The infidel cuckoo in a gentile nest






We will try to keep it interesting for you.

Maybe some new ways of looking at it. A new graph or two. Or a new comparison which suggests Palestinians might be human beings, after all. :)

That is hardly likely isn't it, after all they have shown their barbarity and lack of humanity many times when they have deliberately targeted unarmed mothers and children. Not the sing of a human being
So tell me Hoss,

what is it that makes you decide that all Palestinians must be the enemy?
No, scratch that.

Which Palestinians do you / could you (presuming you haven't met any) agree are decent, and worthy of equal rights to any Israeli?

Try those that are prepared to abide by the UN resolutions and Oslo accords while following the Geneva conventions in regards to denouncing all violence, terrorism and belligerence towards the state of Israel. that is all it will take to see an end to the fighting that has been raging since 1917 when the arab muslims decided that they wanted it all

We will try to keep it interesting for you.

Maybe some new ways of looking at it. A new graph or two. Or a new comparison which suggests Palestinians might be human beings, after all. :)

That is hardly likely isn't it, after all they have shown their barbarity and lack of humanity many times when they have deliberately targeted unarmed mothers and children. Not the sing of a human being

Statistics | B'Tselem

Using your own criteria the statistics don't speak well of Israel.
So tell me Hoss,

what is it that makes you decide that all Palestinians must be the enemy?
No, scratch that.

Which Palestinians do you / could you (presuming you haven't met any) agree are decent, and worthy of equal rights to any Israeli?

Try those that are prepared to abide by the UN resolutions and Oslo accords while following the Geneva conventions in regards to denouncing all violence, terrorism and belligerence towards the state of Israel. that is all it will take to see an end to the fighting that has been raging since 1917 when the arab muslims decided that they wanted it all

Ha ha ha, I suggest you make yourself aware of the likud terrorist commissioned Clean Break Strategy. You have some nerve, Israel has 69 breaches of UNSC resolutions, completely ignore the Geneva Conventions and have actively destroyed the Oslo Accords!

The leaked video in which Netanyahu "explains" how he fooled everyone (especially the silly Americans) over the Oslo Accords.
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We will try to keep it interesting for you.

Maybe some new ways of looking at it. A new graph or two. Or a new comparison which suggests Palestinians might be human beings, after all. :)

That is hardly likely isn't it, after all they have shown their barbarity and lack of humanity many times when they have deliberately targeted unarmed mothers and children. Not the sing of a human being

Statistics | B'Tselem

Using your own criteria the statistics don't speak well of Israel.

Anyone can find an ANTI SEMITIC site to prove their point, but the reality is the muslims have had 1440 years of violence and mass murders under their belts. And they themselves have stated they deliberately target unarmed women and children. So you can call up as many sites as you like the words of hamas and fatah supersede them all.
I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

Do you exclude that of Germany in the 1930's Jeremiah?
Or do you see that as Zionism encouraging migration from Europe, because they were having it "too good"?

You are referring to Hitlers use of the church while he was immersed in practice of the occult? Using the seat of satan altar for his rituals? Same altar the Russians dismantled after war and took to Kremlin?

Is there anything new under the sun? Every city in America has satanists / occultists who start a church or two or claim to be evangelical, methodist, whatever. So what? They lied. Am I shocked? Not at all. We pray for their souls. They are as doomed as Hitler and headed for the same place. (eternal torment in hell )

The Christians knew Hitler wasn't a christian and those trying to sell themselves off as christians, pastors, ( but are not ) today are just as transparent. The Spirit filled Christian sees straight through it all. You can't see it because youre obviously in the "wrong camp"... may I suggest you switch sides? It's not too late ya know... :eusa_angel:
So tell me Hoss,

what is it that makes you decide that all Palestinians must be the enemy?
No, scratch that.

Which Palestinians do you / could you (presuming you haven't met any) agree are decent, and worthy of equal rights to any Israeli?

Try those that are prepared to abide by the UN resolutions and Oslo accords while following the Geneva conventions in regards to denouncing all violence, terrorism and belligerence towards the state of Israel. that is all it will take to see an end to the fighting that has been raging since 1917 when the arab muslims decided that they wanted it all

Ha ha ha, I suggest you make yourself aware of the likud terrorist commissioned Clean Break Strategy. You have some nerve, Israel has 69 breaches of UNSC resolutions, completely ignore the Geneva Conventions and have actively destroyed the Oslo Accords!

The leaked video in which Netanyahu "explains" how he fooled everyone (especially the silly Americans) over the Oslo Accords.

