The infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest

Yes, once the fig leaf is removed, time is up for Israel. Either it decides to become a secular democratic state, or an Apartheid Jewish state. The non-Jews are not leaving.

They wont need to as they will just be killed when they rise up against the Jews in Israel. They don't have the stomach for an all out war that means they will be picked of like flies. No apartheid in evidence just the same laws as all the surrounding nations have, and yiu can take it as a given that Egypt and Jordan will side with Israel and attack the Palestinians.

So, Egypt and Jordan will join Israel in killing all the Christians and Muslims of Palestine "like flies", you believe. Why would they do that?

Regarding an all out war, would the Christians and Muslims throw rocks at the tanks and shoot down F16s with slingshots?:cuckoo:

The Egyptians and Jordanians will simply seal the borders from their side and prevent uncontrolled escapes.

The Jews will give the Christians a free pass to remain in-place, and take them in until the fighting has passed over them.

Leaving the Jews free to deal only with the Muslims.

Those who are willing to surrender will be shunted off to POW camps temporarily, processed, then paid-off and relocated.

Those unwilling to surrender will die.

And, despite all the brave talk, in the end, the vast majority will surrender, on Judgment Day, and casualties will be surprisingly and happily light.

That's the most likely scenario to unfold in the End Game.
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They wont need to as they will just be killed when they rise up against the Jews in Israel. They don't have the stomach for an all out war that means they will be picked of like flies. No apartheid in evidence just the same laws as all the surrounding nations have, and yiu can take it as a given that Egypt and Jordan will side with Israel and attack the Palestinians.

So, Egypt and Jordan will join Israel in killing all the Christians and Muslims of Palestine "like flies", you believe. Why would they do that?

Regarding an all out war, would the Christians and Muslims throw rocks at the tanks and shoot down F16s with slingshots?:cuckoo:

The Egyptians and Jordanians will simply seal the borders from their side and prevent uncontrolled escapes.

The Jews will give the Christians a free pass to remain in-place, and take them in until the fighting has passed over them.

Leaving the Jews free to deal only with the Muslims.

Those who are willing to surrender will be shunted off to POW camps temporarily, processed, then paid-off and relocated.

Those unwilling to surrender will die.

And, despite all the brave talk, in the end, the vast majority will surrender, on Judgment Day, and casualties will be surprisingly and happily light.

That's the most likely scenario to unfold in the End Game.

Wow, what an imagination. A hateful and disgusting one, but still extremely vivid. No, that is not going to happen, I'm afraid that even the Jews know it would accelerate the end of Israel as a Jewish state.
So, Egypt and Jordan will join Israel in killing all the Christians and Muslims of Palestine "like flies", you believe. Why would they do that?

Regarding an all out war, would the Christians and Muslims throw rocks at the tanks and shoot down F16s with slingshots?:cuckoo:

The Egyptians and Jordanians will simply seal the borders from their side and prevent uncontrolled escapes.

The Jews will give the Christians a free pass to remain in-place, and take them in until the fighting has passed over them.

Leaving the Jews free to deal only with the Muslims.

Those who are willing to surrender will be shunted off to POW camps temporarily, processed, then paid-off and relocated.

Those unwilling to surrender will die.

And, despite all the brave talk, in the end, the vast majority will surrender, on Judgment Day, and casualties will be surprisingly and happily light.

That's the most likely scenario to unfold in the End Game.

Wow, what an imagination. A hateful and disgusting one, but still extremely vivid. No, that is not going to happen, I'm afraid that even the Jews know it would accelerate the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

And how would Israel cease from being a Jewish State?

The Egyptians and Jordanians will simply seal the borders from their side and prevent uncontrolled escapes.

The Jews will give the Christians a free pass to remain in-place, and take them in until the fighting has passed over them.

Leaving the Jews free to deal only with the Muslims.

Those who are willing to surrender will be shunted off to POW camps temporarily, processed, then paid-off and relocated.

Those unwilling to surrender will die.

And, despite all the brave talk, in the end, the vast majority will surrender, on Judgment Day, and casualties will be surprisingly and happily light.

