The Incredible Shrinking Obama Deficit.



FAIL! Instead of cutting the deficit in half he added OVER $6 Trillion in 4 years, ADDING (not cutting) more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED!

FAIL. You are conflating deficit with debt. The innumeracy of you rubes is being taken advantage of by hack media.

It is a fact Obama cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Bush left behind a $1.4 trillion deficit. By FY2013, the deficit was $680 billion.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
Aaaaaaand Kosh reverts to her default brainless catchphrase when slammed to the ground.

Another irony impaired far left drone post as they support Obama's illegal wars.

As they supported Tarp and the Obama stimulus..
it doesn't, but don't burst their bubble.
actually, it does.
Saying it doesn't just makes you look silly.

Did you look at the chart? Like actually look at it?
It shows the deficit for 2008 at about half a trillion....deficit in 2009 at about 1.5 trillion and the deficit now at about a half a trillion.

Did you look at it? Like actually look at it?

So it's beneath where he started. You just stated it yourself. .5 trillion is less than 1.5 trillion.

You're smarter than this.
nice try. Not interested in playing your silly childish games.
His first year deficit was 3 times the previous years deficit....and now this years deficit is what it was the year before he took office.

Exactly what I was saying.

Games? Are you under the impression that he Obama controlled the 2009 number?


FAIL! Instead of cutting the deficit in half he added OVER $6 Trillion in 4 years, ADDING (not cutting) more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED!

FAIL. You are conflating deficit with debt. The innumeracy of you rubes is being taken advantage of by hack media.

It is a fact Obama cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Bush left behind a $1.4 trillion deficit. By FY2013, the deficit was $680 billion.
one does not leave behind a deficit. It is a year to year thing and has no affect on the following years deficit.
The FY2009 budget was written in September 2008.

Gee, who was President then?

Don't Blame Obama for Bush's 2009 Deficit

The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House.

Show a fiscal year budget that Obama has signed..

And yes that included TARP that was put forth by a far left Congress, but only a far left drone would ignore such things..
Deficits go down by increasing revenue or cutting spending.
It is quit obvious what he did and didn't do.
Sessions Wrong on Bush Tax Cuts

We pointed out these figures to the senator's spokesman, Stephen Miller, who blamed the revenue declines of 2001, 2002 and 2003 on the 2001 recession. But that recession ended in November 2001, and federal revenues continued to go down for the next two years. And, as we noted, CBO determined that both income tax revenues and total overall revenues would have increased in 2001, if not for the tax cuts.

Miller also said Sessions was referring to the period after May 2003, when Bush signed the second, and smaller, of his two major tax reductions. But the fact remains that the largest of Bush's cuts was "put in" starting in 2001, and significantly reduced federal revenues.
Republicans explaining economics is a lesson in futility. Every one of their policies are failures. Red States are financially dependent on Blue States. Thank God we have history to look back on. But history is part of education and we know what Republicans think of education.

More far left math being displayed here, by a far left drone!

It is amazing how these drone harp on the tax cuts that even Obama signed..

so far you've posted an unemployment chart on a deficit discussion thread, and done nothing but call names like a child ... you might consider to stop showing your stupidity ...


FAIL! Instead of cutting the deficit in half he added OVER $6 Trillion in 4 years, ADDING (not cutting) more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED!

FAIL. You are conflating deficit with debt. The innumeracy of you rubes is being taken advantage of by hack media.

It is a fact Obama cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Bush left behind a $1.4 trillion deficit. By FY2013, the deficit was $680 billion.
one does not leave behind a deficit. It is a year to year thing and has no affect on the following years deficit.
The FY2009 budget was written in September 2008.

Gee, who was President then?

Don't Blame Obama for Bush's 2009 Deficit

The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House.
wow. You truly are naïve.

When a law is passed, like the is not dependent on the budget you idiot.

That's why it is a law. So they can legally spend out of budget.
actually, it does.
Saying it doesn't just makes you look silly.

