The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden


Yeah, we really suffered. Especially in the job market.

Last 3 presidents from each party (including Biden). 35 times higher under Democratic presidents than under Republican presidents.

46,578,000 jobs added; averaging 2,587,667 per year; averaging 215,639 per month

1,334,000 jobs added; averaging 83,375 per year; averaging 6,948 per month
83,375 6,948

Joe Biden has a long history of lying and exaggerating. Always keep that in mind when the ex-semi truck driver who remembers being arrested for trying see Nelson Mandela tells you something.


The labor market is strong. Recent job growth has been strong, and the unemployment rate fell in January to 3.4%, the lowest level it has been since Richard Nixon sat in the Oval Office. But there is some perspective and background that is often left out of the celebrations by Biden and the White House.

Biden’s claim of record job growth is, on its face, accurate. From January 2021 through this past month, the economy added over 12 million jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis. That is a lot of jobs — far above the number of jobs added over that same period for Biden’s predecessors. For reference, 4.7 million jobs were created during that time under former President Donald Trump; 4 million were lost under Barack Obama; 2.1 million were lost under George W. Bush; 7 million were added under Bill Clinton; and 2.1 million were notched under George H.W. Bush.

Still, the important context is that when Biden entered office, the economy was still millions of jobs short of where it was prior to the pandemic and the mass shutdowns of businesses. Most of those jobs that Biden has touted adding to the economy were merely positions that were lost because of the pandemic and then regained during reopening — so it would be more accurate to frame Biden’s headline 12 million employment figure as job recovery rather than job growth.
…emphasis added
Thanks for posting that chart. It shows Buttplug, a.k.a. P@triot, was lying when he said, "more people have officially dropped out of the labor force than any time in US history."

Not only was it lower under Trump, it's gone up under Biden.
Now you're just being goofy.

Not Durham??? Why would the FBI have it and NOT Special Council Durham and his investigators who have spent four years and millions looking for this criminal evidence?
House is asking that very question
Often when Democrats win an election the world suffers for eight years not just four. For example, Obama and Clinton
I would not call the Clinton years or Obama years, suffering.....

Joe Biden has a long history of lying and exaggerating. Always keep that in mind when the ex-semi truck driver who remembers being arrested for trying see Nelson Mandela tells you something.

Ah, so it's a lying president which makes us suffer?? I guess we never suffered worse than this, huh...?

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years


The labor market is strong. Recent job growth has been strong, and the unemployment rate fell in January to 3.4%, the lowest level it has been since Richard Nixon sat in the Oval Office. But there is some perspective and background that is often left out of the celebrations by Biden and the White House.

Biden’s claim of record job growth is, on its face, accurate. From January 2021 through this past month, the economy added over 12 million jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis. That is a lot of jobs — far above the number of jobs added over that same period for Biden’s predecessors. For reference, 4.7 million jobs were created during that time under former President Donald Trump; 4 million were lost under Barack Obama; 2.1 million were lost under George W. Bush; 7 million were added under Bill Clinton; and 2.1 million were notched under George H.W. Bush.

Still, the important context is that when Biden entered office, the economy was still millions of jobs short of where it was prior to the pandemic and the mass shutdowns of businesses. Most of those jobs that Biden has touted adding to the economy were merely positions that were lost because of the pandemic and then regained during reopening — so it would be more accurate to frame Biden’s headline 12 million employment figure as job recovery rather than job growth.
…emphasis added

Yeah, Democrats' having to clean up messes left behind by Republicans is hardly new. FDR had to do it in the 1930's; Obama had to do it little over a decade ago; and now Biden has to do it. Always, with rightards making excuses for the Republicans while bitching about the Democrats.
I would not call the Clinton years
Agree...but that's only because Clinton rode the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan (plus he had the Newt Gingrich Republican House creating sound, economically-friendly legislation)
or Obama years, suffering.....
Uh...gas was higher under Obama than any point in US history. Food skyrocketed as a result. We had the highest corporate tax rates in the world. He took office with unemployment at 7% and change, and he and his Democrat super-majority drove that shit up over 10%.

The Obama-Democrat economy was the second worst ever (second only to the Great Depression). He also entered office with $10 trillion in debt and took that shit over $20 trillion - taking him just 8 years to do what it took all presidents in US history combined to do in 236 years.

