The infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest

I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

What do you mean by recent history. Christian states expelled millions of Jews, Arab states relatively few. In fact, Jews are still living in Arab states with relatively few problems and are free to leave should there be problems. Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria etc. and the Jews that did leave left as French citizens along with the Christian French citizens, they were not expelled because they were Jews.

Between 1948 and 1967 over 1 million Jews were forcibly expelled from arab muslim lands. Many were MASS MURDERED by arab muslims as they made their way to safety. All a matter of recent history that you can not deny, just as you cant deny the dhimmi laws or the pact of Omar that treated non muslims as virtual slaves in muslim lands. Many muslim nations have no Jews living in them that once had thriving Jewish communities. Take Iran that has a small Jewish community treated as 4th class citizens and unable to leave due to state violence and torture. They are told if they don't tell the story put out by the state their families will all be tortured till they die.

The truth is there for those willing to look, and it is not Zionist lies of propaganda but reality.
European Jews with no genetic or familial connection to the land of Palestine intent on land theft betraying their religion.

Palestinians are the descendents of biblical Israel

How does that answer my question?? I asked you how Zionists ruined the ME..

Massacres, ethnic cleansing, land theft, constant warmongering, apartheid, that sort of thing. All in the name of a religion they betray. Odious folk really.

So the muslims have not engaged in mass murder, ethnic cleansing on an industrial scale, land theft of whole countries, constant warmongering, apartheid and atrocities that should be dealt with by incinerating whole cities. Over 20 million innocents have died at the hands of muslims since the end of WW2,and the toll is rising every day. How many millions have been ethnically cleansed by the muslims in the M.E alone. How much land have the muslims stolen in the name of islam since WW2, start with half of India and large parts of the Horn of Africa. How many wars and civil wars have the muslims started since WW2. As for apartheid look no further than Saudi Arabia or even Palestine for examples of apartheid. All in the name of islam and the moon gods they worship.
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

It depends what you call recent, my Grandparents lived though the pogroms by the filthy goyim and it is still in Jewish memory
You seem to be holding it against the current goyim, Goono. You act like a fanatical bigot.
If I may, Caroline,

Do you want a link to a:
Ethnic Cleansing
Land theft

If so - well I mean, you are asking for five links when all you have done is write 10 words.
Are you being - a little lazy? A little demanding?

Anyway, if you want to see those things, its easy. Type in (to Google, that is) each of those phrases in turn, followed by "Israel". You will see, for example 32,800 million links on the "Apartheid Israel" one. :)

Yes a creditable unbiased link if you don't mind, otherwise your ISLAMONAZI credentials will be shown to the board. Those apartheid links would not be from islamonazi or pro muslims sites would they. And don't forget to be apartheid it has to happen inside Israel's borders
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

What do you mean by recent history. Christian states expelled millions of Jews, Arab states relatively few. In fact, Jews are still living in Arab states with relatively few problems and are free to leave should there be problems. Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria etc. and the Jews that did leave left as French citizens along with the Christian French citizens, they were not expelled because they were Jews.

Between 1948 and 1967 over 1 million Jews were forcibly expelled from arab muslim lands. Many were MASS MURDERED by arab muslims as they made their way to safety. All a matter of recent history that you can not deny, just as you cant deny the dhimmi laws or the pact of Omar that treated non muslims as virtual slaves in muslim lands. Many muslim nations have no Jews living in them that once had thriving Jewish communities. Take Iran that has a small Jewish community treated as 4th class citizens and unable to leave due to state violence and torture. They are told if they don't tell the story put out by the state their families will all be tortured till they die.

The truth is there for those willing to look, and it is not Zionist lies of propaganda but reality.

Yeah the truth is no further than Wiki

From the onset of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War until the early 1970s, 800,000–1,000,000 Jews left, fled, or were expelled from their homes in Arab countries. Some place the emigration peak to a slightly earlier time window of 1944 to 1964, when some 700,000 Jews moved to Israel from Arab countries and were dispossessed of nearly their entire property.[3] 260,000 Jews from Arab countries had immigrated to Israel between 1948 and 1951 and amounted for 56% of the total immigration to the newly founded State of Israel.[4] 600,000 Jews from Arab and Muslim countries had reached Israel by 1972.[5][6][7] By the Yom Kippur War of 1973, most of the Jewish communities throughout the Arab World, as well as Pakistan and Afghanistan, were practically non-existent.