Did you look at the chart? Like actually look at it?
It shows the deficit for 2008 at about half a trillion....deficit in 2009 at about 1.5 trillion and the deficit now at about a half a trillion.

Did you look at it? Like actually look at it?

So it's beneath where he started. You just stated it yourself. .5 trillion is less than 1.5 trillion.

You're smarter than this.
nice try. Not interested in playing your silly childish games.
His first year deficit was 3 times the previous years deficit....and now this years deficit is what it was the year before he took office.

Exactly what I was saying.

Games? Are you under the impression that he Obama controlled the 2009 number?

No the far left Congress was in control of that, the same Congress Obama had for two years!

Silly far left drones and their two year old mentality!
To think...Bush was given a budget surplus and left with a $1 trillion deficit
Deficits go down by increasing revenue or cutting spending.
It is quit obvious what he did and didn't do.
Sessions Wrong on Bush Tax Cuts

We pointed out these figures to the senator's spokesman, Stephen Miller, who blamed the revenue declines of 2001, 2002 and 2003 on the 2001 recession. But that recession ended in November 2001, and federal revenues continued to go down for the next two years. And, as we noted, CBO determined that both income tax revenues and total overall revenues would have increased in 2001, if not for the tax cuts.

Miller also said Sessions was referring to the period after May 2003, when Bush signed the second, and smaller, of his two major tax reductions. But the fact remains that the largest of Bush's cuts was "put in" starting in 2001, and significantly reduced federal revenues.
Republicans explaining economics is a lesson in futility. Every one of their policies are failures. Red States are financially dependent on Blue States. Thank God we have history to look back on. But history is part of education and we know what Republicans think of education.

More far left math being displayed here, by a far left drone!

It is amazing how these drone harp on the tax cuts that even Obama signed..

so far you've posted an unemployment chart on a deficit discussion thread, and done nothing but call names like a child ... you might consider to stop showing your stupidity ...

No far left drone I posted labor force participation as many far left drones believe Obama is creating jobs and saving the economy!


FAIL! Instead of cutting the deficit in half he added OVER $6 Trillion in 4 years, ADDING (not cutting) more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED!

FAIL. You are conflating deficit with debt. The innumeracy of you rubes is being taken advantage of by hack media.

It is a fact Obama cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Bush left behind a $1.4 trillion deficit. By FY2013, the deficit was $680 billion.
one does not leave behind a deficit. It is a year to year thing and has no affect on the following years deficit.
The FY2009 budget was written in September 2008.

Gee, who was President then?

Don't Blame Obama for Bush's 2009 Deficit

The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House.
I will say one thing for sure....

The fact that you posted this shows me...and many others....that you are nothing more than a kool aid drinker and have absolutely no understanding about how the government works as it pertains to budgets, legislation, initiatives, etc.

You are a fraud.
The FY2009 budget was written in September 2008.
Gee, who was President then?
Don't Blame Obama for Bush's 2009 Deficit

Just using this quote (from whoever) to make a point....

Who gives a rat's arse who the PRESIDENT is? WHO is responsible for creating the Budget? WHO controls the purse strings - government spending? That would be CONGRESS!

Liberals controlled both Houses of Congress, 3 seats shy of a Super majority, and thus controlled the Government's purse strings / spending exclusively from 2006 - 2010.

** Boehner needs to learn who controls spending as well. He recently said he was waiting for the SENATE to write a budget, pass it to the House, and then they would work on passing it. Jackass doesn't know that CONGRESS is responsible for creating the Budget, passing it, and sending it to the Senate..


FAIL! Instead of cutting the deficit in half he added OVER $6 Trillion in 4 years, ADDING (not cutting) more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED!

FAIL. You are conflating deficit with debt. The innumeracy of you rubes is being taken advantage of by hack media.

It is a fact Obama cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Bush left behind a $1.4 trillion deficit. By FY2013, the deficit was $680 billion.
one does not leave behind a deficit. It is a year to year thing and has no affect on the following years deficit.
The FY2009 budget was written in September 2008.