That's the most likely scenario to unfold in the End Game.

Wow, what an imagination. A hateful and disgusting one, but still extremely vivid. No, that is not going to happen, I'm afraid that even the Jews know it would accelerate the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

And how would Israel cease from being a Jewish State?

By murdering or imprisoning (a Holocaust) all the Muslim Palestinians, we are talking of millions of people, even the U.S. would not stop the rest of the world from applying debilitating sanctions or even military action to prevent the genocide and ethnic cleansing. Israel will be forced to become a secular democratic state sooner than just kicking the can down the road until the non-Jewish population has such a large majority that the current Apartheid will not longer be accepted.
Wow, what an imagination...
Not really.

It's the next macro-level logical step, once the herding of the Palestinians into increasingly small parcels of land has reached critical mass, and there's no point in shrinking it further without annexing it.

In order to annex permanently, they'll want to expel the riff-raff, leaving it safe for them-and-theirs; breaking an intolerable 66-year-old deadlock in the only reliable manner that the Palestinians have left them with.

It's the predictable and obvious End Game in a 47-year-old sequence that began after the 1967 War.

...A hateful and disgusting one...
It might very well be disgusting; that's a personal judgment.

Others will see it as a Settling of Accounts or the long-overdue Cutting of the Gordian Knot, and the precursor to genuine peace; with one of the combatants removed from proximity. Remove an enemy, and the war fizzles out.

But there's very little 'hate' embedded there; the Russians are proposing to relocate any ethnic Ukrainians who make trouble or who wish to leave Crimea. The Muslims and Hindus forcibly exchanged population segments when Pakistan and India carved-up British Imperial India. The Poles and Russians forcibly ejected ethnic Germans from East Prussia after WWII. The Czechs and Russians forcibly ejected ethnic Germans from the Sudentenland after WWII. The Muslims of several Islam-dominated African and Middle Eastern countries forcibly ejected scores of thousands of Jews in the period 1948-1975. All of these things after the UN was formed and all of these things still within living memory.

For true "hatred", one must go to the Charters and Sworn Oaths of Hamas, Fatah, and the remaining Muslim nation surrounding Israel who are still openly hostile to her, to find those who have sworn to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean should they win, rather than simply relocate the Jews, as they would, in turn, propose to do to the Palestinians.

If they ever got the chance, the Muslims would slaughter the Jews.

If it ever comes to that, the Jews will merely evict and expel the Muslims.

At least the Muslims will still be alive, with a chance at building new lives, elsewhere.

...but still extremely vivid...
Most bold, macro-level actions are.

Once a Tipping Point is reached and the case for such reaches Critical Mass.

... No, that is not going to happen...
Not before January 20, 2017, anyway.

The earliest likely window of opportunity for that would probably be a year or so after Obama has left office.

A case will be made, preparations will be made, a signal incident will be manufactured, or will simply present itself, and then the fun will begin.

...I'm afraid that even the Jews know it would accelerate the end of Israel as a Jewish state.
1. A two-state solution is now impossible, and has been, for some years.

2. A one-state solution is also impossible; always has been. Population demographics pressure - or its impact in future - has rendered that impossible.

3. The present state of affairs is intolerable and cannot endure for much longer.

That leaves...

a. the Jews packing their bags and leaving, or...

b. the Palestinians packing their bags and leaving, and...

...given that the Jews hold the upper hand, it will be (b).

We have reached the point in history where there is no other way, in order for Israel to ensure its survival as a Jewish state.

Done right, the Grand Arab Expulsion will prove far more palatable beyond the domains of Islam than seems possible at present.

Done right? Logistics (transport) and relocation assistance (housing, employment, movement of personal goods, transfer of educational credits, application for refugee or citizenship status at their destinations, counseling and case management services, etc.) for Palestinians, and stake-money for them, to begin new lives, along with wergeld (compensation and damages).

Far more humane than the Muslim Palestinians and their fellow Jidhadis have in-mind for the Jews of Israel, if they ever got the chance - which they will not - certainly not after the Grand Arab Expulsion is completed.

