The infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest

Give them injustice and they will give you injustice right back.
Give them justice, and they will give you justice too.

Israel is the most armed to the teeth, militaristic nation the world has ever seen. It is not going to fade out in a straight fight.

And while you had the world with you, there was no border you could not defend.
When the world is against you, there is no border that you can hold.

Tick, tick, tick ...
Jerusalem was never on the table, legally it still isn't!

As in, International Law, in this context?

As in, Israel is not entitled to Jerusalem, having conquered it in 1967?

You want the Jews to give-up Jerusalem?

And serve-up so-called lightweight International Law as the mechanism to prevent them from permanently annexing Jerusalem?

Technically, and legally, you are absolutely correct.

Practically speaking, in terms of Real World machinations, you're dreaming.

Now that the Jews have re-taken Jerusalem after 2000 years, they aren't going to give it back.

That said, it is now time to figure out how to compensate the Losing Side in this struggle, and to move them out of the way, in order to restore peace.
Give them injustice and they will give you injustice right back.
Give them justice, and they will give you justice too...
The window of opportunity for that has apparently been closed for some time now.

The Palestinians blew several chances to come to terms, and to work-out a respectable compromise solution, by idiotically insisting upon Right of Return and then by digging-in their heels and insisting on taking it all back again, when coming from an infinitely weaker position, while the Israelis were still in the mood to talk seriously (prior to the 1967 and 1973 wars), and before Intifada I and II and the Gaza War, and while their Muslim-Arab neighbors were still at least somewhat willing to help them, prior to all of the recent wars and political changes and Arab Spring and civil wars, and before reaffirming their intention to destroy Israel.

Not exactly Brightest-Crayon-in-the-Box thinking.

The Palestinians have gone from a 'weak' poker hand to a 'laugh-able' poker hand.

And still, the idiots keep trying to 'call' or even 'bump' the bet.


The Palestinians have nobody to blame but themselves for this state of affairs.

Israel is the most armed to the teeth, militaristic nation the world has ever seen. It is not going to fade out in a straight fight.
Correct-a-mundo... that is how they win.

And while you had the world with you, there was no border you could not defend.
When the world is against you, there is no border that you can hold.
There's an old humorous maxim, once served-up by the comedian Bill Cosby: "Parents aren't interested in justice, they're interested in quiet."

If 'the world' hasn't stepped-in substantively and effectively against the Israelis in the past 66 years, it sure-as-hell isn't about to now; especially now that Egypt and Jordan are collaborating with the Israelis to blockade and fence-off and monitor the mad-dog Palestinians, and especially after most of the neighboring Muslim-Arab states have been trashed in recent decades, through war with the US, civil war, Arab Spring happy horseshit, and all the rest of the comedic ways that they continue to shoot themselves in the foot...

Short of the Jews slaughtering every last Palestinian man, woman and child (true genocide, in its oldest and most widely-understood usage of the word), the world isn't going to do diddly-squat.

Tick, tick, tick ...
It is, indeed, true, that one side is running out of time...


Tick, tick, tick... indeed.
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Give them injustice and they will give you injustice right back.
Give them justice, and they will give you justice too...
The window of opportunity for that has apparently been closed for some time now.

The Palestinians blew several chances to come to terms, and to work-out a respectable compromise solution, by idiotically insisting upon Right of Return and then by digging-in their heels and insisting on taking it all back again, when coming from an infinitely weaker position, while the Israelis were still in the mood to talk seriously (prior to the 1967 and 1973 wars), and before Intifada I and II and the Gaza War, and while their Muslim-Arab neighbors were still at least somewhat willing to help them, prior to all of the recent wars and political changes and Arab Spring and civil wars, and before reaffirming their intention to destroy Israel.

Not exactly Brightest-Crayon-in-the-Box thinking.

The Palestinians have gone from a 'weak' poker hand to a 'laugh-able' poker hand.

And still, the idiots keep trying to 'call' or even 'bump' the bet.


The Palestinians have nobody to blame but themselves for this state of affairs.

Israel is the most armed to the teeth, militaristic nation the world has ever seen. It is not going to fade out in a straight fight.
Correct-a-mundo... that is how they win.

And while you had the world with you, there was no border you could not defend.
When the world is against you, there is no border that you can hold.
There's an old humorous maxim, once served by by the comedian Bill Cosby: "Parents aren't interested in justice, they're interested in quiet."

