The inevitable result

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Those of you that are in complete denial of facts. Note that I no longer post anything concerning preventing the inevitible results of a warming that will create havoc with our agriculture and infrastructure. That is because I believe that we have already crossed the line where we cannot prevent the inevitable. However, I, and many others, will make sure that everyone knows who created the situation. And the fact that they did it for monetary reasons, and political ideology.

How bad will it get? I really don't know. Never in human history have we been down this path before. The closest we have come to it is 70,000 years ago with the eruption of Toba.
There are hundreds of facts out there on climate change. Some conform with the angst/fatalistic view on climate change and some conform with the not so angst/fatalistic approach.

The point is, in 2014, nobody knows shit about shit with this stuff......with many more prominent scientists coming to the same conclusion.

As weve seen over the last 15 years with many, many models being incorrect, there is nothing inevitable about climate change.
Well, yes, we do know a great deal about this subject. We know the ice caps and glaciers are going bye-bye. We know that the country agents in most of the US have had to change their recommendations about what can be planted where, because of the general warming.

However, as to what the results will be in five or ten years, we really don't know. Most of the predictions for the warming I heard in the '60's for 2100, have already happened. The increasing acidity of the ocean was a surprise. The CH4 release by Arctic Ocean clathrate has been a surprise, particulary since we did not even know they existed in the '60's.

The real problem here is not that the 'alarmists' have overstated the problem, thus far, the 'alarmists' have been far too conservative.
Well, yes, we do know a great deal about this subject. We know the ice caps and glaciers are going bye-bye. We know that the country agents in most of the US have had to change their recommendations about what can be planted where, because of the general warming.

However, as to what the results will be in five or ten years, we really don't know. Most of the predictions for the warming I heard in the '60's for 2100, have already happened. The increasing acidity of the ocean was a surprise. The CH4 release by Arctic Ocean clathrate has been a surprise, particulary since we did not even know they existed in the '60's.

The real problem here is not that the 'alarmists' have overstated the problem, thus far, the 'alarmists' have been far too conservative.
I thought for sure Miami would be under the Atlantic by now. Is that what you mean by alarmists being too conservative?
Well, yes, we do know a great deal about this subject. We know the ice caps and glaciers are going bye-bye. We know that the country agents in most of the US have had to change their recommendations about what can be planted where, because of the general warming.

However, as to what the results will be in five or ten years, we really don't know. Most of the predictions for the warming I heard in the '60's for 2100, have already happened. The increasing acidity of the ocean was a surprise. The CH4 release by Arctic Ocean clathrate has been a surprise, particulary since we did not even know they existed in the '60's.

The real problem here is not that the 'alarmists' have overstated the problem, thus far, the 'alarmists' have been far too conservative.
I thought for sure Miami would be under the Atlantic by now. Is that what you mean by alarmists being too conservative?

Is the Gulf of Mexico side still dry?
Well, yes, we do know a great deal about this subject. We know the ice caps and glaciers are going bye-bye. We know that the country agents in most of the US have had to change their recommendations about what can be planted where, because of the general warming.

However, as to what the results will be in five or ten years, we really don't know. Most of the predictions for the warming I heard in the '60's for 2100, have already happened. The increasing acidity of the ocean was a surprise. The CH4 release by Arctic Ocean clathrate has been a surprise, particulary since we did not even know they existed in the '60's.

The real problem here is not that the 'alarmists' have overstated the problem, thus far, the 'alarmists' have been far too conservative.
I thought for sure Miami would be under the Atlantic by now. Is that what you mean by alarmists being too conservative?

Is the Gulf of Mexico side still dry?
Sumbitch flooded back in '05. Freakin' BOOOOOSH! Alabama used to border Cuba.
Well, yes, we do know a great deal about this subject. We know the ice caps and glaciers are going bye-bye. We know that the country agents in most of the US have had to change their recommendations about what can be planted where, because of the general warming.

However, as to what the results will be in five or ten years, we really don't know. Most of the predictions for the warming I heard in the '60's for 2100, have already happened. The increasing acidity of the ocean was a surprise. The CH4 release by Arctic Ocean clathrate has been a surprise, particulary since we did not even know they existed in the '60's.

The real problem here is not that the 'alarmists' have overstated the problem, thus far, the 'alarmists' have been far too conservative.
I thought for sure Miami would be under the Atlantic by now. Is that what you mean by alarmists being too conservative?

Is the Gulf of Mexico side still dry?
Sumbitch flooded back in '05. Freakin' BOOOOOSH! Alabama used to border Cuba.
When Ice sheets covered Northern North America...
Gee, I don't see a bunch of people selling their oceanfront homes, because of global warming...
There you go again, Mr. R. worried about the effects on agriculture when agriculture itself is a major polluter of not only air, but earth and water.
Enough, enough I tells ya!..Which is why I am a berry farmer...
Berry good. Now report to the Ass Fucking Farmer thread.
Then the bitch-slap thread.
Oh- and have a good week. :thup:
May oui...
That's "mais oui".

If you'd like to say "but eight", you'd speak it "mais huit".

That way, you could speak French and give the grain futures report at the same time. :thup:
Those of you that are in complete denial of facts. Note that I no longer post anything concerning preventing the inevitible results of a warming that will create havoc with our agriculture and infrastructure. That is because I believe that we have already crossed the line where we cannot prevent the inevitable. However, I, and many others, will make sure that everyone knows who created the situation. And the fact that they did it for monetary reasons, and political ideology.

How bad will it get? I really don't know. Never in human history have we been down this path before. The closest we have come to it is 70,000 years ago with the eruption of Toba.
So your point is. . . .we'll have to blame it on mother nature? I'm fine with that.
The very highly regarded climate scientist, Dr. Judith Curry, writes recently........

“With regards to climate science, the biggest concern that I have is the insistence on ‘the facts.’ This came up during my recent ‘debate’ with Kevin Trenberth. I argued that there are very few facts in all this, and that most of what passes for facts in the public debate on climate change is: inference from incomplete, inadequate and ambiguous observations; climate models that have been demonstrated not to be useful for most of the applications that they are used for; and theories and hypotheses that are competing with alternative theories and hypotheses."


"Theories have an entirely different status. Since our understanding is incomplete, theories are provisional. Theories are tools of understanding, and a tool does not need to be precisely true in order to be useful."

Climatologist Judith Curry levels both barrels against alarmist climate science Watts Up With That

Indeed.......climate alarmism has left a black eye on the whole concept of climate science. Its called over-reach. Very counterproductive. In the past 6 or 7 years, the pubic has clearly been turned off by this stuff as evidenced by ALL the polls related to the public concern for climate change.

Here is the entire Curry essay.........devastating to those who are over the top AGWers!!!

IPCC AR5 weakens the case for AGW Climate Etc.

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