The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
How bad that that? Holding our nation hostage so they can have an early Christmas? May Pelosi and her pals go to hell!
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits

From Doc7505.....with his permission...Thank you
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It's our Christmas present.

You think indies will put up with this shit.

We will beat them fucking black and blue in about five months and remind the country what a pack of elitist bullshitmongers they are.

WH, House, Senate, SCOTUS....for four years.
Democrats are showing voters how nasty and vindictive they can be when things don’t go their way. They don’t care who they hurt while trying to achieve an objective.

Democrats are openly displaying why they can’t be trusted to make smart decisions.
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The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
I have frequently said on this forum that all Democrats go to hell. Is there anyone here who still doubts this statement?
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
You have a not so subtle deflection in your postings.
Question: do you believe it is the right thing to do for any politician to pork up the Corona Virus Bill like what
Pelosi wants? Just a yes, or a no
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It's really hard IMHO to justify putting in a bunch of unrelated stuff that can't get passed on it's own. At a time like this when so many people are hurting, sick, and even dying, I think what they're doing is despicable. It's one thing to argue the features and provisions specific to the coronavirus, they can and should fight for what they think ought to be in the bill, but it's another to put in stuff that is totally unrelated so they can claim political points.
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It's really hard IMHO to justify putting in a bunch of unrelated stuff that can't get passed on it's own. At a time like this when so many people are hurting, sick, and even dying, I think what they're doing is despicable. It's one thing to argue the features and provisions specific to the coronavirus, they can and should fight for what they think ought to be in the bill, but it's another to put in stuff that is totally unrelated s they can claim political points.
It really is cut and dry on what the right thing to do is.
I can't understand why the democrats try and muck up something that is so simple that a second grader would have full comprehension.
It's really hard IMHO to justify putting in a bunch of unrelated stuff that can't get passed on it's own. At a time like this when so many people are hurting, sick, and even dying, I think what they're doing is despicable. It's one thing to argue the features and provisions specific to the coronavirus, they can and should fight for what they think ought to be in the bill, but it's another to put in stuff that is totally unrelated so they can claim political points.
We will remember this in November...
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
You have a not so subtle deflection in your postings.
Question: do you believe it is the right thing to do for any politician to pork up the Corona Virus Bill like what
Pelosi wants? Just a yes, or a no
No but who’s gonna take the blame? If the answer is trump, and it is, then I guess she’s got him where she wants him huh?
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
You have a not so subtle deflection in your postings.
Question: do you believe it is the right thing to do for any politician to pork up the Corona Virus Bill like what
Pelosi wants? Just a yes, or a no
No but who’s gonna take the blame? If the answer is trump, and it is, then I guess she’s got him where she wants him huh?

At the risk of American lives. So Pelosi and the Democrats would rather Americans die and financially struggle than helping Americans out right now, on programs that will help Americans stay on their feet in this time of need.

Looks like to voting Democrat is voting against your own best interest.
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
You have a not so subtle deflection in your postings.
Question: do you believe it is the right thing to do for any politician to pork up the Corona Virus Bill like what
Pelosi wants? Just a yes, or a no
No but who’s gonna take the blame? If the answer is trump, and it is, then I guess she’s got him where she wants him huh?

At the risk of American lives. So Pelosi and the Democrats would rather Americans die and financially struggle than helping Americans out right now, on programs that will help Americans stay on their feet in this time of need.

Looks like to voting Democrat is voting against your own best interest.
Trump could for once lose a deal. It’ll make him look like the leader he’s not
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
You have a not so subtle deflection in your postings.
Question: do you believe it is the right thing to do for any politician to pork up the Corona Virus Bill like what
Pelosi wants? Just a yes, or a no
No but who’s gonna take the blame? If the answer is trump, and it is, then I guess she’s got him where she wants him huh?

At the risk of American lives. So Pelosi and the Democrats would rather Americans die and financially struggle than helping Americans out right now, on programs that will help Americans stay on their feet in this time of need.

