The infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest

A name and address would open him up to prosecution for 1) libel and 2) trolling.

Pathetic little coward does it hiding behind an avatar.
Yes, these bozos are always sending me offensive messages. They are a disgusting bunch of little punks. Maybe in a drunken stupor, one of them will send me a pm with a name and address some day.

So you can stalk them?

Is that what you do? I wouldn't think of doing such a thing, what a peculiar idea.

I don't believe for one second that anyone is contacting you via PM, who would want to contact you and your ISLANONAZI PROPAGANDA
So you can stalk them?

Is that what you do? I wouldn't think of doing such a thing, what a peculiar idea.

I don't believe for one second that anyone is contacting you via PM, who would want to contact you and your ISLANONAZI PROPAGANDA
That does sound a little far-fetched.

Who the hell wants to go to the mattresses over harsh words served-up in an Israel-Palestine discussion forum?

Any of several other and more likely explanations come to mind, to explain the claim.
A name and address would open him up to prosecution for 1) libel and 2) trolling.

Pathetic little coward does it hiding behind an avatar.

Who Monte, Pbell or tinmore ?

I could not have been clearer, the coward concerned is Toastman.

Unhh in case you missed it pathetic little troll, it was monte who hoped that so e posters might post their address.

Did I hurt your feelings or something, Mr. Seattle?? I thought leprechauns were supposed to be jolly!

"Sinfflewhine". I like that. "Wiffle" should be worked in somewhere.

If a report was done about ever bit of trolling, these boards would be very quiet.
A name and address would open him up to prosecution for 1) libel and 2) trolling. Pathetic little coward does it hiding behind an avatar.
Refresh our memories...

1. who are you, again?

2. why should we care?

Some really big freaks popping up here lately, eh??
Supposedly a tag-team from the UK...

Hell, anybody is welcome...

What amuses me the most is the airs and pretense of superiority...

But that's OK...

Let 'em pretend to be superior if it keeps 'em quiet and makes 'em happy...

Given their complete (and largely involuntarily) abdication of Empire in the past 60-70 years, it's pretty much all they have left to (try to) brag about...

It does no harm, and it does amuse.
Ha ha ha, we learned how utterly stupid it was to be the best "gunfighter" not to mention that colonialism is a vice. It took two world wars to part us from our empire (& other European countries, theirs).

Seems the US will have to learn from their own mistakes, if you are spending more on defence than the rest of the world combined, it's not for defence.

But this is a forum about Palestine & Israel.

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