If 'the world' hasn't stepped-in substantively and effectively against the Israelis in the past 66 years, it sure-as-hell isn't about to now; especially now that Egypt and Jordan are collaborating with the Israelis to blockade and fence-off and monitor the mad-dog Palestinians, and especially after most of the neighboring Muslim-Arab states have been trashed in recent decades, through war with the US, civil war, Arab Spring happy horseshit, and all the rest of the comedic ways that they continue to shoot themselves in the foot...

Short of the Jews slaughtering every last Palestinian man, woman and child (true genocide, in its oldest and most widely-understood usage of the word), the world isn't goint to do diddly-squat.

Tick, tick, tick ...
It is, indeed, true, that one side is running out of time...


Tick, tick, tick... indeed.

Yes, once the fig leaf is removed, time is up for Israel. Either it decides to become a secular democratic state, or an Apartheid Jewish state. The non-Jews are not leaving.
Give them injustice and they will give you injustice right back.
Give them justice, and they will give you justice too...
The window of opportunity for that has apparently been closed for some time now.

The Palestinians blew several chances to come to terms, and to work-out a respectable compromise solution, by idiotically insisting upon Right of Return and then by digging-in their heels and insisting on taking it all back again, when coming from an infinitely weaker position, while the Israelis were still in the mood to talk seriously (prior to the 1967 and 1973 wars), and before Intifada I and II and the Gaza War, and while their Muslim-Arab neighbors were still at least somewhat willing to help them, prior to all of the recent wars and political changes and Arab Spring and civil wars, and before reaffirming their intention to destroy Israel.

Not exactly Brightest-Crayon-in-the-Box thinking.

The Palestinians have gone from a 'weak' poker hand to a 'laugh-able' poker hand.

And still, the idiots keep trying to 'call' or even 'bump' the bet.


The Palestinians have nobody to blame but themselves for this state of affairs.

Correct-a-mundo... that is how they win.

There's an old humorous maxim, once served by by the comedian Bill Cosby: "Parents aren't interested in justice, they're interested in quiet."

If 'the world' hasn't stepped-in substantively and effectively against the Israelis in the past 66 years, it sure-as-hell isn't about to now; especially now that Egypt and Jordan are collaborating with the Israelis to blockade and fence-off and monitor the mad-dog Palestinians, and especially after most of the neighboring Muslim-Arab states have been trashed in recent decades, through war with the US, civil war, Arab Spring happy horseshit, and all the rest of the comedic ways that they continue to shoot themselves in the foot...

Short of the Jews slaughtering every last Palestinian man, woman and child (true genocide, in its oldest and most widely-understood usage of the word), the world isn't goint to do diddly-squat.

Tick, tick, tick ...
It is, indeed, true, that one side is running out of time...


Tick, tick, tick... indeed.

Yes, once the fig leaf is removed, time is up for Israel. Either it decides to become a secular democratic state, or an Apartheid Jewish state. The non-Jews are not leaving.

Time is up for Israel ? I don't think so.

Israel is in the drivers seat, not the Palestinians. Remember that anytime you think time is up for Israel.
Yes, once the fig leaf is removed, time is up for Israel. Either it decides to become a secular democratic state, or an Apartheid Jewish state. The non-Jews are not leaving.
If-and-when the Fig Leaf comes off, the Israelis will move so swiftly to expel their enemies that the world will not even have time to react, even if it chose to - and it won't. You and the Palestinians better pray to God that it does not come to that, because the Jews ARE going to get their way in this. In the words of the old cajun TV chef of the 1980s - Justin WIlson - "Garrrre--ronnnnn--teeeed.. They have waited 2000 years to make their comeback, and neither you nor I nor the Arabs nor the UN are going to stop them.
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1)They were the indigenous residents of Palestine for millenium (when Jews, who shunned soveriegnty over the land, numbered barely 3%). That it was not an autonomous state is irrelevant, you have heard of induividual property rights haven't you?

2) They were "promised" autonomy by Col MacMahon in 1916 in return for fighting Ottoman power and it was Palestinian beduin that fought with Lawrence to close the Ottoman trade routes to the Red Sea. They also fought the Ottomans in the 1850s as a Palestinian nationalist movement (failed).

3) The Sykes Picot Agreement whereby French & British carved up spheres of influence intent was autonomy for indigenous Arabs (which would include Jewish Arabs.).

4) The Balfour Declaration (silly document predating the mandate akin to giving away what it did not own) and subsequent Mandate both insisted "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"

5) No one considered that Zionists intended sovereignty, all western support for Zionism was based on the notion that Judaism shunned sovereignty over "Israel" pending the arrival of their Messiah (as if)

The Palestinians' claim is older, stronger and more deserving.