Looks like to voting Democrat is voting against your own best interest.
Trump could for once lose a deal. It’ll make him look like the leader he’s not
Actually, with as much airtime that this prank of Polosi's received, it exposes the democrats
in not a good light. Elections aren't that far off.
Finally, a Bill was passed without the 'Pelosi Effect'.
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
You have a not so subtle deflection in your postings.
Question: do you believe it is the right thing to do for any politician to pork up the Corona Virus Bill like what
Pelosi wants? Just a yes, or a no
No but who’s gonna take the blame? If the answer is trump, and it is, then I guess she’s got him where she wants him huh?

At the risk of American lives. So Pelosi and the Democrats would rather Americans die and financially struggle than helping Americans out right now, on programs that will help Americans stay on their feet in this time of need.

Looks like to voting Democrat is voting against your own best interest.
Trump could for once lose a deal. It’ll make him look like the leader he’s not

That’s what the mission for Democrats, beat Trump, it doesn’t matter what the damage to America will be. Doesn’t matter how much we hurt the middle class and poor. Screw America so we get elected. Damn shame, if you think real Americans will take this, you will be wrong. I don’t like politicians but I’m beginning to hate Pelosi for pulling this crap when America needs leaders and help the most.
The Insanity Of The Democrats’ Pandemic Relief Bill

25 Mar 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit talked about Pelosi’s real motivations for shooting down the relief package and having Democrats come up with one of their own last night. If you hadn’t already come to the same conclusion yourself, it will seem immediately obvious when you read it. This is the old rule about never letting a perfectly good crisis go to waste. And when you know that virtually the entire mainstream media will provide cover for you, what have you got to lose? .... The best example would be James Clyburn, who, as we recently learned, came right out and described the coronavirus pandemic as, “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” The gall of these people defies description.
Fox News provided a partial list and it’s jaw-dropping.
The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.”
And, the legislation would provide for the automatic extension of non-immigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing information about citizenship status
“People are dying and all Nancy Pelosi and Democrats can focus on is ripping off the American taxpayer to help pay for their liberal wish list of government handouts,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.
Indeed, those sycophants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA viewing the special interest wish list Bill that Pelosi and her gang in Congress have attempted push on the American people at a time of crisis. Here's the PMS/DSA Democrat laundry list of non-essential items in the expanded 1400 page proposed Congressional Covid relief Bill:
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Ridiculous? Certainly! Criminal at a time like this? Surely!
This action is no different than a grocer raising his price by 10x because of the crisis and the voting citizens of America should be raising their voices against these actions that in my view verge on the criminal. PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists believe they have America over a barrel and can run rough shod over the government and the people at the same time.
Since the Executive order shutting down flights from China all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist have done is to spread fear mongering panic and whine about the efforts of DJT and this administration to slow the spread of Wuhan Covid-19 so that supplies, emergency equipment could be distributed and methods to deal with crisis could be formulated.
What’s the republican plan?

It appears that a 580 page Pandemic Relief Bill by the Republican majority Senate was sent to Congress. Pelosi and her megalomanical Democrat gang to more than 1400 pages with their death wish list for America.
I can imagine the gop plan. Give every American $1000 but it will bankrupt ss.
You have a not so subtle deflection in your postings.
Question: do you believe it is the right thing to do for any politician to pork up the Corona Virus Bill like what
Pelosi wants? Just a yes, or a no
No but who’s gonna take the blame? If the answer is trump, and it is, then I guess she’s got him where she wants him huh?

At the risk of American lives. So Pelosi and the Democrats would rather Americans die and financially struggle than helping Americans out right now, on programs that will help Americans stay on their feet in this time of need.

Looks like to voting Democrat is voting against your own best interest.
Trump could for once lose a deal. It’ll make him look like the leader he’s not
Actually, with as much airtime that this prank of Polosi's received, it exposes the democrats
in not a good light. Elections aren't that far off.
Finally, a Bill was passed without the 'Pelosi Effect'.
The emperor has no clothes and a small mushroom penis

Divert all you want, the die hard Democrat’s will. The Independents are seeing this and they dislike the Democrats for playing politics when should all be uniting. This will back fire on the Democrats and deservedly so.

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