The Inexorable Rising Seas

No, it is you who is gullible -- so gullible that your best citation source is a blatantly partisan House committee. That committee acted in response to one blog post by a former NOAA scientist who later clarified what he meant.

This is easily fact-checkable.

Moreover, the scientist who was accused of manipulating the climate warming "hiatus" data had his findings supported by other studies.

Once again, you prove my point: you've gone down the partisan rabbit hole of sticking with sources of information who agree with you and only those. Moreover, these sources of yours don't do any scientific research. They don't publish data. They publish opinions and mostly misleading factual assertions about the topic. That is it. The scientists are the ones publishing the data based on scientific observation. If you want to challenge them, then find scientific experts of similar caliber who are in a position to challenge them with scientific facts. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

A partisan committee led by climate-change skeptic partisans is not an official government source. It's a government record of testimony. That's it. In no way does this support your argument - at all.

You stupid Environmental Wacko turkeys can deny it all you want but the indisputable fact is that both NOAA and NASA have been caught red handed manipulating climate data. Also the UN Climate Commission and many of the climate scientists.

That is not even debatable. It happen and is part of the public record.

Liars have no credibility. We caught them lying during The Worthless Negro's administration and they are back again now with Potatohead.

If there was real AGW data available then there would be no need to lie, would there?

I know this is a religion to you idiots and you will deny everything but the scam has been found it.

There is no man made climate change.
You stupid Environmental Wacko turkeys can deny it all you want but the indisputable fact is that both NOAA and NASA have been caught red handed manipulating climate data. Also the UN Climate Commission and many of the climate scientists.

And I just cited links showing you why that's categorically untrue.

That is not even debatable.

Correct - it's not debatable because nobody from NOAA or NASA fabricated any data, as you claim. You relied on your usual partisan sources, and you got duped as usual. I posted the fact-check article and the ArsTechnica article explaining as much. You've been lied to, and I think you and other skeptics/deniers want to be lied to.

It happen and is part of the public record.

No, what's public record is some former House Science Committee chair making false accusations based on one former NOAA official's blog post, which was later clarified. Get it? Nobody falsified shit except in Lamar Smith's imagination. If anything, it's congressman Smith who did the falsifying, because he knew that people like you would lap it all up like a well-trained dog.

Liars have no credibility.

Agreed, so stop blindly swallowing science skeptics' propaganda. Stop being a tool for billionaires who just want you to keep believing that they can poison your drinking water, pollute your air, destroy ancient forests, drive thousands and thousands of species into extinction, and even damage the very atmosphere that makes complex life on earth possible, all in the name of their obscene wealth and lifestyle, which comes not your expense but at the expense of your children and grandchildren. They're picking up the tab, dude.

We caught them lying during The Worthless Negro's administration and they are back again now with Potatohead.

You didn't catch shit, Archie Bunker.

There is no man made climate change.

Yes there is.
There are literally a thousand links to the subject of NOAA and NASA using fraudulent data that you can find with any of the search engines. It was the big news story when those agencies got caught.
Then you should have no problem finding a link to something other than Bates v Karl causes that's a nothingburger with Karl on top.
At the end of the day both NOAA and NASA are political organizations.
No, they are not. They are agencies of the US government manned and operated by civil servant professionals, not political appointees.
Under the Worthless Negro's and Potatohead administrations they used lies to further the AGW agenda. That is disgusting, isn't it?
I find your behavior here a great deal more questionable than President Obama's or President Biden's
The fact is that we have caught the Principle Scientists and the government agencies lying about the data and that is why there is no credibility.
So far, the only thing you've shown us is Bates misconstrued complaint about timing. He has clearly stated that Karl did not tamper with the data. So on what do you base all these accusations?
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are always in denial about the dishonesty of the AGW scammers
Really. I show evidence of my statements. You haven't shown us shit dude.
just like you are in denial of the corruption of President Potatohead and the destruction of Liberal policies.
That Biden is corrupt is an incredible case of projection and fantasy. To come from Trump to Biden is to come from the River Styx to the Pearly Gates.
You Moon Bats live in a world of denial.
You're the one doing the denying.
We would have thought that when the Climategate emails were expose where the scientist blatantly admitted they were lying that would have shut you turkeys up.
If you'd like your observations to gibe with reality, you need your observations to be accurate. These are not.
If AGW was real there would be no need to lie about the facts.
We do not lie about the facts because the facts are where AGW is revealed.
Also, if it was real then the predictions would come true.
The predictions have come true.
Man made global warming is bullshit and a scam. If you pulled your head out of your Moon Bat ass and looked at the facts you would know that.
You're an idiot and a liar.
Narrative fail.
Greenland ice mass is growing.
View attachment 799174

This is like weather vs climate


I am still waiting for you to show me one prediction that’s been correct.
I named several. CO2 is rising, the temperature of the air, the land and the seas is rising, the ice is melting, the level of the world's oceans is rising, the oceans are becoming more acidic, the intensity of weather is increasing.




