing in an evidence is circular. That is why Jesus declares that no sign will be given. Evidence can always be manufactured, revised, deleted, re explained, and so on. Evidence is such a fallacy, that even Pontius pilot who cares nothing about Jesus can see it.

Your reliance on the wholly babble is frightening since there is nothing enlightening about it and contains embarrassing errors that your all knowing god doesn't seem to notice, even though it is supposed to be..... he he.... "god breathed".....

You rejecting the Holy Bible as the word of wisdom that is declared to frustrate the wise is bound to frustrate you.

The errors that some people like constructing out of some verses may or may not be errors at some time and not at some other time. Such us the nature of logic and evidential thinking.

The ultimate test is that it is foolish to think that you can control enough things to make your wisdom valid.


I am laughing at your stupid evidence free replies, all you do is babble and nothing more.

You off no evidence on anything, just more windy babbling. I am wondering if you are on drugs because you show no rational thinking at all.

You behave exactly how the Paul letter predicts you to behave. This is not a durprise, because without the Word, it doesn't matter how many evidences you dig up or manufacture for anything.

What you should ask is what work on your soul reprogrammed you into such rejection of Christ and how could it succeed. That story would be really interesting, for the benefit of us and all readers.

I accept your surrender.


When were you reprogrammed? Can you at least triangulate an approximate time frame if it?

Emotions is the first line if fire from the devil.

You have nothing but stupid one liners, you don't try to answer for your lack of evidence.

Why do you keep ducking this?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Why can't you answer it?

I have already answered it. God stops all those sufferings by making you work for your salvation through Christ as promised at the very beginning in Genesis. Your question is not about God. Your question is about the devil. It is the devil that is the source of all that suffering, not God. And there are many people under the devil too, who work against salvation.
I notice Ringtone ignored this part completely:

Post 205,

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Then we have this STUPID comment from post 210 about me, written by afterlife:

"This is an excellent example of demonic construction. It leads to demonic posession. With the goal of enslaving others that he doesn't even suspect would be."

But somehow after 30 years, the demons haven't been able to posses me...... :laugh:

Neither one of these people want to address my comment at all, it must be embarrassing to see their made up god fail so spectacularly for thousands of years...., maybe that is why they ignore gaping holes in their wholly babble, they are so hilarious.
Ok then maybe I can put in a few two penny worth to answer these questions if nobody does.

Let's be saved is the only way. What is reality is the soul, not the physical world. All evil people and all evil religions know this, and covertly exploit it to the fullest. That is where all that suffering comes from. So the real solution is indeed the salvation.

The bullet hole in the salvation plan is how we realize Christ when we have no opportunity for a conscious mind. The answer seems to be God'sGod's promise to Eve to send Christ and Christ'sChrist's word on the Cross to send His Spirit to God. But no church if Christ has worked it out yet how to make a physical practice if this to protect ourselves when the conscious is gone. On the other hand, the evil covert churches have done their homework.


Still no evidence at all, just a catechism is what you offer.

You are so lost into the nonsense that you are unaware that you have NOTHING to support your Salvation plan, which after 2,000 years of this crap with no end in sight, it is pure nonsense.

I was Deacon in the Church, I am well aware of the "Salvation" plan, one that goes on and on for 2,000 years, what you is your imagined god waiting for?

Why can't you explain your made up impotent god failure?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Your imagined god looks very weak to me....

Your answer should be the second half of Psalm 50. We're you able to detect when you lost faith in God?

There is that word again, FAITH.

Faith, derived from Latin fides and Old French feid,[1] is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept.[1][2] In the context of religion, one can define faith as "belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion".[3] Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant,[4][5] while others who are more skeptical of religion tend to think of faith as simply belief without evidence.[6]

No evidence is needed, just your delusion is all YOU need.


a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

No evidence is needed, just my follow made up delusions.

You are so lost...... you don't even realize I am making a big fool out of you.....

Your premise is that you can control or even count the number of things that you need for your logic to work. No such counting is ever possible. So everything apart from faith is illusion or delusion.

Translation: I have nothing that is evidentiary to offer, just more of the the usual gobblegeddygook is what I was taught to pass on.
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

Lordy, man. Is that another of your William Lane Craig styled "philosophical argument" that has no utility, drives within a Cul de sac of pointless notions and ultimately has no requirement to be true?

This is a man who prefer Faith over Evidence, that is why he has no rational argument to offer.
That is what truth requires. Jesus already explains this. Believing in an evidence is circular. That is why Jesus declares that no sign will be given. Evidence can always be manufactured, revised, deleted, re explained, and so on. Evidence is such a fallacy, that even Pontius pilot who cares nothing about Jesus can see it.

Your reliance on the wholly babble is frightening since there is nothing enlightening about it and contains embarrassing errors that your all knowing god doesn't seem to notice, even though it is supposed to be..... he he.... "god breathed".....

You rejecting the Holy Bible as the word of wisdom that is declared to frustrate the wise is bound to frustrate you.

The errors that some people like constructing out of some verses may or may not be errors at some time and not at some other time. Such us the nature of logic and evidential thinking.

The ultimate test is that it is foolish to think that you can control enough things to make your wisdom valid.


I am laughing at your stupid evidence free replies, all you do is babble and nothing more.

You off no evidence on anything, just more windy babbling. I am wondering if you are on drugs because you show no rational thinking at all.

You behave exactly how the Paul letter predicts you to behave. This is not a durprise, because without the Word, it doesn't matter how many evidences you dig up or manufacture for anything.