Beyond a few slaps on the wrist and a few short-lived sanctions here and there that will last anywhere from 3 to 5 years on the average before fizzling out (a small price for getting rid of the Palestinian pest), the world, outside the domain of Islam, will pay lip-service to the wrist-slapping or spanking, but, silently, will begin to breath a sigh of relief that the day-to-day drama is over, and that that little sliver of land has gone quiet, with Jews flooding into the vacated lands to fill the vacuum - having completed their Reconquista of Eretz Yislrael, and ensuring the safety of thier Jewish Homeland for many generations to come.

We've reach a point in the history of the region and that 66-year-old conflict where the Jews have no other good options in front of them, in order to ensure their survival.

This is merely outside-the-box thinking; just because the Israelis been locked into one mode of behavior (willing to negotiate with the Palestinians) in the past is no guarantee or reason that they must remain locked into a mode of behavior in future.

Especially after that Tipping Point is reached and the timing becomes propitious.

That's not hateful.

That's a mercy shot... putting the Palestinians out of their misery, and getting them out of the Jews' hair, by moving them out of the way, rather than killing them.

That's logical.

And increasingly likely to materialize, now that this last round of so-called Peace Talks has collapsed.

The Israelis now only need to wait-out the departure of Obama; almost any other POTUS - Pub or Dem - will prove to be a far more reliable and agreeable supporter, behind the scenes, as the preliminaries for the Grand Arab Expulsion are worked out in secret.
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Jerusalem was never on the table, legally it still isn't!

Jerusalem was never destined to be a muslim city, but an international one accessible to all. The muslims have taken it ILLEGALLY and tried to make it their own. They evicted the Jews and stole their land and property and now claim that is has always been theirs.

You can't even maintain a consistancy in your own arguments, it was supposed to have been the Romans who expelled the Jews, or their own God for breaking his covenant.

In any event the intent for Jeruslem is not that it will be a muslim city but an international enclave preserving the reilgious assets of all the Abrahamic superstitions.

Try again as the arab muslim armies invaded Israel in 1948 and they took Jerusalem against the wishes of the UN. Then it was annexed to Jordan who reneged on the armistice treaty by closing all holy sites to Jews and Christians. At the same time they brutally evicted the Jews from their homes and property and forced them out at gunpoint. The muslims have it in their covenant that Jerusalem will be a muslim holy city closed to all but muslims. This is shown by their refusal to allow Jews and Christians any access to the Temple mount and the violent riots they start when they do get there.
Yes, once the fig leaf is removed, time is up for Israel. Either it decides to become a secular democratic state, or an Apartheid Jewish state. The non-Jews are not leaving.

They wont need to as they will just be killed when they rise up against the Jews in Israel. They don't have the stomach for an all out war that means they will be picked of like flies. No apartheid in evidence just the same laws as all the surrounding nations have, and yiu can take it as a given that Egypt and Jordan will side with Israel and attack the Palestinians.

So, Egypt and Jordan will join Israel in killing all the Christians and Muslims of Palestine "like flies", you believe. Why would they do that?

Regarding an all out war, would the Christians and Muslims throw rocks at the tanks and shoot down F16s with slingshots?:cuckoo:

The Christians will have either been murdered or ethnically cleansed by the Palestinians before that day arrives. So why would Israel Jordan and Egypt kill what does not exists anymore.

Egypt have already started to kill hamas terrorists and have declared then to be terrorists. Jordan mass murdered up to 50,000 Palestinians in one month as an object lesson. Both nations have called on Israel for assistance in keeping Palestinians out of Jordan and Egypt. They have signed treaties that means they will join together when faced by a crisis.

As I said the Christians will hqave been ethnically cleansed by the Palestinians by then. And iran has supplied hamas with anti tank rockets and surface to air rockets
So, Egypt and Jordan will join Israel in killing all the Christians and Muslims of Palestine "like flies", you believe. Why would they do that?

Regarding an all out war, would the Christians and Muslims throw rocks at the tanks and shoot down F16s with slingshots?:cuckoo:

The Egyptians and Jordanians will simply seal the borders from their side and prevent uncontrolled escapes.