Reality always bests your bogus manmade numbers.
Al Gore did NOT say that and, besides, he's not a climate scientist, is he. What the scientists have been saying HAS COME TRUE: increasing CO2, increasing temperatures, melting ice, rising seas. Get used to it, cause if you win this argument, it's not going to stop till our children's children's children have gone to their graves.
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Reality always bests your bogus manmade numbers.
This is what you claimed showed that Greenland ice mass was gaining:


This is a record of ice mass balance over ONE YEAR. The small excursion you have circled in red occupies a time span of roughly 14 days. I gave you data covering decades and you have the fucking gall to tell me my data is bogus?

Well, then, let's go to since you seem to think they have the best data and see what they think is actually happening in Greenland. From Mass and Height Change: Polar Portal



Are you that stupid or that dishonest?


That whole goddamn article is based upon satellite data and computer models from NASA and NOAA.

NASA and NOAA have been caught several times producing fraudulent and cherry picked data.

Zero credibility but it gives you stupid uneducated Environmental Wackos, that have no ability to think for yourselves, something to google and post.

You want know if the ocean is rising?

Go visit the beachfront lot that my grandfather bought in Pinellas County Florida, in the 1930s.

The water level is the same. The same as when I was a kid in the 1950s.

There is no place on earth where it is proven that the ocean levels are rising. There are some places where land is subsiding but that is due to other factors.

You are an idiot that don't know what you are talking about but you ignorantly post silly Google articles that have no real scientific basis.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you little assholes so much.
That whole goddamn article is based upon satellite data and computer models from NASA and NOAA.
Oh god NO!!!
NASA and NOAA have been caught several times producing fraudulent and cherry picked data.
This is a flat-out lie and I'm not going to put up with it anymore.
Zero credibility
They have enormous credibility - far beyond any source you've ever quoted here.
but it gives you stupid uneducated Environmental Wackos, that have no ability to think for yourselves, something to google and post.
You mean the environmental wackos that post links to peer reviewed studies and articles by PhDs in Nature, PNAS, SciAm, Lancet and the like vice journalist op-eds from the Heritage Foundation newsletter?
You want know if the ocean is rising?

Go visit the beachfront lot that my grandfather bought in Pinellas County Florida, in the 1930s.
And you think that demonstrates your superior command of basic science?
The water level is the same. The same as when I was a kid in the 1950s.
God are you people STUPID.
There is no place on earth where it is proven that the ocean levels are rising. There are some places where land is subsiding but that is due to other factors.
You are an idiot that don't know what you are talking about but you ignorantly post silly Google articles that have no real scientific basis.
Then you wonder why we ridicule you little assholes so much.
What I have consistently shown you are data graphics from the University of Colorado Sea Level Research Lab. They are widely considered THE leading experts on the topic. Their graphs are NOT "silly Google articles" (which do not actually exist - Google doesn't write articles). You, on the other hand, tell us about going to the beach with your Grandfather. So, what do you think is going on? Do you believe all those graphs from all those various institutions around the world are just fabricated? Do you actually think all the world's scientists are in a big conspiracy to lie to us? How did you get that dumb?
Oh god NO!!!

This is a flat-out lie and I'm not going to put up with it anymore.

They have enormous credibility - far beyond any source you've ever quoted here.

You mean the environmental wackos that post links to peer reviewed studies and articles by PhDs in Nature, PNAS, SciAm, Lancet and the like vice journalist op-eds from the Heritage Foundation newsletter?

And you think that demonstrates your superior command of basic science?

God are you people STUPID.

What I have consistently shown you are data graphics from the University of Colorado Sea Level Research Lab. They are widely considered THE leading experts on the topic. Their graphs are NOT "silly Google articles" (which do not actually exist - Google doesn't write articles). You, on the other hand, tell us about going to the beach with your Grandfather. So, what do you think is going on? Do you believe all those graphs from all those various institutions around the world are just fabricated? Do you actually think all the world's scientists are in a big conspiracy to lie to us? How did you get that dumb?

You are confused about this Moon Bat.

You can buy any Science that you want and the damn fucked up Environmental Wackos are big spenders. You know, your fellow AGW religious fanatics.

That is why we catch them all the time lying, creating fraudulent and cherry picking data. They give the customer what the customer pays for.

The AGW asshole scammers lost credibilty a long time ago. Only idiots like you hang on to the scam.
You are confused about this Moon Bat.
I am quite clear about this.
You can buy any Science that you want and the damn fucked up Environmental Wackos are big spenders. You know, your fellow AGW religious fanatics.
There is absolutely no point in debating someone who is simply going to claim - devoid of the slightest shred of rational support - that all his opponent's evidence is a lie,
That is why we catch them all the time lying, creating fraudulent and cherry picking data. They give the customer what the customer pays for.
That is a blatant and demonstrable LIE.
The AGW asshole scammers lost credibilty a long time ago. Only idiots like you hang on to the scam.
That would be me, a majority of the world's population and virtually every active scientist on the fucking planet. The fringe minority here is YOU, buddy-o.
I am quite clear about this.

