The Inexorable Rising Seas

Still waiting for one single photo of a landmark "sinking."

If the seas are rising, why is NOTHING SINKING????
Still waiting for one single photo of a landmark "sinking."

If the seas are rising, why is NOTHING SINKING????
Yo, EMH, long time no see. Sorry to see nothing's changed with you though. Bye.
Yo, EMH, long time no see. Sorry to see nothing's changed with you though. Bye.

Still do not have one single photo of a landmark sinking...


Ever wonder why?

From 5,000 years ago till the last 150 years, they have NOT been rising. Since then, through the fucking roof.





No wonder the AGW Puppet Masters have all sold their oceanfront homes for pennies on the dollar!

No wonder no lender will fund any oceanfront development!
No wonder the AGW Puppet Masters have all sold their oceanfront homes for pennies on the dollar!

No wonder no lender will fund any oceanfront development!
Coastal home buyers? Born in Kenya Barack? John Fucking Kerry? Bill Gates?

Pay no attention to the man with the massive carbon footprint! It’s a Climate EMERGENCY and only genocide can say us!
Coastal home buyers? Born in Kenya Barack? John Fucking Kerry? Bill Gates?

Pay no attention to the man with the massive carbon footprint! It’s a Climate EMERGENCY and only genocide can say us!
The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is human CO2 emissions. That warming is pushing sea level higher and higher. Your arguments to the contrary have no merit. None.
The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is human CO2 emissions. That warming is pushing sea level higher and higher. Your arguments to the contrary have no merit. None.

You have absolutely zero evidence to show us how changing CO2 from 250 to 500PPM "raises temperature"

Maybe its the changing magnetic field?

Maybe it albedo from soot from the filthiest emitter on the planet?

Maybe its water vapor?

All we know for certain is that doubling CO2 from 250 to 500PPM has absolutely no effect on temperature.

Genocide is the Final Solution to the Climate Change problem
You have absolutely zero evidence to show us how changing CO2 from 250 to 500PPM "raises temperature"
What the fuck are you talking about? Science has mountains of evidence showing precisely that.
Maybe its the changing magnetic field?
Please explain.
Maybe it albedo from soot from the filthiest emitter on the planet?
Maybe its water vapor?
We can't change the level of water vapor in the atmosphere unless we change the temperature first.
All we know for certain is that doubling CO2 from 250 to 500PPM has absolutely no effect on temperature.
That's complete nonsense.
Genocide is the Final Solution to the Climate Change problem
I guess genocide is the final solution to all manner of problems, but... so what?

Have you ever thought of taking some of those classes for seniors where you might pick up some basic science and maybe see if you can get through Logic 101? I know a lot of folks here would be willing to kick in a few buck to cover your tuition.


And who went silent 2010 2012 and then bought beachfront property even while claiming the Co2 fraud is the greatest threat to humanity???

Jussie Smollett And Michelle Obama - SelebrityToday

So WHY did homO go silent 2010-2012...


And who went silent 2010 2012 and then bought beachfront property even while claiming the Co2 fraud is the greatest threat to humanity???
We went through this already. If President Barack Obama lives a long life and sea level rise is as bad as it can be, by the time he passes away, sea level will have risen 10 inches or so. Do you think that's going to flood his house? Do you think he won't be able to sell it?

That you think this is evidence that AGW is fabricated is paranoid schizophrenia and some wicked ignorance. You have lost contact with reality. Or maybe you never had it.
So WHY did homO go silent 2010-2012...
Who is homO? Obama went silent because that's what ex-presidents are supposed to do. It's what every ex-president prior to DJT did.
He has been proven correct.

That statement certainly isn't true.

I think you've been provided an example of where he was wrong. You asked for it. Seems like the correct thing to do would be to acknowledge you were wrong.
We went through this already. If President Barack Obama lives a long life and sea level rise is as bad as it can be, by the time he passes away, sea level will have risen 10 inches or so. Do you think that's going to flood his house? Do you think he won't be able to sell it?

That you think this is evidence that AGW is fabricated is paranoid schizophrenia and some wicked ignorance. You have lost contact with reality. Or maybe you never had it.

Who is homO? Obama went silent because that's what ex-presidents are supposed to do. It's what every ex-president prior to DJT did.

You lie like a rug.

homO was claiming the Co2 fraud was the greatest threat to humanity up until 2010, went silent 2010-2012, and then went right back claiming it was....

Then bought beachfront property on an island last gusted by Cat 5 in 1938, the LAST TIME a CAT 5 got that far north in your "warming ocean" BULLSHIT.

So the question STANDS.

Why did homO go silent for 2 years and then completely ignore the Co2 fraud while buying a house?
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The world's oceans are rising and the rate is accelerating. The best case scenario will give us 28-55 cm by 2100. The worst case scenario is over 2 meters. A 2 meter sea level rise would displace 1/10th of the entire world's population.

Time to invest in wate-wings....I guess.
These photos clearly show the 10 cm (4 inches) of sea level rise despite the 5.9 meters (18 feet) of average tidal range there and unknown date and time that older picture was taken... clearly.
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