The Obama presidency was extreme suffering - which is why he (and I quote him here) took a "shellacking" at the midterms. It was an historic ass-kicking. Thankfully, the American people voting Tea Party across the board saved America.
Agree...but that's only because Clinton rode the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan (plus he had the Newt Gingrich Republican House creating sound, economically-friendly legislation)

Uh...gas was higher under Obama than any point in US history. Food skyrocketed as a result. We had the highest corporate tax rates in the world. He took office with unemployment at 7% and change, and he and his Democrat super-majority drove that shit up over 10%.

The Obama-Democrat economy was the second worst ever (second only to the Great Depression). He also entered office with $10 trillion in debt and took that shit over $20 trillion - taking him just 8 years to do what it took all presidents in US history combined to do in 236 years.

The Obama presidency was extreme suffering - which is why he (and I quote him here) took a "shellacking" at the midterms. It was an historic ass-kicking. Thankfully, the American people voting Tea Party across the board saved America.


You're utterly demented, Buttplug. If Reagan left such a great economy, why did his predecessor have a recession? :ack-1:

And no, gas was not higher than at any time previously in history. The highest average national price occurred under Bush.

Ah, so it's a lying president which makes us suffer?? I guess we never suffered worse than this, huh...?

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years

Yeah, Democrats' having to clean up messes left behind by Republicans is hardly new. FDR had to do it in the 1930's; Obama had to do it little over a decade ago; and now Biden has to do it. Always, with rightards making excuses for the Republicans while bitching about the Democrats.
Ah, so it's a lying president which makes us suffer?? I guess we never suffered worse than this, huh...?

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years

Yeah, Democrats' having to clean up messes left behind by Republicans is hardly new. FDR had to do it in the 1930's; Obama had to do it little over a decade ago; and now Biden has to do it. Always, with rightards making excuses for the Republicans while bitching about the Democrats.
For one thing Trump did not invent COVID-19 so blaming him for all the bad results of a virus that most likely came form China is hardly fair.

Plus the liberal media simply hates Trump with a passion and will call anything he says is a lie.

And no, gas was not higher than at any time previously in history. The highest average national price occurred under Bush.

Bwahahahaha!! Extremist left-wing site Vox cites gasoline as $4.16 per gallon under Barack Obama (psst...that's more than $4.11 per gallon)
(The national average price rose to $4.16 a gallon in that span, equivalent to $5.48 in inflation-adjusted dollars.)
And even that number is bullshit - as gasoline was routinely between $5 and $7 across the nation until Republicans took over. Either way, this is exactly like the Clinton perjury thing. You should really stop posting and go read, because you're having a really bad day here :laugh:
Uh...gas was higher under Obama than any point in US history. Food skyrocketed as a result. We had the highest corporate tax rates in the world. He took office with unemployment at 7% and change, and he and his Democrat super-majority drove that shit up over 10%.

The unemployment rate went up under the first few months of Obama's term because of the stock market bust and real estate bust under the Bush administration, that Obama INHERITED with the Bush Great Recession. But once Obama policies and GWBs bail outs were in place, the unemployment rate fell..... It was 4.7% Obama's last full month in office..... Trump inherited a good, fairly low, unemployment rate and a good positive trending economy from Obama, after Obama was handed a shit economy from the Bush admin.

The Obama-Democrat economy was the second worst ever (second only to the Great Depression). He also entered office with $10 trillion in debt and took that shit over $20 trillion - taking him just 8 years to do what it took all presidents in US history combined to do in 236 years.

Obama added $7 trillion in National debt in 8 years inheriting the Great Recession. Your figures are WRONG. Trump added $7 trillion in 4 years, and was handed an excellent trending economy, by Obama.
Obama added $7 trillion in National debt in 8 years people can't even do basic math. He entered office with a national debt of $10 trillion. He left office with a national debt of $20 trillion.

It took him 8 years to match what every president in US history combined did in 236 years. Even hard left CNBC admitted as much:
President Barack Obama’s administration racked up nearly as much debt in eight years than in the entire 232-year history of the country before he took office. He entered with $10.6 trillion in total debt and left with the country owing $19.9 trillion.
Your figures are WRONG.
I never cease to marvel at the profound ignorance of the left. You people are too lazy (or too incompetent) to even do a basic Google search before running your very uneducated mouths.
President Barack Obama’s administration racked up nearly as much debt in eight years than in the entire 232-year history of the country before he took office. He entered with $10.6 trillion in total debt and left with the country owing $19.9 trillion.
My figure are 100% correct. You are wrong. And you should be embarrassed.

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