What you should ask is what work on your soul reprogrammed you into such rejection of Christ and how could it succeed. That story would be really interesting, for the benefit of us and all readers.

I accept your surrender.


When were you reprogrammed? Can you at least triangulate an approximate time frame if it?

Emotions is the first line if fire from the devil.

You have nothing but stupid one liners, you don't try to answer for your lack of evidence.

Why do you keep ducking this?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Why can't you answer it?

I have already answered it. God stops all those sufferings by making you work for your salvation through Christ as promised at the very beginning in Genesis. Your question is not about God. Your question is about the devil. It is the devil that is the source of all that suffering, not God. And there are many people under the devil too, who work against salvation.

No it is about YOUR continual failure to show god exist, with out that evidence, there is no reason to take you seriously, all you do is run on faith.
You didn't provide any evidence here, you are a smart man, you can do a lot better than that, but all you did was completely leave out the only possible authoritative source in support for god, but you didn't bring that Meta book up.

I was a Deacon in the church from 35 years ago, left religion in August 1990, been free ever since, it is so nice to be free of delusion of some guy named god, who never seems to be around to end the Salvation racket and get on with this mythical going to heaven promise his second son briefly talked about only 2,000 years ago, for some reason god INC. must like watching the suffering of his people, since it has been 2,000 years since his second son supposedly talked about getting saved.........

Maybe your god is sadist?

And above the tiny rustlings, above the glistening lanes,​
Above the languid shadows that creep and close
on the mournful strains—​
The Stars draw back the shroud and peep,
Shake their bearded chins, cast their pearly eyes away and weep.
And below, crookbacked lampposts unfurl their hazy-white plumes and glare​
At the four-footed heaps, at the white picket fences,
At the cracks in the sidewalks, at the manicured grasses,
As the musty night seeps through our senses.
And through the parlor windows we may see, you and I,​
The flickering glow of that babbling flow on the walls:
The Soma of the enervated masses.
Morpheus has alighted on his throne at the commencement
of another dreary evening. . . .​
No it is about YOUR continual failure to show god exist, with out that evidence, there is no reason to take you seriously, all you do is run on faith.
And there will be other nights and other days too!​
There will be seconds to spin and minutes to spill,
Hours to wend down a winding rill,
Moments for me and moments for you. . . .
Translation: I have nothing that is evidentiary to offer, just more of the the usual gobblegeddygook is what I was taught to pass on.

There will be sacks full of question marks to sow​
In furrowed brows replete with sad, fetid lies and concessions.
There will be secrets to air and rumors to grow,
Indiscretions to breed and issues to hoe
During the endless rounds of therapeutic confessions.
And if someone should say,
“Do you know?” and “Do you know?”
To whom shall I turn for the answer?
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

Lordy, man. Is that another of your William Lane Craig styled "philosophical argument" that has no utility, drives within a Cul de sac of pointless notions and ultimately has no requirement to be true?

This is a man who prefer Faith over Evidence, that is why he has no rational argument to offer.
That is what truth requires. Jesus already explains this. Believing in an evidence is circular. That is why Jesus declares that no sign will be given. Evidence can always be manufactured, revised, deleted, re explained, and so on. Evidence is such a fallacy, that even Pontius pilot who cares nothing about Jesus can see it.

Your reliance on the wholly babble is frightening since there is nothing enlightening about it and contains embarrassing errors that your all knowing god doesn't seem to notice, even though it is supposed to be..... he he.... "god breathed".....

You rejecting the Holy Bible as the word of wisdom that is declared to frustrate the wise is bound to frustrate you.

The errors that some people like constructing out of some verses may or may not be errors at some time and not at some other time. Such us the nature of logic and evidential thinking.

The ultimate test is that it is foolish to think that you can control enough things to make your wisdom valid.


I am laughing at your stupid evidence free replies, all you do is babble and nothing more.

You off no evidence on anything, just more windy babbling. I am wondering if you are on drugs because you show no rational thinking at all.

You behave exactly how the Paul letter predicts you to behave. This is not a durprise, because without the Word, it doesn't matter how many evidences you dig up or manufacture for anything.

What you should ask is what work on your soul reprogrammed you into such rejection of Christ and how could it succeed. That story would be really interesting, for the benefit of us and all readers.

I accept your surrender.


When were you reprogrammed? Can you at least triangulate an approximate time frame if it?

Emotions is the first line if fire from the devil.

You have nothing but stupid one liners, you don't try to answer for your lack of evidence.

Why do you keep ducking this?

"Your made up god doesn't show any desire to stop wars, doesn't show any desire to stop pestilence, doesn't show any desire to end abuse of the planets environment, doesn't show any desire to stop the overpopulation train, for THOUSANDS of years, your imagined god never does anything to stop the widespread suffering, all we get is more of the same lets be saved crap, but BILLIONS of people die without being "saved", saved for what anyway?"

Why can't you answer it?

I have already answered it. God stops all those sufferings by making you work for your salvation through Christ as promised at the very beginning in Genesis. Your question is not about God. Your question is about the devil. It is the devil that is the source of all that suffering, not God. And there are many people under the devil too, who work against salvation.

No it is about YOUR continual failure to show god exist, with out that evidence, there is no reason to take you seriously, all you do is run on faith.

God did harden the heart of faraoh to exclude him off faith in order to get enough time for the Jews to accomplish the exodus.

What purpose does your programmed lack of faith serve?

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