The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

That's because Obama's last 6 years in office, conservatives controlled the United States coast-to-coast and implemented proven, conservative policy that results in prosperity.
Yes they did lose seats, due to right winger lies about Obamacare....and the economy he INHERITED.

NOW, and by the end of Obama's second term, the citizenry wanted to keep it.... Contrary to the republican endless attempts, to kill it.
Yes they did lose seats, due to right winger lies about Obamacare....and the economy he INHERITED.
Bwahahaha!! The only lies about “Obamacare” came from Obama himself:lmao:

White House emails showed Obama discussing that up to 10 million Americans would lose their existing health insurance while he was going around the nation adamantly declaring “if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance”.
After Obama made his speech before the AMA, the Associated Press ran a smart analysis — “Promises, Promises: Obama’s Health Plan Guarantee” — that demonstrated how it would be all but impossible for the president to keep that pledge. The article noted that the Congressional Budget Office assumed that 10 million Americans would need to seek new insurance under the Senate version of the bill.
Only an imbecile would consider a “healthcare plan” that causes 10 million Americans to lose their healthcare, to be a success 🤦‍♂️

I can’t tell if you’re a troll or really this uninformed about all of this stuff.

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Friends....can anyone volunteer to help teach Smokin' OP how to use a computer and Google?
YOU made the claim, not MY job to look up YOUR BS.
I already posted one link with the content for him but he's struggling with figuring out what a link is, how to click one, and then how to read the content that surfaces from said click.
SO, Post it again, or post the comment number, so people can find it.
Grateful to anyone who can help him.
Bwahahaha!! The only lies about “Obamacare” came from Obama himself:lmao:

White House emails showed Obama discussing that up to 10 million Americans would lose their existing health insurance while he was going around the nation adamantly declaring “if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance”.

Only an imbecile would consider a “healthcare plan” that causes 10 million Americans to lose their healthcare, to be a success 🤦‍♂️

I can’t tell if you’re a troll or really this uninformed about all of this stuff.

Sure.... People did have to change the policy they had at work, because their employer changed that they could benefit from all the perks of the new plans.

And those with individual crap insurance, we're forced to get a full coverage plan.

Fears of Obamacare, laid by the Rs, is why he had a shellacking.... Obama care didn't begin until 2014, 4 years after the midterm.. People are no longer afraid of the unknown now and support it.

Why did Trump take a beating in 2018? Yet no big womping for Biden in this past midterm...?
For one thing Trump did not invent COVID-19 so blaming him for all the bad results of a virus that most likely came form China is hardly fair.

Plus the liberal media simply hates Trump with a passion and will call anything he says is a lie.

Ah, so 21 of Trump's lies were debunked. So he only told 29,979 lies. That's so much more acceptable.
Bwahahahaha!! Extremist left-wing site Vox cites gasoline as $4.16 per gallon under Barack Obama (psst...that's more than $4.11 per gallon)

And even that number is bullshit - as gasoline was routinely between $5 and $7 across the nation until Republicans took over. Either way, this is exactly like the Clinton perjury thing. You should really stop posting and go read, because you're having a really bad day here :laugh:


You're such a butt plug. That VOX link says gas prices peaked at $4.16 in 2008. Obama wasn't president in 2008, ya lunatic. :lmao:

And then, all of a sudden, the presidential campaigns became consumed by the price of gas. Gas prices soared in the first several months of 2008 — at their peak in June, they were 30 percent higher than they were in January of that year. (The national average price rose to $4.16 a gallon in that span, equivalent to $5.48 in inflation-adjusted dollars.)

You lose again because you're a loser.

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Joe Biden has a long history of lying and exaggerating. Always keep that in mind when the ex-semi truck driver who remembers being arrested for trying see Nelson Mandela tells you something.


The labor market is strong. Recent job growth has been strong, and the unemployment rate fell in January to 3.4%, the lowest level it has been since Richard Nixon sat in the Oval Office. But there is some perspective and background that is often left out of the celebrations by Biden and the White House.