The Jews will give the Christians a free pass to remain in-place, and take them in until the fighting has passed over them.

Leaving the Jews free to deal only with the Muslims.

Those who are willing to surrender will be shunted off to POW camps temporarily, processed, then paid-off and relocated.

Those unwilling to surrender will die.

And, despite all the brave talk, in the end, the vast majority will surrender, on Judgment Day, and casualties will be surprisingly and happily light.

That's the most likely scenario to unfold in the End Game.

Wow, what an imagination. A hateful and disgusting one, but still extremely vivid. No, that is not going to happen, I'm afraid that even the Jews know it would accelerate the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

In your dreams child as this is what WILL happen unless the Palestinians start negotiating terms and peace.
Wow, what an imagination. A hateful and disgusting one, but still extremely vivid. No, that is not going to happen, I'm afraid that even the Jews know it would accelerate the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

And how would Israel cease from being a Jewish State?

By murdering or imprisoning (a Holocaust) all the Muslim Palestinians, we are talking of millions of people, even the U.S. would not stop the rest of the world from applying debilitating sanctions or even military action to prevent the genocide and ethnic cleansing. Israel will be forced to become a secular democratic state sooner than just kicking the can down the road until the non-Jewish population has such a large majority that the current Apartheid will not longer be accepted.

They wont be murdering all the muslim palestinains they will be engaged in war and in war people get shot. The muslim Palestinians have it as part of their charter to commit genocide on the Jews and ethnically cleanse them from Palestine so will the rest of the world stand by while the Palestinians carry this out. Israel will not be forced to become anything the people don't want, and the only way that this could be forced on them is if the combined muslim forces engaged in all out war. The non Jewish population can be curtailed by simply bringing in birth control measures that will render them impotent to do anything. The world is now seeing just how violent and devious the Palestinians are and will starve them into negotiating a peace treaty and mutually agreed borders.


In case you didn't already know , auldhippy = Mr. Seattle = Drunk Leprechaun

Quite the poison message writer ain't ya?

In the interests of full disclosure, Beelzebub & I are members of a UK forum & I alerted him to this site, mostly from an anthropological freak point of view. On most things we are rival posters and often not even civil to each other but on this conflict we are mostly in accord. My history on that forum is that I have been posting since early 2000 and always under the name of Oldhippy (more recently as Auldhippy) on the old MSN newsboards until we migrated to our present location when they closed. I also posted on MSN's Free Speech America & Current Events 11 also as Oldhippy. If he so wishes Beezlebub can confirm this much about me.

My point is this, I can easily ignore your vicous poisonous messages in IM direct to me as the ravings of an idiot but it is clear that you have no integrity whatsoever when you take to sending libelous messages to other forum members about me. What a cowardly little man you are that you do not even have the balls to take me on in public forum & instead embark on poisonous erroneous instant messages to all & sundry.

I am not the individual you say I am, you however are a cowardly little fart who if on social media would be committing prosecutable crimes here in the UK as a troll.

In case you didn't already know , auldhippy = Mr. Seattle = Drunk Leprechaun

Quite the poison message writer ain't ya?

In the interests of full disclosure, Beelzebub & I are members of a UK forum & I alerted him to this site, mostly from an anthropological freak point of view. On most things we are rival posters and often not even civil to each other but on this conflict we are mostly in accord. My history on that forum is that I have been posting since early 2000 and always under the name of Oldhippy (more recently as Auldhippy) on the old MSN newsboards until we migrated to our present location when they closed. I also posted on MSN's Free Speech America & Current Events 11 also as Oldhippy. If he so wishes Beezlebub can confirm this much about me.

My point is this, I can easily ignore your vicous poisonous messages in IM direct to me as the ravings of an idiot but it is clear that you have no integrity whatsoever when you take to sending libelous messages to other forum members about me. What a cowardly little man you are that you do not even have the balls to take me on in public forum & instead embark on poisonous erroneous instant messages to all & sundry.

I am not the individual you say I am, you however are a cowardly little fart who if on social media would be committing prosecutable crimes here in the UK as a troll.