There was no international law that allowed winners of war rights over land and certainly none that could gave Zionists sovereinty.

What evidence do you have of this apart from that from Islamic sources.

Only within certain boundaries, and the land of Israel was outside of those boundaries as detailed here

October 24, 1915.
I have received your letter of the 29th Shawal, 1333, with much pleasure and your expression of friendliness and sincerity have given me the greatest satisfaction. I regret that you should have received from my last letter the impression that I regarded the question of limits and boundaries with coldness and hesitation; such was not the case, but it appeared to me that the time had not yet come when that question could be discussed in a conclusive manner.

I have realised, however, from your last letter that you regard this question as one of vital and urgent importance. I have, therefore, lost no time in informing the Government of Great Britain of the contents of your letter, and it is with great pleasure that I communicate to you on their behalf the following statement, which I am confident you will receive with satisfaction. The two districts of Mersina and Alexandretta and portions of Syria lying to the west of the districts of Damascus, Homs, Hama.and Aleppo cannot be said to be purely Arab, and should be excluded from the limits demanded. With the above modification, and without prejudice to our existing treaties with Arab chiefs, we accept those limits. As for those regions lying within those frontiers wherein Great Britain is free to act without detriment to the interests of her ally, France, I am empowered in the name of the Government of Great Britain to give the following assurances and make the following assurances and make the following reply to your letter: Subject to the above modifications, Great Britain is prepared to recognise and support the independence of the Arabs in all the regions within the limits demanded by the Sherif of Mecca. Great Britain will guarantee the Holy Places against all external aggression and will recognise their inviolability
McMahon letters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And those that migrated under the mandate

And nothing was, in line with the laws at the time. ( don't fall into the trap of putting modern thinking into what was written 100 years ago )

Nope that is an ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBEL as the Jews who thought that were so few and far between that they did not count. Even now they are less than 1% of the whole Jewish population of Israel.

The Palestinians claim falls at the first fence, they did not own the land and had not fore 1,000 years. The land was owned by the Ottomans who signed it over to the League of Nations as part of the peace treaty after WW1. The LoN bequeathed land to the Jews of the world to allow them to RESURECT THE NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS IN PALESTINE. ( this was agreed when Palestine was the land of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Jordan and parts of Saudi and Egypt )

So the Jews of the world under INTERNATIONAL LAW have the better claim.
Or Israel could abide by the law, pull out and make peace.

Just saying.

Israel has offered peace since 1947 and it has been the case since then. The Palestinians have consistently refused to negotiate a settlement and have placed obstacle after obstacle in the way. Israel has a proven track record of negotiating fairly and mutally.

Give them injustice and they will give you injustice right back.
Give them justice, and they will give you justice too.

Israel is the most armed to the teeth, militaristic nation the world has ever seen. It is not going to fade out in a straight fight.

And while you had the world with you, there was no border you could not defend.
When the world is against you, there is no border that you can hold.

Tick, tick, tick ...

Israel has tried to deal fairly with the Palestinians and all they got was more bombs, more murders, more terrorism, more bloodshed and more violence. The Palestinians are not interested in justice just genocide of the Jews.

Israel needs to be the most armed nation as it is surrounded by 600 million enemies.

Jerusalem was never on the table, legally it still isn't!

Jerusalem was never destined to be a muslim city, but an international one accessible to all. The muslims have taken it ILLEGALLY and tried to make it their own. They evicted the Jews and stole their land and property and now claim that is has always been theirs.
Give them injustice and they will give you injustice right back.
Give them justice, and they will give you justice too...
The window of opportunity for that has apparently been closed for some time now.

The Palestinians blew several chances to come to terms, and to work-out a respectable compromise solution, by idiotically insisting upon Right of Return and then by digging-in their heels and insisting on taking it all back again, when coming from an infinitely weaker position, while the Israelis were still in the mood to talk seriously (prior to the 1967 and 1973 wars), and before Intifada I and II and the Gaza War, and while their Muslim-Arab neighbors were still at least somewhat willing to help them, prior to all of the recent wars and political changes and Arab Spring and civil wars, and before reaffirming their intention to destroy Israel.

Not exactly Brightest-Crayon-in-the-Box thinking.

The Palestinians have gone from a 'weak' poker hand to a 'laugh-able' poker hand.