Biden’s claim of record job growth is, on its face, accurate. From January 2021 through this past month, the economy added over 12 million jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis. That is a lot of jobs — far above the number of jobs added over that same period for Biden’s predecessors. For reference, 4.7 million jobs were created during that time under former President Donald Trump; 4 million were lost under Barack Obama; 2.1 million were lost under George W. Bush; 7 million were added under Bill Clinton; and 2.1 million were notched under George H.W. Bush.

Still, the important context is that when Biden entered office, the economy was still millions of jobs short of where it was prior to the pandemic and the mass shutdowns of businesses. Most of those jobs that Biden has touted adding to the economy were merely positions that were lost because of the pandemic and then regained during reopening — so it would be more accurate to frame Biden’s headline 12 million employment figure as job recovery rather than job growth.
…emphasis added


Your desperation is noted and laughed at. Again... the last 3 presidents combined by political party...

46,578,000 jobs

1,334,000 jobs

Republicans lose.

I would not call the Clinton years or Obama years, suffering.....

You would if you were a rightard, where up is down and right is left.
So you believe an internet user should have the laptop? Hahaha hahaha


You're lost again, con. This wasn't about the laptop. This was about Hillary and the dossier. Some idiot said...

Oh...and not for nothing...but court records (as well as Hillary Clinton admissions) show that Hillary Clinton hired Perkins Coie to commission the fake "Trump Dossier" from foreigner (England) Christopher Steele who used actual Russians for the fake information.

When I challenged said idiot to prove that, said idiot fled and YOU posted, "FBI has it."

As always, you prove you have no fucking idea what the hell you're rambling about. :cuckoo:

Your desperation is noted and laughed at. Again... the last 3 presidents combined by political party...

46,578,000 jobs

1,334,000 jobs

Republicans lose.

I admire the fact that you are such a good Democrat that you will buy anything your Party masters or their propaganda machine, the liberal media, tells you.

It is sad that you don’t realize your Democrat Masters have put a ring in your nose, attached a chain to it and are leading you down a dark path that will lead to the destruction of the constitutional republic we are so lucky to live in. Soon, if your masters have their way, we will no longer have freedom of speech, the civilian right to own firearms and the FBI will be the equivalent of the Soviet Unions KGB or the Nazi Gestapo. We will find ourselves in a Marxist socialist workers’ paradise looking in trash cans for food to eat like in Venezuela.

Or perhaps this nation will split apart and no longer be the world power it is today. If that happens the Chinese will rule the world.


You're lost again, con. This wasn't about the laptop. This was about Hillary and the dossier. Some idiot said...

Oh...and not for nothing...but court records (as well as Hillary Clinton admissions) show that Hillary Clinton hired Perkins Coie to commission the fake "Trump Dossier" from foreigner (England) Christopher Steele who used actual Russians for the fake information.

When I challenged said idiot to prove that, said idiot fled and YOU posted, "FBI has it."

As always, you prove you have no fucking idea what the hell you're rambling about. :cuckoo:
Is the hitlery story wrong?

Ah, so 21 of Trump's lies were debunked. So he only told 29,979 lies. That's so much more acceptable.
As usual you TOTALLY ignore the uncountable lies Joe Biden has told while in Congress and today as President. For Democrats it is always TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. You simply refuse to acknowledge your own faults.
I admire the fact that you are such a good Democrat that you will buy anything your Party masters or their propaganda machine, the liberal media, tells you.

It is sad that you don’t realize your Democrat Masters have put a ring in your nose, attached a chain to it and are leading you down a dark path that will lead to the destruction of the constitutional republic we are so lucky to live in. Soon, if your masters have their way, we will no longer have freedom of speech, the civilian right to own firearms and the FBI will be the equivalent of the Soviet Unions KGB or the Nazi Gestapo. We will find ourselves in a Marxist socialist workers’ paradise looking in trash cans for food to eat like in Venezuela.

Or perhaps this nation will split apart and no longer be the world power it is today. If that happens the Chinese will rule the world.

I can't help you're demented. I don't follow the party line.
Is the hitlery story wrong?

The challenge was ... prove she knew Steele was going to be hired ... prove she knew he was compiling his dossier...

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