Those 67 breaches were false as they are ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBELS, a proven fact that the Islamic controlled UNSC brought the resolutions because of the ongoing ANTI SEMITISM and Jew hatred. Why do you think that they are vetoed once they get to the UNGC.

Show were the Israelis have ignored the Geneva conventions then, with unbiased links to PROVEN breaches of the Geneva conventions that have resulted in action by the Hague. They did not do a very good job of destroying the Oslo accords as the P.A tried to use them only this month to force Israel into taking steps to provide for the Palestinians.

Shows just how good a negotiator he is and how poor the P.A. are at negotiating. Not many people could do that and I would like him to negotiate for me. Another missed chance of a missed chance by the Palestinians, and more egg on their face.

Now about you being a Sot and unbiased care to explain your use of ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and ANTI SEMITIC WEB SITES to try and enhance your case
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So tell me Hoss,

what is it that makes you decide that all Palestinians must be the enemy?
No, scratch that.

Which Palestinians do you / could you (presuming you haven't met any) agree are decent, and worthy of equal rights to any Israeli?

Try those that are prepared to abide by the UN resolutions and Oslo accords while following the Geneva conventions in regards to denouncing all violence, terrorism and belligerence towards the state of Israel. that is all it will take to see an end to the fighting that has been raging since 1917 when the arab muslims decided that they wanted it all

Ha ha ha, I suggest you make yourself aware of the likud terrorist commissioned Clean Break Strategy. You have some nerve, Israel has 69 breaches of UNSC resolutions, completely ignore the Geneva Conventions and have actively destroyed the Oslo Accords!

The leaked video in which Netanyahu "explains" how he fooled everyone (especially the silly Americans) over the Oslo Accords.

I am fully in support of Israel ignoring the UN resolutions and destroying the Oslo Accords. G-d bless Benjamin Netanyahu now and forever. He's my hero.

As for the UN? We should have said goodbye long ago. The UN is stripping nation after nation of their sovereignty and using the IMF, NATO and the World Bank to do it with. They were a failure under League of Nations and they are a worse failure today under United Nations title. The name change did nothing for them. They must go. - Jeri
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Americans were indeed silly to ever believe a word coming out the mouth of UN & it's players. The agenda has clearly been against Israel from day one. By permitting this godless anti christ organization such power to harm Israel with baseless allegations ( while they ignored genocide in Darfur, Sudan, Rwanda & elsewhere ) year after year we have brought about our own demise.

We even financed it.
Silly? Try stupid!

We will try to keep it interesting for you.

Maybe some new ways of looking at it. A new graph or two. Or a new comparison which suggests Palestinians might be human beings, after all. :)

That is hardly likely isn't it, after all they have shown their barbarity and lack of humanity many times when they have deliberately targeted unarmed mothers and children. Not the sing of a human being

Statistics | B'Tselem

Using your own criteria the statistics don't speak well of Israel.

Using your own Source, the UN, the truth doesn't speak well of them at all. Watch this video to learn why what the UN says and what the UN does are two different things. The worst human rights abuse case in this century? Darfur. Not Israel. Pay attention.

[ame=]"We do not need more reports. We need action." - YouTube[/ame]
Why did the UN ignore the plight of Darfur for so many years while focusing all of their attention on tiny Israel? The arabs have more rights in Israel, a better standard of living in Israel, than in any Islamic nation on earth. Why is the UN so biast against the nation of Israel? Anyone?
Financed it?

Russia didn't want it. China wasn't bothered. Britain was too poor after WWII to have much influence.
America created it, and set it up to do its bidding.

Russia joined in, as it was suspicious and wanted to ensure it could block anything against it (UNSC seat). Russia wanted China, as an ally. (UNSC seat). The US accepted France to the UNSC, as having just liberated it single handedly, the US thought France would do American bidding, and America wanted Britain in the UNSC too, to balance out China.

And after setting out things like, "You cannot acquire territory by conquest" its next act was to establish Israel, in the 1948 borders, by decree.

If the UN doesn't suit you, you only have America to blame.
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I disagree with your opinion, Auldhippy. The Jews have not suffered countless pogroms and expulsions from Christian lands in recent history. That would be Islamic lands. Not Christian.

Do you exclude that of Germany in the 1930's Jeremiah?
Or do you see that as Zionism encouraging migration from Europe, because they were having it "too good"?

You are referring to Hitlers use of the church while he was immersed in practice of the occult?

No. I refer to Kristallnacht, and Auschwitz. and many event in between.

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