And still, the idiots keep trying to 'call' or even 'bump' the bet.


The Palestinians have nobody to blame but themselves for this state of affairs.

Correct-a-mundo... that is how they win.

There's an old humorous maxim, once served by by the comedian Bill Cosby: "Parents aren't interested in justice, they're interested in quiet."

If 'the world' hasn't stepped-in substantively and effectively against the Israelis in the past 66 years, it sure-as-hell isn't about to now; especially now that Egypt and Jordan are collaborating with the Israelis to blockade and fence-off and monitor the mad-dog Palestinians, and especially after most of the neighboring Muslim-Arab states have been trashed in recent decades, through war with the US, civil war, Arab Spring happy horseshit, and all the rest of the comedic ways that they continue to shoot themselves in the foot...

Short of the Jews slaughtering every last Palestinian man, woman and child (true genocide, in its oldest and most widely-understood usage of the word), the world isn't goint to do diddly-squat.

Tick, tick, tick ...
It is, indeed, true, that one side is running out of time...


Tick, tick, tick... indeed.

Yes, once the fig leaf is removed, time is up for Israel. Either it decides to become a secular democratic state, or an Apartheid Jewish state. The non-Jews are not leaving.

They wont need to as they will just be killed when they rise up against the Jews in Israel. They don't have the stomach for an all out war that means they will be picked of like flies. No apartheid in evidence just the same laws as all the surrounding nations have, and yiu can take it as a given that Egypt and Jordan will side with Israel and attack the Palestinians.
Jerusalem was never on the table, legally it still isn't!

Jerusalem was never destined to be a muslim city, but an international one accessible to all. The muslims have taken it ILLEGALLY and tried to make it their own. They evicted the Jews and stole their land and property and now claim that is has always been theirs.

You can't even maintain a consistancy in your own arguments, it was supposed to have been the Romans who expelled the Jews, or their own God for breaking his covenant.

In any event the intent for Jeruslem is not that it will be a muslim city but an international enclave preserving the reilgious assets of all the Abrahamic superstitions.
The window of opportunity for that has apparently been closed for some time now.

The Palestinians blew several chances to come to terms, and to work-out a respectable compromise solution, by idiotically insisting upon Right of Return and then by digging-in their heels and insisting on taking it all back again, when coming from an infinitely weaker position, while the Israelis were still in the mood to talk seriously (prior to the 1967 and 1973 wars), and before Intifada I and II and the Gaza War, and while their Muslim-Arab neighbors were still at least somewhat willing to help them, prior to all of the recent wars and political changes and Arab Spring and civil wars, and before reaffirming their intention to destroy Israel.

Not exactly Brightest-Crayon-in-the-Box thinking.

The Palestinians have gone from a 'weak' poker hand to a 'laugh-able' poker hand.

And still, the idiots keep trying to 'call' or even 'bump' the bet.


The Palestinians have nobody to blame but themselves for this state of affairs.

Correct-a-mundo... that is how they win.

There's an old humorous maxim, once served by by the comedian Bill Cosby: "Parents aren't interested in justice, they're interested in quiet."

If 'the world' hasn't stepped-in substantively and effectively against the Israelis in the past 66 years, it sure-as-hell isn't about to now; especially now that Egypt and Jordan are collaborating with the Israelis to blockade and fence-off and monitor the mad-dog Palestinians, and especially after most of the neighboring Muslim-Arab states have been trashed in recent decades, through war with the US, civil war, Arab Spring happy horseshit, and all the rest of the comedic ways that they continue to shoot themselves in the foot...

Short of the Jews slaughtering every last Palestinian man, woman and child (true genocide, in its oldest and most widely-understood usage of the word), the world isn't goint to do diddly-squat.

It is, indeed, true, that one side is running out of time...


Tick, tick, tick... indeed.

Yes, once the fig leaf is removed, time is up for Israel. Either it decides to become a secular democratic state, or an Apartheid Jewish state. The non-Jews are not leaving.

They wont need to as they will just be killed when they rise up against the Jews in Israel. They don't have the stomach for an all out war that means they will be picked of like flies. No apartheid in evidence just the same laws as all the surrounding nations have, and yiu can take it as a given that Egypt and Jordan will side with Israel and attack the Palestinians.

So, Egypt and Jordan will join Israel in killing all the Christians and Muslims of Palestine "like flies", you believe. Why would they do that?

Regarding an all out war, would the Christians and Muslims throw rocks at the tanks and shoot down F16s with slingshots?:cuckoo:

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