Prosecuted?? What are you blabbing about ?

You know exactly what I'm talking about when I say Mr. seattle
Trolling is repeatedly coming back here with a new name pretending to be someone else. Get a life you drunk leprechaun.
And how would Israel cease from being a Jewish State?

By murdering or imprisoning (a Holocaust) all the Muslim Palestinians, we are talking of millions of people, even the U.S. would not stop the rest of the world from applying debilitating sanctions or even military action to prevent the genocide and ethnic cleansing. Israel will be forced to become a secular democratic state sooner than just kicking the can down the road until the non-Jewish population has such a large majority that the current Apartheid will not longer be accepted.

They wont be murdering all the muslim palestinains they will be engaged in war and in war people get shot. The muslim Palestinians have it as part of their charter to commit genocide on the Jews and ethnically cleanse them from Palestine so will the rest of the world stand by while the Palestinians carry this out. Israel will not be forced to become anything the people don't want, and the only way that this could be forced on them is if the combined muslim forces engaged in all out war. The non Jewish population can be curtailed by simply bringing in birth control measures that will render them impotent to do anything. The world is now seeing just how violent and devious the Palestinians are and will starve them into negotiating a peace treaty and mutually agreed borders.


Who would the war be against? There is no military in the West Bank.

The Palestinians have nothing in their charter about genocide of Jews.

Israeli Jews will not be permitted to sterilize non-Jews.

Actually, the world is turning against Israel.

Get a grip Phony, or you'll have to go away again.

In case you didn't already know , auldhippy = Mr. Seattle = Drunk Leprechaun

Quite the poison message writer ain't ya?

In the interests of full disclosure, Beelzebub & I are members of a UK forum & I alerted him to this site, mostly from an anthropological freak point of view. On most things we are rival posters and often not even civil to each other but on this conflict we are mostly in accord. My history on that forum is that I have been posting since early 2000 and always under the name of Oldhippy (more recently as Auldhippy) on the old MSN newsboards until we migrated to our present location when they closed. I also posted on MSN's Free Speech America & Current Events 11 also as Oldhippy. If he so wishes Beezlebub can confirm this much about me.

My point is this, I can easily ignore your vicous poisonous messages in IM direct to me as the ravings of an idiot but it is clear that you have no integrity whatsoever when you take to sending libelous messages to other forum members about me. What a cowardly little man you are that you do not even have the balls to take me on in public forum & instead embark on poisonous erroneous instant messages to all & sundry.

I am not the individual you say I am, you however are a cowardly little fart who if on social media would be committing prosecutable crimes here in the UK as a troll.

Yes, these bozos are always sending me offensive messages. They are a disgusting bunch of little punks. Maybe in a drunken stupor, one of them will send me a pm with a name and address some day.
In case you didn't already know , auldhippy = Mr. Seattle = Drunk Leprechaun

Quite the poison message writer ain't ya?

In the interests of full disclosure, Beelzebub & I are members of a UK forum & I alerted him to this site, mostly from an anthropological freak point of view. On most things we are rival posters and often not even civil to each other but on this conflict we are mostly in accord. My history on that forum is that I have been posting since early 2000 and always under the name of Oldhippy (more recently as Auldhippy) on the old MSN newsboards until we migrated to our present location when they closed. I also posted on MSN's Free Speech America & Current Events 11 also as Oldhippy. If he so wishes Beezlebub can confirm this much about me.

My point is this, I can easily ignore your vicous poisonous messages in IM direct to me as the ravings of an idiot but it is clear that you have no integrity whatsoever when you take to sending libelous messages to other forum members about me. What a cowardly little man you are that you do not even have the balls to take me on in public forum & instead embark on poisonous erroneous instant messages to all & sundry.

I am not the individual you say I am, you however are a cowardly little fart who if on social media would be committing prosecutable crimes here in the UK as a troll.

Yes, these bozos are always sending me offensive messages. They are a disgusting bunch of little punks. Maybe in a drunken stupor, one of them will send me a pm with a name and address some day.