Gee, who was President then?

Don't Blame Obama for Bush's 2009 Deficit

The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House.
I will say one thing for sure....

The fact that you posted this shows me...and many others....that you are nothing more than a kool aid drinker and have absolutely no understanding about how the government works as it pertains to budgets, legislation, initiatives, etc.

You are a fraud.

It is a far left drone! Of course it is fraud, it has no understanding of anything outside the far left religious dogma..
To think...Bush was given a budget surplus and left with a $1 trillion deficit
To think that 'Bush' / Congress only added $1.5 Trillion in debt over 6 years - during 9/11, the economic fallout, and 2 wars, only to have Liberals take over Congress in 2006 and add $2.5 trillion MORE in debt, a Trillion more in only 2 years than it took 'Bush' / Congress to add in 6 years!
The FY2009 budget was written in September 2008.
Gee, who was President then?
Don't Blame Obama for Bush's 2009 Deficit

Just using this quote (from whoever) to make a point....

Who gives a rat's arse who the PRESIDENT is? WHO is responsible for creating the Budget? WHO controls the purse strings - government spending? That would be CONGRESS!

Liberals controlled both Houses of Congress, 3 seats shy of a Super majority, and thus controlled the Government's purse strings / spending exclusively from 2006 - 2010.

** Boehner needs to learn who controls spending as well. He recently said he was waiting for the SENATE to write a budget, pass it to the House, and then they would work on passing it. Jackass doesn't know that CONGRESS is responsible for creating the Budget, passing it, and sending it to the Senate..

The house is actually where the budget is supposed to start..

Even Obama with his budget shot down by everyone in the house, even his far left brothers and sisters..
President Barack Obama has signed a bill that provides a broad outline for the federal budget through 2015 and eases some of sequestration’s cuts, the White House said Thursday.

The Bipartisan Budget Act restores a total of $63 billion in discretionary funding to the Defense Department and some domestic agencies in 2014 and 2015, but also includes $85 billion in deficit reduction

Read more:
Each year's deficit is added to the debt.

If you keep increasing deficits, you create a spending momentum that is very difficult to turn around. It sure as shit is not going to turn around in one or two years.

Bush increased deficits to a new world record.

Because each year's deficit is added to the debt, the debt will continue to climb radically even as deficits are slowed down and reduced.

This is what the innumerate rubes don't get. The rubes have the intellectual capacity of a bumper sticker, and so that is what their masters feed them. "More debt than all Presidents before him combined! ZOMG!"

Guess what? The Republican Congress and George Bush also ran up more debt than all presidents before him combined.

That's how math works, dolts.

I am sick and tired of this hack partisan bullshit which serves no purpose but to divert the attention of the rubes from the REAL source of the problem. The REAL source of the problem is EVERYONE.

Nobody wants to fucking look in the mirror and take some fucking personal responsibility for the mess we ALL got ourselves into. They just want a fucking scapegoat to blame, and the demagogues are more than happy to give them some.

Now look here:


You see that wide pink line that says "250% - 275%"? That's the magic line of personal and private debt-to-GDP at which economies begin to dry up and wither away.

Since surpassing this level in the late 1990s, real per capita GDP has grown just 1% per annum, much less than the 1.9% pace from 1790 to 1999.

Since surpassing this line, the Labor Force Participation Rate has been diving.

After surpassing that line, any dives in the economy are going to be a motherfucker to turn around.

So take a goddam look in the mirror. YOU and EVERYONE are to blame for this mess.
To reduce the total federal debt a plan is going to have to be developed not only to spend no more than we collect n tax revenue but instead to spend LESS than we collect in tax revenue so there will be money left over to pay down our debt.

I am 'impressed' that Obama says HE has balanced the budget...but that doesn't even include the INTEREST on the debt we owe...and the National Debt clock continues to spin.

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