The Inexorable Rising Seas

Nearly 4 times as many record highs as there were record lows - that ratio is even higher globally


Urban Heat Sink Effect being blamed on Co2...

There should be no RECORD COLD if the planet has been "warming" for 150 years... none.

Do we have a photo of a landmark "sinking" with all this "ocean rise" ongoing. Last time your side tried, abu cited Norfolk Naval Base, and was totally busted lying about one storm in 2017....

Jeopardy! music still playing...
Most prolific period of life on earth was when ferns were growing in Alaska.

Were any hominids alive during that time?

Why are you here spewing bullshit when you didn’t even know this basic climate fact?

You assumed I didn't know that there were once alligators in the Arctic. As I pointed out to you, the equator was a different story. Alligators and ferns were in the Arctic, not in sunny what the fuck does that tell you?!
Your cult is 0-167 in doomsdayer predictions.

Your a fool.
How about you show us some of these failed predictions? We've already gone through the list of 41 that you'd all been passed by your fossil fuel sources and not a single one of them was produced by an actual research scientist. Let's see the new list Whizzo.
Why’d the glacier bay glacier recede 60 miles in 90 years?
19th century BTW.
Link, fool.

Never mind. The answer appears to be "marine erosion"


There's plenty of data. Nearly 4 times as many record highs as there were record lows - that ratio is even higher globally. You can argue it's just one year, but there's already plenty of data indicating what's going on with global mean temperatures, and what's more, the global mean temps have risen as industrial CO2 has risen. It's pretty obvious what's happening. Deny all you wish but I won't take you seriously and neither will anyone who understands basic science.

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Sure there is, just like there are natural forest fires and just like a species can die off naturally without human intervention. And then there's also forest fires caused by arsonists, forests completely cleared because humans cut them all down, and species extinction caused by humans. Yes, climate change happened in the past before the industrial revolution, but that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about human-caused climate change, which is observed and real.

Okay, good, you accept that - this is a start.

But there is.

No, AGW conflicts with your ideology, which is the problem. You don't want AGW to be real, but it is.
NOAA was caught lying and manipulating their data. Not a credible source.
Of course you think humans can control the weather and change sex on a whim.
I just stated that humans can AFFECT the climate, not "control the weather" and that doctors do not allow sex to be changed "on a whim". Do you have some sort of basic comprehension issue or are you just another liar?
These Environmental Wacko nutjobs have made AGW their religion.
On what basis do you classify it as a religion? Have you considered my offer to compare the amount of evidence supporting AGW versus the amount of evidence supporting the existence of your god? You do believe in a god, don't you? You DO have a religion, don't you?
Why did Kerry, Gore, Obama all recently buy beachfront mansions?
You guys are so fucking stupid about this. How long do you think any of those fellows will live in those locations? Two years? Ten years? They will sell them - likely to some fool like you who doesn't believe the seas are rising - long before the ocean is knocking at their doors and move on. These guys are rich. They buy houses outright with what they've got in their checking account.
Do you not remember that I said you ought to stay away from math and science? I'm sorry but you just don't have what it takes. But, if you'd really like to discuss SB, let me have it. Show us what it is the world's scientists all missed about basic thermodynamics.

Do you know which definition of temperature we're using? ... do you know why there are two definitions of temperature? ... and, in SB, exactly where is temperature being measured? ...

My information about thermodynamics is straight out of a first-year physics textbook ... and SB is exhaustively discussed in any astrophysics class ... how scientists handle thermometers is taught is just about any lab class ...

I don't believe you when you say you have a college degree ... except maybe in some damn liberal art ... prove me wrong and tell me which definition of temperature your using and how we use this definition in SB ... I already know your don't know why we use that definition in climatology ...
Not really.

There have been a substantial amount of fraudulent and cherry picked data
Bullshit. If you think so, let's see some links.
so there is actually very little credible science to AGW.
There are mountains of it. has the fucking summary and its more text than you've read your entire life.
Just a stupid non scientific correlation, fake data and shit in shit out computer models.
Why don't you just get a t-shirt that says "I'm stupid and I lie"
There is natural climate change.
Oh my GOD why did we never realize that?!?!?!?!?!
Humans have also created a substantial amount of pollution that has done damage to the biosphere.
Oh my GOD say it isn't SO!!!!
However, there is not credible proof that man made CO2 emissions have altered the climate.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences, but there is enough evidence that damn near every scientist on this whole stinking planet accepts it as a fact.
AGW is fake science and not be taken seriously.
Poster Flash doesn't have the faintest fuck of an idea what he's talking about.

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