So you can stalk them?
In case you didn't already know , auldhippy = Mr. Seattle = Drunk Leprechaun

Quite the poison message writer ain't ya?

In the interests of full disclosure, Beelzebub & I are members of a UK forum & I alerted him to this site, mostly from an anthropological freak point of view. On most things we are rival posters and often not even civil to each other but on this conflict we are mostly in accord. My history on that forum is that I have been posting since early 2000 and always under the name of Oldhippy (more recently as Auldhippy) on the old MSN newsboards until we migrated to our present location when they closed. I also posted on MSN's Free Speech America & Current Events 11 also as Oldhippy. If he so wishes Beezlebub can confirm this much about me.

My point is this, I can easily ignore your vicous poisonous messages in IM direct to me as the ravings of an idiot but it is clear that you have no integrity whatsoever when you take to sending libelous messages to other forum members about me. What a cowardly little man you are that you do not even have the balls to take me on in public forum & instead embark on poisonous erroneous instant messages to all & sundry.

I am not the individual you say I am, you however are a cowardly little fart who if on social media would be committing prosecutable crimes here in the UK as a troll.

Yes, these bozos are always sending me offensive messages. They are a disgusting bunch of little punks. Maybe in a drunken stupor, one of them will send me a pm with a name and address some day.
You and your girlfriend are whiny little critters. Just like the terrorist scum you worship. Suck it up, girls.
Quite the poison message writer ain't ya?

In the interests of full disclosure, Beelzebub & I are members of a UK forum & I alerted him to this site, mostly from an anthropological freak point of view. On most things we are rival posters and often not even civil to each other but on this conflict we are mostly in accord. My history on that forum is that I have been posting since early 2000 and always under the name of Oldhippy (more recently as Auldhippy) on the old MSN newsboards until we migrated to our present location when they closed. I also posted on MSN's Free Speech America & Current Events 11 also as Oldhippy. If he so wishes Beezlebub can confirm this much about me.

My point is this, I can easily ignore your vicous poisonous messages in IM direct to me as the ravings of an idiot but it is clear that you have no integrity whatsoever when you take to sending libelous messages to other forum members about me. What a cowardly little man you are that you do not even have the balls to take me on in public forum & instead embark on poisonous erroneous instant messages to all & sundry.

I am not the individual you say I am, you however are a cowardly little fart who if on social media would be committing prosecutable crimes here in the UK as a troll.

Yes, these bozos are always sending me offensive messages. They are a disgusting bunch of little punks. Maybe in a drunken stupor, one of them will send me a pm with a name and address some day.

So you can stalk them?

Is that what you do? I wouldn't think of doing such a thing, what a peculiar idea.
The poisonous IM he sent to me doesn't bother me, he's amongst the easiest to ignore I've ever come across. It's when he sends them to others about me like the cowardly little onanist he is.
Quite the poison message writer ain't ya?

In the interests of full disclosure, Beelzebub & I are members of a UK forum & I alerted him to this site, mostly from an anthropological freak point of view. On most things we are rival posters and often not even civil to each other but on this conflict we are mostly in accord. My history on that forum is that I have been posting since early 2000 and always under the name of Oldhippy (more recently as Auldhippy) on the old MSN newsboards until we migrated to our present location when they closed. I also posted on MSN's Free Speech America & Current Events 11 also as Oldhippy. If he so wishes Beezlebub can confirm this much about me.

My point is this, I can easily ignore your vicous poisonous messages in IM direct to me as the ravings of an idiot but it is clear that you have no integrity whatsoever when you take to sending libelous messages to other forum members about me. What a cowardly little man you are that you do not even have the balls to take me on in public forum & instead embark on poisonous erroneous instant messages to all & sundry.

I am not the individual you say I am, you however are a cowardly little fart who if on social media would be committing prosecutable crimes here in the UK as a troll.

Yes, these bozos are always sending me offensive messages. They are a disgusting bunch of little punks. Maybe in a drunken stupor, one of them will send me a pm with a name and address some day.
You and your girlfriend are whiny little critters. Just like the terrorist scum you worship. Suck it up, girls.

Oh just shut up, punk.

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