There is absolutely no point in debating someone who is simply going to claim - devoid of the slightest shred of rational support - that all his opponent's evidence is a lie,

That is a blatant and demonstrable LIE.

That would be me, a majority of the world's population and virtually every active scientist on the fucking planet. The fringe minority here is YOU, buddy-o.

Since you continue to be confused about this let me ask you the question that I ask my students when I teach a class in Environmental Science.

We all know that AGW is a scam but for the sake of requiring you to think for a change lets pretend it is real.

What the hell are you going to do about it?

China, the biggest polluter in the world ain't doing jackshit.

India ain't doing jackshit.

Nobody in Africa will do jackshit.

Nobody in South America is doing jackshit.

Just the stupid uneducated confused Environmental Wackos in the US and Europe are bitching about it and doing really stupid things like artificially running up the cost of fossil fuels and prohibiting wood burning pizza ovens.

None of what the US and Europe combined are doing will amount to a hill of beans.

Meanwhile the human population is growing by hundreds of millions each year and require energy to have a decent standard of living and the idiotic solar cells and fucking windmills will not provide it. Not even close.

So why the hell don't you just shut the fuck up with your silliness that the scam is real?
Since you continue to be confused about this let me ask you the question that I ask my students when I teach a class in Environmental Science.
That you should be teaching any sort of science class is exceedingly difficult to believe but if you are, you owe those children some huge apologies. Have you told them that you believe all scientists to be liars and thieves? Have you told them that science is a scam?
We all know that AGW is a scam but for the sake of requiring you to think for a change lets pretend it is real.
Fuck you asshole.
What the hell are you going to do about it?
Vote for people who think like I do. Use as little fossil fuel as I can.
China, the biggest polluter in the world ain't doing jackshit.
They're doing more than you want us to do.
India ain't doing jackshit.
They're doing more than you want us to do.
Nobody in Africa will do jackshit.
They're doing more than you want us to do.
Nobody in South America is doing jackshit.
They're doing more than you want us to do.
Just the stupid uneducated confused Environmental Wackos in the US and Europe are bitching about it and doing really stupid things like artificially running up the cost of fossil fuels and prohibiting wood burning pizza ovens.
You are an astoundingly stupid motherfucker. When you were being educated as whatever the fuck you actually are, didn't anyone ever suggest to you that you check your assumptions? Go read Public opinion on climate change - Wikipedia and discover what an ignorant twat you've actually been.
None of what the US and Europe combined are doing will amount to a hill of beans.

Meanwhile the human population is growing by hundreds of millions each year and require energy to have a decent standard of living and the idiotic solar cells and fucking windmills will not provide it. Not even close.

So why the hell don't you just shut the fuck up with your silliness that the scam is real?
Because I have to stop irresponsible idiots like you from putting my children and the rest of the human race in danger.
That you should be teaching any sort of science class is exceedingly difficult to believe but if you are, you owe those children some huge apologies. Have you told them that you believe all scientists to be liars and thieves? Have you told them that science is a scam?

Fuck you asshole.

Vote for people who think like I do. Use as little fossil fuel as I can.

They're doing more than you want us to do.

They're doing more than you want us to do.

They're doing more than you want us to do.

They're doing more than you want us to do.

You are an astoundingly stupid motherfucker. When you were being educated as whatever the fuck you actually are, didn't anyone ever suggest to you that you check your assumptions? Go read Public opinion on climate change - Wikipedia and discover what an ignorant twat you've actually been.

Because I have to stop irresponsible idiots like you from putting my children and the rest of the human race in danger.
Science doesn’t allow falsification of data.
Your cult is a fraud.
That whole goddamn article is based upon satellite data and computer models from NASA and NOAA.

NASA and NOAA have been caught several times producing fraudulent and cherry picked data.

Zero credibility but it gives you stupid uneducated Environmental Wackos, that have no ability to think for yourselves, something to google and post.

You want know if the ocean is rising?

Go visit the beachfront lot that my grandfather bought in Pinellas County Florida, in the 1930s.

The water level is the same. The same as when I was a kid in the 1950s.

There is no place on earth where it is proven that the ocean levels are rising. There are some places where land is subsiding but that is due to other factors.

You are an idiot that don't know what you are talking about but you ignorantly post silly Google articles that have no real scientific basis.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you little assholes so much.
national geographic says that average sea levels have swelled over 8 inches (about 23 cm) since 1880, with about three of those inches gained in the last 25 years.

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