The reasons for the exodus included push factors, such as persecution, antisemitism, political instability, poverty and expulsion; together with pull factors, such as the desire to fulfill Zionist yearnings or find a better economic status and secured home in Europe or the Americas.[1] The history of the exodus is politicized, given its proposed relevance to a final settlement Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14] When presenting the history, those who view the Jewish exodus as equivalent to the 1948 Palestinian exodus, such as the Israeli government and NGOs such as JJAC and JIMENA, emphasize "push factors", such as cases of anti-Jewish violence and forced expulsions,[8] and refer to those affected as "refugees".[8] Those who argue that the exodus does not equate to the Palestinian exodus emphasize "pull factors", such as the actions of local Zionist agents who encouraged Zionist ideology,[10] highlight good relations between the Jewish communities and their country's governments,[12] emphasize the impact of other push factors such as the decolonization in the Maghreb and the Suez War and Lavon Affair in Egypt,[12] and argue that many or all of those who left were not refugees.[8][10]

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So mostly yes, it is Zionist lies and distortion! Whilst the anti semitism that Israel's expulsion of Palestinians inevitably created was regrettable the Zionists were counting on and encouraged Jewish flight from Arab lands to distort the demographics and maintain a Jewish majority in Israel and indeed a deal of the violence Jews encountered were Zionist instigated for that purpose.
If I may, Caroline,

Do you want a link to a:
Ethnic Cleansing
Land theft

If so - well I mean, you are asking for five links when all you have done is write 10 words.
Are you being - a little lazy? A little demanding?

Anyway, if you want to see those things, its easy. Type in (to Google, that is) each of those phrases in turn, followed by "Israel". You will see, for example 32,800 million links on the "Apartheid Israel" one. :)

Yes a creditable unbiased link if you don't mind, otherwise your ISLAMONAZI credentials will be shown to the board. Those apartheid links would not be from islamonazi or pro muslims sites would they. And don't forget to be apartheid it has to happen inside Israel's borders

Good advice from beezlebub, google is your friend, start with

Massacres : Deir Yassin and the razing of over 200 arab villages BEFORE the arab intervention.

Ethnic Cleansing : This is even easier, discover how two thirds of the Palestinian refugees were created BEFORE the Arab intervention.

Land theft: maybe you won't need Google for this but not for one day of it's existance has Israel confined itself to the borders intended for it. When the Arabs invaded Israeli terrorists were already operating outside Israel. Plan D.

Warmongering: The 48 war, the 67 war, 5 military incursions into Lebanon. The Suez Canal affair, there's more.

Apartheid: Jimmy Carter even wrote a book about it
Y'all have heard of the new Israeli historians right? Documents declassified in the 80's kinda confirm what bar stewards Zionists are
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

What do you mean by recent history. Christian states expelled millions of Jews, Arab states relatively few. In fact, Jews are still living in Arab states with relatively few problems and are free to leave should there be problems. Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria etc. and the Jews that did leave left as French citizens along with the Christian French citizens, they were not expelled because they were Jews.

Between 1948 and 1967 over 1 million Jews were forcibly expelled from arab muslim lands. Many were MASS MURDERED by arab muslims as they made their way to safety. All a matter of recent history that you can not deny, just as you cant deny the dhimmi laws or the pact of Omar that treated non muslims as virtual slaves in muslim lands. Many muslim nations have no Jews living in them that once had thriving Jewish communities. Take Iran that has a small Jewish community treated as 4th class citizens and unable to leave due to state violence and torture. They are told if they don't tell the story put out by the state their families will all be tortured till they die.

The truth is there for those willing to look, and it is not Zionist lies of propaganda but reality.

A large proportion of the Jews were expelled along with Christians as colonial settlers of France, Italy etc., as in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya, among others, not because they were Jews.
If I may, Caroline,

Do you want a link to a:
Ethnic Cleansing
Land theft

If so - well I mean, you are asking for five links when all you have done is write 10 words.
Are you being - a little lazy? A little demanding?

Anyway, if you want to see those things, its easy. Type in (to Google, that is) each of those phrases in turn, followed by "Israel". You will see, for example 32,800 million links on the "Apartheid Israel" one. :)

Yes a creditable unbiased link if you don't mind, otherwise your ISLAMONAZI credentials will be shown to the board. Those apartheid links would not be from islamonazi or pro muslims sites would they. And don't forget to be apartheid it has to happen inside Israel's borders

Good advice from beezlebub, google is your friend, start with

Massacres : Deir Yassin and the razing of over 200 arab villages BEFORE the arab intervention.

Ethnic Cleansing : This is even easier, discover how two thirds of the Palestinian refugees were created BEFORE the Arab intervention.

Land theft: maybe you won't need Google for this but not for one day of it's existance has Israel confined itself to the borders intended for it. When the Arabs invaded Israeli terrorists were already operating outside Israel. Plan D.

Warmongering: The 48 war, the 67 war, 5 military incursions into Lebanon. The Suez Canal affair, there's more.

Apartheid: Jimmy Carter even wrote a book about it
So much jabberwocky, gobbletygook and plain old horseshit.
Hey Hoss.

That was a stunning debating point.
So stunning, in fact, that you could use it in almost any circumstances, without even reading what was written!


... (you did read the post you were answering ... didn't you ? ... )
Hey Hoss.

That was a stunning debating point.
So stunning, in fact, that you could use it in almost any circumstances, without even reading what was written!


... (you did read the post you were answering ... didn't you ? ... )
I read it, digested it and dismissed as so much aforementioned B.S. Been hearing it for years. Palisimian talking points..

We will try to keep it interesting for you.

Maybe some new ways of looking at it. A new graph or two. Or a new comparison which suggests Palestinians might be human beings, after all. :)

We will try to keep it interesting for you.

Maybe some new ways of looking at it. A new graph or two. Or a new comparison which suggests Palestinians might be human beings, after all. :)
"There's nothing new under the sun" and we've heard it all a thousand......nay, ten thousand times
So tell me Hoss,

what is it that makes you decide that all Palestinians must be the enemy?
No, scratch that.

Which Palestinians do you / could you (presuming you haven't met any) agree are decent, and worthy of equal rights to any Israeli?
So tell me Hoss,

what is it that makes you decide that all Palestinians must be the enemy?
No, scratch that.

Which Palestinians do you / could you (presuming you haven't met any) agree are decent, and worthy of equal rights to any Israeli?
Any Palis except those terrorists posing as government and their supporters are OK in my book. No more trolling, s'il vous plait.
"more to be pitied than scolded perhaps with the right degree of condescension".

That and encouraged.

Everytime someone with education reads the nonsense, unprincipled, historically unbelievable, genocidal view of most Zionists, there is one more person who will think twice about buying a Sodastream.

I get it...

This thread is a BDS commercial...


I'm not sure what would happen to Palestinians if they didn't have just a small amount of solidarity.

Ok. if you feel I shouldn't I wont put questions to you.
Thank you Hossfly.
If I may, Caroline,

Do you want a link to a:
Ethnic Cleansing
Land theft

If so - well I mean, you are asking for five links when all you have done is write 10 words.
Are you being - a little lazy? A little demanding?

Anyway, if you want to see those things, its easy. Type in (to Google, that is) each of those phrases in turn, followed by "Israel". You will see, for example 32,800 million links on the "Apartheid Israel" one. :)

Yes a creditable unbiased link if you don't mind, otherwise your ISLAMONAZI credentials will be shown to the board. Those apartheid links would not be from islamonazi or pro muslims sites would they. And don't forget to be apartheid it has to happen inside Israel's borders

Good advice from beezlebub, google is your friend, start with

Massacres : Deir Yassin and the razing of over 200 arab villages BEFORE the arab intervention.

Ethnic Cleansing : This is even easier, discover how two thirds of the Palestinian refugees were created BEFORE the Arab intervention.

Land theft: maybe you won't need Google for this but not for one day of it's existance has Israel confined itself to the borders intended for it. When the Arabs invaded Israeli terrorists were already operating outside Israel. Plan D.

Warmongering: The 48 war, the 67 war, 5 military incursions into Lebanon. The Suez Canal affair, there's more.

Apartheid: Jimmy Carter even wrote a book about it

The 48 war was when 5 Arab armies surrounded Israel and attacked them. So yes, very much warmongering on their part.

The 6 day was was a pre emptive strike against Egypt, who were clearly planning to attack Israel: they massed 100 000 troops by Israels borders, expelled peacekeeping troops who were there to keep order after the precious war, closed the Straits of Tiran which Israel had warned beforehand would be a declaration of war and made genocidal threats. Not to mention Israel tried diplomatic tactics before striking.

Incursions into Lebanon: why do PaliNazis always mention Israels military incursions, but never mention why?
So tell us Mr. Seattle, why did Israel go into Lebanon?

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